View Full Forums : Stop complaining about druids

Niomia the druid
01-24-2005, 03:45 PM
Ok, why is every single thread in here about the underratedness or underpower of druids? Frankly, I see alot about the class that makes us awesome:

1. What other class can speed buff, HP str and regen buff, heal, dot, nuke failry well, port, charm, make travel simple (soe , invis, port, lev), root/snare, and is both group and solo friendly? DRUID and DRUID only. And dont try arguing the point. No... dont bother. Sure, our heal ISNT the cleric heal, our buff ISNT the shaman buff, our nuke ISNT the wizard nuke, our dots ARENT the necro dots, our charm ISNT the enchanter charm and our pot9 ISNT KEI... SO ****ING WHAT? Who else can you get with ALL of that wrapped into one? Who can you invite to a group who brings dot/nuke dps and heals and buffs and a mana regen spell and a simple way out of a dungeon?

2. Succor and evac- sure, wizards get them, but I guarantee you that your group is VERY thankful when it is needed.

3. Teleports- no, not obsolete. Every time my group or guild is in ssra or greigs end or any other dungeon and we go deep in, there is nothing like being ported instantly out when everyone is done rather than fighting back out. and dont argue "well, everyone else gates" I promise you if you have melee in your group no one gates out, you all fight back up so that your melee is safe and sound. Not to mention: ports directly into places books arent: wos, for instance.

4. druids get good armor, you have to work for it- our ornate isnt bad, and the GOD armor is AWESOME.

5. underrated- who cares? if people dont want you in a group b/c they think druids arent good then stop your crying and go solo a while. Druids are great soloers. And you may indeed have to sell yourself to a group, explain what you can do and show how you'd benefit the group. 9 times out of 10 youll get the group. Everquest isnt about skyrocketing to the top, getting everything and beating every boss right away... although thats what it seems to have been made into. Its about a slow, ongoing process. If I cant get a good group in oow or something for xp, ill go do another part of my epic 1.5 , oor work up my tradeskills in prep. for doing the coldain shawl quest, or go farm a shard or two for my VT key, or get some guildies together to tie up some unfinished quests anyone might have. IF YOU MAKE THE GAME ALL ABOUT THE GRIND YES YOU WILL BURN OUT.

Well, if you dont like druids why are you on a druid board writing about how you play a druid? I have an easy solution. /delete /newtoon (insert class here) or /cancelaccount

and for those who complain... :eusa_booh its the world's smallest violin playing a sad little tune just for you.

whiney, bitchy, and disgruntled druids give the rest of us a bad name. You choose the class, now play it to the best of your ability or make a new toon.

01-24-2005, 04:53 PM
Not every thread here is bitching and moaning. The majority are discussions about abilities, tuning etc.

A lot of the things that you mentioned are pretty much now obsolete in OoW and GoD; Charming, soloing (for great exp), speed buffs (run5/horse anyone?). I don't think too many people anymore are complaining about gear, unless it is the effect.

01-25-2005, 04:08 PM
This thread makes me LOL and ROFL. I love my druid but simply denying faults that are clearly marked and observed on our class makes someone completely ignorant

4. druids get good armor, you have to work for it- our ornate isnt bad, and the GOD armor is AWESOME.

LOL... well maybe if you exclude the asstastic BP and the legs, which i personally have and hate.

if people dont want you in a group b/c they think druids arent good then stop your crying and go solo a while.

You probably didnt solo your whole lifetime like the rest of us !

Well, if you dont like druids why are you on a druid board writing about how you play a druid? I have an easy solution. /delete /newtoon (insert class here) or /cancelaccount

Because we love the druid class? and want to fix problems within the class?

whiney, bitchy, and disgruntled druids give the rest of us a bad name. You choose the class, now play it to the best of your ability or make a new toon.

whiney, bitchy and disgruntled druids that act like those close minded clerics that come here and rant everytime a healing balancing discussion comes up ... or those mages that come into our board to bitch about our supposedly incredible DPS give the rest of us a bad name.

Wait are you sure you aren't one of those?

01-25-2005, 05:01 PM

It IS all about the grind when all you do is solo while LFG for hours. As far as GoD armor is concerned, the legs/bp are crappy and I wouldn't loot them if they were rotting. People have discussions here in order to find workable solutions to issues with the Druid class. Trolls and "Go play another class" mentality don't help at all. It happens on all the class boards and is absolutly worthless.

If I cant get a good group in oow or something for xp, ill go do another part of my epic 1.5 , oor work up my tradeskills in prep. for doing the coldain shawl quest, or go farm a shard or two for my VT key, or get some guildies together to tie up some unfinished quests anyone might have

That big long list of **** to do dosn't apply to many of the posters who want to have certain aspects of the class fixed. We don't 'beat bosses' right away. It takes time and skill, and I'll be damned if some class balancing wouldn't hurt.

