View Full Forums : LDON DoT spells / behind the times

05-24-2005, 01:16 PM
Would I be correct to say most Druids in their 60's or above have their LDON Vengeance DoT line of spells? Unfortunately I do not and it is quite difficult sometimes to get a LDON group together. Heck, I'm lvl 63 and still far off from completing enough EF LDON's for my level 55 Vengence of Nature. And now I read the level 64 Vengeance of Tunare is for 650 AP at the North Desert of Ro LDON camp of which I have 0 points atm. Ug... it may take me a long long time to get either one of these spells.

Reason I would like atleast one of these spells is for added damage when root / dotting. I'm using Winged Death (53) and Immolation of Ro (62) for my big DoT dmg spells. Adding 3 other smaller DoTs, it still took me 5-6 minutes to kill a Murkglider in Nobles Causeway.

Is grinding through LDON's when I can worth it to get these Vengeance DoT spells? Or am I just so far behind the times, I should just forget about them?

05-24-2005, 01:19 PM
I only have Vengeance of Tunare. Not sure if getting the lower level one as well would help or not. But I do use Tunare alot.

05-24-2005, 02:18 PM
Vengeance of The Sun and Vengeance of Tunare will not stack. While one is running you can't even start to cast the other. It won't cast.

Based on this, I'd assume that none of the curse counter dots will stack so you really only need the highest one you can obtain unless you prefer a full spellbook ( which doesn't matter to me personally ).

They are pretty nice dots IMO but a bit over resisted.

05-24-2005, 03:03 PM
Really no reason to get the lower one, unless you are too low to cast VoT maybe.

05-24-2005, 05:16 PM
Vengeance of The Sun and Vengeance of Tunare will not stack. While one is running you can't even start to cast the other. It won't cast.

They do stack I just had them running at same time, you just need to space the casting apart by about 6 seconds.

05-24-2005, 05:28 PM
Odd. According to Lucy they don't stack. Are you positive you had both on at once?

05-24-2005, 06:00 PM
Aye, tried it on 3 mobs just to make sure.

Part of my log which shows both landing at same time.

[Tue May 24 22:09:54 2005] An elite kyv hunter has taken 412 damage from your Vengeance of the Sun.
[Tue May 24 22:09:54 2005] An elite kyv hunter has taken 305 damage from your Vengeance of Tunare.

05-24-2005, 11:48 PM
Very interesting. I'll have to play with this one.

05-25-2005, 07:25 AM
Well im 70 and i still use both my ldons in group, but i dont have my 69 dot. But stacked with DOT aas i find still adds decent group damage. I never get resisted cause i open with hand of ro. I get double duty out of that. My dots stick and my fire nukes work well. I also ue them when soloing in vxed. I start with immolation, 2 fast ldons dot, then winged,swarm, then wasp. i kill the mobs under 2 min and still have plenty of mana to do another 2 mobs.

05-25-2005, 11:16 AM
VoT and VotS are on the same timer, so I believe it is 6secs before you can cast the other. But they will stack.
I personally don't have Vengeance of the Sun yet as I'm lvl 67 and only have the first spell.
But I personally still use Vengeance of Tunare, Vengeance of Nature and Swarming Death after casting Hand of Ro and they are never resisted. So IMHO yes get them both :grin:


05-26-2005, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the info and adivce everyone! I guess I'll just work a little harder getting the LDON groups together myself. Hopefully I don't go crazy doing it. :crazy: