View Full Forums : Official Depths of Darkhollows release AA and Spells

09-06-2005, 08:14 PM

This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.

Suspended Animation
This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by an additional 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.

This ability further increase your chance of completely avoiding incoming melee damage.

Thick Skin
This ability further increases your mitigation of incoming melee damage.

Silent Casting
Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.

Bandage Wounds
This ability increases the amount of healing provide by a single bandage by 20 percent per rank.

Gift of Mana
Required level 70 and Spell Casting Mastery at Level 3.
Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.

Abundant Healing
Required level 70 and Healing Gift Mastery at Level 3
Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.

Convergence of Spirits
Required level 70 and Spirit of the Grove at Level 3
This ability gives you an alternate form of Spirit of the Grove that channels the energy of the woodland spirits on to a single target. The concentrated energy provides an exceptionally fast heal and leaves the target with a brief period of regeneration and protective thorns.

Nature's Guardian
Required level 59 and must spend 12 AAs in Archetype.
Use of this ability calls forth the spirit of a wild bear to attack your opponent for a brief time. Additional ranks increase the time before the bear returns to nature.

Affliction Mastery
Required level 70 and Improved Critical Affliction at Level 3
This ability improves the chance that damage-over-time spells will have a critical effect each time they are active.

Shared Camouflage
This ability allows you to cloak your entire group in a camouflage nearly at will, causing them to become invisible without the need to memorize a spell.

Gift of Mana, Abundant Healing, Affliction Mastery and Shared Camouflage are shared with other classes. The AAs not in bold are available to every class.

AA Costs:

Innate See Invis - 9
Prolonged Mortality - 5/5/5/5/5
Precognition - 5/5/5/5/5
Thick Skin - 5/5/5/5/5
Silent Casting - 5/5/5/5/5
Bandage Wounds - 3/3/3/3/3
Gift of Mana - 3/6/9
Abundant Healing - 5/5/5/5/5
Shared Camouflage - 12
Convergence of Spirits - 3/6/9
Nature's Guardian - 3/6/9
Affliction Mastery - 7/7/7

236 Total AAs


1) Reptile Skin

Level 68
ana: 750
Target: Single
Recast: 30 seconds
Additional info: 120 max hits (includes swings)
Duration: 1 minute

New defensive buff that randomly procs out a heal. Base heal is 600. Buff duration AAs work on it.

2) Spore Spiral

Level 69
ana: 200
Target: Single
Recast: 15 seconds
Resist: -50 Chromatic
Duration: ~1 minute

Knockback root. Hard to resist, ideal for CC sitations.

3) Dawnstrike

Level 70
ana: 482
Target: Single
Recast: 2.25 seconds
Resist: Fire

2125 base fire nuke that has a slight chance of giving you a buff that will make your next nuke stronger, or can also debuff you and make your next nuke weaker.

4) Circle of Undershore

Level 52

5) Ring of Undershore

Level 52

09-06-2005, 09:25 PM
Some nice things.

Are spells bought, quested, dropped, or spontaneously appearing in our inventory?

09-06-2005, 10:21 PM
Thanks for the info Nim!

09-06-2005, 11:07 PM
1) Reptile Skin

ana: 750
Target: Single
Recast: TBA
Additional info: 120 max hits (includes swings)
Duration: 1 minute

New defensive buff that randomly procs out a heal. Base heal is 600 and can crit up to 1400+. Duration Foci and all heal / duration AAs work on it.

Wow this could have been a really cool spell, but its already been prenerfed for us, how much do you want to bet they are gonna completely make it useless with a 5 or 15 minute recast. If done properly this could have solved the healing gap we have with other healers.

They need to have a decent recast time, ie 30s, cut the mana in half or triple the duration, right now its kinda of a mana hog and would have to proc at least 5 times with 1 being a crit in that 1 minute to make better then a single chlorotrope.
This would have to proc 5 times with 1 crit during that minute to make it as effecient. Hopefully they change it prior to live or i have a feeling its gonna live at the back of the spell book.

2) Spore Spiral

ana: 200
Target: Single
Recast: 15 seconds
Resist: -50 Chromatic
Duration: ~1 minute

Knockback root with a fixed duration of around 1 minute. Hard to resist, ideal for CC sitations.

Ok I guess, maybe can find a use or 2.

3) Dawnstrike

ana: 482
Target: Single
Recast: 2.25 seconds
Resist: Fire

2125 base fire nuke that has a slight chance of giving you a buff that will make your next nuke stronger, or can also debuff you and make your next nuke weaker.

Not bad, wish they put in something like "makes your next nuke hit for at least full damage and stronger" but has potential.

Gift of Mana
Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.

Can be interesting, don't think they can make it useful without nerfing a bunch of encouters, so probably a low proc rate.

Abundant Healing
Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.

For 25aa this had better happen a lot, like 50%-75% of the time and with a decent hopt. If this is some 20% chance at a 1200hp heal over 30s bs i am gonna go postal.

Convergence of Spirits
This ability gives you an alternate form of Spirit of the Grove that channels the energy of the woodland spirits on to a single target. The concentrated energy provides an exceptionally fast heal and leaves the target with a brief period of regeneration and protective thorns.

Whoa for 21aa this had better be some big hot, though the recast timer for sotg will kill it for anything but a situational use. Good for soloing, bad for groups.

Nature's Guardian
Use of this ability calls forth the spirit of a wild bear to attack your opponent for a brief time. Additional ranks increase the time before the bear returns to nature.

Surprise surprise, our only unique ability this expansion is an aa just about everyone else got a couple of expansions ago, kinda fitting really. Honestly at least it has a use so can't really complain. Just wished for something kinda unique and cool to give us an advantage in one area.

Affliction Mastery
This ability improves the chance that damage-over-time spells will have a critical effect each time they are active.

This kinda makes me excited and probably the best ability there.

Shared Camouflage
This ability allows you to cloak your entire group in a camouflage nearly at will, causing them to become invisible without the need to memorize a spell.

Seems nice, but not worth 12aa, sorry but i would rather just mem the damn spell and cast it 5 times then spending 12aa on this. Should have been a spell and an upgrade to our group invis, or 12aa to be able to invis people out of group.

09-06-2005, 11:13 PM
LOL Did you like anything :ange:

09-06-2005, 11:18 PM
Wow this could have been a really cool spell, but its already been prenerfed for us, how much do you want to bet they are gonna completely make it useless with a 5 or 15 minute recast. If done properly this could have solved the healing gap we have with other healers.

They need to have a decent recast time, ie 30s, cut the mana in half or triple the duration, right now its kinda of a mana hog and would have to proc at least 5 times with 1 being a crit in that 1 minute to make better then a single chlorotrope.
This would have to proc 5 times with 1 crit during that minute to make it as effecient. Hopefully they change it prior to live or i have a feeling its gonna live at the back of the spell book.
You are being FAR too negative. The recast time is not going to be 5 or 15 minutes. It currently DOES proc MORE than 5 times during a minute. I would go through everything you said and correct you, however, that would take far too long. Instead of getting all upset before you have even used the stuff in its final form, it may be best to not complain...especially when I can say first hand the Dev's actually listened (and even implemented) some of the suggestions that Sildan, Nimchip, and Myself thought would be better than what was originally planned.

09-07-2005, 12:47 AM
Some numbers for Kzar (and others maybe) :)

Keeping in mind nothing is final yet.

Reptile Skin currently actually has a 30 second recast time, but apparently that's still under review, I highly doubt its going to end up several minutes long. Also I'm not certain if the spell actually will crit if you cast this on a person that doesn't have the AAs to make heals crit. As in it might work on a paladin tank, but not a warrior I think.

Dawnstrike grants the beneficial effect 20% of the time, and the detrimental effect 1% of the time.
The beneficial is a 50% damage focus which goes into your song window. Detrimental is a -50% damage focus and goes into your buff window.
Personally I'm hoping they will still improve this, as wizards and magicians get very similar spells but those grants +100% focus instead.

Abundant Healing seemed to go off 5-10% of the time, it might be a little higher, but it surely wasn't what you're hoping for. The effect is a 250hp regen for 30 seconds which goes into the song window.

Gift of Mana also goes off about 10% of the time.

Convergence of Spirits is a 2k direct heal (although I'm not certain on this, it does heal, but it doesn't actually display 'you have healed soandso for X'), and after that its a 1k HoT for 6-7 ticks(on the highest rank of the skill).

Affliction Mastery add another 6% to bring us up to 24% crit rate on dots.

Starlene Antares
09-07-2005, 01:16 AM
I apologize if I've overlooked this, but I can't seem to find where it lists the level of these spells. Are they all level 70?

09-07-2005, 01:53 AM
Seems nice, but not worth 12aa, sorry but i would rather just mem the damn spell and cast it 5 times then spending 12aa on this. Should have been a spell and an upgrade to our group invis, or 12aa to be able to invis people out of group.

IMO this is very worth it, Foliage Shield doesn't cut it anymore and I'd rather just hit this hotkey instead of memorizing then casting Cloak of Nature.

09-07-2005, 02:08 AM
Reptile Skin is badass. Tested with a nice pally that let me experiment on him. RSS-type hitting mobs were quite doable to heal. Seriously badass proc rate. ding ding ding ding.
Not overpowering, simply a serious relief on healing duty. And yes, the pally tank could crit, not sure of warrior.

Soloing with it, it healed randomly between 30 and 768, with lots of crits for 1536.

y testing of Dawnstrike didn't seem to add 50% when it activated, but I didn't get to test that too much.

Star, Dawnstrike is 70. Spore Spiral was 68, and Reptile Skin was 67.

Also, are you sure Reptile Skin is 60 seconds? I thought it was 90.

Finally, I believe Spore Spiral was PBAE root.

09-07-2005, 02:39 AM
Also, are you sure Reptile Skin is 60 seconds? I thought it was 90.

It's 60, ext buff aa would bring it up to 90, foci should be able to take it up to 1min 38sec.

And yes it was overall very nice, there was a recast on it but nothing too bad, it's something you'd only want to keep up on a main tank anyways so at most you shouldn't be casting it on more than 2ppl. For the traditional grp with 1 MT it's something you'd pop before mobs are in camp and it will make the healing load a bit easier.

