View Full Forums : abundant healing and convergence of spirits

09-14-2005, 01:32 AM
Ability #516: Abundant Healing
Description: Whenever you cast a level 60 or higher direct healing spell, there is a chance that they will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur.
Cost per Level: 5
Ability #519: Convergence of Spirits
Description: This ability gives you an alternate form of Spirit of the Grove that channels the energy of the woodland spirits on to a single target. The concentrated energy provides an exceptionally fast heal and leaves the target with a brief period of regeneration and protective thorns.
Cost per Level: 9

I am really interested in these 2 aa's. Does abundant healing heal for the same amount again or how much? like 150hp a tick or? just kinda curious before i buy it.

Also convergence of spirits. how fast is the cast? is it a good amount of hp/tick? is this SoE finally giving us a fastheal?

09-14-2005, 02:20 AM
Convergance is instant cast, 15 minute recast, heals for 1k at level 1, 1.5k at level 2, 2k at level 3. Then Im not sure on the exact numbers per tick after that, for each level.

Abundant healing...well, I got level 5, and it doesn't seem to fire all that often :( Could just be luck/unlucky tho.

09-14-2005, 04:34 AM
I trained lvl 1 of Convergance and while the regeneration was nice, I was disapointed to see that it was on the same recast timer line as Spirit of the Grove. Had then been on different lines of abilities, I would have been more impressed with this AA. I don't really see the point of a single target HoT when you have to forfeit the group cast.

09-14-2005, 07:47 AM
Do you see a message when Abundant Healing fires? I tried watching last night and never saw one.

09-14-2005, 08:15 AM
I maxed Abund Healing and I didn't see a message going either, not really sure how it's suppose to work, course I maxed Gift of mana first and that one seems to be working awesome. :)

09-14-2005, 09:36 AM
At level 1, convergance does 500hp/tick regen after the initial 1k instant heal. It does share the same timer as sotg, so you won't have your group HoT if you use this ability, but I still find it to be very nice. I often end up using sotg to try to keep an MT alive long enough to get a chlorotrope off if I've been debuffing, snaring, or healing that chanter who had a mez resist, etc when the mob gets a round or 2 of lucky hits on the MT. A 2k instant heal followed by the HoT makes it much more likely that I'll give myself the time to get that chloro off before the mob smokes him/her.

09-14-2005, 10:35 AM
I was able one time when I cast a heal on myself, got the short duration buff from Abundant healing. I was at full health after the heal though so do not know how much it healed for or how many times it fired. I only have level 2 of it.

09-14-2005, 11:15 AM
Abundant Healing is 5 levels, healing for 50/100/150/200/250 HP's for 5 ticks according to Lucy.

Convergence... 3 levels, lasting for 3 ticks:
1: Increase HP when cast by 1000
4: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 500 per tick
8: Increase Damage Shield by 60
9: Increase AC by 54
1: Increase HP when cast by 1500
4: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 750 per tick
8: Increase Damage Shield by 65
9: Increase AC by 60
1: Increase HP when cast by 2000
4: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 1000 per tick
8: Increase Damage Shield by 70
9: Increase AC by 66

09-14-2005, 01:52 PM
So is Convergence a group thing or can I cast it on the Raid MA that isn't in my group?

09-14-2005, 02:58 PM
UGGHHH!!! Am I SEEING this right?!?!

Apparently Abundant Healing overwrites our regen line of spells (ie: Oaken Vigor). So whenever Abundant Healing fires we gotta recast our regen. What a waste of mana.


Fix this please SOE.

09-15-2005, 12:28 PM
Had to patch today and it said this stacking with regen was fixed.

09-17-2005, 04:47 AM
i just maxed mine yesterday, all i can say is it rocks.. but it kinda sucks how it takes down your stog spell too.

09-18-2005, 04:58 AM
I was really psyched about Convergance. Untill i heard it didnt have its own timer. That was a major bummer. Maybe if sony would actually give us a real group heal then this would actually be a great improvment. But here we are having to chose between a group HoT or single thanks sony ill spend my AAs elsewhere :tut:

09-18-2005, 05:11 AM
its a really great spell for soloing and healing yourself if you get dmged, or its great to shove on the mt when your the healer and you bring in a really kickass mob.

so far personally ive just used it on myself mostly with my kelp-covered hammer, so basicly i never need to use my heals to heal myself and just resort to non-mana heals which is really awsome if you solo, other then that ive stuck it on the mt, for badass named etc, on inc, untill it gets slowed etc.

09-18-2005, 05:13 AM
overall it dose ALOT more healing then SotG, and is only single target obviously, i didnt think id like it much but once i maxed it i find it really great. not to mention its instant cast can save ppl's asses with it easy.

09-18-2005, 12:40 PM
so far personally ive just used it on myself mostly with my kelp-covered hammer, so basicly i never need to use my heals to heal myself and just resort to non-mana heals which is really awsome if you solo, other then that ive stuck it on the mt, for badass named etc, on inc, untill it gets slowed etc.[/COLOR]

How can this actually work with a 15 minute reuse timer that shares the same timer as sotg? Or are you just pulling one mob every 15 minutes? Heal potions are also on a reuse timer.

09-19-2005, 08:37 AM
How can this actually work with a 15 minute reuse timer that shares the same timer as sotg? Or are you just pulling one mob every 15 minutes? Heal potions are also on a reuse timer.

Hammer Recycle is 3.5 minutes, heals for 2050.

The AA works awesome, the only downside is it negates your group heal, but if your careful on controling the pulls you shouldn't need the group heal less your fighting something with a AE so the matter is moot.


