View Full Forums : Extensive DoD AA list

09-01-2005, 10:04 AM
No idea as to the validity of these. .topic

Ability #490: Eradicate Undead
Description: This ability grants you a more damaging version of your Turn Undead ability.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #494: Silent Casting
Description: Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #497: Bandage Wounds
Description: This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage by 20 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 3
Ability #495: Gift of Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #506: Ward of Purity
Description: Use of this ability creates a stationary ward that cleanses poison and disease from every player within its range. Increased ranks improve the effectiveness of the ward.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #516: Abundant Healing
Description: Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #517: Greater Avatar
Description: This ability increases the potency of your Divine Avatar ability, increasing your physical prowess even further for a short period of time.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #500: Silent Casting
Description: Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #495: Gift of Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #501: Rune of Shadows
Description: This ability provides you with an upgraded version of your Eldritch Rune. Each rank of this ability provides a stronger rune than the previous.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #502: Channeling Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of your spell casts being interrupted by an additional 5 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #521: Edict of Command
Description: This ability will bind an NPC to your will, charming them until the spell wears off. This ability works on NPCs up to level 70. Rank 1 will keep the NPC charmed for 2 minutes, rank 2 for 5 minutes and rank 3 for 10 minutes.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #545: Deep Sleep
Description: This ability gives you an innate chance to put an NPC into a deep sleep when you mesmerize it. An NPC under the effects of a deep sleep will suffer offensive penalties for 90 seconds after the spell was initially cast. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #497: Bandage Wounds
Description: This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage by 20 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 3
Ability #513: Stealthy Getaway
Description: This ability allows you to quickly retreat from the current situation and arrive at a relatively safe location elsewhere in the zone. You must be hidden to use this ability.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #535: Forced Opening
Description: Each rank in this ability increases the chance that you can make a normal backstab from any angle.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #536: Appraisal
Description: This ability allows you to estimate the selling price of an item you are holding on your cursor.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #537: Precision Strikes
Description: Each rank in this ability increases the minimum damage you will do on any backstab.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #558: Concentration
Description: Each rank in this ability increases your chance to not have item effects interrupted when you take damage.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #498: Enhanced Aggression
Description: Each rank of this ability increases the maximum amount of attack you can gain from items by 10.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #555: Anatomy
Description: This ability increases the maximum level of humanoid that can be affected by your assassination ability by 3 levels per rank.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #497: Bandage Wounds
Description: This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage by 20 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 3
Ability #502: Channeling Mastery
Description: This ability reduces the chance of your spell casts being interrupted by an additional 5 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #529: Cloak of Light
Description: This ability allows you to become invisible to undead, nearly at will, without the need to memorize a spell.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #530: Greater Slay Undead
Description: This ability increases your chance to inflict improved damage versus the undead and the damage you do when you succeed.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #533: Knight's Alacrity
Description: Each rank in this ability increases your chance to score an additional attack with two-handed weapons.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #498: Enhanced Aggression
Description: Each rank of this ability increases the maximum amount of attack you can gain from items by 10.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #534: Wicked Blade
Description: This ability increases the chance of scoring an extra hit with all two-handed weapons that you wield.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #548: Hastened Defiance
Description: This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Warlord's Tenacity and Resolute Defiance by 10 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #549: Luring Feint
Description: This ability allows you to feint a brief retreat and cause your opponent to move closer to you.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #558: Concentration
Description: Each rank in this ability increases your chance to not have item effects interrupted when you take damage.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #498: Enhanced Aggression
Description: Each rank of this ability increases the maximum amount of attack you can gain from items by 10.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #552: Provocation
Description: This ability gives you a chance to provoke your opponent to the point where they will not flee from you or, if they are already fleeing, will instead turn back to you and continue fighting.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #496: Field Dressing
Description: This ability further increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage while binding wounds.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #494: Silent Casting
Description: Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #497: Bandage Wounds
Description: This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage by 20 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 3
Ability #495: Gift of Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #516: Abundant Healing
Description: Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #526: Affliction Mastery
Description: This ability improves the chance that damage-over-time spells will have a critical effect each time they are active.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #527: Greater Rabid Bear
Description: This ability grants you a more powerful version of Rabid Bear, greatly increasing all of your offensive capabilities.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #528: Ancestral Guard
Description: Through the use of this ability, you can call upon ancestral spirits to protect you from harm for a brief period. The spirits will absorb a portion of the damage you would normally take. Additional ranks increase the percent of damage that the spirits take instead of you.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #497: Bandage Wounds
Description: This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage by 20 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 3
Ability #534: Wicked Blade
Description: This ability increases the chance of scoring an extra hit with all two-handed weapons that you wield.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #538: Hastened Death
Description: This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Imitate Death by four minutes per rank.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #539: Unflinching Resolve
Description: This ability grants a chance to endure what would otherwise be a stunning blow, from any angle, without being stunned.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #540: Weightless Steps
Description: Years of training allows the monk to increase their base movement run. This increase does not stack with movement rate spell effects.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #558: Concentration
Description: Each rank in this ability increases your chance to not have item effects interrupted when you take damage.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #498: Enhanced Aggression
Description: Each rank of this ability increases the maximum amount of attack you can gain from items by 10.
Cost per Level: 5