Niomia the druid
01-25-2005, 05:40 PM
Let me ask you this: how is a class that can practically do everything NOT balanced? And as for the GOD armor... Oh IM SORRY, some of us are still wearing ELYSIAN and think it is pretty darn cool for something you get practically for free. I clicked on Nimchip's magelo to make sure we were talking about the same god armor and yep, I was. The problem I think you have Nim is you have enough hp and ac to tank, im sure enough mana to take down anything you want. I remember reading posts back before the cap raise of 65 time gearded druids soloing vindi, VS, gore, wuoshi, any ww dragon.... and yet youre omens and GOD equipped and lvl 70...probably could take all these down without so much as breaking a sweat... maybe its not about class balance for you and others like you, maybe you just find youre done, or close to done, with the game.
For people like me who's guild isnt a GOD raid guild yes, the god armor is awesome. And yes, i soloed up till 46, did justice groups until 49, soloed again till 55 and have grouped mostly since but do get some solo action every once in a while.
Its a valid point that yes, our heal is not on par with OOW and that does suck... but thats not our job now is it? Leave the heals to the cleric. In fact, I found out the only thing a druid heal is really used for thesedays: ourselves. Because for some reason clerics dont feel obligated to heal druids with agro, I heal myself while getting my ass kicked. Dot nuke and add in some dps, if someone dies and there is a cleric in your group its not like youll be to blame.

The thing about EVERY class is that they have strengths and weaknesses. Everyone here wants to eliminate the weakness, which is essentially breaking the class. not a single class in the game is perfect, its all a matter of how you play your own class and do it the best you can.

Personally, i wouldnt bug sony about druids... they ****ed over every soloing power bards had... a little hit to druids wouldnt be much to them.

I guess what Im really tired of hearing is how upset people start in with "**** soe Im quitting my account." .... yet, you still see them around... It really bothers me that people who would push for radical change are too addicted to stage their own demonstration... going weeks without EQ let alone quitting all together. No one is here to hold your hands... if you want change push for change... complaining about it on this forum is not pushing for change, its whining.

Sobe Silvertree
01-25-2005, 07:42 PM
Normal for a class board to talk about their class -

- Reading those Discussions from an outside perspective would of course look at this like they are whining.
- Some will be very happy with the class no matter faults or what not - thats just the way it is and there is nothing wrong with that.
- Not everyone will be happy but the grove allows our community members to discuss their class with their peers - so if you see a discussion that you totally disagree with - bring your points to the table.

Complaining about other people complaining welp.. hmmm

01-25-2005, 07:43 PM
You just can't take a hint, can you....

Admins have been notified.

01-25-2005, 08:05 PM
I wanna see a druid soloing Vindi; klandicar and sontalak are a bit easier but still doubt a druid can solo em. When was that? pics and logs please.

01-25-2005, 08:13 PM
I wanna see a druid soloing Vindi; klandicar and sontalak are a bit easier but still doubt a druid can solo em. When was that? pics and logs please.

No one can solo Klan, he is a damn blender. And Sont would dispell you and rape you cause he hits like a truck.

01-25-2005, 08:20 PM
I can do Kland to about 35-40% right now, won't be able to solo for another expac or two. Wouldn't count on Sont ever being soloable. Vindi should be eventually, sooner rather than later with the pet availability.

I'm going to concur with Top about Niomia though. Just crawl back under whatever psychopathic rock you came from and leave us to our productive criticisms :P

01-25-2005, 08:24 PM
I guess what Im really tired of hearing is how upset people start in with "**** soe Im quitting my account." .... yet, you still see them around... It really bothers me that people who would push for radical change are too addicted to stage their own demonstration... going weeks without EQ let alone quitting all together. No one is here to hold your hands... if you want change push for change... complaining about it on this forum is not pushing for change, its whining.

Yes im tired of that and always been. But that's why we take the time to actually speak up of issues that don't make our game as fun as it should be. If we remain quiet, it would be worse cause we would hide ourselves in the shadow of conformity until we're bored out of our minds.

I for once wont cancel my account any time soon, that's why i still discuss these issues. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if that was your intention (to denounce people that say sony sucks, i wanna quit, etc) in the first place, you shouldn't have gone that way and insult your own class. That's just my 2 sents

01-25-2005, 08:50 PM
I guess what Im really tired of hearing is how upset people start in with "**** soe Im quitting my account." .... yet, you still see them around...

I cancelled my account. I found I was playing my paladin outside of raids as I had nothing enjoyable to do with my druid since she never got a pickup group within 2 hours. My paladin could get invites within 30 minutes to better groups despite having worse gear (LDON/ornate compared to elemental) and 300 less AA. Between wondering why I was playing my paladin as she was never going to raid, and wondering why I was playing my druid as I never used her outside of raids, I decided to play neither. Poor class balance wasn't the only reason I quit, but my characters certainly lost a lot of their appeal.

There are people with different game experiences to you, many of them who've been in your position and then played on much further too. Please don't just rant at them and accept the game is fine. It wasn't in my time and probably still isn't today.

Niomia the druid
01-26-2005, 12:42 AM
Holy God. Thats all I have to say.

You people have made me lose all faith in the human race. If you cant debate a simple topic wihtout going into personal insults then you have no ability to defend your own points, you only result to "youre the poopy head" mentality of children.

I didnt insult druids. Druid is the one and only class i play. I happen to think they are pretty damn good how they are and I was merely stating that look, we dont have as much to whine about as some people seem to think. As for Vindi, youll have to check msg boards for the topic, but i remember when it happened. If you dont believe me thats fine, Im not out to impress anyone, especially people who say such mean and hurtful things over an expressed opinion ON A GAME none the less.

You also have no, and I mean NO, humanly right to say "You are a ****ty druid that needs to die." and "I know want you to go out and shoot yourself in the head before you have the chance to breed. If you have alread bred, kill your children too." Because, unlike you, I am living for alot more than my next eq session.

If you express your opinions you SHOULD PREPARE TO HAVE THEM ****ING CHALLENGED> ITS CALLED DEBATE ITS CALLED PHILOSOPHY AND IF YOU CANT HANDLE THAT THEN DONT OPEN YOUR IGNORANT MOUTH. I can deal with people challenging what I posted, I posted it knowing full and well every whiner crawling the board would come here and disagree but you have no ****ing right to tell me I should die. If you cant defend your points of arguement without personal attacks then dont hit that post button, all that will result is an ignorant post.

Do I care that people will quote my entry over and over again and say whats "wrong" with every part of it? No, that doesnt bother me. If people can show why Im wrong then do it, I like debating. If I want to think and express that druids are a good class then I will, if you dont like them dont play them. That was my point. Thats it. I dont think that requires death threats.

Im moving on to get Top banned from the boards, you sick waste of air.

Niomia the druid
01-26-2005, 12:45 AM
And Aven, you wish to express psychotic? Telling someone they should flat out die is very sociopathic. Dont attempt to diagnos me or anyone else, you are not qualified to do so.

01-26-2005, 02:18 AM

Yes, but debate is usually framed within the context of factual evidence, which you have yet to express in your posts thusfar. Here. I will explain what I disagree with.

Often, those members of these forums who debate class balance issues are players who would not do any of what you suggested we do while LFG because it's outdated content.

Let me ask you this: how is a class that can practically do everything NOT balanced? And as for the GOD armor... Oh IM SORRY, some of us are still wearing ELYSIAN and think it is pretty darn cool for something you get practically for free.

True. My Druid is wearing Elysian. I believe what we're really getting at with regards to Qvic armor is that for Druids and other classes 'key' pieces like the bp and leggings were poorly designed.

Its a valid point that yes, our heal is not on par with OOW and that does suck... but thats not our job now is it? Leave the heals to the cleric. In fact, I found out the only thing a druid heal is really used for thesedays: ourselves.

Druid and Shaman heals, while arguably not the primary function of the class, can sub for a Cleric in most group situations. "Leave the heals to the Cleric" is a pretty ignorant statement, especially in light of threads like : Clericless MPG Trials Win (

If you cant defend your points of arguement without personal attacks then dont hit that post button, all that will result is an ignorant post.

Like yours have been. You also posted in the Rant forum. What the hell were you expecting? Mother Theresa?

01-26-2005, 03:23 AM
This thread makes me lol.

Niomia the druid
01-26-2005, 09:08 AM
Id disagree. My post was not ignorant. Has anyone heard of the philisophical premises theory for a true arguement? It is that if your premises are true then your conclusion is true. Ergo:

1.Druids have a wide variety of skills from all casters in the game (ie buffs like shamans, nukes like wizards, dots like necros etc. no, this isnt saying just as powerful)
2. Something described as having a wide variety of skills in multiple areas can be called Well balanced
3Therefore, Druids are well balanced.

Solid. And the problem with this is I come from a forum board that discusses philosophy, politics etc etc and while this is a solid way of proving your point to the extent that yes your conclusion is true it just doesnt seem to fly outside the realm of intelligent debaters. it bothers the masses. And yes Juniper, as I stated I had said that I posted knowing full and well I would be challenged, my problem falls with having my life threatened. Im not "dishing it out and not taking it" But I WILL NOT tolerate personal attacks.

And I would like to state the things to do while lfg is not outdated. Epic 1.5 or even 1.0 is not outdated. Helping guildies is not outdated. Tradeskills are not outdated. The problem you and others have with that is for you the game only contains EXP EXP EXP. As far as youre concerned, your guild may only be a leg up for your own benefit, or tradeskills dont exist at all . Its all about the one more lvl, the one more AA. Hey, they were just suggestions. If you dont want to do them, dont, by all means proceed to sit around lfg and complain about not finding a group. I dont care what you do with your time. I weas just showing that yes, there are other things to do instead of sitting there.

And no one cares the thread makes you LOL. You were the one posting "penis" on random posts.

Sobe Silvertree
01-26-2005, 09:45 AM
Threat has been removed -

As for the personal attacks - they stop here.
As for the who said what where when and how.. coming to a board and stating that we are giving everyone else a bad name.. reading what the original poster stated. Flames should have been expected even if a debate was intended.
Your on a Druid Board - unfortunately when you start attacking the core and heart of a Druid they dawn their Darkelf Mask and let loose especially in a rant forum.
I do not like banning people at all but when they threaten someones life IRL - well they reap their own consequences no matter who they are.
Though the original poster intended more or less controversial post and feels that he/she is a defender of all thats good in the druid; the post has turned into more or less who has the biggest "Scimitar" and we have all seen these types of post before and should understand that these types of post get us no where.

I like Cheese Cake.
If your intent is to get banned for at least 2 weeks then sure continue to post personal attacks and ignore my warning.

Thank you for listening,

Sobe Silvertree
TDG Network Admin
The Druids Grove

01-26-2005, 10:34 AM
Sociopathy and being psychotic are not remotely the same. Your posts show that you are clearly out of touch with the reality of the druid class. The rambling incoherency complete with displays of overemotional, illogical ranting show someone who certainly isn't functioning well within the social context of these boards.

Sociopathy is characterized by a chronic antisocial personality and behavior. Wanting someone dead doesn't make you a sociopath. Why don't you go learn basic definitions before making assumptions about the validity of what someone is saying.

Lets look at the rest of your posts. You make broad generalizations with completely false premises that are out of date and irrelevant. You can't spout off about basic logic and inference when you're deranged. You are irrelevant until you display some calm rational thought based on facts and not opinions.

01-26-2005, 10:40 AM
The biggest issue that many of us are trying to highlight is not that there isnt anything to do while lfg but that everything you can do while LFG is not in anyway helping you to advance or keep up with your guildies.

Im sorry but why should we have to do tradeskills and solo and whatever else we can be doing instead of having the same ability as everyone else to get a group and earn XP? If one class cannot get a group and is thus relegated to doing things that dont involve any meaningful progression then that is not balanced. If other classes can get groups and get levels and thus get better gear and abilities then wouldnt the druid eventually be so far behind that they would thus be unable to play with thier friends?

So if someone told you that - "Im sorry you can't get a group, you have to spend the next year just doing tradeskills and soloing stuff that will give you maybe 1% of the xp that everyone else is getting at your level" Im asuming by your post that you would be happy to do this - keep in mind that you will not be getting any upgrades to your gear while you are soloing since you cannot solo anything that would drp an upgrade for you, maybe you could farm spiderling silks?

01-26-2005, 10:41 AM
One thing I don't get is how everybody is always complaining about not being able to get a pick-up group, and sitting with /lfg on for hours without getting a tell.

Have you actually tried starting your own group and /tell'ing all the people on /lfg to see if they want to join it? Taking the initiative helps a lot! Plus it's fun to build a group and lead it.

I understand that sometimes /lfg isn't chock full of the Holy Trinity...but you can usually get a decent group least on my server. Maybe I'm off because I'm only 56, but I figure if there are plenty of 55-62 people to group with, there are probably some higher levels too!

01-26-2005, 12:03 PM
You people have made me lose all faith in the human race. If you cant debate a simple topic wihtout going into personal insults then you have no ability to defend your own points, you only result to "youre the poopy head" mentality of children.

I'm sorry what? Wait you mean your post is clear of any of this mentality? You came in here kicking the door and screaming, complained about nothing, offended the mayority of people here, then you expect people to get goody goody with you?

The only one that should make you lose faith in the human race is YOU.

Do I care that people will quote my entry over and over again and say whats "wrong" with every part of it? No, that doesnt bother me. If people can show why Im wrong then do it, I like debating. If I want to think and express that druids are a good class then I will, if you dont like them dont play them. That was my point. Thats it. I dont think that requires death threats.

You sure boggle me, DO YOU REALLY THINK WE HATE OUR OWN CLASS IF WE POST HERE DAILY? Do you really think we don't like our class if we PLAY IT DAILY?

Im moving on to get Top banned from the boards, you sick waste of air.
whiney, bitchy, and disgruntled druids give the rest of us a bad name.

Hey you know what? You're in the internet if you didnt know. You know... the place where even if you win arguments you're still retarded, the place you can see **** freely, the place were insults fly and good honest folks use their "darker" side to take care of people online.

If you are offended by what somebody said in "the internet" and you posted a thread in "the internet" saying how we give druids a bad name, expect people to be as offended to things you said in "the internet" as much as you were offended by what somebody posted in your own thread that is in fact in "the internet". And you know that most threads in "the internet" won't come true in RL anyway.

Actually you know what.... you know your own thread title "Stop complaining about druids". Lol it's ironic because that's the same thing you're doing, you are complaining about us who are druids too.

01-26-2005, 12:15 PM
Ah come on Sobe, I read those posts b/f they got erased, that guy deserved to be flamed for his stupidity :rolling:

Oh as for the original poster:

y post was not ignorant

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>ig·no·rant ( Fq%3Dignorant) ( P ) Pronunciation Key ( (


Lacking education or knowledge.
Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: <CITE>an ignorant mistake.</CITE>
Unaware or uninformed.

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>I fail to see how they were not ignorant.

01-26-2005, 12:25 PM
It is that if your premises are true then your conclusion is true. Ergo:

Not if your original premisis are flawed there, Socrates. Especially your second one. Just because you have an ability does not make it balanced, it just means you have that ability. Druid DoT spells for example, could be stepped up to increase their overall dps without bringing any threat to Necromancers. So could nukes with Wizards. So could heals with Clerics (well, not so much this last one. They seem an easily offendable bunch). I also don't get why you feel Druid buffs are inferior, by saying things like 'they aren't Shaman buffs'.

