View Full Forums : Nolwik Barquin -- Emblems Quest in Guntha

02-24-2003, 05:06 PM
[Mon Feb 24 20:04:49 2003] You say, 'Hail, Nolwik Barquin'
[Mon Feb 24 20:04:50 2003] Nolwik Barquin says 'The salty air grows stale in this place. As if the essence of Tunare and Karana have been shut out by the dark tide of Broken Skull. The wind of Karana grows wild and restless, and the water of the mother turns black as it touches the tainted stone of Innoruuk. Were it not for my [promise] to Xanuusus I would not be here.'
[Mon Feb 24 20:04:54 2003] You say, 'What promise'
[Mon Feb 24 20:04:55 2003] Nolwik Barquin says 'Since I was a boy, Xanuusus has entrusted me with a pair of holy symbols, one of Karana, and one of Tunare. I guarded them faithfully since that day until recently. I had been patrolling Innothule swamp in hopes of finding the wayward trolls that had been disturbing those of Tunare's children that inhabit the wetlands. Unknown to me at the time, a new [presence] was there in the swamp that day.'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:05 2003] You say, 'What presence'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:06 2003] Nolwik Barquin says 'I had just found a troll threatening a water moccasin a fair distance from the gates of Grobb. The troll looked to be dressed a bit differently then most of the other trolls I'd found recently. He had a patch over one eye, and his armor appeared to be of much higher quality then anything the Basher's normally carried. I paid it no heed though, and continued planning my [attack] on the unsuspecting troll.'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:19 2003] You say, 'What attack?'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:20 2003] Nolwik Barquin says 'Just as I was beginning to weave my first spell against the troll, a large wet figure struck me by surprise knocking me to the ground. I staggered to my feet and looked at my attacker. It was a larger then normal troll holding a rather large curved sword and shield. It scowled at me with a sort of enraged hunger as it licked its lips in apparent anticipation of a fresh [meal].'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:31 2003] You say, 'What meal?'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:31 2003] Nolwik Barquin says 'As fate would have it the troll would go hungry that night. Although I was badly injured from his initial strike, I was able to stand and weave the roots of the nearby trees around his feet which allowed me time to gate away before more of his friends arrived. It wasn't until I arrived in the plains of Karana that I realized that I had lost my holy [emblems].'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:37 2003] You say, 'What emblems?'
[Mon Feb 24 20:05:38 2003] Nolwik Barquin says 'I highly doubt that the trolls know the importance of the symbols they have stolen from me, but I am sure they at least recognize the value of the metal they were forged from. I suspect that they have tossed them in with the rest of their treasure as if they were nothing more then gold coins. I must get them back at all costs.'

02-24-2003, 05:20 PM
Probably the healing spell. There is another NPC whose name I can't recall, and my post asking what exactly she wants in the main forum got nicely deleted, who is looking for items from Nadox that only responds to shaman/druid/cleric and is probably the pure blood one.

02-25-2003, 09:05 AM
To me this sounds like a Charm slot quest. Spells by and large are not distinguished between deities (except for imbues). Just my 2cp.


02-25-2003, 09:05 AM
That's what I thought when I read the text last night...sounded like a charm thingie.

02-26-2003, 08:41 PM
I just completed this quest. It does indeed result in Healing Water as the reward.

Basically, you can just head to Dulak, kill "a storage attendant" until you get golden emblem which identifies as "Symbol of Tunare." While you're at it, kill "a shady treasure sorter" until you get another golden emblem which identifies as "Symbol of Karana." Turn them both in to Nolwik Barquin to receive your spell.

02-27-2003, 03:13 AM
So is there only one of each of these mobs that drop these items? If so, then every druid, cleric and shaman will need these 2 mobs? That's not really practical.

02-27-2003, 06:00 AM
hummm ok one down. but that wasnt the spell I wanted. Does he give a follow up quest for the other spell? or is that on the other guy.

02-27-2003, 08:19 AM
Lots of storage attendants and shady treasure sorters spawn in various locations throughout the zone. Supply doesn't really seem to be a major issue.

02-27-2003, 09:08 AM
Great! Ty - I'm going to try to get this stuff solo then. I don't remember anything summoning so I think I should be ok.

02-27-2003, 10:52 AM
ok i got a question i have been killing these mobs for hours and had 3 symbols... a silver medallion of service, a gold medallionof serviceand a gold medal rng only... no where have i see nt embelm of tunare or karan ... anyone knoe if these are the medalliosn we need?

02-27-2003, 01:21 PM
Did you identify them, Freurmynd?

02-27-2003, 07:31 PM
we dont get the fact they they are no drop yet not lor and have a class of rng om them... i had been lettignm them rot till i had somone identify every coin that fell //
so after 18 hours i have the coin of tunare yet not karana .. and they are quite rare... nice earring off the worker tho
just fyi...
the coins we need are gold.. and the description is " a gold medal" class rng the only way to see what these are is.. identlfy which druids dot have so get and item or a friend

02-28-2003, 04:59 AM
We don't get the 'spell' identify, but you can get a silvery mask inexpensively in the bazaar that has the effect: Identify. I think I paid 300pp for mine.


02-28-2003, 10:58 AM
The silvery mask is one of the rewards for handing in coldain heads to Bvellos in Kael. I've had one in my backpack for a long long time. Invaluable for quests or figuring out pronounceable names for Luclin gear. =)

02-28-2003, 06:59 PM
The dropped pieces are literally "A Golden Emblem"

The medallions of service are NOT the same things.

03-01-2003, 06:08 PM
I trust you, so please elaborate.

Folks over at the Druids Grove claim the "WORKER" and not the "Attendent" drops one of the pieces.

Any thought?


03-04-2003, 04:28 AM
How does the silvery mask work? Do you have to click it or does it identufy everything just by wearing it?

03-04-2003, 05:13 AM
1- Have the mask on your face
2- Have the item you want to identify on your cursor
3- Press f1.
4- right-click on the mask

You will see a line of text in you chat window saying something about the item.


Doggabone Deddaggen
06-02-2003, 11:13 PM
arf arf

Tripped over this forum while searching for info for the household Druidess; my wiser half :).

I thought some of you might be glad to hear that, so far as I have read, Identify can be cast on you, while you hold the item you want identified on your cursor. To check this, I just logged on my Bard, and used the song version (Lyssa's Cataloging Libretto), while targetting the Druidess. The item lore information showed in HER chat window, not mine. I assume that the spell version works the same way.

In other words, pick up your golden emblem, have and Enchanter friend cast or sing and identify spell or song while targetting you, and you don't need to drop a few hundred plat on a mask to find out just which flippin' Golden Emblem you still need ;).

Good Hunting!!

06-18-2003, 04:37 PM
The quest mentioned is indeed the lvl 44 druid "healing water" spell. You need one gold emblem (rng only) from a DE shady treasure sorter. And, one gold emblem (rng only) from a DE storage worker. I dont remember which is which but one is symbol of Tunare and the other is Karana. As far as I know, the emblems drop "only" from the Dark Elf race of each type.

07-06-2003, 05:52 PM
Both my drops came off the DE version.