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #500: Silent Casting
Description: Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #547: Elemental Phasing
Description: This ability causes your elemental to shift rapidly between the elemental and physical planes. Any attack made against the elemental during this effect has a chance to miss as it must strike while the elemental is in the correct plane. Additional ranks increase the chance that attacks will miss your elemental.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #495: Gift of Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #559: Turn Summoned
Description: This ability infuses a summoned NPC with elemental energy, causing them to continually take damage for the next 30 seconds. Each additional level of this ability increases the damage done. Occasionally a summoned NPC will react violently to the infusion of energy, potentially destroying it outright.
Cost per Level: 3
Ability #507: Wrack Summoned
Description: This ability further improves the damage caused by your Turn Summoned ability.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #508: Eradicate Summoned
Description: This ability further improves the damage caused by your Turn Summoned ability.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #522: Extended Burnout
Description: This ability increases the duration of your Frenzied Burnouts by 12 seconds per rank.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #523: Guardian of Ro
Description: This ability calls a more powerful servant into being who will repeatedly hurl fire at your target. Each rank of this ability increases the amount of time that the servant is able to remain by your side (45, 70, and 90 seconds).
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #546: Elemental Adept
Description: This ability increases the maximum effectiveness of your pet healing spells by 2, 5, and 10 percent.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #494: Silent Casting
Description: Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #497: Bandage Wounds
Description: This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage by 20 percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 3
Ability #495: Gift of Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #516: Abundant Healing
Description: Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #519: Convergence of Spirits
Description: This ability gives you an alternate form of Spirit of the Grove that channels the energy of the woodland spirits on to a single target. The concentrated energy provides an exceptionally fast heal and leaves the target with a brief period of regeneration and protective thorns.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #520: Nature's Guardian
Description: Use of this ability calls forth the spirit of a wild bear to attack your opponent for a brief time. Additional ranks increase the time before the bear returns to nature.
Cost per Level: 9
Ability #526: Affliction Mastery
Description: This ability improves the chance that damage-over-time spells will have a critical effect each time they are active.
Cost per Level: 9

Ability #322: Darkvision
Description: This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Cost per Level: 15
Ability #491: Suspended Animation
Description: This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #492: Precognition
Description: This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #493: Thick Skin
Description: This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #500: Silent Casting
Description: Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.
Cost per Level: 7
Ability #551: Hastened Mind Crash
Description: This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Mind Crash by ten percent per rank.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #495: Gift of Mana
Description: Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #512: Translocational Anchor
Description: While under the effect of this ability, an NPC will not be able to gate away from you. Additional ranks increase the duration of the effect.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #514: Pyromancy
Description: Any level 60 or higher fire-based direct damage spell you cast has a chance to ignite the targeted creature causing it to take continual damage and be more susceptible to further fire-based attacks. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #515: Mastery of Fury
Description: This ability further increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Cost per Level: 9

09-02-2005, 08:59 AM
I like the Innate group inv. Having to port to certain zones people always want Lasting Invis. It's a pain when you have to do single invis on everyone in your party. This will make traveling a lot easier.