Having a full spectrum of abilities, while nice can create an identity crisis of sorts. With SoE reviewing roles in raids and groups, and class definitions, it sure would be nice to know what THEY think a Druid's role is. Our discussions aren't 'bitching'--they are trying to hash it out.

Tradeskills [and other things] are not outdated. The problem you and others have with that is for you the game only contains EXP EXP EXP.

Also not true. It's all within the question of what you find 'fun' and 'rewarding'. If the game only contained xp for me, my main would not have epic 1.5 at all, would have FAR more AA, and I would be in primarily storebought gear. If it appears as though all some care about is xp, it isn't because we've shunned other activities, it's because that's all there's left to do for some players and that's a HUGE problem.

Niomia the druid
01-26-2005, 01:29 PM
Im done with this site and particular community. Its evident that everyone just twists what you say anyways. Such as "Your on a Druid Board - unfortunately when you start attacking the core and heart of a Druid they dawn their Darkelf Mask and let loose especially in a rant forum." I never attacked druids, When did I? When I said we have a lot of good abilities? When I said that druids should educate potential groups as to what they bring to a group as a means of getting a group ? When i said druids are a great, well rounded class? No I didnt. The only thing I said that could possibly be misconstrued as insulting druids was saying whiney druids give other druids a bad name. And thats not all druids, thats the small percentage. The problem is people go into a rant forum stating "**** soe **** soe im quitting the game they are stupid" and for some reason this behavior is highly praised by others doing the exact same thing. Then you get one person who points out there isnt really good call to complain so much and the whineyness just effects everyone else who plays the game.

I dont have a lack of understanding of the class, hence 4 years and 64 lvls. So yes, I am quite knowledgable of the druid class. God forbid someone say "hey, lets look at the glass half full!"

But Im gone, "that other forum" tends to have more mature people anyways.

NOTE: I will no longer be viewing this thread or site in general.

01-26-2005, 01:38 PM

01-26-2005, 02:34 PM
Stop with the mindless crap, better show me some logs druids killing vindicator etc. solo. Whoever that has said that

01-26-2005, 02:35 PM
We win again Aveyn! :D

01-26-2005, 03:43 PM
It is that if your premises are true then your conclusion is true

We must do something to improve druids.

aking all druids look like bixies is something.

Therefore we must do it.


I for one am looking forward to my new druid look

01-26-2005, 03:53 PM
Im done with this site and particular community
I think I speak for all of us when I say HOT DAMN.

hence 4 years and 64 lvls. So yes, I am quite knowledgable of the druid class. God forbid someone say "hey, lets look at the glass half full!"
I wouldnt say thats knowledgable, I would say thats slacking off if you've been playing the same character 4 years and are only lvl 64.

Mannwin Woobie
01-26-2005, 04:14 PM
Of course, Niomia would sound much more believeable if he (she) was just another cleric troll in disguise. Hmmmmmmm......

01-26-2005, 04:28 PM
A person could have all the abilities in the world, but it still wouldn't make a difference. What people look for in a group is how good the ability or abilities are and what a character can do. The truth is, content in velious, luclin, and even early PoP has become outdated with the recent skills and spells that I have seen. Many classes have received enormous jumps in skills (paladins, shadow knights, and clerics) while druids repeatedly receive skills that are frequently no improvement at all. Do people want a class that has a bunch of abilities at their displosal? Sure, but not if those abilities are worthless or unable to contribute to the goal of the group.

One can say druids get a ton of awesome abilities, but if you truely look at it, it becomes obvious that druids only get them 2 or 3 expansions after they were needed. The typical group when I played consisted of a healer, tank, 2-3 dps, and usually one filler spot for a backup tank, extra healer, or extra dps. Druids certainly can't tank, druids are laughed at when considered dps in newer content, and the heals are barely able to keep the druid alive, not to mention the huge aggro that almost all spells put on the druid.

As for druids soloing, that's a relic of the past. SOE nerfs any chance of druids being able to solo that is worth the time and effort. Also many of the "famous" times that druids killed big_boss1 often was due to a bug in pathing or such that was nerfed soon after.

aybe druids would be more popular if SOE gave druids the ability to make popcorn? :epopcorn:

01-26-2005, 04:52 PM
Of course, Niomia would sound much more believeable if he (she) was just another cleric troll in disguise. Hmmmmmmm......

annwin wins! Flawless victory!

01-27-2005, 10:53 AM
I think this picture pretty much sums up this thread. My apologies if it offends yah.

01-27-2005, 11:29 AM
That joke never gets tiring...Wait, no, it does :shuffle:

01-27-2005, 11:45 AM
Druids certainly can't tank, druids are laughed at when considered dps in newer content, and the heals are barely able to keep the druid alive, not to mention the huge aggro that almost all spells put on the druid.
Two words here .. Bite Me.

I play the druid Shamarra on the Karana server..she is a first rate healer and can and HAS healed places like MPG w/ a good tank. Solo Healed too I might add.. for DPS..well she is often as not dps.. the she nukes for a respectable 2K+ .. not bad dps.. snares..buffs.. so quit your whining.. its not our fault you haven't spent the time to develop your druid..aa's really are your friend.. but don't diss my class because lack of effort on your part does not constitute a deficiency on mine.
Get over it, better yet..go start another toon of a class you feel has 'better' ability then the druids..I grow increasingly weary of such continual displays of self pity.