Really nice solution imo, it helps a good deal for healing a tank but doesn't really give any edge for healing the rest of the grp since they won't in most cases be taking enough hits for it to proc enough.

The shared camo aa would own but think that is just a ranger ability... I'd personally perfer that over the bear pet any day of the week for the sheer convience.

The root originally was an ae (frontal cone shape ae) root with a 200/tick dot. Haven't played recently to test. Sounds like this incarnation is a bit more useful though =p.

09-07-2005, 03:07 AM
Yeah the Dawnstrike thing is 50% focus, however like all focus it's random, so it would be easy to miss.

The frontal cone root was severely overpowered for soloing :)
They changed it a short while back, it still needs some changes to reach the form Nim posted. But that one looks nice to me also, and probably more practical than a situationally overpowered spell.

Shared Camo went to rangers initially, it got added to our list recently also.

09-07-2005, 03:28 AM
Shared Camouflage
This ability allows you to cloak your entire group in a camouflage nearly at will, causing them to become invisible without the need to memorize a spell. im guessing its just like innate cammo, and has a fixed duration as well.

09-07-2005, 03:37 AM
Any Idea if the shared Camo is fixed time? Sounds kinda handy to me.

The Heal Buff is a great idea imo, hopefully, and I don't mean to be mean here, but is it druid only? A type of healing all our own or do the others get a better use it over ours version?

The AA 2k Insta Heal will be useful on raids I would have thought and am looking forward to it, assuming reuse is not to long, even 5mins would make it a worthwhile tool IMO.

Overall the spells all sound good to me, no snare though what gives hehe.... /em duck.

Bear Pet, its ok I guess.

ore crit afflication is good.

Nothing truely unique though is there? Not that there must be off course.

Overall it sounds good, thanks for all the info and time to help fine tune this stuff in Beta guys.

09-07-2005, 05:54 AM
I can't say I tested it alot (as in wait 20 minutes and see if it fades), but from the little testing I did do with Shared Camoflage it seems identical to Innate Camoflage, 20 mins fixed duration, instant cast etc.

Although Convergence of Spirits is a decent enough ability. Sadly enough it's not a 5 minutes reuse, it shares its timer with Spirit of the Wood/Grove, which means 15 mins and using up both abilities when you use one of them.

Abundant Healing seems to be a priest ability, not just for druids

09-07-2005, 07:12 AM
You are being FAR too negative. The recast time is not going to be 5 or 15 minutes. It currently DOES proc MORE than 5 times during a minute. I would go through everything you said and correct you, however, that would take far too long. Instead of getting all upset before you have even used the stuff in its final form, it may be best to not complain...especially when I can say first hand the Dev's actually listened (and even implemented) some of the suggestions that Sildan, Nimchip, and Myself thought would be better than what was originally planned.
No need to emphasive the word "more", it procs 7.5104 times per minute. Prenerf it proced 8.6768 times, scaled its PPM up on multiple mobs (it does NOT do this now, but the swings from those multiple mobs DO count against the max SWINGS (not HITs) ). the recast was 30 seconds last login, which is too much it should be 7 seconds (what it was postnerf).

Edit: Convergence of Spirits is currently retardedly useless, recast of 15 minutes + it uses SotW/G's timer.

GoM has about a 10% chance of going off, Dawnstrike 25% chance (thats 25% chance for Frost of Dawn to go off, Shadow of Dawn has such a low proc rate I didnt bother parsing it) before the patch that changed GoM to be 3 levels of 7 AAs each. It still seems to be the same proc rate as five levels of it, Im gonna do 5 more runs after raiding tonight to get in a total of 10 tests like the last time I parsed them and then I will do the math for it.

edit by Nimchip: Language and please remember that the NDA is still up for certain items

Megn Summer
09-07-2005, 08:14 AM
How do you GET these new spells? PLEASE don't tell me its more frickin' RUNES! I still don't have all my 70 spells from the last expansion!

09-07-2005, 08:45 AM
How do you GET these new spells? PLEASE don't tell me its more frickin' RUNES! I still don't have all my 70 spells from the last expansion!

/spells ftw, if it were only that easy on live.

09-07-2005, 09:33 AM
I'd like everyone to read the official announcement for the NDA lift again:

EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow beta NDA lifted!
Feel free to tell your friends about Depths of Darkhollow now that portions of the beta NDA have been lifted. However, keep in mind that we are lifting the NDA for discussion of game content and features only and not with respect to bugs, feedback, communication between SOE and beta testers, or other confidential communication regarding the beta. Thank you again for all of your help during beta!

Please be considerate and edit your posts as necesary before stuff gets out of hand.

09-07-2005, 09:48 AM
this looks widely interesting and consuming of my life so far.

:bubbrubb2 :bubbrubb2 A+ from me :D

09-07-2005, 11:28 AM
Nobody seems interested in the bear pet....Im just curious if it is as useful as a swarm of Bobo's would be, or can they actually do any damage/take attention of us to get evac off ?

09-07-2005, 12:30 PM
-Z from me, if theres such a thing, bastids should add like 1000AA's then ima be satisfied =p.

09-07-2005, 03:26 PM
You are being FAR too negative.

Sorry, I guess i have played eq too long, and get used to any unique/cool ability gets nerfed to oblivion.

Instead of getting all upset before you have even used the stuff in its final form, it may be best to not complain...

See thats the problem, to evaluate the abilities, i would have to be in beta or buy the expansion. Currently i have no plans to, unless forced to by my guild, so pardon me if i would like to know how useful they are before i shell out my hard earned cash on another lemon.

especially when I can say first hand the Dev's actually listened (and even implemented) some of the suggestions that Sildan, Nimchip, and Myself thought would be better than what was originally planned.

Edit: everything i try to type here comes out as an insulting, but if these spells/abilities are your 'suggestions', 'babies' can you remain neutral and impartial about them or will any critism be considered personal attacks?

Some numbers for Kzar (and others maybe)

Thank you, i do appreciate it.

Dawnstrike grants the beneficial effect 20% of the time, and the detrimental effect 1% of the time.
The beneficial is a 50% damage focus which goes into your song window. Detrimental is a -50% damage focus and goes into your buff window.
Personally I'm hoping they will still improve this, as wizards and magicians get very similar spells but those grants +100% focus instead.

Interesting, though a little disheartened that the wiz/mag get 100% while we get 50%.

Abundant Healing seemed to go off 5-10% of the time, it might be a little higher, but it surely wasn't what you're hoping for. The effect is a 250hp regen for 30 seconds which goes into the song window.

the 5-10% is that with all 25 aa's spent in it? Though 25aa for a 10% chance for a 1500hp hot, hmmm. Do you know if there were a lot of stacking problems? or if extended duration aa/focus effects affect it. Free manaless heals are nice, but 25aa for a 10% chance for a 1500hot seems excessive.

Gift of Mana also goes off about 10% of the time.

Actually this seems promising, especially when spam healing or chain nuking. Kinda like a 10% mana preservation focus.

Convergence of Spirits is a 2k direct heal (although I'm not certain on this, it does heal, but it doesn't actually display 'you have healed soandso for X'), and after that its a 1k HoT for 6-7 ticks(on the highest rank of the skill).

Any more information you can provide on this would be appreciated, I was hoping this one would have been a decent one considering the aa cost, some questions.

Does it heal for 1k over 6 tics, or 1k every tic for 6 tics.
Does extended aa/focuses increase the HOT like sotg.
Is it a 1 button click/heal, or do we need to activate it then hit sotg, like mgb?

From your description it looks like, it does 2k initially and then normal sotg on one target. Sotg2 heals like 280ish, so 280ish X 6-7 = ~1800ish. More details would be great. I guess i was under a false impression that it would channel sotg into 1 target, doing 280ish X6 a tic for X number of tics, but it doesn't sound like it.

No need to emphasive the word "more", it procs 7.5104 times per minute. Prenerf it proced 8.6768 times, scaled its PPM up on multiple mobs

It seems like our focuses don't have an effect on it, so on a warrior it does 600 with 0% chance to crit.

7.51 X 600 (on a warrior) for 750m = 6.01 hp/m ... hmm interesting has potential

How does that compare to a focused/aa chloro.

2810h + 562h(20%focus)+ 786(aa) = 4158h/691m, 6.02h/m

Damnit, So its effeciency is about equal to a chloro with extended aa + focus. With extended duration aa someone said you can extend it to 1min 38sec?, does the max hits limitation kill it before that happens.... How's the aggro? Is it consider a level 60+ heal spell so there is a chance for a hot triggering off it? How's the cast time? Hopefully its fast cast so we could cast it on inc?

So far it seems "meh" at best, not worth spending 30 bucks to get it though. If this spell is after "druid" feedback i can only cringe on how sucky it must have been when it was introduced.


09-07-2005, 04:03 PM
Convergence is an iinstant spot heal (which makes it powerful already) and it keeps healing down like a heal over time after that with added DS.

09-07-2005, 04:27 PM
Convergence is an iinstant spot heal (which makes it powerful already) and it keeps healing down like a heal over time after that with added DS.

Shrug, i have the tacvi 1hb that i can use to spotheal for 0 mana, not instant, but 2.0s cast time and no recast, usable every 3min 30sec and i don't have to give up sotg for it.

I am just trying to gauge how powerful it is, since it uses the same timer as sotg. If i have to give up my only group heal for a 2k blast heal and 1k hot instead of a 7k+ group heal for 21aa, i kinda would like to know more.

09-07-2005, 05:25 PM
Isnt Reptile Skin significantly better on Pallies? (i.e. they reflect off their crit heals)

09-07-2005, 06:04 PM
It seems like our focuses don't have an effect on it, so on a warrior it does 600 with 0% chance to crit.

7.51 X 600 (on a warrior) for 750m = 6.01 hp/m ... hmm interesting has potential

How does that compare to a focused/aa chloro.

2810h + 562h(20%focus)+ 786(aa) = 4158h/691m, 6.02h/m

Damnit, So its effeciency is about equal to a chloro with extended aa + focus. With extended duration aa someone said you can extend it to 1min 38sec?, does the max hits limitation kill it before that happens.... How's the aggro? Is it consider a level 60+ heal spell so there is a chance for a hot triggering off it? How's the cast time? Hopefully its fast cast so we could cast it on inc?

So far it seems "meh" at best, not worth spending 30 bucks to get it though. If this spell is after "druid" feedback i can only cringe on how sucky it must have been when it was introduced.

AA's work on RS, heals 768 (1536 crit) with max AAs.

edit: I did all the test on myself, so if it doesn't count MY AAs on ther person it's cast on.... goddamn it...

09-07-2005, 06:51 PM
I would be curious if it takes our AAs or the recipients....

09-07-2005, 07:12 PM
Holy my heart is gonna stop batman.. did Sony acutally LISTEN to mere Druids for a change instead of catering to the insecurities of the clerics and shaman??

09-07-2005, 07:22 PM
I would be curious if it takes our AAs or the recipients....

Cast it on my monk alt and he only got 600 pt heals.

09-07-2005, 07:49 PM
Cast it on my monk alt and he only got 600 pt heals.

Fantastic :curse:

Netura: watch the language.

09-07-2005, 08:42 PM
You are being FAR too negative. The recast time is not going to be 5 or 15 minutes. It currently DOES proc MORE than 5 times during a minute. I would go through everything you said and correct you, however, that would take far too long. Instead of getting all upset before you have even used the stuff in its final form, it may be best to not complain...especially when I can say first hand the Dev's actually listened (and even implemented) some of the suggestions that Sildan, Nimchip, and Myself thought would be better than what was originally planned.

I agree that we should wait and see before we say anything but I would sure hate to be the one who wasted a ton of banked aa's just to test how well it works LOL. And who is to say that SOE will leave the proc rates the same live as in beta?

On the surface I like much of the new stuff but I was hoping that the missing healing line we have been begging for would be included in the expansion and SOE would add stances later.

I guess we have to hope that SOE will add another healing line with the stances. If they leave out another healing line and are going to try and balance the class only with more aa's that are of random effect then I am less than excited.


P.S. Since it's only a matter of weeks (days?) before the exact percentages come out for these new aa's would it not just have been better to tell us what they are? I mean what is the point of trying to keep them a secret if anyone with access to the internet and 2 mins times can look them up? The only people they are a secret from are the poor saps who take a chance and buy them before the numbers are posted LOL

09-07-2005, 08:47 PM
What I want to know (since I still have 0 level 69 and 70 spells!!!) is how you obtain the spells. If we are back to uber rare drops (or zones I cannot fight in) then the only thing to look forward to for casual players are the aa's. I like many of them but I still want my spells. *sniff*


09-07-2005, 08:52 PM
I guess we have to hope that SOE will add another healing line with the stances. If they leave out another healing line and are going to try and balance the class only with more aa's that are of random effect then I am less than excited.

Reptile Skin

P.S. Since it's only a matter of weeks (days?) before the exact percentages come out for these new aa's would it not just have been better to tell us what they are? I mean what is the point of trying to keep them a secret if anyone with access to the internet and 2 mins times can look them up? The only people they are a secret from are the poor saps who take a chance and buy them before the numbers are posted LOL

You mean the ones that are max AA and are itching to spend on something? :p
Actual percentages are on my to-do list to edit the main list. I have to do a few parses though, and there's also a huge factor which is that some of these items are still being tweaked.

What I want to know (since I still have 0 level 69 and 70 spells!!!) is how you obtain the spells. If we are back to uber rare drops (or zones I cannot fight in) then the only thing to look forward to for casual players are the aa's. I like many of them but I still want my spells. *sniff*

ATM we have no idea how they'll be obtained.

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
09-07-2005, 09:05 PM
2) Spore Spiral

ana: 200
Target: Single
Recast: 15 seconds
Resist: -50 Chromatic
Duration: ~1 minute

Knockback root with a fixed duration of around 1 minute. Hard to resist, ideal for CC sitations.
Didn't notice the mob being knocked back when I rooted the first one, so must not be much of a knockback. Much too long a refresh before I could root the second mob.

As is, it seems rather worthless.

I love Reptile Skin. Crits based on the AA of the person being healed? How ... odd. But that explains why I got crits on me and not on the pally alt. Wait till I tell my partner he has to put aside his tanking AAs to get his healing AAs.

Dawnstrike also seems pretty cool.

I won't bother with the bear AA. He doesn't last any longer than baby bear. For 18 AA, I expected ... something. (Cost was 3, 6, 9. Not 9, 9, 9.) Not a bear that poofed within seconds, with 2 misses and 2 hits (350 damage each).

09-07-2005, 09:10 PM
What I want to know (since I still have 0 level 69 and 70 spells!!!) is how you obtain the spells. If we are back to uber rare drops (or zones I cannot fight in) then the only thing to look forward to for casual players are the aa's. I like many of them but I still want my spells. *sniff*

This is by design.
Sony intentionally DOES NOT allow beta testers to know how spells will be obtained as this would give us an unfair advantage over the rest of you.

We are as in the dark as you are. It's the best way to level the playing field :smile:

09-07-2005, 09:47 PM
I won't bother with the bear AA. He doesn't last any longer than baby bear. For 18 AA, I expected ... something. (Cost was 3, 6, 9. Not 9, 9, 9.) Not a bear that poofed within seconds, with 2 misses and 2 hits (350 damage each).
y parse (before he was updated) showed duration of 57 seconds and 4k'ish damage. He was supposed to be modified with higher dps, I haven't had a chance to test it recently.

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
09-07-2005, 10:01 PM
He lasted all of 8 seconds from start of cast to his death.

ind you, I sent him in alone on a green snake in Darkhollow just to see what he could do. He took 625 damage.

I'm so ashamed :(

(Please don't tell Silxie I killed another bear)

09-07-2005, 10:46 PM
I guess we have to hope that SOE will add another healing line with the stances. If they leave out another healing line and are going to try and balance the class only with more aa's that are of random effect then I am less than excited

Reptile Skin

OMG is reptile skin SOE's answer to our lack of healing utility, this is it? Please tell me your joking, please. This is it? Please tell me they are looking into the massive healing gap and our lack of effeceincy. Hell I would gladly take stances over this peice of fluff.

Are they gonna table stances and give us this *^*&%&*% spell and call us balanced? Please i gotta know.

09-07-2005, 11:18 PM
This is by design.
Sony intentionally DOES NOT allow beta testers to know how spells will be obtained as this would give us an unfair advantage over the rest of you.

We are as in the dark as you are. It's the best way to level the playing field :smile:

I understand.... I guess I was just thinking out loud. I am so very bummed out right now that not only do I not have a single level 69 or 70 spell but I have near zero chance to "ever" obtain one.

If I had to ask SOE one question I would ask them this?

Are casual players who cannot raid expected to ever obtain their level 69 and 70 spells and if yes then how? If no then why?


P.S. It took me a long long time to gain my 66-68 spells but with slow but steady playtime I was eventually rewarded with my spells little by little as I was able to save enough plat to buy them.

09-08-2005, 12:50 AM
so it looks like our spells got pushed to live with the patch.
for sure, these can and prolly will change by release day:

Reptile Skin:
the proc:

Spore Spiral:

it's possible autocast:

my only comment at the moment is on the focus imparted by Dawnstrike... IT'S LEVEL LIMITED TO 70! thanks for the planned obsolescence, sony.

Additions, AAs:
Gift of Mana:

Abundant Healing:

Convergence of Spirits:

Nature's Guardian:

Shared Camouflage:

Silent Casting:

Also found these:
Ring of Undershore:
Circle of Undershore:

09-08-2005, 01:03 AM
Well, its self only. And Dawnstrike is a level 70 spell...And its higher damage compared to any of our other nukes...

09-08-2005, 04:06 AM
it's knit picking but I wish convergance's ac and ds buff picked up where grove left off and scaled up from there. Right now it's like

Grove 3 - 66ac 70ds
CoS 1 - 54ac 60ds
CoS 2 - 60ac 65ds
CoS 3 - 66ac 70ds

should be 72/78/84ac and 75/80/85ds over the 3 lvls.

The 30sec recast on the root should be reconsidered... that and it's duration needs to be balanced. 30seconds with out root is a long time when you need it, if ppl have to keep 2 roots up this spell just isn't gonna get used much. If it has the 1min duration which is fine the recast should be like 4/6 seconds sorta like ensnares. Extra mana cost added if needed. Alternatively 30sec recast with a longer like 3min+ duration would be ok imo.

The recast on reptile is fine. Overall I'm pretty happy with the spells/aa this expansion.

09-08-2005, 04:08 AM
btw if you look at does that suggest the chances are 20 for blessing and 1 for shadow?

09-08-2005, 06:56 AM
btw if you look at does that suggest the chances are 20 for blessing and 1 for shadow?

yes, but 20% seemes low, all the testing ive done comes back around 24%

09-08-2005, 10:09 AM
If the procing heal goes off more based on the amount of swings then a dual wielder will get healed a lot more than a 2hander swinger :) Even if the healing aa's don't affect the recepients a warrior/monk/ranger/rogue/bst should get healed more than say a pally, SK, or berserker... I'll have to test this out... oh and also if the recepient has all the procing aa's then it's even more! I like that list it looks good. Still would like a grp heal though :)

09-08-2005, 01:21 PM
Well, its self only. And Dawnstrike is a level 70 spell...And its higher damage compared to any of our other nukes...

Solstice Strike, dose 2201 dmg, thats more then Dawnstrike. without the benefit or dissadvantage.

09-08-2005, 01:52 PM
If the procing heal goes off more based on the amount of swings then a dual wielder will get healed a lot more than a 2hander swinger :) Even if the healing aa's don't affect the recepients a warrior/monk/ranger/rogue/bst should get healed more than say a pally, SK, or berserker... I'll have to test this out... oh and also if the recepient has all the procing aa's then it's even more! I like that list it looks good. Still would like a grp heal though :)

it procs when the mob hits YOU (or whomever has the buff) not when you hit/swing at the mob

09-08-2005, 01:58 PM
Well, its self only. And Dawnstrike is a level 70 spell...And its higher damage compared to any of our other nukes...

yeah, i hear ya. and i was playing with it some last night and saw the power of it... chain nuking with it 62xx+ crits were fairly common. that was without epic and only .3-ish gear mod.

i have not played with the root much, tho. maybe tonight. is it really 1 minute guaranteed? is that regardless of nukes? that just seems... too good to be true. i am thinking of all sorts of solo/group/raid targets that could be gimped by a guaranteed 1 minute root chain casted by a group of druids with a -50 chromatic check. Time TZ/VZ/Inny come to mind... RSS King maybe... others...

09-08-2005, 02:26 PM
I think it will be broken by nukes just as much as any other root.

09-08-2005, 03:12 PM
so... if i calc'd right, max nuke crit should be 8,914?
solstice strike = 2201, with DF, Dawnstrike buff, epic, max fire focus, and bard song.
(2201 * 2.25) + (2201 * 1.8)

hmmm... if stances actually happen and affects base, max crit would be 11,141...

edit 2:
actually, after thinking about this a second, i think Dawnstrike gives us an idea how druid stances may end up working... Offensive mode, buff in the song box with +25 dd focus, debuff in buffbar with healing -50%, opposite for defensive mode, neither in normal stance. so yeah.. that'd limit that crit to 9,464.
ummm... need more buff slots, please

09-09-2005, 12:11 AM
I think your math is a bit off, I try my math, most likely also off :)

Solstice Strike, with Dragon Fire, Destructive Fury, Fire of Dawn and Season's Fury.
That's 50% worn, 125% crit, 100% buff*, and 50% multiplier at the end.

(2201 * (1 + 0.50 + 1.25 + 1.00)) * 1.5 = 12380

I doubt I'll ever see it as the odds of it happening are basicly 0%, but it looks nice in theory :p

*) Fire of Dawn (the beneficial Dawnstrike recourse) got changed to 100%. Also I ignored bard song, because only the highest buff focus will work, just like with worn focus.

responding to Aelfin in edit to avoid needless spam.
Yeah our math is identical minus the epic part, I am however pretty certain I got that right though.

09-09-2005, 12:19 AM
destructive fury only works on base. focus effects are only applied to base, not the crit. i think.

other than that interesting info, didn't realize bard song would not work. still 100% vs 50% is nice.

so now i think:
2201 * 2.25 + (2201 * (1.0 + .5 + .5)) = 9,354

i added the epic in with the other foci because i don't know if epic affects all or just stacks with the others.

nevermind that first part, i see you added in df as 1.25. we are saying the same thing then other than knowing how epic affects it. :)

09-09-2005, 07:54 AM
Updated AA costs

09-09-2005, 09:29 AM
YESS!!! finally some AA and spells that seem to be somewhat different, innovative and interesting ... good work class representatives :). Looking forward for the bear really, i hope it is a real popup tank for a few seconds.
Bah taken in a rush of enthusiams i preordered DoD, instead of cancelling subscription .. bad idea for my life really, but WTF eheh

09-09-2005, 11:17 AM

When you said "*) Fire of Dawn (the beneficial Dawnstrike recourse) got changed to 100%. " where did you get that information? I would LOVE that to be true, however Lucy still shows 50%. Is that from your actual testing results in Beta?



09-09-2005, 11:45 AM
it procs when the mob hits YOU (or whomever has the buff) not when you hit/swing at the mob

Awwww ok I see how it works now. thanks for clarifying :smile:

09-09-2005, 02:08 PM
Here's my take on these AA's and spells, which I might change once I get to work with them a little.

Nature's Guardian
Required level 59 and must spend 12 AAs in Archetype.
Use of this ability calls forth the spirit of a wild bear to attack your opponent for a brief time. Additional ranks increase the time before the bear returns to nature.

Druids who asked for a better pet were asking for a upgrade to Booboo.
This doesn't qualify. Sorry. When SoE says "brief time" their not joking. I'll be watching to see how useful others find this AA before I'll even consider buying it. But with the 59 level requirement, I'm not expecting any substancial dps from it.

Where's the upgrade to booboo?

Shared Camouflage
This ability allows you to cloak your entire group in a camouflage nearly at will, causing them to become invisible without the need to memorize a spell.

I asked for this and it will help out in raids, mpg and all around, and I'll buy it.

What other classes got this AA? What I don't understand is that up to now Druids have been the only class with a group invis. It's not acceptible that another Druid only ability is given out to other classes, especially when we still don't get a HoT or Group Heal or an upgrade to Booboo.

Required level 70 and Spirit of the Grove at Level 3
This ability gives you an alternate form of Spirit of the Grove that channels the energy of the woodland spirits on to a single target. The concentrated energy provides an exceptionally fast heal and leaves the target with a brief period of regeneration and protective thorns.

I will eventually buy this, but why not just give us a decent HoT spell or group heal or a way to reduce the timer on SotW/G to something useful.

Abundant Healing
Required level 70 and Healing Gift Mastery at Level 3
Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.

Not bad, just expensive. Probably will buy eventually. How soon will depend on the chance of it occuring. Wish SoE would put in here what the chances are of this occuring.

Silent Casting
Each rank of Silent Casting reduces the hate of your spells by up to 20% while the ability is active.

Like it, but activated? :/

Gift of Mana
Required level 70 and Spell Casting Mastery at Level 3.
Whenever you cast a level 65 or higher spell, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.

Hum. 18 AA's. Again, SoE should state what the chances are of this occurring. Will likely buy eventually.

1) Reptile Skin

Level 67
ana: 750
Target: Single
Recast: 30 seconds
Additional info: 120 max hits (includes swings)
Duration: 1 minute

New defensive buff that randomly procs out a heal. Base heal is 600 and can crit up to 1400+. Duration Foci and all heal / duration AAs work on it.

Lucy has this listed as Dot [Undead] and it's listed as undeletable. I don't understand that. Is this cast on mob or PC?

2) Spore Spiral

Level 68
ana: 200
Target: Single
Recast: 15 seconds
Resist: -50 Chromatic
Duration: ~1 minute

Knockback root with a fixed duration of around 1 minute. Hard to resist, ideal for CC sitations.

I like this overall. According to Lucy it's a Target AE. May Tunare help you if some nasty mobs resists this.

3) Dawnstrike

Level 70
ana: 482
Target: Single
Recast: 2.25 seconds
Resist: Fire

2125 base fire nuke that has a slight chance of giving you a buff that will make your next nuke stronger, or can also debuff you and make your next nuke weaker.

(This has a 7 sec casting time btw.)

Another nuke. Don't like the idea of being debuffed. What's the point in that?

Let's see Soltice Strike is 2201 damage for 494 mana and no chance to get debuffed.

HP/Mana Efficiency is almost the same
Soltice Strike: 2201/494 = 4.455 HP per mana <=slightly better
Dawnstrike: 2125/482 = 4.409 HP per mana

I miss the whole point of this spell. Why not a HoT or Group heal that gives our next heal a chance to be stronger?


The only thing here that I know for sure that was asked for by Druids is Shared Camo, and that had to be give to other classes (I'm not sure which one's though).

The pet AA is not an improved pet.

There's no HoT or Group heal. Why?

I sure wish I knew what direction SoE was going with Druids.

I'm just going to continue to group with Pally's when I have to MH.


AA's sure are getting expensive though.


09-09-2005, 02:40 PM
Shared Camouflage
This ability allows you to cloak your entire group in a camouflage nearly at will, causing them to become invisible without the need to memorize a spell.

I asked for this and it will help out in raids, mpg and all around, and I'll buy it.

What other classes got this AA? What I don't understand is that up to now Druids have been the only class with a group invis. It's not acceptible that another Druid only ability is given out to other classes, especially when we still don't get a HoT or Group Heal or an upgrade to Booboo.

rangers also get it. i believe that is all.

Required level 70 and Spirit of the Grove at Level 3
This ability gives you an alternate form of Spirit of the Grove that channels the energy of the woodland spirits on to a single target. The concentrated energy provides an exceptionally fast heal and leaves the target with a brief period of regeneration and protective thorns.

I will eventually buy this, but why not just give us a decent HoT spell or group heal or a way to reduce the timer on SotW/G to something useful.

yeah, kinda wish this were a separate line from sotg on a separate timer

1) Reptile Skin

Level 67
ana: 750
Target: Single
Recast: 30 seconds
Additional info: 120 max hits (includes swings)
Duration: 1 minute

New defensive buff that randomly procs out a heal. Base heal is 600 and can crit up to 1400+. Duration Foci and all heal / duration AAs work on it.

Lucy has this listed as Dot [Undead] and it's listed as undeletable. I don't understand that. Is this cast on mob or PC?

cast on pc. realize, the details in Lucy are prolly still a bit off and will remain so until the expansion itself goes live.

I'm just going to continue to group with Pally's when I have to MH.

that's good because reptile skin works very well with a pally :)

09-09-2005, 02:55 PM
A few general responses to various posts...

- Cass, you can get 69 runes from EASILY 1-groupable nameds in WoS. It might take some time to have a bunch drop and win the rolls but I've seen 4-5 of them drop and I don't live in WoS.

- Sony has good reason to not give druids an upgraded pet: we aren't a pet class. This has been said thousands (millions?) of times. Booboo was a gag gift, something to farm baby greenies in low zones, not a tank for us or extra dps. Druids have so many abilities and are already such great soloers that a pet would seriously unbalance our class. I'm very glad we got this new bear AA as it is, a swarm type dps addition. It will just give us one more way to dps.

- Is Reptile Skin druid only? If so, its a unique type of heal that only druids can cast and that will most likely be cast before each fight otherwords we can still do our normal heals (also with a chance at free HoT's if you get the new AA). Isn't that what we wanted? I love it. With all the new healing AA's added on I think we'll really be able to main heal significantly easier. Cast reptile skin before the fight starts, hit em with a quick heal or iCH...which have a chance to leave a HoT while you cast the next one (or buy you some time to not have to cast), and a single shot INSTANT heal AA to save someone in a pinch. I can't see how anyone can complain when all we can do now is chain cast straight up heals with a group HoT every 15 min. And does any other class have a meaningful heal with absolute 0 cast time? Another unique healing ability for the Druids. Woo.

