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10-23-2004, 02:28 AM

:banghead: :crazeye: :duel2: :gunfight: :axe: :mad2: :burn: :mad:

....can't raid without them, can't kill them....

*ahem* i feel better now

10-23-2004, 02:41 AM
clerics? warriors?

10-23-2004, 03:00 AM

Sobe Silvertree
10-23-2004, 03:07 AM
smokes? I thought u didn't smoke!

10-23-2004, 07:16 AM
Sounds like Chenier's guild is having issues again...:)

10-23-2004, 09:37 AM
Smoking Pies?

10-23-2004, 10:11 AM
My bet is on lack of clerics.

Same problem my guild is having on Fennin. I haven't been playing but I watch the forums and it seems that the guild is gravitating towards two-boxing clerics which is a new step for us. The servers have been picked clean of the good high level clerics who play often enough to raid consistently.

WTG SOE! It's nice to see that the healing issue is still so out of whack that the game is "stuck" at the upper end. Slows progression so SOE has more time to finish things without it being as obvious as a broken quest.

harvey the dog
10-23-2004, 10:31 AM
its actually more like the fact that people are leaving EQ cause the game isn't even close to what it used to be, and you are really only noticing clerics missing cause they are so integral to the success of a raid. thats what SOE gets for making 2-3 classes a necessity and making many of the support classes of marginal worth.

10-23-2004, 11:57 AM
no, just group in particular....

and i'm out of scotch.../cry

10-23-2004, 02:28 PM
It was paladins. They didn't have enough paladins. NOT!

10-23-2004, 10:02 PM
Well, there's one thing we can be sure of... it wasnt a lack of druids! ;;

10-24-2004, 09:34 AM
Bah! I saw "/Rips open front" on the main forum list and came here hoping for a Boobie thread :P

10-24-2004, 11:06 AM
no, just group in particular....

and i'm out of scotch.../crySo look at the bright side. A "free night" to make a Scotch run! :)

Tidil Natura
10-24-2004, 11:06 PM
/hands out the southern comfort.

Barain Melangell
10-25-2004, 01:40 AM
Nothing worse then having 48 people setting there waiting for clerics to log in so you can raid.....=(

10-25-2004, 03:35 AM
it wasn't waiting for a particular class to log in...but it was about a particular class and how much that stereotype felt so true...

but dat's all i'm saying...

10-26-2004, 06:29 AM
not trying to start a war here. but maybe if the cleric class was more fun to play there might be more of us around.

this is my opinon not the whole EQ's. not is it mean to start a flame war just stating how i feel at times playing a cleric (which i have not done for personal reasons)

10-26-2004, 06:45 AM
I find a cleric pretty fun to play, granted i dont play one full time so i cant really have perspective.

Whats not fun about cleric class imo is the stress of having to log in and the blame etc, i think the class itself is pretty fun. at least in GoD and beyond, I could see CHC after CHC getting boring tho,

10-27-2004, 12:55 PM
Well, there's one thing we can be sure of... it wasnt a lack of druids! ;;

Actually on Mith Marr there have been several raids lately that have been druidless no matter how much they searched. I took my SK to an Idol/AoW raid in Kael the other day and they couldn't find enough clerics or any druids so it was held up for two hours. They finally found 3 Clerics, one shaman and no druids. been the only druid on 3 PoP Raids lately and one of 2 or 3 on all the other raids.. Outside of PoP and OoW epic raids, I think I have seen maybe 5 lv 65+ druids in the past couple weeks and all of them have been in WoS. Our guild had about a dozen druids before which was our main raid healing force and now there are 3 which are all playing alts instead.

11-05-2004, 11:44 AM
On Karana the general mindset seems to be "who needs druids? We have clerics."
Ya clerics are better healers but they can't haul your tailend out of a bad situtation in the click of a AA, can't nuke the bejezzus outta a mob then hit it with 5K worth of dots.
And they can't get you across Bloodfields in two pushes of a portal spell.
Love my druid.
Jacks of all Trades we are.
:boohoo: :gunfight: :whistle: :lol: :box: :duel2: :mage01:

11-08-2004, 04:21 PM
Bah, at least you're raiding.

The guild I'm in on Veeshan hasn't raided anything worthwhile in over a month. Nobody logs in anymore =( think Fennin was our last biggie.

As for Druids on Veeshan, apparently we're only good for Kiting groups ><* I bought OOW on day one, and I have yet to get a single group invite. I went to WoS and /ooc'd 68 Druid, LFG!!! for a while, and people were rude ><* 'no druids here' 'sure, you can join us as bait!' and other crap like that ><* Hate Veeshan sometimes...

11-08-2004, 06:22 PM
If its any consolation, no love for wizzies either. I haven't even tried with my shaman, I'm so disheartened. My druid's getting close to where she can try, too, but I don't hold a lot of hope.

I look to the other post regarding how easy/hard it is to find runes....and again, utterly discouraged. My family-style guild has all but died, and while I have a couple close friends I sometimes hook up with, they aren't often on with my play times.

I have the worst time getting groups. I really don't know where to turn any more. After a hard day at work, I come home looking forward to playing for an hour or two....

....then after that first hour, I isn't going to happen. I'm going to sit here, with kei ticking down......ok, now I'm cutting it real close to bedtime if I want to be functional at work......please no more baking to kill the time (fishing is already at 200)

Is this what it feels like when its time to quit? Sometimes I feel like the Leper of Norrath!

11-11-2004, 06:14 PM dont find the waiting around fun? BAH...its like...suspence and excitement all in one!! got me on this one =P Would frustrate me too

69 Druid of Nightwatcher
Seventh Hammer

11-11-2004, 07:12 PM
If its any consolation, no love for wizzies either. I haven't even tried with my shaman, I'm so disheartened. My druid's getting close to where she can try, too, but I don't hold a lot of hope.

I look to the other post regarding how easy/hard it is to find runes....and again, utterly discouraged. My family-style guild has all but died, and while I have a couple close friends I sometimes hook up with, they aren't often on with my play times.

I have the worst time getting groups. I really don't know where to turn any more. After a hard day at work, I come home looking forward to playing for an hour or two....

....then after that first hour, I isn't going to happen. I'm going to sit here, with kei ticking down......ok, now I'm cutting it real close to bedtime if I want to be functional at work......please no more baking to kill the time (fishing is already at 200)

Is this what it feels like when its time to quit? Sometimes I feel like the Leper of Norrath!
Yes, it's time to quit. WHY WHY WHY put yourself through that kind of disappointment when you could be out doing something FUN whether it's RL stuff or just a different game.

11-11-2004, 08:37 PM
guys...we have many cleric and wizard visitors to the DG, so I would prefer we curtail our cross class bagging...

y initial primal scream was not against any particular class....was just against people who were annoying me....

11-14-2004, 11:40 PM
I 2boxed a cleric & shaman in EQ 1. The OOW expansion was so incredibly laggy that I couldn't play any longer (oddly, I can play EQ 2 just fine...) Also, my guild powered to 70 faster than you can punt a gnome, and they wouldn't group with me. If I tried to get a WOS group, I'd be told "We already have a cleric." Never mind that I could play either cleric or shaman inside group, have the other char outside group, have added DPS and heals. If guilds don't take care of their players, and form cliques to get to 70, yeah folks are gonna leave :(