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Halls of Honor, 62+

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:41 am
by Bluebird
From an old druid board:

NE/SE basements with the humans in them. All but Sentries are snareable. Zone-in is also soloable. Take 2 guards at a time and root/rot in the graveyard.

Re: Halls of Honor, 62+

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:51 am
by Bluebird
From xyu101 on an old druid board:

HOH of course. You can hunt in any of the three basements at lowerleft, upperright and lowerright corner of the map. These three basements on the map all have 4 sections while other buildings having only 3 sections at most, so you should be able to identify them easily. The mobs you want to solo are 'valorian guard' and 'valorian guardian'.

No mobs see invis on your way to any of the basement buildings. You'll see one or three dogs guarding the buildings once get there. After passing the dogs you enter the first section. There are either white armor or black armor ('spirits') depending on which basement you are heading. White armors are KOS and some of them see through invis. Carefully con each of them. If on both sides there are see invis armors use harmony of nature to pass. Black armors are not KOS so it doen't matter.

Once passing the armors, you go downstairs and get into the basement. The first section of basement has black armors and you should not touch them (they summon). The 2nd and 3rd sections are mobs you can solo. Human types (valorian guard/guardian) are level 62 with 24khp. There maybe one black guard (protector of marr) who is level 61 with 32k hp. For efficiency leave the black one alone and concentrate on the valorian guard/guardians. There is a chance to spawn valorian sentry (never happened in the last section part of lower left corner though) who is immune to run speed change (yet still soloable).

Re: Halls of Honor, 62+

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:55 am
by Bluebird
From Chatoyan on an old druid board:

Most popular strategy in HoH seems to be charm kiting, for those who have Dire Charm. Snare "a young wrulon" (think that's the name, it's been a while) near the entrance, invis yourself and pull it to the basement. Scouting ahead of time for see-invis mobs helps. Once in the basement, charm the pet, buff it up and give toys if you have some (nothing that stuns because they'll generate too much aggro). After your snare wears off, start pulling the suits with snare, and then just chain cast flame lick to keep aggro while the pet beats on them from behind. If you've got the mana, cast a few dots to help things along. If you can avoid the mobs that are immune to snare, it's possible to pull steadily for ages at practically no mana cost, only stopping to rebuff.