- I think Silent Casting is an activated type because sometimes you want aggro. If you have full SCS and Silent Casting as passive abilities you'd be hard-pressed to aggro kite anywhere unless you're soloing.

- "Another nuke. Don't like the idea of being debuffed. What's the point in that?" Did you miss the multiple posts in this thread saying the nuke has a 20-25% chance to give us a buff that makes our nukes do 50-100% more damage? That's the point of the spell. The 1% chance of it debuffing us is just a balancing aspect.

- We don't get an HoT or group heal because those aren't druid abilities. We do now have two unique healing abilities though, Reptile Skin and the instant Convergence heal. Reptile Skin especially is awesome...what other class can give you the chance to be healed everytime you get swung at?

- The direction SoE is going for with druids is 80% dps of a wizard and 80% healing power of a cleric. This expansion has taken real steps towards that.


09-09-2005, 03:35 PM
Very glad they haven't given us another pet and hope they never do. It will be a wasted spell that could've been something unique/useful such as Reptile Skin is going to be. Anyone trying to advocate an upgraded pet is hurting druids as a whole, soe would be wasting their time on the pet when they could be giving us other tools.

Overall I'm very excited about our new spells and AAs. Haven't spent much time on beta, just enough to log on and check out spells/aa for 10-15 mins at a time. Three runs of reptile skin in BoT with 2 mobs beating me I had anywhere from 15-25 procs. Abundant Healing seems to have a very low chance of going off at levels 1 and 2. I blew 13k mana chain healing self 3 full mana bars before I seen it activate, maybe it's decent at level 5. Bear pet AA is /yawn. Convergence is a wasted AA having it on SOTW/SOTG timer. I don't understand why they can't allow us to have these on separate timers. Although I think Converg will take over the spot of my SOTG hotkey on main page for an instant 2k heal, calling it ghetto LoH already~ I tend to not use SOTG much at all, mainly because of the 15 min recast. Would be nice to get an AA that reduces recast on it.

Would've gave soe $30 just for group camou alone.

09-09-2005, 04:25 PM
Couldn't agree more Kaidman. Everytime I see people whine about wanting a pet I cringe. We are not a pet class! If I wanted to play a pet class I would have created one.

Glad to hear that Reptile Skin seems like a useful unique spell.

09-09-2005, 04:27 PM
Updated Spore Spiral, it is not a fixed duration root and never was intended to be one.

09-09-2005, 06:01 PM
hrmmm... well, that just became a lot less usefull, i'd still take clicky pants over that.

09-10-2005, 01:13 AM
Shared Camouflage

rangers also get it. i believe that is all.

Don't mind Rangers getting so much. We're brothers of sorts.


1) Reptile Skin

Level 67
ana: 750
Target: Single
Recast: 30 seconds
Additional info: 120 max hits (includes swings)
Duration: 1 minute

New defensive buff that randomly procs out a heal. Base heal is 600 and can crit up to 1400+. Duration Foci and all heal / duration AAs work on it.

Lucy has this listed as Dot [Undead] and it's listed as undeletable. I don't understand that. Is this cast on mob or PC?


cast on pc. realize, the details in Lucy are prolly still a bit off and will remain so until the expansion itself goes live.


Great! Wasn't sure if it worked like Cleric's Mark line where it is cast on a single mob.

In this case, I like the idea of this spell. When the kills are fast and pulls aren't that fast, this spell will cost more mana than just straight healing. But there are lots of situations where it can be used efficiently.

The proc rate of the release version will be important.


I'm just going to continue to group with Pally's when I have to MH.

that's good because reptile skin works very well with a pally :smile:

Pally's are great for grouping with Druids. They've got a decent rez, 1 sec spot heal and a group heal I'd love to have. There's nothing that stops the flow of exp like a dead player or two and you don't have a rez. The loss of 10% exp from a Pally rez is nothing compared with a long down time of having no one who can rez.

In raids where your group is taking 1-2k AE damage every 2 ticks, a Druid simply can't single target cast heals fast enough to keep everyone alive if it isn't over in quickly. Gotta have that Pally there for those.


<QUOTE=KAIDMAN<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
Very glad they haven't given us another pet and hope they never do.

Everytime I see people whine about wanting a pet I cringe.

Both of you are not alone on the pet issue and I understand that.

I, however, loved having a pet, which I used extensively until 66. Now I only use a pet on rare occasions, as there's nothing that gives exp where I can DC the animals. I use to love to DC a turtle in Natimbi and clear out anything that gave exp. I did around 50 AA's there in fairly rapid order.

The thing about Druids is that they can be played so many different ways. We aren't the best solo'ers in the game, not the best healers, not the best dps and we're a zero a tanking. I was never looking for anything like a bst class pet or even that of a mag or necro. But something along the lines of a Shammy pet would be nice.

Our ability to solo has slowly eroded with the last 3 expansions. An upgraded pet would go a long way at fixing that.

That said, the AA's and spells with this expansion do give a druid something unique to offer a group.


Abundant Healing seems to have a very low chance of going off at levels 1 and 2. I blew 13k mana chain healing self 3 full mana bars before I seen it activate, maybe it's decent at level 5.

Bummer, I was hoping it would actually be useful. I really wish SoE would publish the rate at which these are activated.


Bear pet AA is /yawn.

Couldn't agree more.


Updated Spore Spiral, it is not a fixed duration root and never was intended to be one.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig --></QUOTE>

Still might be useful, just don't like the idea of casting a target AE root in a group situation. Seems like an agro magnet to the druid.

Is it like other druid target ae roots where the druid can be rooted by it if cast on mobs in ae range of you?

The resist mod of -50 Chromatic is nice though.

The 15 second recast time and no fixed length root makes this spell dicey at first glance. I'll need to experiment with it solo before subjecting a group to it. I doubt I'd ever mem this spell when I'm MH.


- I think Silent Casting is an activated type because sometimes you want aggro. If you have full SCS and Silent Casting as passive abilities you'd be hard-pressed to aggro kite anywhere unless you're soloing.

I don't agro kite so never would have thought of that.

I do love making out heals very low agro. Have died too many times to count because of that.


- "Another nuke. Don't like the idea of being debuffed. What's the point in that?" Did you miss the multiple posts in this thread saying the nuke has a 20-25% chance to give us a buff that makes our nukes do 50-100% more damage? That's the point of the spell. The 1% chance of it debuffing us is just a balancing aspect.

Hum. Until I see the actual numbers from actual use on released version, I don't buy that they'd give us 20-25% chance of a 50-100% increase and only a 1% chance of lowered nuke.

It's just that this is not in keeping with the trend of how SoE has been handling Druid abilities the last three expansions. Parden my disbelief for the moment. In the recent past, this would be something that they'd given to every class, except druids.

In all honesty, hearing rumors that much of this expansion is indoors, I've been dreading it, wondering what about my druid is going to suddenly not work right anymore. I know I'm not alone on this point either.


- The direction SoE is going for with druids is 80% dps of a wizard and 80% healing power of a cleric. This expansion has taken real steps towards that.

I know what Sony has said. And if the percentages on Dawnstrike listed hold true, then I can see that Sony is serious about increasing our dps. The heal side is more suspect in my opinion. I am eager to try out Reptile Skin though.


Overall I think SoE is trying and I don't see anything that nerfs druids, which is a pleasant surprise to me. Reptile Skin is original and, if druid only, then very cool.

I'd love to know percentages on these things, though. Then I know what I'm buying with my AA's.


09-10-2005, 01:57 AM
Abundant healing for 25? sounds good to me, glad they added a brand new tool to the toolbox, this looks quite creative... if the nuke doesnt proc the detrimental buff as much as the beneficial. + the root could be very useful in running for one's life and having no resist problem :D although i as well will surely be using ornate clicky pants for the heck of it.

Have to was just a gag to make people wonder what that black spec racing towards a monster 10x its size is.

i'd like convergence of spirits to have a stronger damage shield..since i would believe it to be a concentrated version of SotG....its on the same timer at least give us more than just healing benefits of fit :rolleyes: my 2cp anyhow

ore Crit DoT aas? cant get enough crits! :bubbrubb2
Shared camouflage.... there could not possibly be anything bad with this aa unless it is a: not instant cast... b: refresh time of more than 20 seconds.... c: not fixed...or d: any combination of the above

Gift of Mana would be much more interesting if it wasnt /triggered...though thats unrealistic of course.

bandaid mastery....YAY! we will hold /bandaid rotations as celebration.

darkvision..i never did get a see invis item..except for the omens gloves which were swiftly replaced. more :bubbrubb2 ing :smile:
other than that.. generals look good.. cant wait to see what the progression aas do though :vampire: may the curse begin

09-10-2005, 09:35 AM
Yes that 100% focus on Dawnstrike is from beta. However I fail to understand how someone would think its a big dps upgrade, infact even thinking its so good he doesn't believe the spell is real.

There's a 20% odds of gaining 1-100% focus on your next nuke. But because the base of it is lower, and the casting time is longer, the dps increase will be minimal.

In fact the better your damage focus gets, the less good it gets. Up to the point where for me (Fire of Anguish) simply chaining Solstice Strike does more dps than chaining Dawnstrike.

09-10-2005, 11:38 AM
all in all our stuff is ok at best

what is going to be the deciding factor is what items they have for druids this time, if we get another gay as stupid frigging dru clicky heal itsm im going postal..VP staff-natures touch, Tacvi hammer-natuer's infusion, Vish quest mask-Chlorotrope, where is the balancing, would have been nice to get a clicky snare item from vish with the 69 snare on it that wasnt mask slot, they made druids choose between a gay heal clicky mask and a 50% to ice dmg mask (yar-lir mask) while clerics got a crazy range, enc got a nice neck ect ect, they need to start using there brains when doing itemizations for new mobs and stuff, its bad enough when they nerf our aa/spells but when they give us class only gear that garbage too while other classes get insane gear clickies its just Bs imo,,,o and where are you Druid equipable robes ><

09-10-2005, 03:31 PM
A few general responses to various posts...

- Cass, you can get 69 runes from EASILY 1-groupable nameds in WoS. It might take some time to have a bunch drop and win the rolls but I've seen 4-5 of them drop and I don't live in WoS.