01-27-2005, 11:54 AM
LOL, I wish the druid class was so perfect as the origional poster seems to think. Sure you can do lots of different things but none of them are unique or even the best, our abilities are watered down versions of what specialists have and groups don't want watered down, they want the best.

as for Shamarra, because you can heal in MPG makes everything ok? Hell shaman's can main heal in MPG. I regularally main heal in Riftseekers, but we still are far from being a needed class. We have many deficiencies, most notably any form of a group heal, which to me is the biggest thing we are lacking right now. Guess I better get back to developing my AA's so I can mythically contribute more...

01-27-2005, 12:57 PM
Two words here .. Bite Me.

I play the druid Shamarra on the Karana server..she is a first rate healer and can and HAS healed places like MPG w/ a good tank. Solo Healed too I might add.. for DPS..well she is often as not dps.. the she nukes for a respectable 2K+ .. not bad dps.. snares..buffs.. so quit your whining.. its not our fault you haven't spent the time to develop your druid..aa's really are your friend.. but don't diss my class because lack of effort on your part does not constitute a deficiency on mine.
Get over it, better yet..go start another toon of a class you feel has 'better' ability then the druids..I grow increasingly weary of such continual displays of self pity.

I put the effort into making a 350 AA elemental druid with good gear and reputation. I did solo heal guild groups in places like PoE (this is before GoD). I so rarely got pickup group invites that I started a little paladin and despite having less than 30AA and ornate/LDON quality gear she always got pickup invites. More than that, my paladin had to often turn down invites to some great places that were just too tough, but my capable druid never got invites to the same content. Go figure.

It was not for lack of effort or dislike of my class that I found myself essentially unwanted for a majority of interesting game content. Please accept that some people have found serious game problems that are not the fault of the players themselves!

01-27-2005, 01:18 PM
Two words here .. Bite Me.

I play the druid Shamarra on the Karana server..she is a first rate healer and can and HAS healed places like MPG w/ a good tank. Solo Healed too I might add.. for DPS..well she is often as not dps.. the she nukes for a respectable 2K+ .. not bad dps.. snares..buffs.. so quit your whining.. its not our fault you haven't spent the time to develop your druid..aa's really are your friend.. but don't diss my class because lack of effort on your part does not constitute a deficiency on mine.
Get over it, better yet..go start another toon of a class you feel has 'better' ability then the druids..I grow increasingly weary of such continual displays of self pity.

Wow it seems our friend is back with another nick!!

Hey you know what? I have main healed RS, not mainly because of my ability as a druid but mainly because i have the mana to do it and also because we have top notch tanks. Solo healed MPG? Big f*ck*ng deal. 2k nukes? That's a LOL right there. Snares in mpg? Well true if they dont get resisted. BUFFS!! Oh buffs! jesus.

Next time another reply like this comes up i'm going to have to start using lists again. First of all we love our class therefore we fight to obtain group desireability and slightly more efficient heals among other small things. Second of all developing a druid, hmmm... i'm assuming you mean heal AAs and stats/mana regen AA, which i'm sure all druids get as a priority minus those that like to nuke... so I don't know what you're talking about. Gear? Newsflash, not all druids can get high end gear easy or fast enough... or at all.

And actually, Chlorotrope with full heal AAs? STILL SUCKS. It is not a heal, it's a goddamn mana eater. The fact that people prefer it over Sylvan Infusion boggles the hell out of me.

But I think the one fact that summarizes this thread is the fact that people are such conformists when problems are evident, which makes me grow increasingly weary and makes me sick.

01-27-2005, 01:59 PM
The fact that people prefer it over Sylvan Infusion boggles the hell out of me.
I wish I could get SI.... /sigh

01-27-2005, 02:57 PM
I've had SI since the first week GoD was out wuwuwu.

The mana whoring tendancy of Chlorotrope was most painfully demonstrated to me on a Qvic raid where i was in a group with no cleric or paladin, and of people who had crappy resists. On the first Msha I went oom at ~20% after starting fight at FM and doing nothing but click epic 1.0 and heal with chlorotrope. Second Msha I switched to SI, same group, started fight at 70% mana, ended at 30%, and that's including keeping wasp swarm up on the Msha as much as possible. My relevant foci at the time were Preservation of Xegony, Quickening of Mithaniel and Marr's Gift. I've since upgraded Marr's gift to Discordant Healing, which makes SI even better, and even though it improves chlorotrope too, I never heal for full with chlorotrope except for an occasional spot heal when transitioning tanks while the CH rot is still adapting.

01-27-2005, 04:48 PM
I regularally main heal in Riftseekers, but we still are far from being a needed class. We have many deficiencies, most notably any form of a group heal, which to me is the biggest thing we are lacking right now. Guess I better get back to developing my AA's so I can mythically contribute more...

Better idea.. go develope your attitude some instead. "any fool can critisize, most fools do."

01-27-2005, 06:02 PM
Always check your spelling before you call someone else a fool.

01-27-2005, 08:16 PM
But I think the one fact that summarizes this thread is the fact that people are such conformists when problems are evident, which makes me grow increasingly weary and makes me sick.


