View Full Forums : Scaling Expansions

09-19-2005, 07:03 PM
I am just returning to EQ after a year and a half. I quit just after GoD came out, I never bought LDoN and I'm wondering do I have to have it in order to use any of the other expansions especially the ones with instanced dungeons? Would it be worth getting LDoN for the augments and such or can I get those in a later expansion?

Thanks for your responses.


09-19-2005, 07:21 PM
Various Epics require all expansions upto and including Omens of War.

LDoN is not done much on my server anymore, tho DoN is still going strong but I expect that to decline somewhat with the new DoD progression missions until everyone has their new spells.

09-27-2005, 10:05 PM
You don't need LDoN, per se. The augs in DoN are nicer, the point/crystal system is better.

There are, however, some nice spells only obtainable through LDoN camps. For example, if you get into MPG Trials, and do Subversion, you'll need the priest trap spells (detect, disarm, unlock), which are only obtainable through LDoN. (Not to be a moron...I assume druids get those as well as shaman and clerics, but I never did LDoNs with my druid).

I have no idea whether those spells will turn up with recipes under the new research skills, either. I wouldn't really count on it.

09-27-2005, 11:07 PM
Some 1.5/2.0s require LDoN.

Paladin and Rogue come to mind.

Also, yea, druids get the chest spells.

09-28-2005, 05:27 PM
Scaling?! HAHAHA. There's no scaling in EQ.

Essentially if you were around for PoP, you can't be too far behind the curve. PoP end game gear stats more than doubled the Luclin end game gear stats, and here we are SIX expansions later from PoP and the HPs/mana on the best gear has barely scaled 100 HPs/mana from Quarm gear. Not that I'm complaining at all, if anything the flaw was in the Luclin/PoP transistion. Can you imagine if the doubling trend had continued? In DoDH, we'd all be vying for gear with (25, 50, 100, 220, 440, 880, 1760, 3520, 7040, 14080) 14k HPs. :rolleyes:

09-28-2005, 05:52 PM
but now we have shielding ( dot, spell, melee.... ) and a lot more avoidance items!

09-28-2005, 05:52 PM
Okay then, here's some questions for you. I don't have GoD, OoW, DoN or the new one DoD, which of these are most people playing in? Which should I focus on first where I'll see more people, action and items? Can I skip some of the older expansions altogether such as GoD and OoW?


09-28-2005, 11:12 PM
i would recommend Omens out of those since it comes with a level boost and a lot of content and decent gear aimed for the reach of those without tacvi+ gear. There's still quite a few people doing omens stuff too kinda like PoP where people were still using the zones for exp up through GoD (and PoFire for those 65-70 grinds when OoW came out!)

09-29-2005, 12:02 AM
Skipping GoD would be your best bet, Oow is definitely still popular. DoN mainly is important because of the crystals and the augs that they can buy not the DoN zones themselves really. DoD certainly seems to have a wide variety of content, the monster missions offer reasonable reward for the effort and really make getting picjup groups easy.

Sliggoth, druid/ tradeskiller of 7th hammer

09-29-2005, 01:21 AM
On CT, less you are raiding it, or working on Epics, GoD is pretty empty.

09-30-2005, 06:06 AM
Miss GoD at your peril. I love GoD and would recommend it to everyone. Its a bit unforgiving but even your big guilds are still running through GOD raids, which considering its 4 expansions ago isnt bad. How many bracers are there in game at the moment better than this that can be obtained in a single group?
Bracer of the Stoutheart
Weight: 1.5 Size: SMALL
AC: +20 Dex: +15 Cha: +5 Wis: +10 Agi: +15 Fire Resist: +15 Disease Resist: +15 Cold Resist: +15 HP: +130 Mana: +130 End: +130
Classes: Beastlord Druid Monk
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 7
Required: Yes

Last updated: Thu Jun 3 16:02:21 2004


Effect: Cleave I
1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
Type: Triggered
Charges: Unlimited


Focus Effect: Focus of Mediocrity
1: Increase Spell Duration by 15%
2: Limit: Max Level(65) (lose 10% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Min Duration(24.00 sec)
4: Limit: Effect(Complete Heal (with duration) excluded)
5: Limit: Effect(Invunerability excluded)
6: Limit: Effect(Charm excluded)
7: Limit: Effect(Reaction Radius excluded)
8: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

I'd say not many. Alot of the raids are instanced and put out 4-6 time+ quality loots.

10-01-2005, 12:09 AM
GoD was a hard expansion, and though I didn't get the chance to raid through the whole progression tacvi was a blast. It has it's own set of rewards, but in my opinion omens has the most to offer a casual player.

10-30-2005, 10:25 AM
Im going to have to be the dissenting voice and say GET ALL OF THEM. Why? Cause each one hold something different, either way you go u are going to have some catching up to do. Different players liked different expansions more so than others. However, if you ever really really really want to progress within a guild setting you are pretty much going to need to have all expansions. Im not saying they are all good, cause some i havent liked as much as others but than again ive been playing since EQ came out and am an addict.

10-31-2005, 12:45 AM
You have to get DoN for the Guild Lobby.

10-31-2005, 01:07 PM
Scaling?! HAHAHA. There's no scaling in EQ.

Essentially if you were around for PoP, you can't be too far behind the curve. PoP end game gear stats more than doubled the Luclin end game gear stats, and here we are SIX expansions later from PoP and the HPs/mana on the best gear has barely scaled 100 HPs/mana from Quarm gear.

LOL, there's a BIG difference between being "around" for PoP, and having farmed Time ;)

I was "around" for PoP, but am WAY behind the curve for current zones. I'm trying to address it by gearing up through DoN items. They have a great bang for the buck, and once I get that accomplished, I'll be better able to handle the current popular zones for my level. The hardest problem now is finding DoN groups, since everybody left to do DoD.


10-31-2005, 03:27 PM
I think once non-raiding players gets to level 70. They'll be back to DON's for RSS and the nest and things like that. Thats my plan anyways hit 70 and back to DON's cause some can be the next best XP around as far as AA's go next to PoFire. I think Fire still has the best XP (solo wise).

10-31-2005, 06:33 PM
I was "around" for PoP, but am WAY behind the curve for current zones. I'm trying to address it by gearing up through DoN items. They have a great bang for the buck, and once I get that accomplished, I'll be better able to handle the current popular zones for my level. The hardest problem now is finding DoN groups, since everybody left to do DoD.


two words, my friend: pg trials

10-31-2005, 07:44 PM
GoD is not that fun if you are one of the first few guilds that attempt Uqua when it is released, not when everyone is at lv 70 with new spells and AA.

11-02-2005, 01:28 PM
two words, my friend: pg trials

Three words, my friend...

What are those?

And, no, I'm not being a smart-ass. Don't know what PG trials are.



11-02-2005, 01:38 PM
one groupable events in muramite proving grounds. there are six of them and you get the instance at the entrance of each. each requires a different strat. three of them ANYONE can do with a little practice and strategy, although gear helps a little. the other three can be tricky without good gear. go here to see the loots for the trials:

they're in the omens of war section.

like i said gear helps, but if you know what you're doing we've pulled destruction, fear and ingenuity off with alts.

11-02-2005, 06:31 PM
OK, will check those out. Thanks!

11-02-2005, 11:43 PM
Ingenuity seems to be the least gear dependent trial, at least from my experience.