I have seen 1 rune drop from WoS in my group in the past several months. Of course I was only level 68 at the time and I could not roll on it.

I still think SOE needs to make the runes tradeable or up the drop rate substantially.


09-10-2005, 05:43 PM
all in all our stuff is ok at best

what is going to be the deciding factor is what items they have for druids this time, if we get another gay as stupid frigging dru clicky heal itsm im going postal..VP staff-natures touch, Tacvi hammer-natuer's infusion, Vish quest mask-Chlorotrope, where is the balancing, would have been nice to get a clicky snare item from vish with the 69 snare on it that wasnt mask slot, they made druids choose between a gay heal clicky mask and a 50% to ice dmg mask (yar-lir mask) while clerics got a crazy range, enc got a nice neck ect ect, they need to start using there brains when doing itemizations for new mobs and stuff, its bad enough when they nerf our aa/spells but when they give us class only gear that garbage too while other classes get insane gear clickies its just Bs imo,,,o and where are you Druid equipable robes ><
What the **** is wrong with you? Why in the name of Allah would you want clickie Serpent Vines over a free heal

And durrrrrr, every class has a different slot for the Eye quest, they gotta choose if they want it or some other high end item too, don't act like druids are special.

09-10-2005, 05:51 PM
Micaa you are smoking dope. One second Chlorotrope owns hard. Ench neck sucks imo, why do you even try mentioning that as a nice item compared to ours.

Our heal clickies are very powerful. On raids you can land 2 heals in the time of 1 normally. Land ancient chlorobon then click mask and spell gems still haven't refreshed. Same goes for tacvi hammer. Outside of raids they are very useful also, farming lower end mobs can keep a tank up with only clicky heals, saves mana for nuking.

Clicky snare would only be good if it had a very short recast, but if I had to guess I would think that it would be like 2 min recast.

09-10-2005, 08:50 PM
Wow, I'd hate that changed to a clickie snare. Having a couple mana free heals is awesome. I'm looking forward to getting the mask. I use the hammer a ton.

09-10-2005, 09:00 PM
50% to ice dmg to me better then a clicky heal, saying mask should have a clicky snare was just an example a clicky nuke would have been fine too, we have 2 other clicky heal items, i just think it would have been better balancing, personally id rather have clicky dmg to heal any day of the week, i think pop item clickies were the best we have got so far, you cant beat clicky root, grp ds, grp regen with a stick, leave the clicky heals to the clerics, i have those spells memmed if needed i hate memming root/snare/ds/regen takes spell slots away from debuffs, and other stuff like oaken guard (which imo is the best spell we own as druids, untill expansion goes live with serpent skin) i didnt choose a druid to be a cleric role, ill be MH if i have to but i prefer to do it all, clickies should reflect our class , they used to back in the days of lucin/pop

09-10-2005, 11:14 PM
I have seen 1 rune drop from WoS in my group in the past several months. Of course I was only level 68 at the time and I could not roll on it.

I still think SOE needs to make the runes tradeable or up the drop rate substantially.


We have discussed this with you on several threads.

The Rune Drop ratio is, at least imo, fine.

Your lack of seeing runes has more to do with where you hunt then anything SoE has done to make them hard to get.

On Cazic, RS groups typically have 69s rot becuase people are farming for augs or glowings. As is, over 50 percent of my 70 runes where obtained via single groups in RS or MPG.


09-10-2005, 11:44 PM
50% to ice dmg to me better then a clicky heal, saying mask should have a clicky snare was just an example a clicky nuke would have been fine too, we have 2 other clicky heal items, i just think it would have been better balancing, personally id rather have clicky dmg to heal any day of the week, i think pop item clickies were the best we have got so far, you cant beat clicky root, grp ds, grp regen with a stick, leave the clicky heals to the clerics, i have those spells memmed if needed i hate memming root/snare/ds/regen takes spell slots away from debuffs, and other stuff like oaken guard (which imo is the best spell we own as druids, untill expansion goes live with serpent skin) i didnt choose a druid to be a cleric role, ill be MH if i have to but i prefer to do it all, clickies should reflect our class , they used to back in the days of lucin/pop

you are out of your mind.

09-11-2005, 10:28 AM
I must say, the DoD AAs are very disappointing. SoE wants us to be able to heal in any zone, but when we ask for a fast heal, they give us one that makes us choose-halfass group heal or fast single target heal, cause they share the timer. They also made damn sure we can only use it once every 15 minutes. No AA to reduce the reuse timer, like we have for radiant/resplendent cures or succor spells.
We get a less-****ty but still ****ty bear. I am NOT a pet class.
Abundant healing and shared camo are nice.
Convergence of spirits could have been nice, if they wouldn't have made us choose between that and woody. And if they'd make the reuse timer better.

09-11-2005, 05:33 PM
IMO this is very worth it, Foliage Shield doesn't cut it anymore and I'd rather just hit this hotkey instead of memorizing then casting Cloak of Nature.

OMG /agree 12 aa is nothing considering it opens a spell gem and you can instant group invis, my first aa for sure:bubbrubb2

09-11-2005, 05:56 PM
We have discussed this with you on several threads.

The Rune Drop ratio is, at least imo, fine.

Your lack of seeing runes has more to do with where you hunt then anything SoE has done to make them hard to get.

On Cazic, RS groups typically have 69s rot becuase people are farming for augs or glowings. As is, over 50 percent of my 70 runes where obtained via single groups in RS or MPG.


Yes we have and I sat for hours on Eci/Tunare in the very spot you suggested on multiple days and not only could I not get a group but nothing and I repeat nothing rotted.

I cannot get a group in WoS, MGP or RS and when I do get a group in WoS it's on the Swall where they do not drop. The Nwall they can drop very very very rarely and that is perma-camped.

On Eci/Tunare most level 70's (casual I might add) have "maybe" one or two level 69-70 spells and a good portion of them just laugh when I ask them if they have any 69-70 spells.

Is it possible that not all servers are the same and I have to ask you this.... why do you say that the drop rate is fine? If so many people are looking for spells months and months and months (and most do not have even a single GoD spell) then why is eveything fine? Because "you" have your spells and "you" are able to get groups in the few areas they drop (or you high level raid)

I'm not upset with you but pretty pissed off right now that another expansion is about to come out and I am still missing:


Spells. There simply are no groups on Tunare/Eci that will take a druid. Even my guild will not take a druid which is why I'm very close to quitting.

For "some" it's that bad.


09-11-2005, 06:13 PM
I have all my 69 spells but no 70's. Almost all my 69's come from roting runes in RSS. If you go there and wait you also need to let the zone know you are looking for any rotting runes. It doesn't hurt to offer to 10 people for Runes, etc etc. Not sure if you have done this Cass or just sat there waiting for a rot call?

Another ok spot if you can get a group together is RCoD, alot of the named are fairly easy even with a druid main healing. 69 Runes tend to drop less often then 68's but I have seen several there, just my dam die suck hehe.

As for your guild, if they go there regular they should all have their 69 spells so don't they call any rots in /guild? They take 29mins to poof and I can make the run from anywhere in less then 5 /shrug.

I think the drop rate for the runes is ok, I just wish there where more places where they dropped. I am lucky I can always buy Glowings at raids if I choose to, but I prefer to spend my points on Gear Upgrades. Thats just me though.

Hang in there, I was getting depressed about spells and then got all my 69's in about a week thanks to my guildies calling rots.

09-11-2005, 07:15 PM
I cannot get a group in WoS, MGP or RS and when I do get a group in WoS it's on the Swall where they do not drop. The Nwall they can drop very very very rarely and that is perma-camped.

Is it possible that not all servers are the same and I have to ask you this.... why do you say that the drop rate is fine? If so many people are looking for spells months and months and months (and most do not have even a single GoD spell) then why is eveything fine? Because "you" have your spells and "you" are able to get groups in the few areas they drop (or you high level raid)

I'm not upset with you but pretty pissed off right now that another expansion is about to come out and I am still missing:


Spells. There simply are no groups on Tunare/Eci that will take a druid. Even my guild will not take a druid which is why I'm very close to quitting.

For "some" it's that bad.


First, your inability to find groups in that spot does not mean that the spells/aa for the new expansion are good or bad. I will refer you to the suggestions in this and other threads that have so carefully been written to explain the "problems" you have.

As far as the GoD runes, yes I agree with you that the rune drop rate in GoD was not the best, but most groups in KT now are either there for runes or have them rot. Also, that issue was addressed when OoW came out and the drop rate is much better in OoW than GoD.

Second, as you so often state, you are a "casual gamer". The "hard core gamers" that have gone through all the mobs/zones in GoD/OoW/DoN are tired of them and want new content. That is why SoE seems to release a new expansion almost every 6-8 months. This is not a power expansion. That is to say, it is not designed to give huge increases in dps/levels/aa/abilities to players instead add content to the game. Not just for the high end raiders but also, as is claimed by SoE, for levels 45 and up. Also, the aa/spells are to give some new things to the game.

I am personally quite happy with the aa/spells we are receiving. Group Innate Camo. :bubbrubb2 :bubbrubb2

09-11-2005, 08:08 PM
In the past, SOE would loosen up the drop rates after a long time to allow the casual players to eventually get their spells. This does not if the spells are no drop and only drop in areas casual players often cannot play in.

I have no issue with the hard core raiders always having the best.... heck I'm still wearing alot of PoP stuff... but before I used to be able to obtain spells later.

Right now I feel SOE should either expand the drop areas or or the drops more so others can get there spells.

I just got down sitting in RS for over 2 hours LFG (dod not get a group there or anywhere else LOL) and tonights issue was that there was only one camp I could see and this was on the stairs. Nothing dropped.

I'll keep trying but I question the purpose in making this "game" so unfun in certain areas.

SOE is a strange company. They have one game EQ1 that is on many levels "too" hard and on the other they have EQ2 that is "too" easy.

aybe EQ3 will be a middle of the road game LOL

BTW thanks for all the tips and support. I's still waiting on a report on how spells will be dropped in the expansion before I renue and buy it.


09-11-2005, 10:55 PM
I must say I think that if they runes where dropable at least some people could obtain them in the bazar. Leave lvl70 as no drop if you have to but the rest should be either campable by anyone who plays or buyable if you go camp the plat as a casual.