I love playing a Druid, but with each expansion since PoP, it gets a little harder to do so. The Druid class has problems that need to be addressed. I'm praying that they actually take look at our class issue list when they are re-envisioning (ha) the classes.

01-28-2005, 01:26 AM
Better idea.. go develope your attitude some instead. "any fool can critisize, most fools do."

its not our fault you haven't spent the time to develop your druid..aa's really are your friend.. but don't diss my class because lack of effort on your part does not constitute a deficiency on mine.

Hmm... we need to develop much guys.

01-28-2005, 09:40 AM
So lacking any actual point to make..break out the grammar police. How cute. Now did you actually have something constructive to add to the discussion or were you more entertained watching yourself type?

Since so many who claim to play druids are disappointed with the druids abilities let throw this into the discussion at hand <which btw isn't grammar or spelling>

1. What would you change.
2. How would you change it.
3. What would you add? How would you add it?
4. Have you, as a group, sent any emails? letters? /petitions or attempted, through constructive and assertive methods, to rectify the problems so continually addressed on these boards?
5. Has anyone been able to make those meetings with the developers? Have you even tried?

Now, back to your regularly scheduled whinefest, someone pass the cheese.

01-28-2005, 09:54 AM
1. What would you change.
2. How would you change it.
3. What would you add? How would you add it?
4. Have you, as a group, sent any emails? letters? /petitions or attempted, through constructive and assertive methods, to rectify the problems so continually addressed on these boards?
5. Has anyone been able to make those meetings with the developers? Have you even tried?
1) Go read the general forum threads, there are 2 right now iirc.
2) Same as 1.
3) Same as 1.
4) Yes.
5) Sort of, and Hell yes; respectively.

01-28-2005, 11:58 AM
If you're going to stir things up Shamarra, check your facts out first and look at the history and content of these boards before throwing accusations. The wishlist compiled by Sony's nominated druid class respresentative is a good place to start. You might also want to be careful with your insults if you're going to use them so liberally.

Sobe Silvertree
01-28-2005, 12:10 PM
We are the only Druid board that SoE list as a Druid Class Board (Fansite); we have a representative that SoE brings out to <st1:state w:st="on"><st1 ="">California</st1></st1:state> and allows on their private class boards for discussions about our class and other classes. His posts are well known on this board and he reports his findings back to SoE on the discussions at hand. Basically he takes a general consensus of information; ask the questions and reports back to the Druid Community at large.

A lot of times people just don't understand what goes on in these forums.. sometimes people are unhappy with the class abilities, spells etc.. so they talk about it. Whats important to one person may or may not be important to the masses; it all depends on gear - raiding environment - soloing - casual playing etc. As a whole this is what the Druid Representative looks at - the entire picture IE: The BIG picture. He doesn't lean any which way he remains very neutral on his findings and that is important to our class as a whole. So when you see someone complain about something.. it may or may not impact you.. but to those it does impact they express their feelings either in support or not to support - These statements are weighted against the whole and those questions are asked to the entire community either via voting or statements; debates etc. This is a Discussion forum - some discussions or when closing in on an up coming expansion start to increase.. you start seeing more and more post about the current power level of the Druid Class. Many of the post seem to "paint" a darker picture because as a whole the Druid Class does not want to be left behind when the expansion hits.. so people start to throw ideas and concerns on the board and they look for support from the community.

Does this work?

Sure does - The Druids Grove has proposed more changes then any other druid board and those changes have been seriously looked and many have been approved by those who are in charge. Developers really seriously look at every change in the game; sometimes we as a community do not like it but the truth be known the system that Sony has put together does work - the success of the game shows you this. Note: That the New Generation of games should not be weighted against the 5 almost 6 year old game.

So yes we do talk to the Developers directly through the Druid Community Representative. I always state to let your views be known but discuss it .. don’t call everyone a ****ing this or ****ing that and that they are whining when in fact many of the times they are just venting.. IE: Ranting and letting off steam in a Rant Forum which was created just for that purpose!

Also as the original poster did and unfortunately took my statements to heart – DON’T take a GENERAL statement that I am making to everyone and take it personally, if I don’t name you directly and say your name or refer to you as the original poster - then please consider reading it as a GENERAL statement to all that are reading the post. I own and run the boards; I make a general statement to all that are reading and considering posting.

As for the orignal poster and to others that are reading this - if your going to threaten to leave the boards and never come back.. then don’t stick around and observe the damage that you have accomplished after I just banned a community member for “personally threatening you”. If you are going to stick around then repent and come clean on your feelings and quit taking chit so dam personally – it does state in the description of this forum.. The realm of the Unkempt Druids. General discussions for the thick skinned only! - I mean come on.. you said it yourself in your original post:

Well, if you dont like druids why are you on a druid board writing about how you play a druid? I have an easy solution. /delete /newtoon (insert class here) or /cancelaccount

This statement alone is quite an old statement and many do not understand how difficult it is.. you don't want to leave.. but you want to instil change towards the class so you don't have to leave.. just the orignal poster stated when stating that he/she wouldn't return to the boards (the Druids Grove) - He/she single handedly wanted to change the attitude of some of the community members of this community because they were ranting in the rant forum - at the same time you were ranting about the ranters (don't say that to fast tongue twister!) - thats all fine.. but when you threaten to leave the boards and go back to that other forum (basically they SOLD OUT to Supersales; buy plat anyone?? heh) where people supposively there are nicer community members; which last time I posted the Moderator that has no history of our boards tried to pawn me ( :P ) .. well quite frankly.. I don't understand the statement you made about people being nicer.. unless you mean they will agree with you and not question your intentions.)..

