View Full Forums : Warning to all new lvl 44's...

04-23-2005, 12:29 PM
Howdy! Am too green to qualify as an "Unkempt" Druid but fully qualify as an "Inept" Druid... Last nite I attempted to finsh getting all my new lvl 44 spells & I took the instructions from multiple sites to Go to Firiona Vie & see Arial Fern at loc. -3239, 2257. It was a nightmare. I went in Invis & found the correct loc. but the bld was empty--NO Arial Fern & while looking for this vendor I got squashed by an Invis. "Dragoon" & my lvl 65 Cleric tried to drag my corpse & he darn near died so he sent in his pally Dark elf & he gort killed 2 times & a hi lvl Rogue finally drug me out to the tele port... All this to try to get "Calefaction". I assume FV is now EVIL??? Also, can anyone tell me where I might get this spell? TY all & where did the "help" section go? SoJo (deduckman)

04-23-2005, 12:31 PM
The lvl 65 Cleric is NOT mine but a close friend... Sorry for that mistake.. SoJo

04-23-2005, 12:41 PM
The NPCs you are looking for have run off into the swamp.

04-23-2005, 04:59 PM
Arial Fern is still in firionia vie but no longer in the city. You might have missed the part where the evil side took over firiona vie and all firiona vie citiziens had to escape. You can find them all, including Arial Fern, in the old drolvarg fort in the same zone outside the city gates. The spell cost about 50 pp and once scribed it renames to dustdevil.

05-05-2005, 02:35 PM
lol saw your posts on the sony site an referred you to hear duckman but I see you had already found it...

Go Duckman Go

05-05-2005, 02:36 PM
whoops i meant "here" not hear... I'm really not that stupid but I'm almost lisdexic

05-06-2005, 05:16 AM
Arial Fern is still in firionia vie but no longer in the city. You might have missed the part where the evil side took over firiona vie and all firiona vie citiziens had to escape. You can find them all, including Arial Fern, in the old drolvarg fort in the same zone outside the city gates. The spell cost about 50 pp and once scribed it renames to dustdevil.
I sure missed that. Good thing I haven't tried to go to FV because I would be very pissed off to be killed entering a "friendly" city.