For myself I can get them, but it seems to serve no purpose to restrict them from others. What does that achieve? Yep you MUST go earn them so to speak but thats actually not possible for alot of folks, if the could they would, but they can't. Some other avenue should be available for those that can't, at least to me. Having to rely on rots is poor planning on SoE's part.

09-12-2005, 12:27 AM
maybe you would be interested in this article, Cass:

pay attention to:
Spell casters will see two or three new spells for each caster class in the level 65 to 70 range. New forms of spell research will allow players to research previously dropped spells from older expansions including the elusive 69 and 70 runes from Omens of War. The exact details of this research is still unknown but acquiring these spells should be less frustrating than in the past.

maybe this will help you. maybe you will realize it may not. higher spells require higher mana pools.

09-12-2005, 03:21 AM
I'm all for "doable" quests. Thanks for looking this up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the "research" will not require 9 "easy" items and 1 from a raid drop :)


09-12-2005, 08:28 AM
Couple of questions for those who played around with these more in beta.

If you trained Abundant Healing, how do you KNOW it's working? Do you see a message that it was triggered or something? Do you keep getting heal messages? It's an interesting idea that I like but how will we know it's firing?

Wondering kindof the same thing for Gift of Mana? Is there a message or do you just kindof have to notice how much mana the next spells are using?

I'm also really excited about the new spell Reptile Skin, it sounds great. Do we see its proc messages?

I apologize if these have been answered. Just trying to get an idea of what I'm buying first :)

09-12-2005, 10:58 AM
Gift of Mana and Reptile Skin: definitely see messages.
Didn't try abundant healing.

09-12-2005, 11:25 AM
Honestly, Cass, the 69 runes rot in RSS ALL the time. You can get rotting ones, but you do have to be a bit proactive about it as they are not always /ooc'ed. I got 3 greaters, a 70 mana aug, and the trash drop 160 hp/mana FT2 mask for my chanter all in a few hours one day and ALL from rots.

09-12-2005, 12:25 PM
Cass, if you can't get a group...make one yourself! I make groups all the time, its not hard. Just /lfg and ask a slower and a tank, a cleric if they're available, and then get some dps and a puller. It's not completely effortless but all advancement requires at least some effort.

Also, you CAN get 69 runes a the SWall. I've seen 2 or 3 drop there off Chimera Seether and Feran Savageclaw, and possibly off Bazu Destroyer as well.

Additionally, most groups that can comfortably handle SW camps can handle cubby or tents (which is frequently vacant).

It's not easy, but if you're unwilling to explore RS/MPG, you can get them in WoS with a bit of patience and effort.


09-12-2005, 12:26 PM
Oh also, does anyone know where the list of DoD spells for other classes is located? My mage friend is dying to know and can't find em.



09-12-2005, 04:32 PM
Casters Realm has them, but they're all mixed up with the other spells in their database.

09-12-2005, 04:39 PM
Abundant healing and the new nuke (when it decides to fire) go into the song/short buff bar. I'd assume Gift of Mana goes there also. I don't know if abundant healing will tell you that it is on another person though, I was only healing self in beta and didn't look at my spam window to see if it notified me it went off. I only checked the song/short buff window. Reptile skin goes to normal buff window.

09-12-2005, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the replies! New concept on most of these, I'm exicted to try them out.

09-13-2005, 01:12 AM
The "debuff" if it happens of the new nuke actually goes to the buff bar. So heads up on that.

09-13-2005, 10:02 AM
Oh also, does anyone know where the list of DoD spells for other classes is located? My mage friend is dying to know and can't find em.

I'm sure all class boards have posted appropiate DODH info

mobhunter has convenient class links

09-13-2005, 11:50 AM
maybe you would be interested in this article, Cass:

pay attention to:

maybe this will help you. maybe you will realize it may not. higher spells require higher mana pools.

That is not really true, everyone one of those higher spells is more efficient than the lower one. With the possible exception of Clarity to Clarity II early on, spell upgrades are never a bad thing.

09-13-2005, 12:49 PM
it is true. efficiency doesn't really matter if your mana pool can't handle it.

NI: 2050, 560 mana, 3.66 hp/mana
SI: 2441, 607 mana, 4.02 hp/mana
Chlorotrope: 2810, 691 mana, 4.06 hp/mana
Ancient: 3094, 723, 4.27 hp/mana

yes they get steadily more efficient. however, consider a static 6k mana pool
NI: 10 casts
SI: 9 casts
Chlorotrope: 8 casts
Ancient: 8 casts

to illustrate further, i'll use me as an example. in raid form i have near 9250 mana. using a mass balance equation with my AA and focus effects, here's what i can expect:
NI: 21
SI: 19
Chlorotrope: 17
Ancient: 16

I actually use nature's touch for the bulk of my healing anymore. i can cast that 27 times for an average 2,200 heal and crits in the 4k realm. i'll trope if i need more.

while something *may* be more efficient on paper, that doesn't make it better. if i troped everything (or used ancient) i'd overheal by thousands and waste hundreds of mana over the course of a raid. as i build up the mana pool, i won't care as much and prolly swap to NI or SI as my main heal and ancient as my emergency.

ancient glacier frost vs glitter vs winter? they all get resisted so i use ancient so i can waste mana more efficiently :)

09-13-2005, 01:16 PM
But none of it is still relevant to your mana pool. The inability to efficiently use the more mana efficient spells has absolutely nothing to do with how much mana you have. People without all of your AAs and foci are not getting 2200 out of natures touch and benefit even more than you do from the more efficient spells.

it is true. efficiency doesn't really matter if your mana pool can't handle it.

NI: 2050, 560 mana, 3.66 hp/mana
SI: 2441, 607 mana, 4.02 hp/mana
Chlorotrope: 2810, 691 mana, 4.06 hp/mana
Ancient: 3094, 723, 4.27 hp/mana

yes they get steadily more efficient. however, consider a static 6k mana pool
NI: 10 casts
SI: 9 casts
Chlorotrope: 8 casts
Ancient: 8 casts

to illustrate further, i'll use me as an example. in raid form i have near 9250 mana. using a mass balance equation with my AA and focus effects, here's what i can expect:
NI: 21
SI: 19
Chlorotrope: 17
Ancient: 16

I actually use nature's touch for the bulk of my healing anymore. i can cast that 27 times for an average 2,200 heal and crits in the 4k realm. i'll trope if i need more.

while something *may* be more efficient on paper, that doesn't make it better. if i troped everything (or used ancient) i'd overheal by thousands and waste hundreds of mana over the course of a raid. as i build up the mana pool, i won't care as much and prolly swap to NI or SI as my main heal and ancient as my emergency.

ancient glacier frost vs glitter vs winter? they all get resisted so i use ancient so i can waste mana more efficiently :)

09-13-2005, 02:42 PM
ummm... i don't think you get it.
it has everything to do with your mana pool.
6k mana pool is a 6k mana pool.
fiction: let's say a new hyper efficient heal is given to us. heals 30k hp for 5k mana.
get it, yet?

09-13-2005, 06:02 PM
Abundant healing and the new nuke (when it decides to fire) go into the song/short buff bar. I'd assume Gift of Mana goes there also.

Gift of mana goes to the song window as well. It seems like it goes off quite a bit, so I'm happy with it so far.

Any word on how the spells will be obtained?

09-13-2005, 11:42 PM
I believe there are runes dropping in the new DoD zones with the same level scale as OoW.


I am not sure where to turn them in yet tho.

09-14-2005, 09:35 AM
Turn them in to Brother Hidden Path in Undershore. I think these are just an alternate way of getting OoW spells though. He also sells the new port spells.

09-14-2005, 10:36 AM
I tried to turn it into Brother Hidden Path and he just gave it back to me.

09-14-2005, 10:58 AM
I'm guessing it's because you have all your spells of the level you were turning in? I believe these are for the omens spells, as others have pointed out.
I doubt they'd name the spell runes identically to a previous expansion. And I don't believe we got 5 new spells-one for each of those levels.

So.. what about the new spells..anyone know yet?

09-14-2005, 11:14 AM
Yes, I am hearing rumors of the Shadowspine Runes being an alternative to the OoW spell runes. If that is the case then SoE did something really stupid. The Greater/Glowing Shadowspine Runes that I have seen drop all came from a zone that had monsters that were harder than RS. If your group can handle the new zone then there is no reason why you can't handle RS.

09-14-2005, 12:17 PM
Doing some thinking on Dawnstrike.
If the focus is 100%, that should average to 50%, right?
And if the chance is 25%, really every 5th nuke should be increased.
So really, this is about a 10% focus.

09-16-2005, 04:31 PM
Doing some thinking on Dawnstrike.
If the focus is 100%, that should average to 50%, right?
And if the chance is 25%, really every 5th nuke should be increased.
So really, this is about a 10% focus.

Actually 25% would be an average of every 4th nuke.
Assuming the 100% is a focus and not a fixed increase amount, then it would be 0.25 x 0.50 = .125 or 12.5% increase.

You'd also have to account for the 1% chance of a debuff, as this would subtract from the 12.5%. I am unclear on how much the debuff takes away from your next nuke though. Is it a -100% focus that would in effect be a 50% reduction?

09-16-2005, 05:08 PM
If someone has this spell, can you please post what it actually does.

The changes showing up in Lucy seem to indicate that it is no longer a procing heal.

09-16-2005, 05:34 PM
reptile skin proc for 600. lucy's description is wrong i think.

it procs fairly often and can also crit.

09-16-2005, 05:45 PM
Actually 25% would be an average of every 4th nuke.
Assuming the 100% is a focus and not a fixed increase amount, then it would be 0.25 x 0.50 = .125 or 12.5% increase.

You'd also have to account for the 1% chance of a debuff, as this would subtract from the 12.5%. I am unclear on how much the debuff takes away from your next nuke though. Is it a -100% focus that would in effect be a 50% reduction?

Yeah, but it is a 25% chance for the NEXT spell to be focused. That means 1 in 5 will be focused (depending on your relationship with the RNG gods.)

