View Full Forums : Trakanon down !

Aellis Freewind
11-30-2003, 03:05 AM
My biggest solo achievement so far, after hours and hours of work... Trakanon finally died to a solo druid self buffed with no external help of any kind :cool:

Was wondering if anyone had managed him solo on any other server, druid or not?

I wont post the strat here but I can tell you its a real pain in the ass ;) Feel free to send me a tell in game if you are willing to try and need assistance though :)

Aellis Freewind
Rodcet Nife server
Storm Warden of Ascent

Lotusfly Stewnicely
11-30-2003, 03:35 AM
Haha - nice!

11-30-2003, 04:18 AM
Bard trak I assume?


Aellis Freewind
11-30-2003, 06:09 AM
Regular Trak
not sure if bard trak would be easier though

11-30-2003, 06:18 AM
The main thing I'm curious about did you deal with Trakanon Touch (the unresistable teleport)? Did he just summon you back anytime he teleported you or something?

11-30-2003, 06:32 AM
Lol Aellis.. i still want da pics!

<----- knows how she did it But not gona say!!

Aellis Freewind
11-30-2003, 06:41 AM
Fight him in the room he touches to

11-30-2003, 06:56 AM
Heh, wow. I guess that makes sense.

I'm guessing that requires clearing trash backwards from trakanon's room to the banishing point, to avoid mid-fight respawns...

11-30-2003, 07:00 AM
So let me get this clear.

You solo cleared the trash room....and the jugs...and reets and prot etc.....then agroed trak and soloed him BEFORE the trash room respawned?

.....or did you have help?


11-30-2003, 07:25 AM
Well, i think Trakano ports you out and immediately summons you back.

You have only counter the first teleport with an invul item and then quickly deal enough damage to start him summoning.

Aellis Freewind
11-30-2003, 07:26 AM
None else than me in the low part of Seb. I guess I'll have to explain, here is the step by step strategy.

- clear all the see invis mobs from zoning to trak lair

- kill the cleric shrooms around "trak touch's room"

- kill the 2 mobs in "trak touch's room" + the roamer that comes inside (some roamers seem to have a very long path, not much to do about those)

- run invis to trak room, aggro him and pull it out of the room. there will be a train of juggs + trak. pray for him to touch you before you get killed.

- you pop up in the empty "trak touch's room". wait for the train to come to you, including trak (about 1mn for them to come from trak room)

- egress / exodus and run back, trak "camp corpse" for about 5mn, he should still be there, alone without the train

- good luck with the fight, he is a badass. hits for 650, proc 1500 drain life and the touch still interrupts the castings and makes it hard to corner tank. he runs at 15% HPs, cant be hit from out of melee range. takes 3 / 4 nukes to finish him, most likely with 2+ shrooms on you for the last 2 / 3 nukes.

Been spending about 20hrs on it over 2 weeks to find out this strat and manage a victory.

11-30-2003, 07:40 AM
That's impressive. But I think you just aggroed the nerf bat. <img src=>

11-30-2003, 08:05 AM
wow nice. Grats !

11-30-2003, 08:27 AM
No gating trak probs? I assume hes oom by that time?

and yes he does gate....just wondering :)


Aellis Freewind
11-30-2003, 08:34 AM
Got him gating once when trying to duo him with Kiladen (druid as well), not sure if it depends on our DPS (he still had mana?) or if it has something to do with the number of persons, or my health's shape *shrugs* but he never tried to gate in my solo attempts.

11-30-2003, 12:07 PM
ROFL! Good job!

Nanyea The Wayward
11-30-2003, 02:00 PM
killed him solo as a chanter, whenever he banishes me, i recast arcane rune, sit and let him summon me back...then i melee him again!

11-30-2003, 02:28 PM
Very cool. Grats.

Mods please delete this hread before Absor sees it. :)

11-30-2003, 02:39 PM
Ahh, I had assumed you were one of those insane people with 300+ to all resists unbuffed, so that the spells wouldn't be an issue. :)

Very nice work.

11-30-2003, 02:55 PM
I agree... Very nice work! :)

Sunwukong Stormrider
11-30-2003, 03:34 PM
He will summon you back. just sit down.

11-30-2003, 04:14 PM
Very nice! Congrats :)

Aellis Freewind
11-30-2003, 04:35 PM
I dont really get the point of the "touch - summon" strategy. First you would still have to clear the shrooms, but on top of it you would have to clear Trakanon's room lair with him up, that sounds quite impossible to do alone.

I'm curious to know how an enchanter is soloing Trak as well?

11-30-2003, 04:39 PM
Is his tap partial or fully resistable?

Did you use any potions?

11-30-2003, 04:47 PM
The lifetap checks magic -200, and the dot checks poison -150.

Should be easy to resist both if, somehow, you can get 400+ to magic and poison self buffed. :)

I think I'm looking at around 250 magic and 200 poison self buffed, heh. Must...get...ring of resistance...!

11-30-2003, 05:09 PM
Hehe Kiladen been talking about this all week. Nice work, gratz =)

Aellis Freewind
11-30-2003, 05:32 PM
Drain life was sometimes resisted with 500 MR, most of the time partial (300 to 700)
poison AE resisted 100% with 350 PR.

