View Full Forums : Just got 50 Have I been neglecting my equipment?

06-03-2002, 06:44 PM
Forest Loops
Velium Ruby Veil
Black Alloy Meddallion
Cold Stone Wreath
Shroud O' Nature
Kromriff military Legs *new*
Braided Ivy Chords / Withered Leather
Ulthork Hide Arms
Runed Mith Bracers
Grey Flesh Gloves *new*
Velium Jasper Rings
Crystalline Belt
Imbued Mith Boots
Cloak of The Ry'gorr Oracles
Seal of thorodain
Springwood Club
Shield of Battle / Book of Rings

I sort of blew my wad on the gloves but got a good deal, (still have my Splitpaws so I could resell if you think I should)
I am not afraid to take a lil time to make some money Nor am I afraid to take time to camp quest.

Any Advise please !!

Thanks Fee

06-03-2002, 09:33 PM
Looks like soloer gear. If so, you're on the mark. If you're raiding, you're behind.

06-04-2002, 10:02 AM
well I have just started doing planes and kael and other raids with my guild, but druids are plentiful and I am not on the top of the list for loot.

Are you suggesting that I would get my equipment up by spending more raid time?


Saere Ajaciabre
06-04-2002, 11:47 AM
Hi Feeanor,

When I was your level, I had about the same type of equipment as you did. And yes, I soloed from about 45 on almost exclusively, when I wasn't in a DL group. After that, I started to spend more time in guild groups. Now, as you are becoming 50+, you will most likely find that a lot of the gear you want will come from group/raid settings -- especially if your guild is going to Kael. The Thurg armor would be a nice upgrade for you, plus it will start to give you a feel for larger raids.

On a side note, and I hate to sound a little off topic, but you should probably go to as many raids as possible, first of all because it is good to know what different raid experiences are out there, and also because as you are getting up in levels, you will need help from your guild specifically for the things you want, and you need to be sure that your guild will think you have contributed enough to help you out. :) Even if there are a lot of druids in your guild, you should go anyway. You mentioned that you are on the bottom of the list for loot... why is that? I don't want to get stuck on that question so, moving along... I wouldn't say I believe too much in Karma, but my guild leader said something to me once that stuck with me. It goes something like this: Sometimes things don't go your way. But eventually, everyone gets their chance to shine.
