View Full Forums : What AA next?

07-04-2005, 06:03 PM
Greetings all! Im hoping someone in my particular situation will be able to give me a little insight on what AAs I should be looking into in the immidiate future. Let me start off by saying that Im lvl 70 and I play main healer 95% of the time I group, period. If I ever solo anymore its due to boredom and lasts maybe two fights. So I hardly reguard myself as a kiter any more. Atm I have 248 AAs and like 8 unspent and very much stuck on where to go next.

Heres a list of what I have so far:

etab 3 (damn horse ^_^)
Regen 1
Gift of the Keepers

Healing Adept 3
Healing Gift 3
Spell Casting Mastery 3
Spell Casting Reinforcement 3
ental Clarity 3

ass Group Buff
Dire Charm

Planar Power

Advanced Healing Adept 3
Advanced Healing Gift 3
Radiant Cure 3
Spirit of the Wood 3

Natures Boon 1

nemonic Retention
Expansive Mind 5
Healing Adept Mastery 3
Healing Gift Mastery 3
Spirit of the Grove 3
Call of the Wild
Nature Bounty 2

I think thats any suggestions for me? Im thinking chaotic potential for the exrta mana? Or maybe some defensive stuff so I can take a few cracks. I DONNO!

Any help would be appreciated!:)

07-04-2005, 09:28 PM
Natural Durability

Innate Camouflage - my most used AA

Innate Enlightenment - you mentioned Chaotic Potential for more mana, this should give you much more bang for the buck

Spell Casting Subtlety - if you draw aggro quite a bit from healing this may be good

Chaotic Potential - once wisdom gets this high the returns aren't too great

Looks like you have your healing AAs out of the way and that's what you do in groups. I would definately suggest innate camou if you haven't gotten, will free up a spell slot and it's instant invis anywhere. Otherwise I would choose either defensive AAs or Crit/nuking AAs and max them out next. If you raid a lot may want to get Respendent curing 3 and quickened curing 3, but if you don't raid radiant cure 3 should be plenty.

07-04-2005, 11:33 PM
Thank you very much!

y guild raids bout 3-4 times a week so Ill look into getting those RC ones too, ty ty!:thumbup:

07-05-2005, 02:00 AM
If your a raider, I'd suggest you consider Mystical Attuning as well.
Even with 21 Buff slots I seem to run short.

07-05-2005, 03:41 AM
jeez I don't have more than 15 and I don't ever use more than 15 anyway :rolleyes:

07-05-2005, 04:21 AM
1 Oak
2 Mask
3 Reyfins Random Musings
4 Maelin's Meditaion
5 Symbol
6 Blessing of Devotion
7 Focus
8 Fortitude
9 Talisman of Sense
10 Brells Brawny Bullwark
11 Voice of Clairvoyance
12 Spiritual Ascendance
13 Dead Man Floating
14 Protection of Seasons
15 Talisman of The Tribunal
16 Guard of Druzzil
17 Circle of Summer
18 Magi DS ( For FR )

For me, thats fully buffed(Notice no SoE or Nettlecoat. I need the slots ) for dealing with Chromatic and Prismatic AE's( quite common starting with GoD expansion ). With 21 Buff slots, that only allows me 3 slots for AE Dots to land, Symphony of whateverthatbardcrapis(that they always hit mid fight and bufflocks me ) and MGB Heals. Often times with mobs that have multiple AEs, I am forced to trim off some more of those and run short on buffs.

From Dreleen's Magelo, I'd venture a guess she is progressing towards Qvic and her first taste of chromatic and prismatic AEs, and buff slots will soon be an issue.

07-05-2005, 05:36 AM
1 Oak
2 Mask
3 Maelin's Meth. Mind
4 Maelin's Meditaion
5 Symbol
6 Blessing of Devotion
7 Focus
8 Fortitude
9 Talisman of Sense
10 Brells Brawny Bullwark
11 Voice of Clairvoyance
12 Spiritual Ascendance
13 Dead Man Floating
14 Protection of Seasons
15 Talisman of The Tribunal
16 Guard of Druzzil
17 Circle of Summer
18 Magi DS ( For FR )
19 Shield of the Eigth
20 Nettlecoat

I only use resists when I have to, I dislike having them up all the time, and I refuse to use DMF less it is vital to my living. I dispise lev. Not using then frees up 6 buff slots. But you can easily hit 20 of 21 buffs on a raid without much trying.