I used DS potion and MR potion

11-30-2003, 05:36 PM
500 MR self buffed?! Even with potions...yeesh...

11-30-2003, 08:50 PM
Aellis' Magelo:


11-30-2003, 11:02 PM
I often wonder what i would attempt to solo with a profile like that.
Lol! She has teh ac and hit points of most of the melee i hang out with.
Heck the ac is better.

Grats on a very hard solo job!
Druids rock!

11-30-2003, 11:04 PM
Jesus mc jiggles

12-01-2003, 01:19 AM
Hehe very impressive, gratz! :)

12-01-2003, 01:20 AM
Anyone three and a half years ago would die at the thought of soloing Trak; I wonder if we'll ever solo Quarm :p

*cheers to mudflation. Grats!

Aellis Freewind
12-01-2003, 02:16 AM
I guess now is a good time to update my profile :)

12-01-2003, 03:21 PM
Great Job Aellis.

You used to awe me back on Karana when I was a lowbie 53 druid quadding skels in The Grey while you were quadding the Stone guys, all I can say to this is - WOW!

12-02-2003, 04:37 AM
:crazeye: I think I have a new role model now...

Hi. I'm your servant. How may I help you today? :rolling:

12-02-2003, 07:01 AM
Holy Tank Girl! I'm lucky to hit 2k unbuffed at 65...Thats amazing. Awesome Job!!

12-02-2003, 10:48 AM
OMFG!! :crazeye:

I count 3505 in raw HP just from gear, not including any boosts from STA as well. That's insane!

I remember about a year ago I spent several thousand pp and boosted Khieran's HP to 1850 unbuffed so I could charm-solo in PoD. I thought I was doing good - holy gnollbreath! :)

12-02-2003, 01:30 PM
Grats Aellis, that's a huge accomplishment. I'm sure that was quite a thrill knowing you did something amazing like that by yourself!

Hope someone delete's the strat!

/hums Absor's comin... Absor's comin

Elder Alaten
Storm Warden

12-02-2003, 04:24 PM
Pics please.

Saying you have a strat does not equal a kill.

12-02-2003, 06:37 PM
You can either believe it or not. I chose to believe it. Someone shouldn't have to prove it by posting logs, screenshots, or other player's testimony's.

I'm sure if you said that you soloed Yeldama we wouldn't make you post pics. :p

12-02-2003, 07:11 PM
Some people choose to be gullible too, I choose to not be. Yeldema is no Traknon.

Surely you took some pics of your epic conquest of Trakanon, no? Well then where are they if you're so l33t? I call BS until I see some.

Aellis Freewind
12-02-2003, 07:54 PM
Well the problem is I didnt take pictures of the fight itself, and I dont think you would trust me more on the picture I took of the corpse?
I hoped I would never have to do this again (damn long setup and lots of random factors), but I guess I'll do it again and SS all over the fight.
Would screenshots of me killing VSR, Uulump, Faydedar or any other kunark dragon help? those are much easier to setup and the fight itself is still quite hard.

Otherwise, I have some kind of witnesses
rodcet.Latryx (warrior) killed Trak duo with me 2 weeks ago, Rodcet.Kiladen (druid) killed Trak duo with me 1 week ago.
both will prolly tell you I have the potential to do it solo, and worked on it for hours.
Else there was a single group in zone when I soloed it, that congratulated me when I won. I could seek in my logs to find their names, they can testify I was alone in zone besides them.

I'd like to add that claiming a kill I didnt win would be pointless, what pride would I get from it?

edit: you can also send me a tell in game and I'll be glad to link you the trak tooth and the 4 BPs I got from my 3 trak kills (2 for the 2 duoed, 2 from the one soloed).

12-02-2003, 10:34 PM
There won't be any nerf on this, whats the difference if you can duo or even trio something as opposed to soloing, its stupid easy with 3 people and easy with 2. I love soloing old world mobs, just tried Phinny the other day and got him first try :) Grats on the kill

12-03-2003, 04:10 AM
:D I finally solo'd a dragon in WL this afternoon. I'm so proud of myself :D

Step two - Get DC and try to solo Loddy =)

What next?

12-03-2003, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Barklight
What next?

Try to kill Aellis solo~

12-03-2003, 09:11 AM
Congrats if you did actually defeat trak. Though I am highly skeptical about it. How did you get trak to go to the room he touches you to? I think thats kinda far away from him to remain agroed on you and then run to you. And how did you survive his Lifetaps and his hitting DMG? I mean it just seems too hard considering he summons so you wouldnt have much time to cast any DoTs on him before he summoned you which would cause you to be interrupted. But congradualations if you did defeat him.

12-03-2003, 10:12 AM
Don't bother with posting SS's. Someone linked this thread from our servers rants board. If anyone know's Brell's rant boards they'd understand the childish mentality and games they play.

For the rest of us NON-trollers, congratulations on a fine kill, you don't need to prove yourself to any of us.

Elder Alaten
Storm Warden

12-03-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Kuolon
Try to kill Aellis solo~

*** Hides ***

12-03-2003, 02:16 PM
Wow, all i can say is "GREAT JOB"!!

