View Full Forums : Leftover/holdover terms...

Aquila Swiftspirit
06-13-2003, 06:02 PM
I noticed one of the post talked about "rolling" a character. That's gotta but a holdover from D and D when we actually rolled dice to create a character.

Dialing the phone, when there's no dial at all.

"Upper and lower case" are terms from typesetting, when the cases holding pieces of moveable lead type were kept in two cases, often one above the other.

Cool holdovers :)


06-13-2003, 06:17 PM
Yup, hold over from AD&D.

I loved that game.

Lots in/from sports.

Someone sneezes, one says "Bless you". For it was believed that at that moment when you were in the middle of a sneeze that a demon could enter your body.

06-14-2003, 02:02 AM
If I could find people here in my age range that actually played AD&D, that is what I would be doing instead of EQ.

06-14-2003, 02:08 AM
Played D&D when I was a young teenager. Later when modems first started becoming affordable (300 baud woot!) my friends and I started playing RPG's on local BBS's. That was fun. It never seemed to translate to the internet though, and when BBS's started going the way of the dinosaur, I've had nothing to replace my RPG urge.

At least until EQ came along. And for a while people actually tried to roleplay... but... well, you know!

Are there any sort of online rpg type games one can play with a few people sort of old BBS style? Anyone else ever do that?


Aidon Rufflefuzz
06-14-2003, 03:20 AM
Any number of MUDs, and if you like dem graphics...try Neverwinter Nights.

NWN never really worked for me...I don't think any computer RPG really can, too many rules are hard rules. No way to really do "I pick up my henchman and throw him into the hall to check for traps".

06-14-2003, 06:30 AM
I remember once our group was being attacked by centaurs. We had them all dead but the last one and the group was beaten up pretty badly. My character was a thief, so I asked the GM if I could get around behind the centaur, jump onto his back and attempt to stab his throat while he was busy trying to kill others in my party.

The GM said sure, and calculated some number based on my dexterity and agility. I rolled it and succeeded... in landing on the centaur's back, being bucked off into the wall and dying :)

You can't get that in a computer game.

I also had an elf character once who was completely hairless due to this scroll I found... but I don't want to talk about it :)

06-14-2003, 07:45 AM
"If I could find people here"

If you are serious, check out game stores.

I wandered into one a couple months ago. They have a huge section to the side where people play all the games there. Warhammer to Magic, to D&D, to pnp EQ.

I did not know they existed.

06-14-2003, 09:42 AM
Comic book stores seem to have lots of roleplayers hang out there as well. I used to see some D&D'ers hanging out in the local comic shop around here anyway.