- Odd Looking Spider (3 replies)
- A key to Jaled Dar's tomb (6 replies)
- PlaneFighting? (3 replies)
- New Here: Charm Kiting & Good Sources of Cash? (9 replies)
- Rallos Zek the Warlord changed? (8 replies)
- Raiding tips for casual to not so casual players? (6 replies)
- Class that needs the most help (20 replies)
- Aerin`Dar (4 replies)
- Plane of Mischief (33 replies)
- DC mob in Sol Ro (6 replies)
- Page of Decay (1 replies)
- Pure Blood Walkthru Sticky??? (1 replies)
- Soloing in ele planes? (11 replies)
- Detrimentals, RC, Lucy, and you (2 replies)
- Testing Polls! (and give your opnion) (12 replies)
- Shak Dathor Warlord (5 replies)
- Ritual Claws of the Scion graphic? (7 replies)
- List of DC-able mobs? (1 replies)
- Marsinger Gem information (3 replies)
- Charm Question (3 replies)
- Looking for some new hunting grounds when I solo: (7 replies)
- Xanthe's Earring of Nature? (3 replies)
- poAir - Aid Grimal Drops (1 replies)
- Grouped PLing - Mob level question (8 replies)
- poFire Picnic Tables (1 replies)
- poFire - Obsidianwood Sap (19 replies)
- Summoned spells (yes, it involves math) (17 replies)
- Solo XP post 60 (2 replies)
- Efreeti Lord Djarn (5 replies)
- Jaggedpine (5 replies)
- Where is Henai Silentalker? (1 replies)
- What season's would you choose? (1 replies)
- Plane of Water - Swordfang & Gigadon? (8 replies)
- Your EQ Character has been wiped! (11 replies)
- Hermit - Jale Phlintoes (4 replies)
- Coldain ring 10 blocks dots! best item ever! (6 replies)
- Quadding nerfed? (8 replies)
- Where to get specs and Ornate patterns? (10 replies)
- Level 13 DRU Looking For Exp (2 replies)
- tae ew shield or earing of the solistics (0 replies)
- IH4 vs FT2 (12 replies)
- Sol Ro Soloing Nerfed! (4 replies)
- Quest to change specialization ? (2 replies)
- Sol Ro Tower (4 replies)
- A QUEST! (10 replies)
- How do you quad othmir? (11 replies)
- lvling from 58-65 PLSE HELP (9 replies)
- Your EQ setup (12 replies)
- The Rathe Council (8 replies)
- PoM on Test (0 replies)
- Paw of Opolla/Gynok question (18 replies)
- Behemoth in PoI question..... (3 replies)
- VT Frame (7 replies)
- Best place to solo in PoFire/Other Eles (6 replies)
- Corrupted Aquagoblins not spawning after Tainted kill (10 replies)
- fungi camp in seb (9 replies)
- Duo in EP's? (4 replies)
- Solo'ing in BoT (8 replies)
- Howling Stones (internal) key question... (10 replies)
- 65 AA solo spots (29 replies)
- 60 to 65 (17 replies)
- Differences in Soloing with a Manastone (4 replies)
- Taskmaster in Echo Cavs (0 replies)
- Soloing - BoT (7 replies)
- Pooped up faction (4 replies)
- Respawn times for epic (1 replies)
- Soloing for spectrals (2 replies)
- I need your help tailors (9 replies)
- Halls of Honor wierd aggro. question..... (3 replies)
- Bertox and druid debuffs (13 replies)
- Is Askr BoT quest needed for e-Plane access (1 replies)
- Will you be buying LDoN? (3 replies)
- sacred water...knights in the tents in valor (13 replies)
- Trivial Failure (3 replies)
- Casual Players Growth Part #2 (15 replies)
- A few suggestions if possible (0 replies)
- Character Growth (10 replies)
- Summoning Mobs (5 replies)
- PoS Zone-in area question (2 replies)
- The Uber charm slot figurine (4 replies)
- Loot. Casuals vs Raiders (4 replies)
- /assist Europa.. [on some epic camp help] (7 replies)
