View Full Forums : DoD AA List pulled from Beta.

09-01-2005, 09:42 AM
Here is the supposed AA listing for DoD that is making its way around class boards.

Progression AAs

Curse of Blood
A strange power courses through your blood. You sense a purpose, a desire, a secret waiting to be told.

Affliction of Blood
The curse within your blood grows stronger. A sense of foreboding plays at the back of your mind.

Torment of Blood
The curse spreads further, seeping into your thoughts and plaguing your dreams. Shadows lurk on the edge of vision, haunting your steps.

Temptation of Blood
The curse permeates your being but gone is the fear and foreboding, replaced by a craving and longing to bask in the darkness that surrounds you.

Invitation of Blood
You are now one with the curse. It calls to you, offering you limitless power in exchange for obedience.

General AAs

This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.

Suspended Animation
This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.

This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.

Thick Skin
This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.

Class specific AAs

(Note that some of these will be almost certainly be shared between classes)


Silent Casting
Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.

Edict of Command
This ability will bind an NPC to your will, charming them until the spell wears off. This ability works on NPCs up to level 70. Rank 1 will keep the NPC charmed for 2 minutes, rank 2 for 5 minutes and rank 3 for 10 minutes.

Hastened Mind Crash
This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Mind Crash by ten percent per rank.

Rune of Shadows
This ability provides you with an upgraded version of your Eldritch Rune. Each rank of this ability provides a stronger rune than the previous.

Channeling Mastery
This ability reduces the chance of your spell casts being interrupted by an additional 5 percent per rank.


Field Dressing
This ability further increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage while binding wounds.

This ability grants you a 5% chance per rank to not use a component when summoning axes.

Bandage Wounds
This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage
by 20 percent per rank.

Cascading Rage
This ability infuses you with a primal rage, increasing your melee abilities but you will also take damage as you push yourself beyond your means. The rage starts slow, but each additional rank you have in the ability increases its maximum potential. Be warned, once the rage has taken hold of you, the only way to stop it is to let it run its course.

Cry of Battle
This ability causes your next War Cry to hit everyone within its radius at the cost of doubling the endurance used.


Elemental Phasing
This ability causes your elemental to shift rapidly between the elemental and physical planes. Any attack made against the elemental during this effect has a chance to miss as it must strike while the elemental is in the correct plane. Additional ranks increase the chance that attacks will miss your elemental.

Elemental Adept
This ability increases the maximum effectiveness of your pet healing spells by 2, 5, and 10 percent.

Gift of Mana
Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.

Guardian of Ro
This ability calls a more powerful servant into being who will repeatedly hurl fire at your target. Each rank of this ability increases the amount of time that the servant is able to remain by your side (45, 70, and 90 seconds).

Extended Burnout
This ability increases the duration of your Frenzied Burnouts by 12 seconds per rank.


Ward of Purity
Use of this ability creates a stationary ward that cleanses poison and disease from every player within its range. Increased ranks improve the effectiveness of the ward.

Gift of Life
Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.

Greater Avatar
This ability increases the potency of your Divine Avatar ability, increasing your physical prowess even further for a short period of time.


Warder's Savagery
This ability allows you to cast a buff on your pet that will cause it to enter a savage state, doing increased damage. Additional ranks increase the damage boost.

Fetter of Spirits
This ability grants you a more powerful version of Hobble of Spirits which increases the effectiveness and length of your pet's ability to slow an enemy's walking speed.

Improved Bestial Frenzy
This ability increases your chance of performing a double attack in any given combat round.

Shackle of Spirits
This ability grants you a more powerful version of Hobble of Spirits which increases the effectiveness and length of your pets ability to slow an enemy's walking speed.

Hastened Thunder
This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Roar of Thunder by ten percent per rank.


Any level 60 or higher fire-based direct damage spell you cast has a chance to ignite the targeted creature causing it to take continual damage and be more susceptible to further fire-based attacks. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.

astery of Fury
This ability further increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.


Shared Camouflage
This ability allows you to cloak your entire group in a camouflage nearly at will, causing them to become invisible without the need to memorize a spell.

Convergence of Spirits
This ability gives you an alternate form of Spirit of the Grove that channels the energy of the woodland spirits on to a single target. The concentrated energy provides an exceptionally fast heal and leaves the target with a brief period of regeneration and protective thorns.

Nature's Guardian
Use of this ability calls forth the spirit of a wild bear to attack your opponent for a brief time. Additional ranks increase the time before the bear returns to nature.


Blood Magic
This ability allows you to fuel your spells directly from your health instead of from your mana. Blood magic is dangerous, though. Spells will drain more health than they would use mana and every time you cast a spell while Blood Magic is in effect, there's a chance that the penalty will grow. Once you have started using Blood Magic, you cannot stop until it wears off by itself or you die.

This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Wake the Dead or Army of the Dead by one minute per rank.

Affliction Mastery
This ability improves the chance that damage-over-time spells will have a critical effect each time they are active.

Cloak of Shadows
This ability allows you to become invisible nearly at will, without the need to memorize a spell.


Greater Slay Undead
This ability increases your chance to inflict improved damage versus the undead and the damage you do when you succeed.

Cloak of Light
This ability allows you to become invisible to undead, nearly at will, without the need to memorize a spell.


Willful Death
Each rank in this ability grants you an increasing chance for your feigned deaths to not be revealed by spells cast upon you.