12-03-2003, 02:59 PM
Don't bother with posting SS's. Someone linked this thread from our servers rants board. If anyone know's Brell's rant boards they'd understand the childish mentality and games they play.

You druids continually astound me with the intelligence level on this board. Here's the deal. Trakanon hits HARD. Trakanon has a deadly proc and a easily resistable AE. Trakanon is also in a VERY lousy location and druids also do not have a useful means of keeping themselves alive while dealing enough damage to kill a mob of this proportion. Lets be freaking serious here, you're using Nature's infusion for healing here, and that's a lot of mana. You do not have a way to regenerate said mana in a fashion other than standing FT and mental clarity and buffs. So basically what you're saying to me is that you managed to take the assbeat that Trakanon deals, including the 1500 damage lifetap proc (Which, by the way, I know damned well at least ONE of those landed), keep yourself healed AND manage to do 32k plus damage off of probably clicky items, since the majority of your time would be spent healing yourself. I'm skeptical, and I can't honestly see why everyone else isn't as well. Druids are not known for their tanking ability.

Is it possible? Well, I guess if you got lucky it could be possible. I'd be interested in seeing screenshots or a log tho since I can basically tell you that I soloed Rallos Zek and just kited everything else around the Tactics pit while I did and you people apparantly would have no problem believing that. This is the INTERNET. I can tell you anything, and you have no way of knowing whether it's real or not. I doubt the validity of such a claim, and oddly enough, no proof exists. Yet I'm the one that's supposedly "Immature?"

12-03-2003, 03:12 PM
Wolvesbane maybe if you had typed that before instead of a couple of lines of text which really sounded troll like...and looking at your number of posts really doesnt help with it too....then maybe the response to you might have been better.

Also if you check my original posts you might see I wasnt really going down the believing path too..I was just a little more subtle than you were :P

Either way grats if he did....but I couldnt be bothered to ask for poof cause really I dont care either way lol.


12-03-2003, 04:01 PM
Wolvesbane - chill out, dude. Or we'll sic Stormie on you with the clue bat, mmkay?

Congrats! Btw, I assume you were also using SotW and WoW whenever they came up as well to help out, yes?

So, the important question: what phat loot did you get?!?!? =D

12-03-2003, 04:40 PM
You druids continually astound me with the intelligence level on this board. Here's the deal.

...blah blah blah ... read the post if you're interested...

the one that's supposedly "Immature?"

Kunark dragons are soloable by Time/LDoN raid equipped druids. Trak was just the last one in the bunch to go down. *quack*

Trak is doable with full defensive AA's (Lightning Reflexes 5, Channeling Focus 3, etc.) and the Time gear defensive mods (% dodge, spellshield, etc). His melee output is minimal compared to Elemental yard trash. With druid debuffs and Time level AC, he rarely hits for max damage (only the red dragons can consistently hit a Time geared druid for max).

The typical druid method for soloing Kunark dragons is porcupine with a few nukes thrown in for variety. If the zone has a corner to pull the dragon to, that dragon is soloable (Kunark dragons).

While this Trak solo may be a first for druids, he is regularly farmed by other classes (knights and necromancers in particular - although there are others).

12-03-2003, 06:06 PM
While this Trak solo may be a first for druids, he is regularly farmed by other classes (knights and necromancers in particular - although there are others).

I know full well what knights are capable of doing, I'm questioning a druid doing it. Druids don't have a high dodge cap, parry, or riposte, nor do they have the benefity of a 2k buffed AC. Pair that up with the only logical heal they could possibly be using being Nature's infusion, and you have a skeptical situation. Druids don't have a heal over time they can keep on themselves, they don't have a pet to do damage while they kep the mob's attention. Low damage compared to Elemental or not, I don't see druids tanking in elemental planes, so the point is moot.

So basically what you're telling me is that you're doing 32k damage to a mob that hits for 600, with only your what....60ish damage thorns, minus wrath of the wild and Spriit of wood, which is on for a miniscule amount of fight time? I would like to see it to be honest. If Trak was outdoors, I'd almost buy it, but he's not. Show me a corpse and i'll be happy to shut up. Until then, I don't think it's asking too much to back up your claims with a little proof. Theory only goes so far. Oh, but wait..the druids grove doesn't believe in proof right?

12-03-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Wolvesbane
Oh, but wait..the druids grove doesn't believe in proof right?
I have no problem with you asking for a screenshot or making logical arguments against the how this may be possible and thus, disagreeing that a druid was able to solo Trak, like you've done here. =)

What I do have a problem with is you acting like a troll, as in your previous posts. From a moderator's perspective from any board, someone who displays troll-like qualities with a low post count (which means we don't know you from Adam), it gets our attention.

12-03-2003, 07:18 PM
Check Aellis's magelo. With an unbuffed AC of 1473, add in Brackencoat and Protection of the Nine and you have an AC of 1559. The +25 avoidance on the leggings probably bumped it up to 1589 or so. Trakanon is a Kunark era dragon, so he was assigned an atk given the assumption that the best equipped warriors would have...what, 1200 AC? (And that's before the -180 atk from debuffs...)

