View Full Forums : Server Mergers - Being Fair

03-30-2005, 02:33 AM
I was just surfing the Brell boards and it seems some folks from Brell are a bit upset that they are losing their server name. Thats not fair to them.

Some have suggested that the server name be changed to Brell and us CT folks lose our name. Thats not fair to us.

Seems we have a bit of a problem that I would think is a common feeling amongst many folks tonight from many servers.

What I suggest is Sony choose several new name possibilities for each server merge and provide a pop up poll this week when people log in and let them pick their choice for the new server name. The Majority wins. Nobody gets the upper hand on the name and everybody gets their original server title. It's the only way to be fair and avoid hard feelings.

03-30-2005, 03:32 AM
Or we could just get a title that implies where we are from. I like the idea of a vote tho. I'm guessing CT is older than Brell?

03-30-2005, 04:13 AM
I have no clue. The Brell folks claim their server has deeper roots in EQ history than ours. I don't know personally.

I'm willing to find a common ground and choose a new server name for us all. Seems only fair.

03-30-2005, 06:29 AM
I played on CT back when I played EQ. Wasn't CT one of the original servers?

03-30-2005, 07:14 AM
According to the posts on the Live site the name is picked from the server with the highest active population. Which is why CT will retain the name. I'm not sure which server name is older, though I did think we were with Brell.

I admit I'm not crazy about losing my server name, I'm very fond of Brell. The whole merger has me nervous. The title thing is a decent idea but I wonder if it will actually serve to keep the population divided even after merged, like some sort of rivalry if you will.

I do have to wonder if any thought whatsoever was given into how many guilds of the same progression level each server had when choosing which to combine. These things could really get messy. Each server had their own system and rotations and I hope everyone looks at it as starting over for a new base population not one server fitting into another servers already set plan. I sincerely hope all the Guild Leaders of all servers find some ground to get together and make things run as smoothly as possible.

03-30-2005, 07:18 AM
pretty sure at this point in time, No Rotations are running for any content on Cazic-Thule.

All Time guild clear the zone in a single night, so hasn't been need of one really.


Mannwin Woobie
03-30-2005, 09:09 AM
From EQ:

We understand that server identity is important to our customers and we will be integrating server titles into the title system to allow you to display your server of origin, should you desire to do so. The server title system will go live with our April 6th Update.

03-30-2005, 09:26 AM
I was just surfing the Brell boards and it seems some folks from Brell are a bit upset that they are losing their server name. Thats not fair to them.

Some have suggested that the server name be changed to Brell and us CT folks lose our name. Thats not fair to us.

Seems we have a bit of a problem that I would think is a common feeling amongst many folks tonight from many servers.

What I suggest is Sony choose several new name possibilities for each server merge and provide a pop up poll this week when people log in and let them pick their choice for the new server name. The Majority wins. Nobody gets the upper hand on the name and everybody gets their original server title. It's the only way to be fair and avoid hard feelings.

The devs posted how the decision was made. The server name is Cazic because cazic has a higher population than Brells. All the server names are being handled this way.

03-30-2005, 09:27 AM
I played on CT back when I played EQ. Wasn't CT one of the original servers?

Cazic was one of the Original servers, yes.

03-30-2005, 09:29 AM
pretty sure at this point in time, No Rotations are running for any content on Cazic-Thule.

All Time guild clear the zone in a single night, so hasn't been need of one really.


There are some rotations in effect.

Time is on rotation, but, it's often skipped by several guilds unless they need to equip new members.

Qvic is on Rotation.

03-30-2005, 10:07 AM
Who cares what it's called.... server #12 or Eci... which BTW is my home server which we are losing.

The more important issue IMHO is what they are going to do to make room for the added population. Yes we have a ton of room and most zones are empty but how many people can you fit in WoS or MPG.... in other words the few zones with good exp and drops.

I need my spells and as such I'm forced to hunt in a "very" select few zones as is everyone else so even if I wanted to hunt elseware I'm still forced into 1% of the zones.

So forget about new names and such and make spend some time redoing a few more zones and actually putting in the runes we need for our spells.

In my guild we have a ton of level 70 players who are still missing over half of their 66-70 spells after months and months. People do not want to even level because you cannot get your spells. even after another expansion has come out.

