View Full Forums : Charisma and Charming.

05-08-2003, 09:57 AM
As a halfling Druid with low starting charisma, (add to that a Paw of Oppola and Eye of the Griffon as currently equipped items) What effect will this have on charming Rats in PoD?

I have had semi-success with charming already, but the charms just don't seem to last more than a few minutes. (2-3) Is there an actually a difference in having high CHA?

<a href="" target="top">Okeefeker</a>

05-08-2003, 11:26 AM
Hmmm I seem to have the same problem of charms not lasting but a few min.. if even that! and my CHA is so low I think it turned purple instead of red (lol) have an eye of griffon and 2 other neg cha items.. any advice on charming pets would be most welcome!


05-08-2003, 12:07 PM
As a Human with around a 80 Charisma, I get rat charms that last anywhere from 30 seconds to 12+ minutes (ensnare wears off first).

My enchanter friend with 250+ Charisma took over my pet one time and it seemed to us to stay charmed about the same durations on average.

We were the same level. (60)

This was over about a 2 hour hunt.

I feel that the major factors in "average" Charm duration is:
1) Magic Resistance of the mob.
2) Level of spellcastor vs. Level of mob charmed.

Charisma has a negligable effect.. if any.


05-08-2003, 03:16 PM
Many people will tell you Charisma matters a lot... im telling you right now... IT DOESNT EFFECT CHARMS.... ive played around with this so much testing with really high charisma and really low and i cannot tell a difference.... the times a charm lasts is always random.... just what ive come to learn /shrug

Apocalypse Criterion
05-09-2003, 02:25 AM
Ok I can accept CHA effects chanters (I've never played one, and it seems insane for them to require 2 primary stats but its possible).

CHA does not in my testing effect druids at all. I've charmed with 200 CHA, and I've charmed with 60 CHA and all times were roughly the same - no difference either way.

The only thing that would appear to effect us is mob MR and its level compared with ours.

05-09-2003, 04:49 AM
Thanks for the input guys, I did grab 2 +25 Cha mugs last night and took off the Griffon Eye. I did however get marginally better results with the higher CHA. (see CHA setup in my profile) Most of my charms lasted about a minute longer with the higher CHA. Of course there are many factors that could have made this happen, including luck. =)

But for the most part I have to agree, The Mob's level and your level seem to make the biggest difference.

Also, what lvl Charm are you guys using? I only have access to Call of Karana at the moment, anyone have better luck with Tunare's Request?

<a href="" target="top">Okeefeker</a>

05-09-2003, 05:12 AM
lvl 44 here, so no higher level charm experience... but PC vs. NPC level seems to be most important

Reds - lucky if it sticks/lasts 30[sec]
Yellows - 30[sec] to 1[min] tops
Whites - maybe a minute or two
Blues - maybe 5[min] to 8[min]
Green - 8[min] to 12[min]

I had "a grizzly bear" follow me all around WKarana the other day for a good 10 minutes. ...but I wouldn't even think of aiming at a white+ con and doing the same thing.

05-11-2003, 01:12 AM
SOE basically stated at a fan faire or something that charisma has little affect on charms for necros. They later stated that yes, it does has more affect on charm for enchanters since they are the master of charm while you don't expect the master of undead to be charismatic.

So basically they were saying that it weighs differently per class. I don't know where druid lies, but in going from 75 to 120 cha, then settling in around 95 cha in my normal everyday gear, I've noticed about zero difference in charm.

It (charisma) MIGHT affect the new harmony, in the same way charisma affects paladin and cleric lull. The higher the charisma the less chance there is the mob may come after you if the lull fails. Here again though, they don't specifiy if it affects druids.

Like Mae, I've charmed a shadow wolf in the karanas and had the charm last FOREVER. Of course, the other week while charming a griffon to fight captain linarious at the stone bridge in NK, I had one stay charmed for a freaking long time also even though it was light blue to a 56. Sometimes the same griff would stay charmed for a very short time.

Sources: (


<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Source: The Concert Hall.

We don't usually get too far into specifics in favor of people discovering the usefulness themselves.
Unfortunately, with an ability as subtle as this one, Charisma's impact is hard to discover, and would likely continue on into the annals of EQ history as "useless."
That said -- On the Lull/Harmony series, which has recently been rewritten, there are two checks, as I imagine most everyone knows already.

Is the effect resisted?

If the effect is resisted, will the NPC get angry and tell its friends that it's time for a BardSnack(tm), or will it ignore what just happened?

Charisma is the sole determinant in the second check. It doesn't affect the first.
As for the in-game justification: If it likes you enough, it might find itself compelled to forgive you for trying to pull a fast one on it.

Hope that helps.


Scott Hartsman
Technical Director, EverQuest[/quote] (

<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>November 5, 2002


Clerics & Enchanters may also want to note that we recently confirmed with Scott Hartsman that their Lull spells are also Charisma based for determining whether or not an NPC will aggro on resist.[/quote] (


<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Necromancers have really low charisma but get Fears and Charms which need it? Doesn't this seem strange?

Charisma has nothing to do with resist rates on Fear spells, and has only a minor help on the Charms. It's got a lot more to do with levels for both of those, so the Necromancers don't really have too many problems with that.[/quote]

A clarification of the above is here: (


<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Is Charisma actually taken into account on mesmerizations and charms?

Yes it is. It varies on a number of spells to its actual usefulness but it does have a use. There are different levels of charisma for different classes. The system does take into account that an Enchanter should have a higher charisma than say a Necromancer. It’s unfair to expect masters of the undead to be entirely charismatic[/quote]

05-11-2003, 11:31 AM
Tunares request affects a much lower lvl mob that CoK...TR will not sick on much of anything in the planes. I have a 62 chanter I charmed with in PoN pre-charm nerf. I noticed no difference in duration of charm while I was cha buffed nor while mob was tashed. Cha affects druids charm negligibly, and tash affects the length of charm duration by 0...only the amount of resists of snare and the resists of the charm spell itself.
One more thing to blame on the RNG......

05-12-2003, 09:41 AM
This info might be repeated but I figured I would post it. (

05-13-2003, 05:47 AM
Just a update- I was 52 when I first starting Charming in PoD and PoN (that was when I first posted). I am now 55, almost 56, and I can say that the charm durations on Rats and Ravens has increased dramatically for each level that I have received. My Cha has changed a little, (up to 32, damn I'm sexy) but It looks like level seems to make the biggest difference. anywho, just thought I'd recap what I've experienced.

<a href="" target="top">Okeefeker</a>

05-13-2003, 12:33 PM
Very interesting posts - spent a lot of time charming as a druid till around the high 50s. CoK seems to be much more effective than the higher TR. Honestly I'm not sure TR has worked for anything but hide hunting in newbie zones.

I too has wrestled with Charisma and whether is mattered, mine is in the 90s. Glad to read that my experience is about the same as all here on that stat, its nill.

Would sure like to see my pet charming last longer in the planes, I'm a 65th Druidess and a green mob should stay charmed a heck of a lot longer than a minute.

Oh well, druid is still one fun, diverse class to play.

Best of Luck

Lafey Freespirit
Semper Simul - Lany