- Autumn10.. with him or no? (1 replies)
- Quad kiting in Maiden's Eye? (6 replies)
- Halls of Betrayel Chardok Quests (1 replies)
- Guide to Terris Thule (4 replies)
- charm kiting (13 replies)
- ChardokB Infomation (23 replies)
- errrm. (1 replies)
- Question for those with AC knowledge. (1 replies)
- Need advice on POM (15 replies)
- PvP competition, advice requested (14 replies)
- Been away... Looking for some good solo spots 55+ (2 replies)
- PVP - Druids murdering Rangers (32 replies)
- group pureblood? (1 replies)
- Help with Athele faction (4 replies)
- Help raising chardok faction (9 replies)
- Grummus Strat Guide (0 replies)
- pulling Phinny (10 replies)
- A Question for Epic Holders about Camps (12 replies)
- Leveling? (25 replies)
- Soloing PoP Summoners (16 replies)
- Static spawns - Where you can safely go afk (8 replies)
- "Must-Do" Quests/"Must-See"Hunting spots (5 replies)
- Can I get Talsmen of Benevolence Solo? (6 replies)
- Need something better than my Newbie Armor (1 replies)
- PoM (8 replies)
- MQ Epic parts? (3 replies)
- New run / Walk animations for new models (1 replies)
- LDON (2 replies)
- paw of opolla and testament of vaneare or spiritom (0 replies)
- Getting AA at 65? (6 replies)
- WAOH this 26 and a half druid needs some info on wisdom gear (2 replies)
- PoFire Solo? (6 replies)
- Level Restricted Spells .. nerf or necessary? (0 replies)
- PoV Camps (2 replies)
- Druids, how long to find pickup group? (9 replies)
- Plane of Tactics solo (1 replies)
- Charm Kiting (13 replies)
- DC able mobs in EPlanes? (7 replies)
- What direction would you like to take your druid? (9 replies)
- Best 2-box? (7 replies)
- Advise for the masses, help us survive the planes (26 replies)
- HoH Mini Tactics (1 replies)
- I need help on how I could solo Ely's in UP (7 replies)
- Need some tactics please :) (4 replies)
- Warden of Tunare quest - necro in LF (9 replies)
- Trivial loot code (8 replies)
- New alla forum format (1 replies)
- a grezlan cub - dc mob in storms (7 replies)
- 61 dru, 57 sk (3 replies)
- Tactics Solo'ing (12 replies)
- Help for a 55 Druid (8 replies)
- Quests for a bored 65 Druid? (29 replies)
- Stormfeather (2 replies)
- Trials (1 replies)
- The Druids Grove's new home (or not!) (2 replies)
- Shield of Bane Warding Skull Drop Locs (4 replies)
- any suggestions of Lord Yelinek faction hits? (10 replies)
- Spell book suggestions... (8 replies)
- Gear Upgrades in Raid Guilds (3 replies)
- Named Vamps in TM (6 replies)
- quick faction question (5 replies)
- Druid Duo Quadding (8 replies)
- Shawl 7 question (6 replies)
- Need advise on how to Pling a 52 Cleric (5 replies)
- Befallen Free Horse: Try before you buy. (1 replies)
- Sleeper's Tomb Key - How? (4 replies)
- New Ranged slot item quest for priest classes (9 replies)
- Good place to solo and get good loot at 33 (2 replies)
- My corpse rotted need gear (19 replies)
- Poll #2: How Cynical Are you? (7 replies)
- FAYDEDAR!!?? (7 replies)
- What "extra" would you like next expansion? (10 replies)
- The Uber vs Non Uber Debate (5 replies)
- Epic Question (5 replies)
- Flag removal (1 replies)
- Thurg faction (3 replies)
- Plane of Tactics - Soloing? (8 replies)
- Leveling from 61-65 you mainly gained exp by (11 replies)
- Charisma and Charming. (11 replies)
- Quadding the boats in Dulak (11 replies)