If this is the way it is intended then fine but very soon a very select number of zones are going to become VERY crowded.

Heck... at prime times they are crowded now with half the people.


03-30-2005, 11:33 AM
Do it is the time to resurect the old dead horse of the uber players that need the casual ones, even if it only to pay for the game or to be able to recruit new guildmates?

Nah, let this horse dead.

/e close his acidic potion.


03-30-2005, 12:26 PM's not dead if it's galloping headlong down the road....:)

03-30-2005, 03:08 PM
Who cares what it's called.... server #12 or Eci... which BTW is my home server which we are losing.

The more important issue IMHO is what they are going to do to make room for the added population. Yes we have a ton of room and most zones are empty but how many people can you fit in WoS or MPG.... in other words the few zones with good exp and drops.

I need my spells and as such I'm forced to hunt in a "very" select few zones as is everyone else so even if I wanted to hunt elseware I'm still forced into 1% of the zones.

So forget about new names and such and make spend some time redoing a few more zones and actually putting in the runes we need for our spells.

In my guild we have a ton of level 70 players who are still missing over half of their 66-70 spells after months and months. People do not want to even level because you cannot get your spells. even after another expansion has come out.

If this is the way it is intended then fine but very soon a very select number of zones are going to become VERY crowded.

Heck... at prime times they are crowded now with half the people.


y guild is pulling most of thier spells out of the single group MPG Trials and Riftseeker's. Cazic only has maybe 3 groups in RS less there is a raid going there, so its pretty open. MPG averages 18-24 people during prime time, so again, very open. I'm sure some other servers are like this, and thus the change would be drastic on only a few servers.


03-30-2005, 04:07 PM
My guild is pulling most of thier spells out of the single group MPG Trials and Riftseeker's. Cazic only has maybe 3 groups in RS less there is a raid going there, so its pretty open. MPG averages 18-24 people during prime time, so again, very open. I'm sure some other servers are like this, and thus the change would be drastic on only a few servers.


As a level 67 Druid I spend alot of time in WoS on Eci (soon to be Tunare LOL) and during primetime it reminds me of the old days in which people are waiting for spawn with too many people in the zone.

Don't know as much about MPG but how many groups can camp there before you run out of spawns and start to wait for repops?


P.S. How many level 65+ zones are there in EQ that people hunt in solo groups? (or want to hunt there LOL)

03-30-2005, 04:16 PM
P.S. How many level 65+ zones are there in EQ that people hunt in solo groups? (or want to hunt there LOL)

There's a lot of 65+ zones for groups. MPG, WOS, RS, Lots of DoN zones, Several GoD zones. Lots of normal zones and plenty of instanced stuff.

As a level 67 Druid I spend alot of time in WoS on Eci (soon to be Tunare LOL) and during primetime it reminds me of the old days in which people are waiting for spawn with too many people in the zone.

WOS is what the Dreadlands used to be. It's also not a huge zone. People fight there because it's the "easiest" and quickest to get to.

Don't know as much about MPG but how many groups can camp there before you run out of spawns and start to wait for repops?

PG is scary huge. The easy areas can fill up quick, but, it's a very large zone.

03-30-2005, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the info.... I was in MPG last night for the first time and let me tell you.... even with almost all level 70's we still needed me and a cleric to keep up on heals on some of the pulls. Some of those mobs hit hard! LOL


03-30-2005, 04:23 PM
MPG is pretty easy early on. But, it definately ramps up the pain the deeper in you go. The Far end of the zone is a lot more dangerous.

03-30-2005, 04:27 PM
We were in the upper middle fo the zone if that means anything to you. About 95% of the pulls were red to me at 67 and the only way to keep our 11k take alive was for both the cleric and myself to spam fast heals until slow hit.


03-30-2005, 04:40 PM
That's where things start getting interesting.

03-30-2005, 05:05 PM
Stuff near 6-way, which seems to be about where you camped, is like level 69/70.

As you get closer to Arcana, Mind and Power, you'll notice all mobs are 70.

Named are typically red to 70, reguardless of area.

obs hit less hard then say, Tipt, but they have a lower delay making for higher dps. The Kyv and 2-Headed models tend to hit harder then say, Nocs. The 2-Headers are very resistant, even to spells like Serpent's Vines.

