View Full Forums : Step By Step to get Pure Blood?

07-01-2005, 02:36 AM
Does anyone have the step by step process to obtain the spell: Pure Blood? I couldnt find it anywhere.

07-01-2005, 04:35 AM

Blackened Vial - Which drops from the "Broken Skull" Trolls in Nadox
Broken Skull Clan Blood - Which drops from the "Blackhand" Trolls in Nadox
Hmm may the other way around for those two? hmm No matter. :rolleyes:
Gunthak Gulf Water - Foraged, you'll get tired of foraging these if you use a forage hot key. I always get a bunch of these. In the Gulf of Gunthark, also drops from the "pillager" mobs there.
Pure Blood - Drops from Luggalds in Nadox.

The hardest of the drops is pure blood, it took me 2h in a group to get one. And then we got a batch of 4 in 5minutes. *shrug*

Combine a Blackened Vial, Broken Skull Clan Blood and Gunthak Gulf Water in a brew barrel to make a Black Potion (no fail).

Combine the Black Potion with some Pure Blood (again in a brew barrel) to make a Glowing Black Potion (no-fail).

07-01-2005, 06:33 AM
the Luggalds in Nadox aren't that bad a lvl 70 Druid can duo or solo them but to get the drops fast bring a group or two ;)

with two groups you will own the zone and should get all the drops in in short period

07-01-2005, 09:53 AM
At lvl 57 you can probably solo all parts with care, good old fanshioned ROOT & DOT.

Beware some of these mobs are gaters, so if they gate Just have egress/exodus handy.

The trolls you can solo, one camp is near the barrel the other on the guards around the "boar's fire", next to the firelava bridge. That boar pops sometimes, if you charm it you will own the place.

The luggads are a bit trickier, in one of the tunnels there is a luggald roamer. Camp that one, others are hard to single pull. Also the Luggalds resist a lot, making them harder too. It helps if you have a group, exp is quite good in the 50s.

07-01-2005, 10:00 AM
You can also charm a boar and do some nice damage in that zone.

07-05-2005, 11:21 AM
I did about half of 64 in Nadox using the exhausted boar. with 2 weapons he does insane damage and has ~20k hp without Karana's Renewal it isn't efficient to have him tank. Even at 68 the xp isn't aweful and the cash and tribute drops are fairly nice. Just give plenty of room for resnare and charm break. He'll USUALLY last the duration of snare so you'll want to break charm before snare drops.