View Full Forums : Points at Lower Levels

09-18-2003, 07:43 AM
Suppose I start a new enchanter and get him to level 20. At that point I play exclusively in LDoN and save all my points for spells. I win the adventures every single time, never failing for any reason, but it does take more than an hour for each adventure because I'm not twinked (much). All my gear (including every one of my Kunark spells, PoP spells, etc.) comes from bazaar. I never hunt in Kunark, Velious, Luclin, or even Odus at all, ever, not even to do quests... so of course I'll never get my epic or quest armor or anything from any raid anywhere.

I decide to save all my points to buy LDoN spells. No items whatsoever, just spells. Therefore I never adventure in Guk or Miragul's either, because my spells aren't sold in those themes. I also skip some of the less important spells such as Ordinance, Bounce, Protection of Alendar, and the lower level trap spells, only going for the spells that are irreplacable:

Wuggan's Greater Appraisal (L34, 60 points)
Wuggan's Greater Extrication (L34, 60 points)
Wuggan's Greater Discombobulation (L34, 60 points)
Reflect (L58, 450 points)
Bulwark of Alendar (L63, 650 points)
Color Cloud (L63, 650 points)
totals: 1930 points by L63

Level 20s often get zero points per successful adventure, I kid you not... but let's assume I always get at least one point. As I level up I'll get more and more points. Here's how it will probably break down:

Levels : adventures : points

20-29 : 25 : 25
30-39 : 33 : 100
40-49 : 40 : 240
50-54 : 25 : 300
55-59 : 30 : 600
60-62 : 20 : 650
63-64 : 15 : 750
totals: 188 : 2665

I'll be able to afford all three trap spells sometime around level 44. I'll ding level 63 before I get enough points to buy my level 63 spells. And this is a pretty extreme example. Any normal player would want to experience some of the other zones in EQ, do his epic quest, do some raids, buy some items with type 3 slots, etc., and would probably fail a few adventures. So he'd end up with far fewer LDoN points.

I believe that the points rewarded for successful adventures should be increased, or perhaps the point cost of spells should be decreased.

Lyria Whisperwind
09-18-2003, 09:11 AM
Yep spells are stupidly priced. Hmm .... should I buy one spell that goes in my book of hundreds, or should I buy this FT1 augment item that affects every single thing I do for almost the same price?

Lyria Whisperwind
09-18-2003, 09:13 AM
Another example: You can buy *2* 50hp lifetap procs for a dual-wielding melee class for the same price as some of the level 65 spells.

09-18-2003, 10:38 AM
<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I believe that the points rewarded for successful adventures should be increased, or perhaps the point cost of spells should be decreased.[/quote]

Both should be done, but with more emphasis on the latter than the former. How SOE could fail to take into account the levels of characters earning these spells and the miniscule to non-existent awards they earn just boggles the mind when it seems so simple.

If SOE insists on having the spells be bought with points, then they should have set the prices on the spells so that a character of a given level could buy all the LDoN spells in a particular circle before dinging the next level (while assuming a 1:1 win/loss ratio for balancing the costs vs. rewards). For instance, a level 9 druid playing in LDoN should be able to earn enough points to afford a drastically cheaper Remove Minor Curse before hitting level 10; a level 14 druid playing in LDoN should be able to earn enough points to afford the entire Level 14 "Reebo's Lesser ..." line before dinging level 15; etc. Or, for the "casters shouldn't get their spells easily"-types, at least set the prices so that a player can earn enough points to buy them within two levels of dinging (ie., 14th level druid able to buy "Reebo's Lesser" by level 16 or 17). :) Then again, can a player under level 20 even enter LDoN? I haven't tried with a sub-20 alt yet to see what happens. Hmm, perhaps I should RTFM? lol

Unfortunately, they can't increase low-level rewards much without having to adjust the cost of augments and other gear upwards dramatically to keep it out of newb hands. Ergo, the spells should be made <strong>much</strong> cheaper than what they are and just enough rewards given so that low-level characters have enough points to buy them.

Alternately, if balancing the cost of spells vs. the cost of gear vs. the awards given to low- and mid-level players is too difficult for SOE, perhaps they should just make the spells purchasable with plat off the adventure merchants. At least do so with the low level spells so that players actually have a shot at getting them before they outlevel the usefulness of the spells before having enough points to buy them.

Almost anything is better than the current situation. I also think the higher level spells are too expensive given current point awards and costs of equivalent gear, but that's another topic, I guess. :)

Aldane Aglond
Ayonae Ro

borblefoot furtoe
09-18-2003, 08:18 PM
Yuppers from what I have heard from lowlevel friends and read about on the various boards they need to re-evaluate the rewards given to low levels and the costs of the low level spells.

On the high end things are just about right though.
They need to tweek the collection missions either with drop rates or more time. right now the collection missions are subject way to often to the randomness of the RNG. And possible look at increasing the point rewards for doing a dungeon at hard level at 65. As right now most 65's I know won't go near the hard level for an extra 25 points when they can breeze through the normal level adventures.

Borblefoot Furotoe
Storm warden
Ancient Darkness
Firiona Vie Server

09-19-2003, 02:30 AM
I think they need to reevalute the rewards also. I think they concentrated too much on the level 65 crowd and not enough on the lower level. My 65 char can get 51 points per mission where my 45 Paly get 7-8 (depending on other members of group level). Thats 20 levels difference yet 1/6 the the point reward.

I don't believe under 20 characters can use LDoN, the expansion only ever mentioned adventures for 20-65 characters.

Not only that the original 6 point items on a vendor can be bought without doing any adventures in that theme, so for spells to become affordable for low levels they WILL need to be 6 or less points, meaning purchaseable form the vendor without an adventure in that theme.

Raeshal Ebonclaw
09-22-2003, 10:40 PM
They concentrated so much on the lvl 65's cause that's what all those goofy people on beta made. Can't tell you how many tells I would get a day from a lvl 65 (betabuffed of course) bst asking me how to summon a pet. Glad I wasn't adventuring with any of *them*.