View Full Forums : Gathering data for SCF/FoM crit rates

07-03-2003, 10:30 PM
Forgive this unpardonable sin of a crosspost, but since druids do a bit more nuking than clerics and we share the SCF/FoM alt xp abilities, hopefully we can add some more numbers to understand FoM better now that it's easier to differentiate between nukes/procs vs damage shields/falling/etc since the June 11 patch.

Anyone with SCF or FoM that's interested, and knows how to bring up a command line to run a simple batch file, copy/paste this into notepad and save it as <span style="font-family:courier;">crits.bat</span> in your everquest directory (or wherever you archive logs):

<span style="font-family:courier;">@echo off
echo Number of crits in %2:
find /c %2 "You deliver a critical blast!"
echo ---
echo Number of nukes (including procs) in %2:
find /i %2 "%1 hit" > Intermediate_%2
find /c Intermediate_%2 "points of non-melee damage."
del Intermediate_%2 </span>

To use: go to the directory where you saved this and enter: <span style="font-family:courier;">crits Name LogFile.ext</span>
ie, I'd enter: <span style="font-family:courier;">crits gello eqlog_gello_40.txt</span>

and it will spit out something like this:

<span style="font-family:courier;">C: \Program Files\EverQuest>crits gello eqlog_gello_40.txt
Number of crits in eqlog_gello_40.txt:
---------- EQLOG_GELLO_40.TXT: 146
Number of nukes (including procs) in eqlog_gello_40.txt:
---------- INTERMEDIATE_EQLOG_GELLO_40.TXT: 1732</span>

Divide number of crits into number of nukes and you get a crit rate. The data I have so far (trained FoM1 June 26):

SCF3 June 25-26:
Crits: 26
Nukes: 384
Crit rate: 6.7%

FoM1 June 27-July 3:
Crits: 146
Nukes: 1732
Crit rate: 8.4%

Post what your post-June 11 logs show if you want. The suspected increase is 1-2% per FoM rank, and of course the game says SCF gives 2 4 and 7% crit rates.

If anyone has a simpler method of parsing that'd be great too. Many parsers poorly handle resists, interrupts and stuff like the mob dying before the nuke landed. Since crits only happen when the nuke lands it seems logical you'd only want to track when nuke damage is applied.

What cleric data there is will hopefully gather in this thread ( Thanks in advance. :)

07-04-2003, 10:23 AM
Well, from running your batch file on my log, I get this:

(With SCF3)
Crits: 727
Nukes: 10148
Crit rate: 7.2%

Edit: Date range is May 30th (when the new spell damage messages went on Test) to July 4th.

07-04-2003, 12:16 PM
With SCF3

Number of nukes since June 11th patch: 662
Number of crits: 43

Crit rate: 6.5%

Geez Yrys you nuke a lot 8P


07-04-2003, 04:40 PM
AE Chardok faction!

07-04-2003, 10:56 PM
FoM 3:

280 crits out of 2105 nukes

13.3% crit rate since the 11th

07-04-2003, 11:17 PM
So far it seems consistent with the prediction of 2/4/7 from SCF then 9/11/13 from FoM...

07-05-2003, 07:34 AM
i did it by hand before (couple of months ago when i get scf3) and got right around 7% with about 1000 nukes. can't find the numbers now

did find 14 crits out of 427 casts with scf1 = 3.2%

parsing my log from jun 13 to now:

86 crits / 1324 nukes = 6.5% /shrug within square root of N of 7% =)


07-06-2003, 07:19 AM
Very nice job, Gello. This confirms that the crits are happening at the rates listed in the AA descriptions.

It would be equally interesting to see the occurrence of the crits in the data, if that is possible at all. We all remember the dry spells of no crits, and then getting back-to-back crits.


07-21-2003, 04:29 PM
Recently got FoM lvl 2 and 3, here's what I came up with:

FoM1 160/1789 = 8.94%

FoM2 249/2227 = 11.18%

FoM3 285/2154 = 13.23%

Seem to me like the numbers are close enough to say pretty sure that FoM seems to give 2% per rank.