View Full Forums : I'll take, "That's a bunch of crap for $100, Alex."

07-08-2005, 07:16 AM
Well tonight, like the past 3 nights, I was using the old ranger Autofire program to forage for me in North Karana for Plains Pebbles to be used in Pottery. Just like the previous nights, I go afk in the guard tower, but unlike the previous nights I wake up to find out that Im F'ing dead. As you can imagine, this comes as quite the supprise to me leaving me looking at the guild hall door and the 8 stacks of random foraged crap in my inventory going, "What the F***?!" It seems that one of the mobs promoting the new expansion called "a Tier`dal scout" killed me. Im glad I checked when I did instead of going back to bed, there was 1 hour left on the corpse to rez it :mad2: not that the exp matters much, just the principle of things.

07-08-2005, 08:27 AM
Thats what you get for macroing.

07-08-2005, 09:04 AM
No, that's what he gets for going afk in a relatively travelled (ie trainable) area, if you're going to sit there and forage, go somewhere wierd like the middle of the river to the southeast.

07-08-2005, 10:41 AM
LOL... I'm suppose to feel bad for you? And yeah what Bilmani said~ Oh and there has been some accounts that been banned recently for even the macro that forages automaticaly.

07-08-2005, 10:45 AM
A very useful forage button

/doability (whatever your forage skill is on)
/pause 5,/autoinventory
/autoinventory (I have the foraging mastery aa so sometimes I get 2 things)
/alt activate 80 (Innate Camo)

That way I can hit my button and read a book and not feel like I have to worry about some mob beating on me while I am not looking. You could probably swap out the innate camo with your superior camo spell if you dont have innate camo, you may get a fizzle so pay attention to that.

07-08-2005, 12:20 PM
Yeah but hitting camo like that looks wierd, if Im in a dangerous zone I just targted a mob and hit hide and con it till it works then go afk. And how was I to know that there were gonna be two level 65 KoS mobs were gonna spawn there ><.

07-08-2005, 06:06 PM
autofire isn't macroing... :p
it was used by rangers for years.

07-08-2005, 06:43 PM
LOL... I'm suppose to feel bad for you? And yeah what Bilmani said~ Oh and there has been some accounts that been banned recently for even the macro that forages automaticaly.

No there haven't. Unless they were alts on an account used by a moron who continued to abuse warp or ghost, or afk exp macroing.

07-08-2005, 08:34 PM
Level 65 mobs that spawn at the guard tower? Or were they trained there. I still see younger people hunting around the tower now and then. I always thought that Grimfeather and the Silver Griffon were enough trouble in that area, much less new spawns.

07-08-2005, 09:03 PM
I dunno if they wandered on top of me or spawned there or were trained there, after I summoned my corpse and got rezzed I went back to find them. Unfortunatly they arent trackable so I had to scour the zone to find them, there were two of them didnt leave corpses or give exp and gave a Positive faction hit and a Negative one to two new factions.

07-08-2005, 10:48 PM
The scouts are part of the new story line event that SOE started. They are in other zones as well and need to be avoided by most who are solo. It was announced.

07-09-2005, 01:43 PM
I checked the group of them in EC, they seemed to be running around between the path and the desert. At least a dozen of them, all red to my 60 druid. Definitely trackable, but if they roam the whole zone that's a disaster for people trying to hunt there.