View Full Forums : More server merges announced

03-29-2005, 08:20 PM
Taken from

erging Servers

The most recent server merges are complete and both newly merged servers are showing a healthy population and, as with the combined Zek servers, exceeding their previous combined population totals. As such, beginning April 11th and continuing until the completion of the process, we will continue merging all standard rule-set servers. The servers will be merged in the following order, on the dates listed.

4/7 Brell Serilis merges with Cazic Thule and will be listed as Cazic Thule

4/11 Morden Rasp merges with Povar and will be listed as Povar.

4/11 Lanys T'Vyl merges with The Seventh Hammer and will be listed as The Seventh Hammer.

4/14 Tarew Marr merges with Drinal and will be listed as Drinal.

4/18 Mithaniel Marr merges with Saryrn and will be listed as Saryrn.

4/18 Tholuxe Paells merges with The Rathe and will be listed as The Rathe.

4/21 Ayonae Ro merges with The Tribunal and will be listed as The Tribunal.

4/25 Veeshan merges with Luclin and will be listed as Luclin.

4/28 Karana merges with Bertoxxulous and will be listed as Bertoxxulous.

5/2 Innoruuk merges with The Nameless and will be listed as The Nameless.

5/5 Zebuxoruk merges with Xegony and will be listed as Xegony.

5/9 Vazaelle merges with Maelin Starpyre and will be listed as Maelin Starpyre.

5/12 Rodcet Nife and Quellious and will be listed as Quellious.

5/16 Morrell Thule and Erollisi Marr and will be listed as Erollisi Marr.

5/19 Xev merges with Druzzil Ro and will be listed as Druzzil Ro.

5/23 Torvonnilous and Fennin Ro and will be listed as Fennin Ro

5/26 Terris Thule and Prexus and will be listed as Prexus.

5/30 E'ci and Tunare and will be listed as Tunare.

We understand that server identity is important to our customers and we will be integrating server titles into the title system to allow you to display your server of origin, should you desire to do so. The server title system will go live with our April 6th Update.

03-29-2005, 08:27 PM
Bah now I have to decide do I spend the money to reopen the account for one month to move all my stuff/money off my level 5 mules or let em get deleted because I'm not coming back.


03-29-2005, 08:34 PM
Oh man... they really should have merged Drinal and Tunare! Heh! That would be ironic...

03-29-2005, 11:09 PM
Wow, about half the servers are going to disappear.

Does this mean that (a) half the subscribers of roughly 2 years ago have left for WoW/EQ2, or (b) they overestimated the number of future subscribers back then, or (c) instanced zones and other new game features have made it easier to pack a larger population onto one server?

03-29-2005, 11:11 PM
Probly some combonation of the 3

03-29-2005, 11:23 PM
Panamah, why aren't you gloating? :)

03-29-2005, 11:43 PM
This is going to be a major negative impact on high-level raiding guilds. On Xev, being merged with Druzzil Ro - IF what I've heard is correct - both have 4-5 Time raiding guilds. Now one server with 8-10 Time guilds. That's a huge mess.

03-29-2005, 11:49 PM
Man...I actually feel somewhat bummed that Karana is vanishing...

03-30-2005, 02:39 AM
I feel the same way about Mithaniel Marr, Aidon.

Iilane SalAlur
03-30-2005, 04:43 AM
My Innoruuk will be gone too...

03-30-2005, 04:52 AM
They really need to fully instance Plane of Time before they do all these mergers.

Theres gonna be so much crap flying around when you have 5+ time raiding guilds and no rota :frocket:

03-30-2005, 05:24 AM
Definately the same with Zeb and Xegony, 9 time guilds is going to be fun to work out. Qvic scares me too, with 8 guilds there.

I think many of these mergers are coming too soon, but I guess we'll just have to find out.

03-30-2005, 05:56 AM
Oh man... they really should have merged Drinal and Tunare! Heh! That would be ironic...

Silence, I will not tolerate your insolence! :rolling:

It could be good lots of new critical grouping classes should help make things better on Tunare, and hopefully some night owls/foreigners back on our server. Making it well, better to group during the night hours/ non peak hours instead of the persistant soloing many are relegated to. Although I do shudder to think of the extreme high end game now. Anyone from E'Ci here lfg? Welcome to Tunare.

03-30-2005, 06:01 AM
/agree Noken

03-30-2005, 06:33 AM
Wow, about half the servers are going to disappear.

Does this mean that (a) half the subscribers of roughly 2 years ago have left for WoW/EQ2, or (b) they overestimated the number of future subscribers back then, or (c) instanced zones and other new game features have made it easier to pack a larger population onto one server?