Knight's Alacrity
Each rank in this ability increases your chance to score an additional attack with two-handed weapons.

Wicked Blade
This ability increases the chance of scoring an extra hit with all two-handed weapons that you wield.


Greater Rabid Bear
This ability grants you a more powerful version of Rabid Bear, greatly increasing all of your offensive capabilities.

Ancestral Guard
Through the use of this ability, you can call upon ancestral spirits to protect you from harm for a brief period. The spirits will absorb a portion of the damage you would normally take. Additional ranks increase the percent of damage that the spirits take instead of you.


Hastened Death
This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Imitate Death by four minutes per rank.

Unflinching Resolve
This ability grants a chance to endure what would otherwise be a stunning blow, from any angle, without being stunned.

Weightless Steps
Years of training allows the monk to increase their base movement run. This increase does not stack with movement rate spell effects.


Hastened Blades
This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Dance of Blades by four minutes per rank.

Improved Harmonious Attack
This ability increases your chance of performing a double attack in any given combat round.

This ability engulfs your target in a barrage of discordant noise, causing it to take damage for the duration of the effect. Every time this effect causes damage, it also has a chance to interrupt any spells being cast. Additional ranks improve both the damage and the chance to interrupt spells.

Joleena's Perfect Melody
On occasion, the best bards can raise their performance to levels normally unachievable by mortal hands. When that occurs, they attract the attention of nature spirits who come to watch the performance. This ability calls a number of nature spirits into existence to harry your target. The first rank of the ability calls 3 spirits and each additional rank adds an additional spirit.

Deep Sleep
This ability gives you an innate chance to put an NPC into a deep sleep when you mesmerize it. An NPC under the effects of a deep sleep will suffer offensive penalties for 90 seconds after the spell was initially cast. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.


Forced Opening
Each rank in this ability increases the chance that you can make a normal backstab from any angle.

Stealthy Getaway
This ability allows you to quickly retreat from the current situation and arrive at a relatively safe location elsewhere in the zone. You must be hidden to use this ability.

This ability increases the maximum level of humanoid that can be affected by your assassination ability by 3 levels per rank.

This ability allows you to estimate the selling price of an item you are holding on your cursor.

Precision Strikes
Each rank in this ability increases the minimum damage you will do on any backstab.


Hastened Defiance
This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Warlord's Tenacity and Resolute Defiance by 10 percent per rank.

Luring Feint
This ability allows you to feint a brief retreat and cause your opponent to move closer to you.

Each rank in this ability increases your chance to not have item effects interrupted when you take damage.

Enhanced Aggression
Each rank of this ability increases the maximum amount of attack you can gain from items by 10.

This ability gives you a chance to provoke your opponent to the point where they will not flee from you or, if they are already fleeing, will instead turn back to you and continue fighting. Gonna go do a new betabuff and give you the costs on generals.


Improved Headshot
This ability increases the maximum level of humanoid that can be affected by your headshot by 2 levels per rank.

Trick Shot
This ability grants you an innate chance to make an additional attack upon a successful ranged attack. This extra attack will consume an additional arrow or fail if one is not available.

Precognition I tested and it requires all the previous avoidance aas it stayed 7 per level. I would assume Thick skin would be the same way for mitigation. Trick Shot was 9/9/9 as was Improved Headshot. Enhanced Agression seems to be 5/5/5/5/5. Didn't test Suspended Animation or Bandage Wounds but assume they stay 5/5/5/5/5.

Hope you find this informative.

Alwind Siafu.

09-01-2005, 03:42 PM
For the record, it's not from beta, but rather mined from the data files.

09-01-2005, 05:07 PM
Which as far as I have seen are only available to those who are on beta, or those with access to beta files. ;)

09-01-2005, 06:22 PM
I have been on beta for DOD since the start, they never had AA abilities beyond omens listed.

09-02-2005, 07:15 AM
heres the original source for the list from 1st post
A friend who is not in the DoD Beta (so no NDA violation) found his PC still downloaded some of the DoD files and found these AAs mentioned in a text file. The classes quoted are his guesses I believe (tho some are obvious). Plus all of this data may be variable, or plain wrong as this is by no means an official listing - merely the result of a little data-mining when he downloaded some files.

I preordered DODH - theres no AA info in the preorder files

the only way its possible to get access to the AA/Spell data is if you are using files from the BetaPatcher

old BetaPatchers from OOW/DON will also download DODH files

use *any* BetaPatcher and you still break NDA

09-02-2005, 11:57 AM
I would just like to point out SOE's amazing record of always being perfect and always doing exactly what they intend with everything they do *grin*.

While its quite likely an earlier beta thats involved, this time the beta seems to be a lot messier than usual (the disaster that is nek for many beta people comes to mind) sothis time I could well believe that files *could* have been downloaded simply by mistake. The continued semi random pleas for more beta testers shows that this time things are perhaps a bit more haphazard than usual.

I have never been a beta tester, partially because of the troubles that seem to flow from helping out...have enough trouble keeping everything in tune as it is without the extra mess beta testers always seem to get.

Sliggoth, druid/ tradeskiller of seventh hammer

09-02-2005, 02:14 PM
Like i said in the other thread...

Don't be surprised if there are a few changes and also don't be surprised if you end up being dissapointed by this list. This is one of the reasons the NDA shouldn't be broken, people end up expecting too much.