As for the lifetaps, Aellis was fighting with 500 MR. The lifetap only checks MR-200.

So with the lifetap reduced to an annoyance, and the strategy for bringing Trakanon to the fight spot outlined in earlier posts, you're left with a 32k hp mob that doubles for 650 (rarely for max) and a proc that is a minor annoyance. Still tough but certainly doable.

Oh, and why would a druid necessarily be restricted to Nature's Infusion? When I first soloed Phinigel, I used only TR to heal, 3 times. (Of course now he only gets me to half health before he's dead...)

It's simple mudflation, that's all.

12-03-2003, 08:20 PM
Check Aellis's magelo. With an unbuffed AC of 1473, add in Brackencoat and Protection of the Nine and you have an AC of 1559. The +25 avoidance on the leggings probably bumped it up to 1589 or so. Trakanon is a Kunark era dragon, so he was assigned an atk given the assumption that the best equipped warriors would have...what, 1200 AC? (And that's before the -180 atk from debuffs...)

This is what i'm talking about. It's all theory. 1500 ac on a druid does not equal 1500 ac on a warrior. Parry and riposte are HUGE. 200 defense compared to 250 defense is huge. I'm not saying that's it's not possible, I'm saying that when you really think about what needs to be done, it's skeptical. People who think AC is a flat value for everyone could see it happening with an uber druid. People who know that casters get their ass kicked whether they're at 500 or at 1500 ac are skeptical. I've got an 1100 ac shaman and a 1400 ac warrior. The shaman gets absolutely trounced. I'm skeptical.

Oh, and why would a druid necessarily be restricted to Nature's Infusion? When I first soloed Phinigel, I used only TR to heal, 3 times. (Of course now he only gets me to half health before he's dead...)

Phingel is not trakanon. Are you saying that you can reliably channel a CH against a mob whooping yer ass? A lucky bash and that's the end of that, and you're left hoping that you have enough time left to channel a patch. Using a 10 second heal against an unslowed mob is risky at best. Once again, i'm not saying it can't be done, i'm saying that it's not something you can rely on. Post some proof that the theory holds water and you've got something. If you don't have proof, you've still only got a theory.

What I do have a problem with is you acting like a troll, as in your previous posts. From a moderator's perspective from any board, someone who displays troll-like qualities with a low post count (which means we don't know you from Adam), it gets our attention.

I asked for pics, and added a reason why. Then I started getting crap from your "regular posters." If defending my request is acting like a troll, then you've got some odd trolls on this board. Contrary to popular belief around here, not everyone needs to have 100+ posts to have an opinion that matters.

12-03-2003, 08:23 PM
DS potion was used, 60 ds is a little low on the estimate =-p
Brackencoat - 13
Shield of Bracken - 40
Kilva's Skin of Flame - 33

86 point DS
So, with ONLY that DS damage, Trak would have to hit 372 times. Throw in Wrath of the Wilds 650 at least once, and we're down to 364 times. Nukes are a large chunk of Trak's life due to the low hp.

Standing mana regen for Aellis would be, self buffed only:
Protection of the Nine - 8
Mask of the Forest - 4
Aura of Eternity - 5
FT 15 = 15
MC3 = 3

That's 35/tic, which is not that bad of mana regen.

HP regen:

Item based regen - 25
Natural regen - 10
Mana free blessing of replenishment - 25
Aura of Eternity - 5

65/tic hp regen right there, sure that's not very significant considering how hard Trak hits, but every little bit helps.

Aellis also has a roughly 2.5 second nature's infusion.
That max focused would be 2275, that's without factoring in the AA, which is another what 18% on the base? So add 315, constant I believe -- not sure if AA is constant or random check --, So 2065 unfocused heal, or a max of 2590 if focus gets rolled max.

Also has 20% max mana preservation. If using Summer's Flame, max of 25% mana preservation on that. Plus a 30% damage focus item, bringing max damage for Summer's Flame to 1820, without a crit. Or if not worrying about the extra 5% mana preservation, go for Winter's Frost, 35% damage focus, 2025 max non crit damage. It would take 16 Winter's Frosts of full damage, no crits, no partial resists. To kill Trak without any other form of damage on him.

Tempest wrath is a 4 second cast time, 75/tic, so in a minute long fight it's done another 750 damage. Sure not even 1/32 of Trak's life, but it's extra damage mana free with a short cast time.

Swarming death is 6 second cast time, 240/tic -- but only 36-40 second duration, still if kept on for one minute, that's another 2400 damage done to him, even if only gotten off once that's 1440 - 1680 damage. A fairly sizeable portion of Trak's life and pretty much unresistable, same with tempest.

I'm not really seeing a problem here with, it looks very do-able, and has been something I've ran over in my head quite a few times.

[Edit] AC, let's just say that 1473 is Aellis' displayed AC including avoidance.

Protection of the Nine - 32
Brackencoat - 49
Form of Defense - 54

That's an AC of 1608. Now if that's not including any avoidance modifers, you can prolly say around 1650, maybe a bit higher.
Sure no riptose/parry/low dodge, but it's still a sizeable amount of AC, especially factoring in the druids debuffs, at the very least hand of ro, -100 atk on trak, nearly unresistable. I'm well aware also that 1650 druid AC is not the same as 1650 warrior AC. But it does make a difference.

