View Full Forums : Blasphemy, I know...

12-21-2005, 12:52 PM
I was feeling ... strange... last night and started an Undead Warlock on one of the new servers. I know that this is blasphemy, and every ounce of my druish / elvish self is outraged by the idea. Though it is intriguing. Warlock is a pretty gnarly class. I spent a while running around Undercity and Orgimar the other night. Pretty cool lookin areas.

The main reason that I started it is cause my RL friend who I pvp / quest / grind with regularly started an orc shammy to figure out how to beat them with his hunter, and he convinced me to roll horde to quest / grind with him. I showed him the shaman's forum linked on this site earlier, and he's getting some good info off it. Does anyone else know of a warlock forum that isn't blocked by websense / firewall? I'd appreciate being able to ask questions of experienced 'locks - www.priestshaven helped me a lot when I was leveling my shadow priest, and I was hoping to find something similar. Thanks


12-21-2005, 01:14 PM
No clue about filtering programs, but:

Class Sites (

12-21-2005, 02:31 PM
I have a 45 Tauran Shaman but I havent played him since I started my NE druid, which is lvl 60.

As far as warlocks go they are about the only class that I really stay away from....they are a bitch to fight and I do very poorly against them.

12-21-2005, 02:56 PM
Thanks Yrys. I saw that earlier, but couldn't get through cause of websense :mad2: Guess I'll just wait till I get home from work.

I have been able to kill 'locks with some success with my shadow priest (b/c of shadow resist - takes away a bunch of their useful spells), though if the lock knows what he is doing he owns me (doesn't use shadow spells or corruption, b/c of the shadow resist and cleanse magic). I get worked usually though b/c of the high amount of fire damage that they can do in addition to chain fearing.

With my druid, I can cleanse the curse(s) that they put on me, but the fire and shadow damage, constant fearing, etc. is too much usually for me. My only real chance is if I can sneak up behind them in cat, pounce and get off a claw, rake then rip, switch out and get as many dot's as I can before they start chain fearing me. They are TOUGH though. Hopefully playing one will give me some insight into how to counter them better as a druid :)

Does anyone have any strategies they use while fighting 'lock's?

12-21-2005, 03:51 PM
Nothing to help you except some general tactics.

Locks fight mostly on a rhythm. Don't let them stay in that rhythm or they will grind you up quick. Breaking fear with the trinket is a good one to use early to stay close. Even better is the blacksmith trinket that gives you 30 seconds or so of fear immunity.

I loved the EQ necro class. The lock is the closest thing. If it weren't for the shard thing (which should just be scrapped altogether) it would be a much tougher decision for me to play druid.


12-21-2005, 04:58 PM
I didn't know about the BS trinket - thats cool. I've been having a lot of fun so far with the lock.. Love having a pet :) Fun to have the imp hopping around after me. Not to mention all of the different spells / curses etc. that they have.

12-22-2005, 05:54 PM
I have a 45 Tauran Shaman but I havent played him since I started my NE druid, which is lvl 60.

As far as warlocks go they are about the only class that I really stay away from....they are a bitch to fight and I do very poorly against them.

Ignore the pet. . .they are VERY squishy, but I tend to use bear form for the increased HP. If you see curses on you, make sure you remove them, the lock curses HURT. Also, remember bash and frenzied regeneration. Depending on their pet, I use enrage everytime it comes up. Usually only if it is Imp or Voidwalker though.