View Full Forums : Used to have too many druids, now theres not enough! <guild recruiting>

Froggerx Xreggorf
03-29-2005, 11:07 AM (

Collective Assault on the Saryrn Server is currently looking for druids 1 - 3 to be exact, We are almost done with uqua (got barxt to 95% last time and had an unfortinuate death, pretty sure next run we'll down him or the one shortly after). We raid everyday from 8:30est/7:30cst until midnight or so. Sometimes we start earlier, sometimes we end earlier, sometimes we end later, a few days ago we were going til 3am. Currently we raid ikkinz1-4, pixtt suir mindrider, primal reptile/insect/arachnid, chailak, feratha, heyda sorrowsong, tyrian the tormented(server first), tarn icewind, hulcror, lirah the bridgekeeper, and much more... We believe in quality over quantity, so our standards are sorta high and we expect alot in people. We want individuals to see new things, meet new people, get better gear, and have *fun* while doing it, because after all thats what we play this game for. We've been known for doing more with less, ex; ikk1-3 with 20, clearing fire+fennin script with the low 20's among other things. We are not the best guild on the server, not the worst guild on the server, about 5th or 6th serverwide as far as progression goes.

Anyways, if this is something you may seem interested in, goto ( check out our site and if you have any further questions you can ;tell saryrn.froggerx ingame or email me at

Thanks for your time, goodluck.

03-29-2005, 05:25 PM
Alot of the high end guilds are now short on healers due to EQ2 and/or WoW and are now lowering standards to accept the lowly Druid.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand it's nice to be wanted and on the other I have some bitter feeling towards guilds who used to think it was funny to list:

Druids: Level 71 required or "Druids need not apply"

Now not all high end guilds were like this but I bet we all know more than a few :)


P.S. I'm not saying this guild was like this but I wonder what the number of allowed druids were pre EQ2/WoW vs now :)

Froggerx Xreggorf
03-29-2005, 08:01 PM
Alot of the high end guilds are now short on healers due to EQ2 and/or WoW and are now lowering standards to accept the lowly Druid.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand it's nice to be wanted and on the other I have some bitter feeling towards guilds who used to think it was funny to list:

Druids: Level 71 required or "Druids need not apply"

Now not all high end guilds were like this but I bet we all know more than a few :)


P.S. I'm not saying this guild was like this but I wonder what the number of allowed druids were pre EQ2/WoW vs now :)

Erm, I haven't ' lowered " our standards in awhile, i've raised them alot though. Were not one of the guilds that wont speak with you one day and will call you filth, then the next want to have your babies because they need xxxx class so badly. We dont need druids for healing, we've got 8 clr's, we need druids for kiting, porting, buffing, nuking, charming, and anything else the class intails =)

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
03-29-2005, 10:31 PM
We dont need druids for healing, we've got 8 clr's, we need druids for kiting, porting, buffing, nuking, charming, and anything else the class intails =)
You're kidding, right?

03-29-2005, 10:32 PM
If your druid's don't heal, that may very well be why you died to barxt at 85 percent.


Froggerx Xreggorf
03-30-2005, 12:50 AM
We have one druid...and we wiped to barxt because I was retarded and wasted defensive on devastating construct.

03-30-2005, 02:06 AM
We have one druid...and we wiped to barxt because I was retarded and wasted defensive on devastating construct.

Lol I wouldn't worry about it :) learning encounters is part of the fun of raiding in EQ.

If you did everything right first time it would be boring :beerchug:

03-30-2005, 02:20 AM
Lol I wouldn't worry about it :) learning encounters is part of the fun of raiding in EQ.

If you did everything right first time it would be boring :beerchug:

Barxt is alot of things, not sure Boring would be one of them ;x


03-30-2005, 04:41 AM
Lol I wouldn't worry about it :) learning encounters is part of the fun of raiding in EQ.

If you did everything right first time it would be boring :beerchug:

I suggest you to have two seperate tanks for him, 1 tanking the construct and other standing at barxt and being rdy to tank him when he becomes active. Whops is this a spoiler? :lmao:

03-30-2005, 05:43 AM
Uqua is about as fun and entertaining as a boiling acid enema.

