View Full Forums : Spell Book

07-30-2006, 09:58 AM
Hi all. Was hoping for some help in organizing my spell book. I'm new to the druid life but after looking at the list of spells, I figured there must be an easier way to manage my spell book. I found a copule of samples on EQClerics, but they didn't do anything for me. If someone out there has any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Maybe someone has an excell spreadsheet that they have done up. Thanks.

07-30-2006, 10:50 AM
I use Context Menus, its easier / faster for me and doesn't require spell book upkeep.

07-30-2006, 11:49 AM
Same here... just rightclick on an empty spell slot and you have an organized list of spellls from which to choose the spell you want to fill the slot with

alyn cross
07-30-2006, 12:53 PM
i agree... in the way back when we had to use the book (context menus were introduced in... PoP?) we druids had an outrageous number of spells to keep track of (if i recall they even had to make the book bigger durring one expansion, and added the ability to delete spells...)

context menus are the way to go, but if you prefer the book, i always kept mine organized by spell 'type'... much like the menus are, a page for heals, a page for dots, a page for nukes, etc... 10 pages for ports i never cast... that sort of thing. it worked fairly well if i remembered what was on each page. i could type "/book 1" and get my heals opened instantly, or /book 5 was my dots, i recall... /book 19 was the beginning of about 6 pages of buffs, and all my ports were situatated from page 50 forward, all at the very end.



07-30-2006, 02:34 PM
I still use my book. I have them organized by self buffs / other buffs (single target next to group version) / heals / regens & ds / snares & roots / fire debuffs & nukes / ice debuffs & nukes / dots / cures / travel (sow, soe, wolf forms etc) / ports single first then group all laid out is the same order as the single port pages are.
I guess old habits die hard and I just got so used to my very organized spellbook that the only time I use the context menu is buffing young'uns.

07-30-2006, 02:43 PM
Yeah, I agree, the context menus are the way to go. Pre-context menus, my book was organized... by when I obtained the spell, and I knew right where to go to get what I needed =-p

07-30-2006, 07:41 PM
I always use menu's...but I also like to have all my primary spells on my first few pages. When im drunk I can't use the menus :(

07-31-2006, 01:27 AM
When im drunk I can't use the menus :(

So you have never used the menus then :texla:

07-31-2006, 04:07 AM
Only spell I cant find with Menu's is Sense Animal... any other out there that are in spell book, but not menu's?


07-31-2006, 07:35 AM
I alywas use my book which:
- i open using a macro that opens it on page 8 and also forages and puts item into inventory (adding to stack if 1 there already)
- is on a custom UI that makes it a lot smaller, the vertical size of the spellbar (and its locked on spellbar side) so i can see everything when its open and quickly drag spells to the bar
-pages 1-4 has some mixed stuff (utiliy/situational spells).
-pages 5-6 has group buffs/spells
---->>>default->>> pages 7-8 contains all emergency/most used spells (cure,rgc, evac, quick heals, reptile, common self/singletarget buffs)
-pages 9-10 contain the most common attack(root,snare,dot,nuke,debuff)/charm spells
-pages 11-14 have all the other attack spells
-pages 15-18 have ports, organized to roughly mirror the map of norrath
-pages 19-20 have lowlevel buffs for people asking in pok
- all old/outdated spells are in quite a few pages at the end of the book

it works well for me.. also i heavily use spellsets .. have 9 fixed spellsets and 1 that i use to save the "current" spell setting.
Menus are slow for me, i wish i could make custom menus with only the spells i use (in the order i want), in that case i wouldnt use the book any more =). But possibly its because i am not used to them.