[Edit 2] Added 5/tic from Aura of Eternity to hp regen.

12-03-2003, 09:45 PM
If you can wedge yourself into a corner, you can channel through a surprising number of things. You're right about Phinigel being different in that he doesn't bash, so I had a 100% channel rate against him even when he was in full melee mode. However if you can stand up to a mob for 20+ or so seconds then you can afford to have some cheals interrupted (by bash only), and of course Nature's Infusion is a good backup. On the other hand, NI has a much shorter cast time leaving a lot more time to nuke, reducing the total damage taken.

Anyway, AC does make a large difference if it's in the right range (after modifiers including class). Aellis's is absurdly high compared to the AC anyone had in the Kunark days. Oh, and don't forget the CA/LR/CS/ID abilities, which add a significant amount of avoidance and mitigation as well (though not displayed). I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Aellis mitigated better than any Kunark era warrior.

12-03-2003, 09:54 PM
A 1200 AC druid != a 1200 AC warrior - that's true. However, a 1650 AC druid would surely be better than a 1200 AC warrior? And as stated above Trak was originally balanced for a 1200 AC warrior. Super-high resists, maxed AAs, top-of-the-line gear... I can see it being possible.

And Wolvesbane, I agree with others - if you had stated your arguments at the beginning like you did in your recent posts, nobody would have thought anything about the fact it was your first post :)

Some proof would be nice, but I don't find it outside the realm of believability. Of course if there were screenshots and logs posted, how many people would be screaming they were fake? I can make a picture of myself solo'ing Innorruuk if I chose to do so... I have l337 Paintshop Skeelz. Proof doesn't always prove anything :)

12-03-2003, 10:22 PM
Heh, took another look at the magelo. There's a total of 40 avoidance, 7% stun resist, and 4% spell shield on there.

You can tell by sticking "&debug=true" on the end of the magelo that the +avoidance modifiers are not included in the displayed AC.

12-03-2003, 10:26 PM
Accutaly, there's 13% stun resist, unless they don't stack?

12-03-2003, 10:59 PM
Heh, I guess I missed a 6% somewhere. Yeah, I think they stack.

12-03-2003, 11:03 PM
Accutaly, it's 12%, basic math seems to escape me tonight.

Kerasha Tunic - 7%
Quarm Shield - 5%

12-04-2003, 01:39 AM
I can vouch for her doing it. I duoed it today with me and a wizzy and its pretty much cake duo. And yes, i did it BEFORE I knew the strats were posted, but Aellis definitely deserves all the credit she can get for her kill. Grats!

Rodcet Nife

Aellis Freewind
12-04-2003, 08:30 AM
To the doubtful people and the ignorant arguments,

- Trak comes to the room he touches to by himself, the touch room is out of range from his lair (happened to me to get touched too early and he wouldn't come), he is close enough when I pull him to the bridge.

- His lifetap (1500) is annoying, but resistable. with 500 MR he rarely taps me for more than 500 dmg. Its also a proc, and doesn't happen much during the first 50% of the fight that Trak spends casting spells.

- I reach 1600 AC (40 avoidance), 6500 HPs, have all AAs, 30% haste on my heals. Nature's Infusion is for me 2.6 cast time, and heals for 2500 (4500 crits). Costs 6% of my mana to cast, mana that is recovered in about 80 seconds with my standing manaregen.

- I'm tanking Trak, I dont get Delowen's point with the summoning part? he cant be nuked from out of melee range anyway. and most of my DPS is from nukes, not DOTs. I have 33% haste on nukes as well, that helps quite alot, and can crit for 3K. Trak got 32KHPs, thats not that much really. My DS reaches 80ish thanks to DS potion (forgot the exact amount, but basically 53 + potion), without SOTW.

- Trak being outdoor or indoor doesnt make any difference. Kunark dragons cant be snared (or I never managed to), and are immune to spells cast out of melee range.

- Druids are regulary soloing the other Kunark dragons tanking style. while their 500ish hits dont reach the 650's from Trak, they arent that lower either. Also, I never claimed that Trak fight itself was easy, I lost the fight more times than I could count.


To the others, thanks for support and I'll answer the questions :)

- Yes I'm using SOTW and Wrath of wild. SOTW being the most useful, and used after Trak stops casting.

- I got a BL and a pally BPs out of the fight I soloed, war and SK BPs out of my duo kills. Oh, and a ****load of teeth as well :p

- Thanks DemonMage for the maths, nice post :)

12-04-2003, 08:46 AM
Just ignore my post about summoning, I forgot how big trak's hit box was because It has been a long time since I have actually been to kill trak. I also do more DoTing than I nuke for efficency, except in PoFire just too damn long to DoT in there(besides the Magma guardians).

12-04-2003, 08:52 AM
Grats Aellis on the kill. I thought I did good tanking the Trial of Execution for a pack of level 54 to 56's, but this is impressive.