I bet (a) has a big part in it. WoW has something like 1.5 million subscribers worldwide. Not all of those are new players in the MMORPG realm and probably a good share came from EQ. Plus EQ2 has 5 or 6 subscribers I hear... those probably came from EQ :)

03-30-2005, 08:50 AM

(for panamah, ya know) :p

Anyway, I logged my cleric on a few months ago, on Vazaelle... she sat LFG in PoK / PTranq for over and hour and a half. Maybe after the merge she might sit there an hour. :p

03-30-2005, 01:02 PM
Taken from

erging Servers

The most recent server merges are complete and both newly merged servers are showing a healthy population and, as with the combined Zek servers, exceeding their previous combined population totals. As such, beginning April 11th and continuing until the completion of the process, we will continue merging all standard rule-set servers. The servers will be merged in the following order, on the dates listed.

4/7 Brell Serilis merges with Cazic Thule and will be listed as Cazic Thule


We understand that server identity is important to our customers and we will be integrating server titles into the title system to allow you to display your server of origin, should you desire to do so. The server title system will go live with our April 6th Update.

This may well be legitimate, but I can not help being suspicious about both timing and the short notice.

Previous merges were announced well over a month in advance, and several repeat warnings about the optional server move were given. Each merge itself took the better part of a day to complete too. And now they announce merges every three days just a little more than a week in advance? The day after a significant patch no less? Can anybody on test confirm that these 'parts of the class reenvisioning changes' have even been tested yet?

Somehow I have the feeling that coming friday has something to do with this ...
Except that it would not really be funny...


03-30-2005, 03:24 PM
/sigh said to see therris thule go byebye its treated me and my friends well over the years although i stoped playing months ago i will still mourn this

03-30-2005, 06:37 PM
So sad... the end of EQ can't be too far off.

Not that I play now, but I hope Cloudien from Thoxule Paells doesn't overwrite Cloudien from The Rathe...

03-30-2005, 09:54 PM
So sad... the end of EQ can't be too far off.

Actually, I see it quite the opposite.
I think a new dawn of Everquest is upon us.

The server mergers promise to streamline the backend of the game making a lighter load for Sony to deal with and lower overhead. It makes servers more populated thus bringing back some healthy old competition and making for more groups inn those quiet off hours where folks are currently bored with no groups.

The game has graphics beyond that which it ever did and each new expansion introduces cool new features and interesting new strategies.

EQ is still a healthy growing game IMO and there's a good few years of fun and life left in the ol girl.

You shoudl coem back and give it a try. I'm sure there's room left for ya <G>

03-30-2005, 11:09 PM
Darn it no merge for Stromm?? I would even have reactivated my account so I could one time move my druid to another server for free!

03-30-2005, 11:34 PM
EQ is still a healthy growing game IMO and there's a good few years of fun and life left in the ol girl.


03-31-2005, 07:03 AM
Don't know anybody there now... it was a big enough effort getting to know people in EQ2 :)

To be honest I don't think I could go back to the "everyone's been there, done that, got the 27th t-shirt" atmosphere, or the killstealing, or the twinking, or the camping, or the huge downtime, or the "a few huge quests" instead of "millions of little quests" like EQ2, or....

ight be interesting one day, but not any time soon :)

03-31-2005, 08:31 AM
Thats cool Cloudien I'm happy youve found a new home you enjoy. Nevertheless, I wouldnt go gravestone hunting for EQ just yet <G>

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
03-31-2005, 08:42 AM
I've made my peace with our merge and the loss of our server name. Unfortunately, I've yet to make peace with SOE. I've never cared for bait and switch tactics or disguising a bitter pill as candy.

03-31-2005, 09:29 AM
Eci can't wait for Tunare.
our server is an old one, hopefully Tunare will be a welcmoe change.
hopefully the population growth will help LFG.

04-01-2005, 05:47 AM
Oh man... they really should have merged Drinal and Tunare! Heh! That would be ironic...

Only if they could have tossed in Mith Marr as part of the deal :D

Then 4 years from now folks on Drinal could still be arguing over what the name of a Camp really is.

04-01-2005, 09:12 AM
It's too bad they did away with the server count. It'd be interesting to see exactly how many people the "low population" server has in comparison to the "high population" server.

04-03-2005, 06:07 PM
main thing im worried about is loosing my bloody name! Got muh druid perma camped in guild lobby between now and then =P

04-14-2005, 04:19 PM
How would you like to be on the server merging with Test :lmao:

04-14-2005, 05:04 PM
Actually, I see it quite the opposite.
I think a new dawn of Everquest is upon us.

EQ is still a healthy growing game IMO and there's a good few years of fun and life left in the ol girl.

Like giving an oxygen tank to a emphysema patient is restoring them to health. :lmao:

Just kidding, I'm sure it'll help the game a lot and go on for many, many years.