09-02-2005, 09:48 AM

:bubbrubb2 :bubbrubb2

09-02-2005, 11:11 AM
Don't be surprised if there are a few changes and also don't be surprised if you end up being dissapointed by this list. This is one of the reasons the NDA shouldn't be broken, people end up expecting too much.

09-04-2005, 11:27 AM
I like the Innate group inv. Having to port to certain zones people always want Lasting Invis. It's a pain when you have to do single invis on everyone in your party. This will make traveling a lot easier.

Gah, if that's for real, I'd wish wizzies would get it, too.

What I really hate is running through PG to a trial and someone who demands the 'good' invis at all times keeps breaking it to loot. :rolleyes:

But why on earth give a healing class that bandage wounds one???

09-04-2005, 12:18 PM
The Bandage Wounds is for everyone.

09-05-2005, 03:50 AM
hmm not seeing the innate group invis here. hope they stick with it, would be invaluable in various situations.

09-06-2005, 01:35 AM
Ability #520: Nature's Guardian
Description: Use of this ability calls forth the spirit of a wild bear to attack your opponent for a brief time. Additional ranks increase the time before the bear returns to nature.

This is the only ability i care about.. everything else is just a retred of what we already have... or an improvement.. We have never had an AA pet spell. This means in the future, this will only continue to improve.

This could also be some forshadowing on druids getting an upgrade on booboo the bear. They did say we are getting new spells in this expansion.. How many nukes and class line spells can we get at level 70? We already have Class level 70 spells and Ancient spells. They going to move to Super Ancient spells? I think we may get a better pet.

Even if it was in line with the power of a shadow knights pet at level 70, id take it.

09-06-2005, 02:03 AM
Think back to GoD when it was released we got 4 new spells that were all level 65 to go with the level 65 spells we already had in PoP.

Hooray for uber booboo :)

09-06-2005, 07:53 AM
As far as the spells go my guess will be
A new fire nuke.
A new heal guessing a new 10 second heal since it is so out dated.
A new dot.

09-06-2005, 09:45 AM
Probably not a new 10 sec heal. SoE has stated that they are trying to phase that line of spells out of the game. The other 2 sound right probably.

09-07-2005, 03:33 AM
So, can any beta druids confirm if we get the group camo or not?

09-07-2005, 08:54 AM
Read the sticky post at the top of this forum :p And yes, we do get it.

09-07-2005, 10:48 AM
Read the sticky post at the top of this forum :p And yes, we do get it.

Thanks. Read that one, but (perhaps it's because there were more incomplete listings around than complete listings) it was missing from this post at the top. Just noticed now though, that some classes are missing entirely from this list too.

09-07-2005, 10:53 AM
Not the post at the top... the sticky in the Board.

09-07-2005, 11:44 AM
Yeah. That one has ALL the classes except druid missing. ;)

09-07-2005, 04:06 PM
Yeah. That one has ALL the classes except druid missing. ;)

First of all that's not a complete or finalized version

Second of all this is a druid site, I believe other class sites have complete and finalized (up to now) versions of their AAs and Spells/Discs.

IMO if you wanna be better informed, you should go to other sites until someone prepares a better list with all classes.

09-07-2005, 05:49 PM
True enough, Nimchip. I hadn't noticed some classes were missing until after the initial posts (meaning it was incomplete but looked complete at first glance). Anyways, I'm glad that the group camo includes both druid and ranger, I'll be buying it first on 3 characters. Thanks all for the confirmation, I'm looking forward to the expansion, especially on the chars I had maxed the aa's on.