View Full Forums : Seriously, what the XXXX is wrong with SoE?

12-15-2004, 05:54 PM
Ok, maybe they didnt want to make an emergency patch to fix one epic effect, I can deal with that.

I cannot, however, put up with the fact that it took them THREE months to fix a KNOWN bug in someones goddamn EPIC. To make matters worse, they didnt even FIX it, they made it do something WORSE than the nothing it did before. Seriously, who the **** hired the programmers at SoE? I now actually wish they HADNT done anything to our epic, id rather it do nothing than have it do what it does now. This is just stupid bull@#$@, its not funny and its unacceptable.

12-15-2004, 06:30 PM
br0ken epic.

druids are the new bards, we're broken after every patch! :D

12-15-2004, 06:53 PM
what, if anything, does it do now?

12-15-2004, 09:05 PM
It now BLOCKS all DD damage until it wears off, nice eh? :lmao:

12-15-2004, 09:05 PM
as far as i know, u cant nuke ur target anymore with the effect on, ur spells wont do any damage. Sony blows

12-15-2004, 09:19 PM
Ask yourself does this really surprise you??

12-15-2004, 09:32 PM
this isnt really a major issue seeing as 99.999% of the mobs resist our epic effect anyway :P

12-16-2004, 02:25 AM
Works now... but the 5% is not even a guaranteed 5%... so actual longterm effect is 2.5%. What a joke. They better put a brand new spanking respectable effect on Druid epic or there are going to be a lot of Druids cutting SOE off and getting their MMOG fix from WoW. I liked this effect better when I was laughing at SOE's "immune" mistake. Now I'm just pissed and disgruntled.

12-16-2004, 05:34 AM
Works now... but the 5% is not even a guaranteed 5%... so actual longterm effect is 2.5%. What a joke. They better put a brand new spanking respectable effect on Druid epic or there are going to be a lot of Druids cutting SOE off and getting their MMOG fix from WoW. I liked this effect better when I was laughing at SOE's "immune" mistake. Now I'm just pissed and disgruntled.

inor nitpick, but since it's random 1-5%, the average effect over time is 3%, not 2.5%. If it were random 0-5% then you'd be right.

Kryttos Arcadia
12-16-2004, 05:49 AM
we love you Alua =p

Mannwin Woobie
12-16-2004, 06:28 AM
I hope you realize SoE now has you complaining about it not working, instead of complaining that is is total cr*p whether it works or not.

Don't let them sucker you in. We all know it sux, whether it is working as intended, or not :bs:

harvey the dog
12-16-2004, 03:49 PM
Nice to see the administrators being consistent. I didn't use the F word a single time bashing SOE and not only did i get banned for a (week?), but notice i have lost my title AND my "TDG SUPPORTER" tag for posting anti-SOE sentiments, even though i donated to this fansite AFTER i had quit playing.

12-16-2004, 03:58 PM
Nice to see the administrators being consistent. I didn't use the F word a single time bashing SOE and not only did i get banned for a (week?), but notice i have lost my title AND my "TDG SUPPORTER" tag for posting anti-SOE sentiments, even though i donated to this fansite AFTER i had quit playing.

gtfo and bitch somewhere else.

Kryttos Arcadia
12-16-2004, 04:32 PM
lvl 65 Storm Warden of Karana

edit your sig Toprem. i doubt your still 65 =p

12-16-2004, 04:37 PM
Hmmmm What a great effect it could have been if it made us immune to AE/nuke damage! Granted that was the unintended "fix" but still...

12-16-2004, 05:12 PM
edit your sig Toprem. i doubt your still 65 =p

Im lazy :O/ i havent changed any of my sigs, they all still say Im 65.

Kryttos Arcadia
12-16-2004, 05:34 PM
hehe i know how that is. i wasnt 70 till like 5 weeks after OoW.. course i was putting all the effort towards epic =p

12-16-2004, 06:40 PM
hehe i know how that is. i wasnt 70 till like 5 weeks after OoW.. course i was putting all the effort towards epic =p

I am 70 now and have been for a while :OP, wasnt lvl 70 til i was b/c of the same reason.... damn ****ty epic...

12-16-2004, 07:29 PM
The incompetence doesn't bother me as much as the intentional screwing over. Someone decided it was not worth an hour or two of programmer's time to make a fix to the secondary forte/spec bug that actually was fair. I'd bet they pretty much did a one-liner, check for 2 specs over 100, and call the subroutine used by the Temple of Ro reset specs quest thing on you if it came back true.

I bought 2nd forte and just used it normally, didn't power up casting or anything, and my 2nd was a little over 100 just due to use, but was not 200. Easy to see that, do a check, set the one that was not 200 to 100, done. Instead, all my specs are set to 49, and I get the joy of spending hours standing in a corner casting low level spells to return my main spec to 200. Heck, if they had folks with 200 on two, they could have set both to 100 and still saved a lot of time. But no, forcing hundreds, maybe thousands of players to waste time is apparently easier than a programmer actually doing something.

Kryttos Arcadia
12-16-2004, 07:29 PM

12-17-2004, 06:18 AM
The incompetence doesn't bother me as much as the intentional screwing over. Someone decided it was not worth an hour or two of programmer's time to make a fix to the secondary forte/spec bug that actually was fair. I'd bet they pretty much did a one-liner, check for 2 specs over 100, and call the subroutine used by the Temple of Ro reset specs quest thing on you if it came back true.

I bought 2nd forte and just used it normally, didn't power up casting or anything, and my 2nd was a little over 100 just due to use, but was not 200. Easy to see that, do a check, set the one that was not 200 to 100, done. Instead, all my specs are set to 49, and I get the joy of spending hours standing in a corner casting low level spells to return my main spec to 200. Heck, if they had folks with 200 on two, they could have set both to 100 and still saved a lot of time. But no, forcing hundreds, maybe thousands of players to waste time is apparently easier than a programmer actually doing something.

Wrong thread much? And go download the old autofire program and let it do that for you, way easier that way.

12-17-2004, 08:37 AM

12-17-2004, 11:59 AM
<3 Aluaeia