View Full Forums : Soloing Spies Like Them?

03-31-2006, 12:32 AM
Anyone else been working on this mission? I'd like that theft of thought proccing mace that is a chest loot on hard, and I know it is doable, but DAMN, the rarity of the mission start step is getting me down.

You get the mission from Tisthal in corathus, and go to the normal hive. If Geeble Tripcrank isn't up, you kill skinwalkers in the top of the first tower to pop him, talk to him, then kill more skinwalkers until you miraculously get a cursor pop book and mission step completion. This opens the actual instanced mission zone, you just need to go in and clear all 32 mobs in that zone, and you win.

In 25 hours of soloing the skinwalkers in regular hive, ONCE I've gotten the mission step, and did go in and complete it, but got some crappy aug or something I think. Been a while since I did it, since it was getting discouraging not even being able to proceed.

I do generally kill the skinwalkers in the 2nd tower, since it's more out of the way, and my pulls often look like trains, heh. Does the first tower give better results maybe? Or it just a normal bite me game setting.

03-31-2006, 03:21 PM
Use the fact the mace the is priest only and the mission is kitable to your advantage. Ie, just find a bunch of silk people to kite with you.

04-01-2006, 05:15 AM
Here's a question... how do you solo these guys? It seems so much effort to get to them, let alone split them, they cluster together so tightly!

04-01-2006, 03:59 PM
Here's a question... how do you solo these guys? It seems so much effort to get to them, let alone split them, they cluster together so tightly!

Snare / egress split works

04-02-2006, 01:33 AM
Figured that out :) 5 hours of effort on the quest, all mobs in the zone dead, no task update... /petition "help!", met with the typical /shrug response. Extremely irritating.

04-03-2006, 08:30 PM
If you mean you got the instanced zone to open up, and killed everything in there, there is a bug with the game counting pets as NPCs, so before you kill the 32nd and last skinwalker in the instanced zone, make sure to poof all pets.

As far as the drop rate in normal hive, it still seems way too low. In my experience, it's a 1 in 100 chance. And since there are only a couple dozen skinwalkers in the zone, even a full, uber, group who could just march into the towers and slay all comers would end up waiting an hour for the mission update, just due to the chance of needing multiple full repops of the rooms to get the mission step.