View Full Forums : Second Leel 68 Spell Mission...

09-21-2005, 04:43 AM
To be possiably revamped:

09-21-2005, 10:06 AM
Patch message says it was made easier. Hooray for druids, as that was by far the hardest mob in the 11 missions I've done.

70 Forest Scion
aster Artisan
Dark Bane

09-21-2005, 11:07 AM
Hmm, I didn't notice much of a difference in difficulty between that mission and any of the other level 68 missions (besides #1). The protectors in #5 gave us more trouble than the named at the end of #2...

09-21-2005, 01:20 PM
I felt the 3rd Kellaid mission boss was much harder than the 2nd one. That is just my opinion but did both missions with the same group. We had a cleric as well as myself to heal if needed but that 3rd boss was fun.

09-21-2005, 05:43 PM
I felt the 3rd Kellaid mission boss was much harder than the 2nd one. That is just my opinion but did both missions with the same group. We had a cleric as well as myself to heal if needed but that 3rd boss was fun.

QFTFT. Second boss was dirt easy, I had enough time to sit and nuke b/w heals, however the AEs that the third mission one cast caught us off guard and that sumbitch hit a LOT harder and faster than the second mission and was unslowable.

Megn Summer
10-02-2005, 09:10 AM

10-02-2005, 09:43 AM
You need to wait till the mob is around 50 percent before burning him. If you do it sooner and are unable to matain the burn, the mob will be hitting for harder, longer, and your tank will die.

If your tank is a warrior, Perhaps he should not disc Furious till around 50, and as soon as it drops go Defensive. If the tank is a Knight, their mitigation disc is probly best served at 50 or below, when the mob is hitting much harder then at full.

The fight is very much more a tactical one then other fights, and you need to really think about how to do it with a given group setup.


10-05-2005, 04:10 PM
Actually, warrior is almost necessary for this one because at 10% the mob turns into a quad 3200 ass beater (probably more, but that's what I got hit for once when I wasn't paying attention). The problem with Knight mitigation disc is that it lasts 30 seconds and caps at 10Khps.

That's actually when the tank should switch to his highest damage 2Her and hit Furious.

As a tank, I hit Stonewall right around 40% since that's when he starts getting painful. At about 10%, I drop Stonewall and hit Furious with my 2Her. And everyone else in the group goes into full burn mode (I won't need any heals for 12 seconds so even healers nuke) since aggro is fully locked by then. Of course, if you don't finish that last 10% in 12 seconds...well, that gets a bit ugly. :)

The second boss was actually really easy. And I tanked it before the change. On engage, Furious followed by Stonewall. By the time Furious drops the boss already had it's first power down so Stonewall can easily handle the mob from there on.

No the annoying one for us was the fourth one where you have to run around that spider infested zone to find all the damn triggers to open different doors (that chest in the jail sucked much ass since we did this prior to anyone else on our server--like the second day of DoD so had no idea what we were suppose to do).