Congrats on the kill, I'll soon be trying to figure out how to get down there myself, never played in seb much =\


Aellis Freewind
12-04-2003, 12:19 PM
Just added Remains of Sythrax to my kill list :D self buffed again, and alone with not any kind of help.
Level 65 named in Veksar, max hit 772 and hits like, real fast and hard. The fight is really physical and this time, I did take screenshots of the it, case of someone wouldn't believe me :p

12-04-2003, 05:47 PM
Very impressive, congratulations on the kill. Nice to see a Rodcet druid pull that off, as well.

12-05-2003, 05:30 AM
The fight is really physical and this time, I did take screenshots of the it, case of someone wouldn't believe me

Not that I don't believe you, but i'd believe you more if you posted the screenshots you took rather than just told me you took some.



Aellis Freewind
12-05-2003, 07:50 AM
I'm not sure how to post pics, anyone able to help me?

12-05-2003, 08:15 AM
I for one, would rather not see the screenshots of it. I hate the nerfbat and don't feel the need to encourage it like so many doubters.

I would like to point out that, high hp/ac druids are quite capable of tanking or off tanking on raids or groups.

Of course, a druid is going to learn the trick to solo'ing them.
He explained the trick to get Trakanon out of his lair, and into the shrooms room. Quite obviously, this will be fixed sometime by tethering him at the bridge. (or not)

On my server right now, SK's have gotten most of the Kunark dragons down to the 30-40 health range soloing them. They don't have the nukes, and the damage shield a druid does. Beastlords with elemental gear are solo'ing dragons as well.

So why all the doubt?

This is just as others have said, Mudflation, similar to what resulted in level limits for Vox / Nagy

12-05-2003, 12:06 PM
There are two ways you can post images in here. One is using the image command thingie and the other is link it.
Just upload it to a web hosting website like or strike 9. For the image command. you upload your image into the webhosting thingie and copy the link. then you click the image button on the top of posting. enter your html of the image there and you gtg =) Other way is to just to post the link here. Not sure it helps or not=p

12-05-2003, 01:13 PM
You all dreamed this.

Druids cannot solo a bixie in Misty Thicket anymore, much less a dragon.

This never happened......;)

12-05-2003, 01:40 PM
What do you mean it neve.... (eyes glaze over) You're right... it never happened...

12-05-2003, 02:29 PM
I like pie.

12-05-2003, 04:05 PM
Me too, but im a halfling, so I think everyone knew I like pie.

Aellis Freewind
12-05-2003, 06:00 PM
Thanks Noli!
here are some pics of the fight against remains.

alyn cross
12-05-2003, 06:18 PM
curious, aellis:

did you ever calculate how much dmg. your DS has done against either mob? or any mob?

my personal best is just over 6700, and that was just a lizard in CT. in a longer fight i bet you're comming up with well over 10k in damage shield alone.

i mean... it never happened....


12-05-2003, 07:32 PM
Damage shields are most efficient against fast hitting, low attack mobs (needlites). When tanking something, I prefer mobs that hit twenty times per second for 1 damage per hit than a mob that hits once per second for 20 damage per hit.

Aellis Freewind
12-07-2003, 10:42 AM
Never tried to calculate the dmg dealt from dmg shield, but my bests would prolly be on Uulump (that I first killed using DS for at least 95% of the dmg), or maybe on the encounter for guktan illusion in Neriak (3 mobs fast hitters and almost immune to spells). I'm pretty sure I did over 50K on those with DS alone.

I'm not really worried about the nerfbat either, Kunark is almost 4 years old and its bosses dont hit nearly as hard as an average PoP trashyard mob. Makes sense to me that high end players start being able to solo them. Trakanon's fight is pretty much more about strategy than anything else. It was confirmed to me this weekend as I watched a full group of a Time enabled guild wipe 3 times in a row on him :)

12-08-2003, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by Aellis Freewind
It was confirmed to me this weekend as I watched a full group of a Time enabled guild wipe 3 times in a row on him :)

HAHA... Oh... It hurts.... That's very funny :p

I've seen Elemental and Time geared groups wipe on Oldschool raids so many times it makes me cry... but never on Trak ;) Heck, I've never seen this dino with my own "eyes" in 3 years of playing and 65 levels hehe...

12-08-2003, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by Aellis Freewind
It was confirmed to me this weekend as I watched a full group of a Time enabled guild wipe 3 times in a row on him :)

After the 2nd time you should have said "Here, let me show you how" and solo'd it again :)

Aellis Freewind
12-08-2003, 06:07 AM
Well I did, they said "go for it!", and engaged again after I clear shrooms.
They won this time though. 1 bard survived and managed to finish Trak in the middle of a train of juggs.

12-08-2003, 07:20 AM
To the Druid who soloed Phinny...Can I see your Magelo please? :) BTW, Congratulations on this Aellis. Even if I had your strength character wise, I would not have had the patience to fail at him that many times. :)

12-08-2003, 12:18 PM
A lot of people have soloed Phinny. I have, and Opivvy's, who mentioned soloing Phinny in this thread, magelo is in his sig.

12-08-2003, 12:37 PM
phinny accually isnt that hard, hes not a 32k mob =p

12-08-2003, 07:17 PM
When I first did it my unbuffed stats were something like 2600 hp, 4000 mana, 900 AC, FT7, around 150 AA's, IH4 as the only applicable focus effect. It was a close fight.