Personally I got most of my 66-68 spells out of Dranik's Hollows, which is a instanced zone and you never have to fight for spawns with another group.

69/70 Runes are more common in MPG (showing up in Trials abotu every 1 and 3 - least for us) and Riftseeker's.


03-31-2005, 09:52 AM
it makes sense that SOE would want to move less people in a server merge.
AND i hope they pick the better equipped server too, or combine what they can on the new server.

I am looking forward to more folks on my server, whatever it's called.

Eci ---> Tunare

03-31-2005, 11:43 AM
MPG is a gigantic zone. There are several named camps that people flat out ignore because they are 'too deep' to get to. It is very under used. Rift is extremely under used too for that matter. People just do not hunt in the cold side. At least on Prexus anyway.

03-31-2005, 03:34 PM
Fair Schmair get over it. Being one of the first mergered i see what a good thing it has been. The server merge > you whining about yer name.

There are folx to group with now. Still enough raid targets to go around. Lots of good energy which the game needs more than folx boo hooing.

03-31-2005, 05:00 PM
I would like to see a day of server verse server war to see who gets to keep their server name.

03-31-2005, 09:28 PM
I think there will be more issues because the servers that are keeping their name feel their rules will definitely take precedence, cause it's somehow still "their" server.

04-01-2005, 08:16 AM
re:comment from Kytelae... this is the concern i hear from "upper level guild" folks that i hear on tholuxe, while i do not "know" how things are done on the rathe, the rumor is that if you do not play by "their rules" you will get trained. while i am disinclined to enter into a "the sky is falling" routine, prior to seeing how things actually gel, if this does turn out to be the kind of mess predicted by some of the pessimists, i am glad that i have a character on firiona... i would not be happy to abandon my high level character, but will do so if it appears that a formerly "blue server" is transformed into a virtual pvp.

p.s. while it wouldn't necessarily be a complete solution to potential problems, i would suggest that merged servers be given an entirely new name.

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
04-01-2005, 09:00 AM
I think there will be more issues because the servers that are keeping their name feel their rules will definitely take precedence, cause it's somehow still "their" server.
That's the attitude I'm seeing. Sometimes, it's subtle. Other times, it's blatant.

04-04-2005, 01:24 AM
Luckily since both Xegony and Zeb have similar ways of doing things, that won't be much of a problem. While Xegony keeps the name, lots their people have come over to our message boards, and been very tolerant of that same attitude in us.
I spent a little bit of time on Luclin, Rathe, and Veeshan server board today. All I have to say is much love to Xegony. The people I have met so far are a class act. Glad we got paired with them.


Little Rhunt
04-06-2005, 09:40 AM
I would expect a period of adjustment for all those effected. There will likely be some initial bias, which will pass quickly for some while remianing indefinitley for others. It's in our nature.
In regards to the server name issue, my advice: get over it

Rhunt, Mith Marr

04-26-2005, 09:02 AM
There's a lot of 65+ zones for groups. MPG, WOS, RS, Lots of DoN zones, Several GoD zones. Lots of normal zones and plenty of instanced stuff.

WOS is what the Dreadlands used to be. It's also not a huge zone. People fight there because it's the "easiest" and quickest to get to.

PG is scary huge. The easy areas can fill up quick, but, it's a very large zone.

There are lots for zones you can Quad Trees in PoN and carm pets there too (ravens), you can go to PoI and solo at entrance, Nadox in undead area is nice and quiet (charming piggies can be fun too they rock as tanks :clap: or Hates fury if you like a challenge I solo there sometime still at 66th and inside hates fury can charm rats there too!! hehehehe :smile: you can solo in NC or DS though Nc is better I can solo all but names in NC !! never have have a bad day there!!:wiggle:

05-18-2005, 10:58 AM
This one started as a person talking about their unhappiness with the Merger and the choice of which name the server was granted by the powers that be.
We have the same feelings on Karana, which was also one of the original servers, being changed to The Rathe.
I did read over a month ago that Sony was going to allow us all to vote on which server name we would get in the end, but alas, the posting from them is not easy to locate anymore, so mayhaps they once again changed their minds on being fair to those of us who PAY to PLAY.