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Kaesora, level 34-38

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:00 am
by Bluebird
Hi, I'm Bluebird, a Firiona Vie druid, geared with a few pieces of defiant, a tank merc, and some skinspike potions.

I went to Kaesora at level 34. Kaesora is in the Field of Bone, and is very easy to get to. The entrance to Kaesora is a one-way drop--you must go quite a ways to get to the exit. The first part of the dungeon is mostly spiders, and the second half of the dungeon is mostly undead. All mobs are aggro. I had my tank merc out when I started here, and a good thing I did--the spiders tend to come in packs. it's not too hard to tank three or four of them if you put your back to a wall. The spiders cast poison spells, screaming terror, and some of them are healers. They have few hitpoints. The undead are mostly melee (or at least no spells stuck on me) and they also have a few healers. They have more hitpoints but are also pretty easy. Both sets of mobs resisted a few nukes, but dots always stuck to them.

This zone is a hotzone at the current time, and I went from 34-38 in about 45 minutes. The loot here was pretty negligible, although I did get a lot of different kinds of silk, if you are going into tailoring.