12-08-2003, 09:27 PM
Oooh. Okay. I was just wondering what I'd need to get to be able to do it. :)

12-10-2003, 02:23 AM
Ok this has me going =)

Can we get a list of all mobs like these that we druids could possibly solo with a little hard work? Like phinny and (in these exceptional cases) Trak, even Lodi and the WW dragons. Requirements - - normally a group kill mob or an oldschool raid target, but proven soloable with time, effort, and practice :D
It'd be nice to get a list of kills going!

And from now on... Let us exceptional solo-ers be called... The Unkempt Druids! Those who truely can do it on our own.

My own list begins:
Lodizal (in Iceclad)
Yeldema (named dragon in WW)
Gafala (named dragon in WW)
Hechaeva (named dragon in WW)
The high priestess siren chick (in the tower inside Sirens Grotto. Someone else had emptied the room but left her in there so I went and pulled her :P)

Aellis Freewind
12-11-2003, 05:38 PM
My list:

- Phinni
- Lodizal
- Faydedar (epic)
- Faydedar (real one, higher level but not really harder)
- Uulump
- Severillous
- Talendor
- Gorenaire
- HoT first wurms (without falling asleep!)
- whatever they were, the 3 trolls in neriak for guktan illusion quest
- Wuoshi (with no DC pet plz!)
- Taskmaster Aboytt (GD)
- remains of Sythrax (damn damn pain)
- Trakanon

Working on Harla Dar right now, not much motivated though as the victory seems to be depending mainly on luck.
Tried Zlandicar, him 70% me 40% mana when he ate me alive.
Tried Lord Dojowhatever in Velketor, single pulling is a no no so far
Tried Kelorek'Dar, seems to either have a huge regen, or tons of HPs... hits damn fast anyway and I dont think I ever resisted his 1KDD + stun.. got him to about 80% HPs before egressing

Did all of those with no external help whatsoever, I'm considering that getting someone to clear the adds or single pull for you is cheating, as well as going raid buffed.

12-27-2003, 07:12 AM
Me list:
Captain Bvellos (holy crap annoying)
a Massive Dragon construct (Dragon necropolis, kinda easy)
Talendor (only once, Aellis u bitch :( ).
Yeldema (duh)
Black Reaver (pure luck, glad you can cast on em now)

all i can think off, Also Tryed Zlandicar, only got em to like 89%

Also Tryed Vindi got em to 60% with a pet before his temple guards killed meh

12-27-2003, 03:32 PM
That's awesome, congrats!!

Brodda Thep
12-31-2003, 02:03 PM
I just don't see how it can be a true solo. I am a monk and have fought the other kunark dragons and they are quite easy. However, Trak is a different story. You have a couple problems.

First, if you agro trak without clearing the lair and get ported the train will reach you before trak does and it is going to be one HELL of a train. All of jug room and a couple shrooms. I think you would be better off agroing trak then running invis to the shroom area. Should reduce a train, so I will give you that.

Second, you say you clear the two shrooms and the roamer. The roamer is a fast spawn. 10-15minutes. Not a lot of time. So you get trak there. I will have to trust you on this though, cause I certainly haven't gotten him past the reet room, but then I haven't tried all that hard. You exodus and then.... then what? You go through illis jail with all the mobs that see invis before respawn? ahhh no. Or did you clear that first too?

So you would have to have the entrance hall cleared, illis jail, two shrooms and a fast repop wanderer, agro trak and get him to warp to you before the train killed you then, exodus and run back all in 20 minutes from the first kill.

Sorry, if the entrance mobs were killed it isn't a pure solo. DQed.

Sure, most classes can kill trak solo, but dealing with the set up? I highly doubt you could label it as a pure solo. I have killed trak duoed with an SK, but Trak did kill the sk before he died. The only class I can see doing trak solo consistently would be an enchanter.

01-01-2004, 05:46 AM
She has done it more than one time in an empty zone. It takes her a couple hours set up, but she does it. Still amazes me. Its actually *harder* to solo as a druid if you have people killing the mobs on the way down because you dont know respawn times or if the mob will see invis or not.

But, it really doesnt matter who believes her or doesnt. She continues to solo things I dont think she should be able to do. Makes it really hard to keep up with her. :lol:


01-01-2004, 06:10 AM
brodda ever heard of root and snare for ilis part for exemple?
And why training would be an issue as she is using exodus when trak is at banish spot?
That's definitly doable.
For class who can solo him, you can add bard and surely others too, at least one is doing this for months now ( when he starts, it was pre time for his gear set up ).
And one group of time people whiping on him ? clueless peeps are everywhere.

01-02-2004, 08:51 AM
A lot of zones have coding that returns a mob to bind if you too far away from it. I'm sure seb is the same way, so fly past the entrance mobs, click invis a couple times and your in jail, train through clicking invis as needed to juggs and then worry about see invis mobs that are still near you on the way down. I know I do this running to chardok royals and it works fine if the last 20-30 mobs or so are cleared.