03-30-2005, 09:56 AM
Uqua is about as fun and entertaining as a boiling acid enema.

I'm interested - tell me more about this form of entertainment!

Froggerx Xreggorf
03-30-2005, 11:06 AM
I suggest you to have two seperate tanks for him, 1 tanking the construct and other standing at barxt and being rdy to tank him when he becomes active. Whops is this a spoiler?

Yea I know, we do it with one tank on the golem, one on barxt(me), split up peeps, at 35% a pally and knight pick up the 2 druid/channelers while the raid gets away from the ae and burns down Barxt.

03-30-2005, 12:09 PM
You need to neuter some of your clerics and make them into druids. :axe:

And no, you can't have any of our druids :halo:

03-30-2005, 12:25 PM
Yea I know, we do it with one tank on the golem, one on barxt(me), split up peeps, at 35% a pally and knight pick up the 2 druid/channelers while the raid gets away from the ae and burns down Barxt.

It's a lot easier if you burn the golem down asap before killing barxt.

Froggerx Xreggorf
03-30-2005, 12:52 PM
barxt is tethered to the golem I thought? We've tried to run him off to the other side of the room with a WS ranger before but he just ran back, and we were sure nobody else got aggro when he became active.

03-30-2005, 01:26 PM
Erm, I haven't ' lowered " our standards in awhile, i've raised them alot though. Were not one of the guilds that wont speak with you one day and will call you filth, then the next want to have your babies because they need xxxx class so badly. We dont need druids for healing, we've got 8 clr's, we need druids for kiting, porting, buffing, nuking, charming, and anything else the class intails =)

Never meant to suggest that your guild was one but many Druids has a sore spot because for years guilds simply did not want us. You could be the best person and most skilled in your class but guilds would not even look at you. Sure they needed a few Druids for select buffs and such but after 2-4 Druids that was enough.

I'm glad you have so many clerics in your guild that Druids do not heal for you but many guilds are short clerics and are only now turning to druids in desparation to try and fill the gaps.

This server merge is going to hurt Druids pretty bad unless SOE gives us some nice fixes. Right now we often get groups due to the lack of clerics. Once these merges take place and more clerics are available it will hit druids pretty hard - maybe no in guilds at first but most certainly in pickup groups.

I hope I'm wrong.... I really do. If SOE would revamp zones this server merge will be a blessing but with the intense competion for runes I fear we will just have a handfull of packed zones and with enough clerics for healing and DPS classes that put druids to shame it will be the druid class that is going to pay.

For our sake I hope I'm very wrong


Kryttos Arcadia
03-30-2005, 02:12 PM
bleh leave him be guys =p Uqua isnt a cake walk, specially with the numbers his guild fields. 25-35ish. Thats impressive otherwise. Dont contradict me tho Frog, praise for your guild comes far and inbetween =p

Froggerx Xreggorf
03-30-2005, 06:32 PM
hehe not looking for praise or validation =P just lookin for some druids ><

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
03-30-2005, 10:08 PM
Why not wizards instead, since you don't plan to have them healing.

03-30-2005, 10:46 PM
Because he said he wants druids. Geez. All you guys bitch and moan about guilds not wanting druids, and here someone (a good guy even!) comes and you guys start tearin him apart. At least show some consistency!

Froggerx Xreggorf
03-31-2005, 01:56 AM
We need wizards too. You know, our one druid, we had to kill like, 4x one night just so we could port out our whole raid? had gaters gate, then killed him rezzed him, he ported group 1, rezzed him back in, he ported group 2, rezzed him back in, ported group 3., rezzed him back in, ported the last group. You guys seem to think you'll be neglected or misused with us or something. (I just carry around 20, 10 dose gate pots per raid) but you guys honestly have no clue on how desperate we are for druids atm.

if your interested, shoot me ingame email, or post here, if your not - Please keep your mouth shut ( I mean this in a nice way, hope it doesn't come off abrasive ) as this offer is for those who are interested in taking a leap of faith.