- Soloing at 54... where? (9 replies)
- Castle of Decay (2 replies)
- Soloing in PoJ (9 replies)
- Farm able mobs? (1 replies)
- Soloing in POV / POS .. is it possible? (19 replies)
- Pop (Tier 1-3) loot (6 replies)
- quick charm question (14 replies)
- The Solo ability (9 replies)
- Would you wear a leather hat (1 replies)
- Can you solo in BOT (11 replies)
- Help on epic faction pls... (5 replies)
- Turning in OLD planes armor ??? (6 replies)
- Lowbie Quests & Strats for New Server (3 replies)
- White Dragonscale Boots (3 replies)
- What is your pet peeve ? (0 replies)
- element zones (3 replies)
- PL'd... and no skills... Read... (2 replies)
- Faydedar (2 replies)
- Powerleveling Post 30 (5 replies)
- Most efficient/quickest way to 1-65 (18 replies)
- What is this for? (4 replies)
- Druids role in Sleeper's Tomb (7 replies)
- Getting into Chardok (18 replies)
- Changes made to the HoH key Quest (1 replies)
- Epic question (8 replies)
- What do you want the most. (1 replies)
- Plane of Torement (4 replies)
- So, I was bored and got to thinkin... (9 replies)
- 1k Plat? (15 replies)
- Faelin in Burninwoods (2 replies)
- Pure Blood Quest help needed (9 replies)
- Waht single thing would you do to improve EQ? (0 replies)
- very NEWB question! (2 replies)
- Quest for a 35? (6 replies)
- The junk beast (1 replies)
- link to steelwarriors: re: group flags (1 replies)
- Can druids slow? (23 replies)
- Epic MQ (5 replies)
- Luggald Flesh? (3 replies)
- SONH dragon ring (1 replies)
- PoP Summoning Mobs (7 replies)
- Where did you Quad ? (8 replies)
- advice on gettin from 38 to 42 solo (8 replies)
- EQ 1 vs EQ 2 - What are you going to do? (15 replies)
- Storybook POP Alt Flag Quest 1.02 (2 replies)
- Story Research Plus - New Spell Research Story Guide (1 replies)
- UI - Storybook POP Alt Quest 1.01 (0 replies)
- Tactics Alternate Quest (8 replies)
- Quad kiting Guide ? (7 replies)
- Charming in PoP (2 replies)
- Lodizal (5 replies)
- Stuck at 52 (10 replies)
- HoH xp nerf (12 replies)
- Best way to deal with spiders after the Behemoth? (10 replies)
- Enhanced Root Description Change (2 replies)
- Tuesday 4/8 - Damage Shield nerf :( (22 replies)
- cash (14 replies)
- Venril Sathir solo (35 replies)
- Drunder - Solo? (3 replies)
- PoV/PoS (1 replies)
- Ice Burrowers? (8 replies)
- HéHé (3 replies)
- Tunarian Scout (2 replies)
- Lvling for Druid Duo on Sullon Zek (4 replies)
- Vex Thal Key Advice (11 replies)
- Charming hand in mobs? (8 replies)
- Overseer Wrank in Torgiran Mines (2 replies)
- Drunder (8 replies)
- ZEM (7 replies)
- Vindi head MQ (7 replies)
- Where? (6 replies)
- Help me decide on a sig please. (5 replies)
- Question about Nadox (7 replies)
- Mercenary assignments in new skyshrine? (1 replies)
- >: Grrr I must be the dumbess druid on server/Epic (4 replies)
- Chardok map/walkthrough needed (3 replies)
- CoD (2 replies)
- druid guides... (1 replies)
- Since POP has Charm been your primary exp method? (2 replies)
- Hates Fury (2 replies)
- 29 Dru 34 warrior duoing question (7 replies)
- Mana Sieve (5 replies)
- Katta Guards in Katta Castellum (6 replies)
- Need a hunting guide for level 20-35 (2 replies)
- PoS Mini-Boss Tactics (3 replies)
- Location of Undead Weapon Master? (26 replies)
- Dinos or horses who is better? (0 replies)
- Safe spot in WW? (5 replies)