If its that important, run to a safe spot and click a DA idol and /q. With his AC / HP the mobs will not kill him fast in there at all, even Trakanon hits like a baby compared to POP Named mobs.

01-02-2004, 04:21 PM
you know at first i believed this but i've yet to see any screens, only screens of that named in Veksar are shown but none of trak...
so Aellis care to take any screens next time you get him?

Aellis Freewind
01-04-2004, 06:52 PM
Ok to all the doubtful people, you finally won.
I finally got pissy and went for Trak hunting again. Found him up this morning and after 8 damn hours of clearing see invis mobs again and again (peeps cant help killing non see invis mobs on their way for some reason), I finally managed to kill Trak. Still took about 5 attempts on Trak himself to get him down, but I did take all the pics one could want, and even have a witness of it, Xalten, that will confirm if you care to send him a on Rodcet.

I have a ****load of those, from like every attempt I did today. including one where I got Trak to 2% before he gate (after 5hrs working on it, I can tell you I was quite under stress).

Edit: I uploaded them on one of my servers (Sobe)

01-04-2004, 10:23 PM
All i have to say is bravo. Tis sad though that you have to prove everything to everyone. Just wondering what he droped that time. Well its late and i am going to bed. Good beer to ye.

Darklotuss Bloodrunner
63 Hierophant
The server that starts with a "Q"

01-04-2004, 10:58 PM
Wow Aellis,

grats. /bow

01-05-2004, 07:29 AM
This is a great acomplishment, I salute you.

And to the people asking about phinny, he is quite easy when you get the hang of it.

I have done him selfbuffed a few times now.

01-27-2004, 12:42 AM
Hey wow there's my name!

hehe hiya aellis grats again on the kill ohh and to previous guy wonders, bst bp & poisoned mantel & i think 4 teeth

Aellis Freewind
01-27-2004, 06:07 PM
Thanks Sobe for hosting the pics :)

and Heya Xalten!

edit: wth is a necro doing on a druid board?!!!

01-27-2004, 08:53 PM
wtf^^ i am a druid
or I'm lost *shrug*

01-27-2004, 10:53 PM
Now that you've showed some proof in the form of screen-shots that all doubters we're screaming for; none of them have returned to even say grats, let alone appologise.
Show's that people are quick to criticise, but slow to praise. :tut:

Personally, I'm in awe. Having only just managed to solo Yeldema (im only 58), I envy those like yourself who can take out the Raid mobs solo.

Keep up the good work Aellis. I look forward to reading your other conquests soon :)

*edit* must check spelling before posting...

01-27-2004, 10:57 PM
just only? sheesh w/out tash he is a meanie for necros cause spells dont work and we cant cheap out charm attack :(

01-28-2004, 03:26 AM
And there are things that a level 58 necro can solo that a druid will dream about for many levels and aa past that. Too bad boo boo's so tiny and druids can't cheap out fear /shrug

01-28-2004, 04:43 AM
Spells only land on Yeldema (like most other dragons) inside melee range. As long as you do that, his resists are really quite normal.

01-28-2004, 05:56 AM
That's not true. I can land snare and other debuffs outside of Yeldemas melee range just fine.

01-28-2004, 06:21 AM
They don't land for me other than epic dot like 1/8 the time.

Wierd, but I've always just gone into melee range (Yeldema's melee is really kinda weak nowadays, 280ish iirc)

01-29-2004, 05:41 PM
snares the only problem I have.. even the 63 snare.. other than that everything sticks just fear breaks real easy but with our pet heals who needs fear? Heck.. I can tank yel now but back then it wasnt quite so feaseable

01-31-2004, 04:27 PM
Trakanon finally died to a solo druid self buffed with no external help of any kind

It looked like you had DMF in those pics you posted.

Not jumping down your throat, just curious if I'm missing something.

And, of course, Grats on the kill itself.

01-31-2004, 06:15 PM
Maybe it was this?

Broken Sacrificial Blade
Charges: 1
Effect: Dead Man Floating (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Aellis Freewind
01-31-2004, 06:24 PM
Yeah Xalten had DMFed me and I forgot to remove it for the fight. Doesnt make any difference anyway, I'm usually not even bothering PRing myself (as you can see, I didnt think about it for this fight). Understand that after 5hrs of attempts, I'm not paying much attention on what buffs are up on me :p

Those screenshots are of my second kill too, that happened after the post you are reffering to :) Intended to be self buffed as well though.
For those who might wonder, the 2 KEI like effects are mask of forest and clicky aura of eternity.

02-01-2004, 12:08 AM
the mighty DMF won the fight!! grats me grats me! lol :vampire:

Nathiel Mistwalker
02-17-2004, 03:07 PM
I want to be like you when I grow up.

02-19-2004, 03:59 AM
Speechless I am ,
Aellis you clearly are a great druid and it brings me pride to know what us druids are able to accomplish. Thankyou and a huge congrats . I'm sure you forgot about all them hours setting up when he finally dropped :)

05-16-2004, 02:34 PM
Edit: Sorry - Rules say "No Solicitation" Please read the rules in The Nine Section before posting again.

Edited by Sobe Silvertree

05-16-2004, 03:29 PM
... ( Sobe Blinks )