03-31-2005, 04:12 AM
For the record: Uqua is about as fun as stabbing your self in the legs with a rusty fork while bathing in lemon juice.

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
03-31-2005, 08:38 AM
if your not - Please keep your mouth shut
Posting in a public forum is kinda like standing in a crowded elevator and loudly discussing personal business. Expect comments from others in the elevator :wink:

Don't worry though, one of the changes with the re-envisioning may well be that clerics will receive a spell that sends the raid/group to the cleric's bind :whistle:

03-31-2005, 11:45 AM
We need wizards too. You know, our one druid, we had to kill like, 4x one night just so we could port out our whole raid? had gaters gate, then killed him rezzed him, he ported group 1, rezzed him back in, he ported group 2, rezzed him back in, ported group 3., rezzed him back in, ported the last group. You guys seem to think you'll be neglected or misused with us or something. (I just carry around 20, 10 dose gate pots per raid) but you guys honestly have no clue on how desperate we are for druids atm.

if your interested, shoot me ingame email, or post here, if your not - Please keep your mouth shut ( I mean this in a nice way, hope it doesn't come off abrasive ) as this offer is for those who are interested in taking a leap of faith.

y comment was not a slam on you or your guild in any way. It just brought back some "unfond" memories about what "some" guilds used to do when they had no need for additional druids.


03-31-2005, 02:16 PM
Barxt is a P. I. T. A big time.. I've been part of the raid that kills him three times.. the real key to Barxt is controlling those dammed 12 mezzables.. the faster you kill the golem, we did it in 2 mins last time, the better.. Barxt didn't go untargetable until he was down to 45%.. we smushed the mezzables.. kept our offtanks and chanti's alive.. <Go Druid Spam Heal> then finished off Barxt for the third time.
Good Luck.. Inktu'ta is a wild ride.. and it's next..

03-31-2005, 02:47 PM
lets no go offtopic shall we. Its a recruitment post, not a rant post

04-01-2005, 09:29 AM
This thread has been reopened.
Keep it civil, plsthx.

Removed one post that was an outright violation of the rules (re: personal attacks) and I'm sleep deprived and downright surly this morning, so I won't feel bad about slinging around the DG delete stick if things get out of hand here again.

If you have any commentary about the people posting about recruitment needs and you have concerns that you want to voice, then I suggest you do a post in the thread voicing the concern and then offer to take PMs if someone wants more details. If you're that serious about voicing your opinion, then doing a little more footwork shouldn't be a big deal for you. However, personal/guild mudslinging will not and never has been tolerated here.

04-01-2005, 10:19 AM
Thank you for restoring the thread. In the future I will refrain from making comments about old wounds. I hope this thread helps some homeless druids fine a home in a new guild.


04-01-2005, 03:14 PM
On a side note if you're on a raid without wizards and few druids again, there's a less painful work around. Group the druid with a bard (or use a cleric that can bestow DA) and make sure that DA is up on the druid (and bard for repetition) as his port lands. Extra ports without the corpse mess. :)

Froggerx Xreggorf
04-01-2005, 03:28 PM
ya, I got Pm'd that idea, thanks =)

04-01-2005, 10:28 PM
Bardapult ftw.

Also, people who don't make provisions for getting themselves out of bad places deserve to be slain horribly when I gate.

05-05-2005, 12:53 PM
Burn Golem, then burn braxxt fast u get no adds :p Who needs to kite anyway if they don't get activated... =D

We also lost most of our druids in the past few months, used to have 8 on every night and now we are down to 2, any druid on Druzzil ro looking for a guild that treats them like gods? :rolleyes:

05-05-2005, 01:41 PM
We are down to maybe 4 druids during a raid but during non raid times we have tons of them since it is now so common for a person to play 2 or 3 toons at a given time.

05-05-2005, 02:45 PM
This post is about the only hopeful thing for druids I've seen all day from surfing posts. Someone actually recruiting druids wish I was on your server but I'm not.

Can't play for months yet, I'm overseas. so I just read thru everyone elses posts.

Which could make it to 70 first I wonder a level 66 druid or a twinked cleric starting from 1. O well happy playing folks