Yes, there may be a chance that the focused nuke can iteself trigger and allow the NEXT to also be focused so the reality may be somewhere between 20-25% and consequently resulting in 10-12.5%

Work in the chance for a debuff and I say fug it and just call it 10%.

In the end, because it is a 7 second cast, its DPS in chain casted form is slightly lower than Solstice Strike.

I doubt I try to chain cast Dawnstrike and watch for the buff and then cast Solstice Strike as the difference, at best, between double damage between the two averaged over any realistic time is small at best or, more likely, negligible.

09-17-2005, 05:22 AM
I doubt I try to chain cast Dawnstrike and watch for the buff and then cast Solstice Strike as the difference, at best, between double damage between the two averaged over any realistic time is small at best or, more likely, negligible.

This is exactly what i do as well... very good tactic imo, however we'll see if it's worth it.

09-17-2005, 06:42 AM
It's late so might have very well make a mistake here but I think in the end though the numbers should be like

Dawnstrike ... 2175 / 7 + 2.25 = 235dps
Focused Dawnstrike ... 3262 / 9.25 = 353dps
Solstice ... 2201 / 6.25 + 2.25 = 259dps
Focused Solstice ... 3301 / 8.5 = 388dps

Then you can just add them up and avg them out as you see fit.

ie: 3 dawnstrikes + 1 focused dawnstrike = 1058 / 4 = 264.5

am too tired to go thru the the possible outcomes atm but think in most cases it wouldn't be the hugest of differences. if you look at the 4 dawn strikes + 1 focused nuke the difference is 7dps in favor of casting solstice after you got dawn to proc (keep in mind that doesn't account that casting dawnstrike instead would work towards procing again).

And haven't had a chance to really test it but looks like skin isn't doing anything atm. I think it should be temporary, I got it the night before they changed it (wed) and played with it some and it was VERY broken then. both useless and exploitable so can't blame them for changing it to a dud for the time being if that turns out to be the case. They put it back on test tonight (along with the shm spell with the same problem) so hopefully the next patch should have it fixed

09-17-2005, 09:24 AM
I have been casting Dawnstrike (rather than solstice strike) since I got the spell two ago and have only seen the detrimental effects (Shadow of Dawn) go off ONCE. It effected my next 3 nukes. They hit for 88 dmg or so.

Best so far has been a 7185 crit without using epic 2.0 and without a bard in the group. Nothing beats having GoM and Fire of Dawn proc from the same spell cast.

09-17-2005, 02:27 PM
shadow of dawn is supposed to only lasts for 12secs... could just cast a rain / dots for that time and not waste mana.

to expand on what I was saying earlier, if you straight chained dawnstrike assuming it would take 4 casts to proc, you'd get;

ds, ds, ds, ds <-proc-> fds, ds, ds, ds <-proc-> fds you'd be at 261 dps

ds, ds, ds, ds <-proc-> fss, ds, ds, ds, ds <-proc-> fss you'd be at 265dps

So alternating in SS should be a very slight increase in dps, not at all worth an extra spell slot... but then again seems like DS is hardly worth it either really.

Not really sure how other effects would factor into all this off hand... but think spell haste should be the only factor that doesn't change the numbers equally.

About the healing efficiency thing earlier.. don't think mana pool has to do with healing efficiency so much as the hp pool or just the fact that a fully modified higher lvl heal will rarely heal for full the way most ppl seem to use heals.

A lot of the higher lvl heal's healing goes over into hp that can't be healed so a chunk of it is wasted and it's efficiency drops a **** ton since you're paying the same increased mana for the healing you'd get from nature's or sylvan for a smaller mana price tag.

09-17-2005, 03:04 PM
I have been casting Dawnstrike (rather than solstice strike) since I got the spell two ago and have only seen the detrimental effects (Shadow of Dawn) go off ONCE. It effected my next 3 nukes. They hit for 88 dmg or so.

Best so far has been a 7185 crit without using epic 2.0 and without a bard in the group. Nothing beats having GoM and Fire of Dawn proc from the same spell cast.

Ok. So the debuff affected your next 3 nukes. The damage increase effect only affects your next nuke. Yes?

If the debuff can affect multiple nukes and the buff can affect only one, then that 25% versus 1% is not really descriptive. It would be 25% versus 3%. And since it appears to completely nerf the nuke, it's not like a negative focus, but rather a fixed decrease.

88 damage from a 2200 nuke is a 96% decrease and appears to be fixed rather than random like the a focus would be.

ag spell Fickle Fire and Wizard spell Mana Weave also have the 25% to 1% chance of a debuff. So this isn't Druid only.

09-18-2005, 02:00 AM
Lucy has shadow of dawn ( as lasting 2 ticks with no hit counter. Think it's just a short timer so probably best to just cast dots clickies rains or what ever in the rare occurance of that going off.

Just played around with skin of reptile since my usual tank and myself weren't seeing the proc go off in a grp setting. Trained a bunch of the mobs in dranik's scar up on the ramparts into a corner and put it up. It healed me up to full fast and faded shortly after like a little 11secs. Turns out it has a 120hit counter on lucy.

The log I pulled showed like 144 swings on me (the counter on lucy is 120 so not sure how that worked), 19 procs, procs did fire off of misses, heals were all 600 or crits for 1200.

09-18-2005, 04:26 AM
The harder a mob hits the less noticable the heals from SotR are - unless you have healed the tank on that kind of mob without it prior.


Duoing with a Ranger in Earth, it was rare he needed a patch, the buff combined with his avoidance, ac, etc was enough to keep him nearly fully healed.

A Creator Group on the other hand, where mobs hit 300+ harder then Earth, you could see the differance, but the tank still required more direct heals - yet less heals then without the buff.

Solo wise, I saw it fire all the time on myself.

No matter what, it WILL help, but depending on the hp of the tank and the damage of the mob you will only see a 1-4 percent jump in health when it fires, assuming the damage from the hit didn't subtract more then that, in which case you will see the differance probly less you are watching very closely.

I am very happy with this spell.


09-18-2005, 03:21 PM
on beta HA affected it (SotR). not seeing that on live. that is a bummer.
still, i do like the spell, helps take the edge off some.

09-18-2005, 11:00 PM
It (SotR) seems to be very good in groups. However, as mentioned by Fenier, it sees very diminished returns on raid mobs that hit much harder. I would almost think it is not worth it for MA of most raid mobs that have a devoted cleric chain. Offtanks, since they are more often than not knights, it seems to be much better to use on. Also, I see quite a few crit heals on knights. It is a bit hefty on mana to try and keep it up on more than 2 people without buff extension aa/foci.

09-18-2005, 11:01 PM
Anyone have the root spell? Is it a frontal arc? Or how is that spell working out on live? Any usefulness in it?

09-19-2005, 12:11 AM
RC cures shadow of dawn....

As far as dawnfire vs solstice, I usully use dawnfire when my group is bardless and solstice when we have a bard. I usually use solstice when soloing still as well, because of the cast time.

A tip - when that ever so annoying thing happens, that is GOM procing on your last nuke / heal vs a mob, just renew reptile.

Reptile does have some good raid uses. Keep in mind in many situations add tanks are tanking more than one add. Also keep in mind that unlike offensive procs, the quicker the hits the quicker the procs. Many adds during raids don't hit extremely hard, but they hit a lot faster than XP mobs - but since they're hitting faster reptile will heal them faster.

09-19-2005, 05:29 AM
spore spiral sucks ass imo, got it.
its duration isnt fixed eather if any of you where curious.

09-19-2005, 07:44 AM
Got my Skin like Reptile last night. I was all excited about this spell until I got it. Cast it on my tank last night...15k hps tank. Went pulled a light blue....LIGHT BLUE...bog snake in Undershore. The skin proc'd once then it proc'd again but in the wrong way. Lets just say that my tank (also my room mate) refuses to let me cast Skin like Reptile on him again. The bog snake hit him for low 200 then as soon as I hit him with Skin, the bog snake hit him for 1855 three times then blasted him for 23k damage. Quite the humorous screen shot we got out of it. When I saw him go down I thought the smart ass FD'd on me to kick agro to me. Then I noticed that it said "corpse" after his name. DOH. My only thought is that the spell is bugged. Can anyone confirm this??

09-19-2005, 08:14 AM
Sounds like someone hit him with Lingering Sloth, which is broke and currently does stuff like that.

Skin of the Reptile procs all the time, direct heals for 600, criticals for 1200, Works with Paladin Epics to heal for 750/1500 with the 1.5.

It procs, from the tanks I have spoken to, on average of 10+ times in 90 seconds (extended buff aa).

While you still have to heal the tank, it is far far easier.


09-19-2005, 08:24 AM
[quote=Fenier]Sounds like someone hit him with Lingering Sloth, which is broke and currently does stuff like that.

WELL now that you mention mate's wife plays a 70 shaman and she had just gotten her new spell as well. I don't know for sure but she may have cast it on him as well. Thanks for the tip Fenier, I guess I'll ask her if she cast it on the tank.

09-19-2005, 08:33 AM
Yea, instead of procing a slow, it lowers their mitigation by 8009 percent or something like that.

Its fixed on test, just not on live.


09-19-2005, 08:46 AM
spore spiral sucks ass imo, got it.
its duration isnt fixed eather if any of you where curious.

Read spells again, then read date of edit.

09-20-2005, 02:37 AM
spore spiral sucks ass imo, got it.
its duration isnt fixed eather if any of you where curious.

with a little ext item and root alternate advancements , im looking forward to getting the new root ;) heck, you dont neccessarily even need the root component, if the knockback hits then it is ideal for interrupting spells..IE...gate..complete heal..nuke that is about to keel j00!! :smile:

10-01-2005, 12:16 PM
How and where do we get these new spells?

10-01-2005, 05:17 PM
Mission sets, there should be guides on

10-01-2005, 09:58 PM
I also posted how to get em in one of the threads here, there's also guides to getting themd done in one of the boards... just need to browse is all.

10-04-2005, 11:14 AM
How and where do we get these new spells?
Go to the Spells and Alternative Advancement forum here.

The thread called: New spell information (looting/turnin/etc) goes here

Menien Mayhem
02-21-2006, 07:50 PM
*edit* wrong thread, my apologies