09-19-2005, 01:57 PM
Test 1 - 30 casts Ancient Chlorobon (full mana pool)
Abundant Healing 2
Gift of Mana 0

Test 2 - 30 casts Ancient Chlorobon
Abundant Healing 2
Gift of Mana 0

Will add in more as mana permits. I have Gift of Mana 3 and Abundant Healing 5. Just by eye'ing Gift of Mana for the last week I think people have been giving it too much good reviews. If Gift of Mana only goes off once every 50-100 casts it's only a 1-2% mana pres. My guess is that it's more like 2-5% mana pres, maybe going off 5 times tops in 100 casts. For a Wizard Gift of Mana is godly with their new nuke, but for a druid we're just re-casting a low mana spell (read 700 mana vs wizard 1500 mana nuke). Wizards will be chaining something such as Claw of Vox like 200-300 mana til it procs, then burn a 1500, 5800damage nuke.

Abundant healing wasn't procing much for me in beta at levels 1-2. The proc seems to go off a lot more at level 5. I was getting a proc every 5-6 heals, but in these 2 tests was more like a 1/15 ratio. Will try some more later. Also, Abundant Healing can proc when you use DoN mask heal, haven't seen it proc off of Kelp Hammer yet.

09-19-2005, 02:05 PM
Gift of mana didn't seem to work quad kiting at tables in fire.

but it does go off quite often otherwise for me. ( 1 in 8ish ) many times once it does go off it comes in 2s or 3s.. once i have 5 gifts in a row.

There's a nice way to work it to...
cast flame lick until you see GoM kick in then cast ancient cold nuke for free.
wash and repeat....
never run OOM

09-19-2005, 02:08 PM
Hammer Recycle is 3.5 minutes, heals for 2050.

The AA works awesome, the only downside is it negates your group heal, but if your careful on controling the pulls you shouldn't need the group heal less your fighting something with a AE so the matter is moot.


I'm talking about for the average druid without needing other toys. No way is Convergence going to help you solo, nor is it a lot of help in groups. 15 min recast? Yeah right. I can't believe they tied this into our only group heal-with its sucky 15 min recast too. So we ask for tools to help us heal, since that's the direction Sony is taking us, and they give us a fast heal that negates our group heal and can only be used every 15 minutes.
I am not impressed.

09-19-2005, 03:06 PM
i am less then 60aa's away from max AA, now tell me it dosent help me when i say it dose?

09-19-2005, 03:22 PM
i am less then 60aa's away from max AA, now tell me it dosent help me when i say it dose?
it doesn't help the way you say it does for every druid and every playstyle.
there. now shaddup with your arrogant ramblings.

09-19-2005, 06:24 PM
I'm talking about for the average druid without needing other toys. No way is Convergence going to help you solo, nor is it a lot of help in groups. 15 min recast? Yeah right. I can't believe they tied this into our only group heal-with its sucky 15 min recast too. So we ask for tools to help us heal, since that's the direction Sony is taking us, and they give us a fast heal that negates our group heal and can only be used every 15 minutes.
I am not impressed.

I respectfully disagree. Even excluding the hammer, the 2 k Direct Heal and 1/k tick HoT is still very useful when soloing or when in a exp group. This is esp true when you are about to take on a named and the group is without a cleric.

I feel the AA can be used as a insta cast safety net, or as a method of reducing damage on the tank for its duration. While the recast is semi high, I can live with it.

Since the AA is basically a Instacast Direct Heal/High Powered HoT, I can totally see why they made us choose between it and the group hot we get.

When you look at the AA combined with Skin of the Reptile and Abundant Healing I can hardly see how we are unfit to heal nearly anywhere.


09-20-2005, 02:35 PM
Gift of mana didn't seem to work quad kiting at tables in fire.

but it does go off quite often otherwise for me. ( 1 in 8ish ) many times once it does go off it comes in 2s or 3s.. once i have 5 gifts in a row.

There's a nice way to work it to...
cast flame lick until you see GoM kick in then cast ancient cold nuke for free.
wash and repeat....
never run OOM

Gift of Mana only procs off spells that are 65 and up. It's on the AA description :p

09-21-2005, 06:11 AM
Soloing in Undershore trying to get those darn tasks done things went terribly wrong and I found myself tanking quite a few of those horrible wiggly things. But Convergance, Hungry Vines and Oaken Guard all popped saved me from a messy end until I could get everything rooted. The damage sheild output was quite something too, with my self and group thorns on as well. Thank goodness they don't summon or I would have been a ping pong.
I am liking COnvergance.

09-21-2005, 11:50 AM
it doesn't help the way you say it does for every druid and every playstyle.
there. now shaddup with your arrogant ramblings.

i clearly stated "HELP ME" can you read?, obviously you cannot, so dont you start abusing/cussing as me, when i have not started anything, shows how civil you are.

09-21-2005, 01:11 PM
i clearly stated "HELP ME" can you read?, obviously you cannot, so dont you start abusing/cussing as me, when i have not started anything, shows how civil you are.
i disagree. you rarely state anything clearly.
you seem to think we should be impressed with your level and number of AA and that this somehow makes your opinions unquestionable.

your manner is overbearing with people that disagree getting 70 is more important than aa. you disagree with people that don't subscribe to your views on aa. if you want to discuss civility or abuse, i think you are at a disadvantage.

as for cussing... as an ex-sailor... i have not even fekkin started, bub.

09-23-2005, 07:05 AM
Calm down guys.. no need to flame eachother.. Flame SoE instead ;D

I cant say i have tryed either of the 2 aa's yet.. as i am a bit low on them still.. but i will certainly get AH5 :)

dont really know about the HoT.. will wait and see if SoE is gonna make something about it :p