So I will say this once.. either sit or get off the pot.. I don't mind if you stick around; but integrity wise - don't make statements you don't mean; a bit like when someone says.. I am going to cancel my account if SoE doesn't change stuff!

NOTE: I will no longer be viewing this thread or site in general.
( Last Activity: Today 01:06 AM

- See.. even SoE understands this.. most of the time many do not mean it.. or quite frankly that person was just looking for a reason to leave.. or they just simply had a bad day and was venting! /shrugs - its like dealing cards and bluffing.. never know unless you pay for the hand.. I pay for the hand each month ;)

01-28-2005, 03:56 PM
And now you realize why I posted Bush's mission accomplished sign. People who go around screaming "OMG WELCOME TO IGNORE!!!" much like Niomia always come back. They're like herpes and bad foot odor.

01-28-2005, 07:07 PM
I would rather support a site that isn't sponsored by stinking plat sellers, even if sometimes the regulars are a bit nasty.


Niomia the druid
01-28-2005, 07:30 PM
If you are going to stick around then repent and come clean on your feelings and quit taking chit so dam personally

Fine. Not that anyone ACTUALLY wants to hear about my feelings on the subject, I guess I'll state them anyways Sobe

1. Yes, I visited this site because it happens to have the greater walk through for the druid epic, curiousity tore through me and I did end up reading the damn thread.

2. The only thing I was ignorant about was thinking that logical reasoning and debates lacking personal attacks could be held with the every day person. Reality is they only exist among true students of philosophy and likewise societies, both physical and online.

3. Not to stereotype women but I am a 19 year old woman and yes, comments really do hurt my feelings. I have never EVER had any ONLINE entity of a person make me cry but the things said resulting from me stating my opinion were so mean and hateful. I realize it said for the thick skinned only, and I can handle INTELLIGENT debate, having my opinions picked apart and proven wrong... that is what I assumed was meant by being thick skinned. But something else happens, low and shallow personal attacks. Like aven, it isnt nessisary to compare me to a sexually transmitted disease. I was ignorant to think real discussion could be held on a board about a ideo game without lowly attacks. My personal feeling to this: I hope youre happy big men... you made a young girl cry because you dont think before you type nor can you avoid personal attacks (NOTE: this doesnt nessesitate response, SOBE asked me to repent and express my feelings and thats what Im doing)

4. Shannara (if I spelled it wrong, Im sorry) and I are not the same person. She is what I can only assume to be one of those lurking on this thread who feel the same way I do but at least had the balls to speak up. Thank you, Shannara. When the opinion is the unpopular one, those who feel the same tend to remain silent in an effort to not be flamed. But then people like me dont have any backing from others like the side doing the flaming has, believe it or not my opinion is not original.

5. Finally, the apology: Im sorry that my post offended people. I shouldnt have been hypocritical in my writings to come off as a ranter about ranters, had I taken the time and thought it out a bit better it would have come out as a better informed post that didnt complain about complainers. Im sorry that I called people whiney, we are all here because we love the druid class and thats how we should be like: a group of people sharing a loved, common interest. But I too, believe I deserve an apology for the name calling. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and a right to express that opinion, you can have an intelligent conversation even if you dont believe the opinion being stated, and thats what I'd expect. Rant forum or not, we are all adults and should act like it, so the name calling and cheap shots should be left out of it.

As a side note: My opinion has come from 5 years of everyquest, believe it or not I am not new to the game. And I took offense to whoever said I was a slacker/ bad druid since I was only lvl 64 after 5 years of play: Ive had school, recently started college and have had jobs since I was 15. Not to mention friends to be with and, now, a fiance. And I guarantee everyone on this board that SOE will raise the cap again before I hit 70. I am looking at the next 7 years of my life being hardcore college courses, I should not be reprimanded for lacking ingame because I have a rich real life. I stated my opinion under the basis of "the glass is half full" and tried (ineffectively) to show others that there are good thing about the class too.

So, once again Im sorry for this entire thread and would hope others to apologize as well.

-Naturewalker Niomia Stormraven
64th druid on XEV
<Social Anomaly>

Iilane SalAlur
01-28-2005, 07:54 PM
the world doesn't work this way. but welcome to unkempt anyways.

01-28-2005, 07:57 PM

Sobe Silvertree
01-28-2005, 07:58 PM
Shamarra is not Niomia vice versa - (can see the IPs) etc, investigate - obvious post from before, experience.. etc.. etc.. etc.

Thats fine Niomia - As for right now; I will be closing this post - its not doing any good.. anyhow. If other community members would like to apologies or at least tip your hat.. go for it.. just be man/women enough to take it to private messages. - And remember if not - ignore works on these boards; except on me!