07-05-2005, 06:42 AM
Aah yes! I finshed off Natural Durability tonight! So I gained I donno 300-400 HP? or something? This may put me over 8K buffed I donno we shall see!

As for buff slots Im stuff with 15 till I catch up on DoN thingys! I been slack'in! On any given raid Ill have:

DMF-depending on target
Aura or Devotion
ask self crack
ALWAYS an open spot for HoTs or Guard
Rest I fill with what ever the raid calls for. Resists what have you. I ONLY over use my DS when Im pharming greenies. Nothing like a tank who cant get aggro off ya cause you DS is hitting it back for 80 dmg each crack lol!

Thank you again for giving me things to think about!:thumbs2:

07-05-2005, 12:16 PM
Aah yes! I finshed off Natural Durability tonight! So I gained I donno 300-400 HP? or something? This may put me over 8K buffed I donno we shall see!

As for buff slots Im stuff with 15 till I catch up on DoN thingys! I been slack'in! On any given raid Ill have:

DMF-depending on target
Aura or Devotion
ask self crack
ALWAYS an open spot for HoTs or Guard
Rest I fill with what ever the raid calls for. Resists what have you. I ONLY over use my DS when Im pharming greenies. Nothing like a tank who cant get aggro off ya cause you DS is hitting it back for 80 dmg each crack lol!

Thank you again for giving me things to think about!:thumbs2:

DoN is only 1 buff slot.... Mystical Attuning (maxed) is 5 buff slots, which is an OoW AA, not a DoN AA :P

07-05-2005, 04:04 PM
I thought teir 2 was one slot and teir three gave you four? so you end up with 25 in all? GUess I need to read up on these thingys!

07-05-2005, 04:12 PM
1 Mask
2 Oak
3 Balikor
4 Aura of Devotion
5 Wunshi
6 Fortitude
7 Clairvoyance
8 Spiritual Ascendance
Of course cleric and druid buffs are first cause I box a cleric with myself. And generally that's where I stop unless resists are needed, in which case it goes
9 Seasons
10 Druzzil
11 Tribunal
12 DMF
13 Summer
14 Mage DS(sometimes)
15 Empty I guess

It could be because I don't have any clickies, I gotta get to work on that, so it doesn't fill mine up anyway.

07-05-2005, 05:18 PM
I would highly recommend innate camo. I use that one nearly every time I log on. It is well worth it, in my opinion.
Aside from that, it really depends on what you do and what you want to do. If you solo a lot, you may want to adjust your AAs to that. For instance:<O:p></O:p>

You mentioned you raid a lot, depending on what you're raiding and how you buff, Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery might be something to think about. If you are used as DPS in raids (guessing not by your attention to healing AAs) you could start pumping your fury line.<O:p

If you solo a lot and use your DoTs, critical affliction could help.<O:p

If you want versatility, max the mana regen. That extra 5 a tick is noticeable over time. And if you find yourself running out of buffs slots, go with that. But I would strongly suggest the innate camo.<O:p</O:p

07-05-2005, 08:32 PM
I thought teir 2 was one slot and teir three gave you four? so you end up with 25 in all? GUess I need to read up on these thingys!

Nope. 21 Is max. They changed the window to allow 5 more but never came out with anything for the others, or at least we have yet to discover the rest.

07-05-2005, 11:47 PM
Aaahh ok then! Guess Im moving that to the top of my list!

07-20-2005, 05:20 AM
Well its been like two weeks! And Ive prgressed quite a bit. I went ahead and bought Innate camo and Im very happy with it! It comes in super handy! Also finished off all lvls of innate enlightenment and currently have my 16th buff slot through mystical attuning. I will finish these off before I most to chaotic potential! I am very happy in my purchases so far! Thanks all who took the time to respond and help a lost cause druid like my self :wiggle: