View Full Forums : is GoM working on heals?

09-25-2005, 01:16 PM
I posted a similar thread over on the cleric board and I wanted to see if druids were noticing the same thing.

basicly since one of the patches this past week gift of mana is not working on heals. It worked for me the first day I bought the skill just 2-3 days after release, but all this past week I never got a single proc. Not one. I did tons of exping and raiding in that time. (I have rank 3)

so then last night I started nuking since the mission we had was so easy I had no healing to do. Thats when I started getting GoM, but only when I nuked.

so today I went to the guild hall to test this. With 9797 mana I could get in 20-23 casts of pious light before going OOM. i did this seven times from FM to OOM, and in that time I got 17 abundant healing procs (lvl 5) and zero GoM procs.

then I went to chain casting the cleric nuke, reproach. Again with a 9797 mana pool I got off 51 casts before going oom. In that time GoM procced seven times.

so I'm interested if druids are getting GoM procs off their heals. If you are do you have abundant healing as well?

09-26-2005, 09:07 AM
heck yeah it's working on heals.
unless maybe you're casting minor healing or something :P

GoM3 and i have abundant healing 3 atm, but i've NEVER seen that go off.

09-26-2005, 09:15 AM
I noticed GoM don't seem to go off much at all on heals. It goes off a lot on dots and nukes though... might be broken.

09-26-2005, 10:09 AM
GoM (I'm only level 1) goes off about once a week.

This is no gift!

This is useless. I understand that at higher levels of skill it will go off more but for crying out loud this is crazy. I sure hope it's broken because I want my aa's back LOL.

I took this skill because everyone seemed to say that it was the best we got. Well our new bear at level 1 (same 3 aa points) does me 10 times as good as GoM does and people make fun of our new pet dot.

At least with the pet dot I can expect 2000ish damage every 22 mins. GoM, "if" I ever see it, pops up so infrequently that I gain very little from it.

And yes I know it only affects level 65+ spells of the damage/heal variety.

So please tell me something is broken or fix this thing. As it stand now the percentage has to be in the 1-2% range at level 1 skill.


09-26-2005, 10:40 AM
So please tell me something is broken or fix this thing. As it stand now the percentage has to be in the 1-2% range at level 1 skill.

ost of our aa skills, no matter what it is, is less then a 5 percent chance at rank one, why should this be any differant?

09-26-2005, 10:54 AM
Weird, I had GoM3 proc 9 times during our last Yar'Lir slaughter. My lvl 65 GoD heal kept procing it and got 9 casts of my Ancient heal in for 1 mana each. Love the spell, but yes somtimes it procs and somtimes it doesnt you gotta relize the chances for it to go off are low. You cant expect it to proc at will nor act like a critical.

09-26-2005, 11:31 AM
If I was getting infrequent procs I wouldnt be concerned because I'd at least be seeing procs. I cannot even get it to proc a single time. In that test I did over 150 casts of a lvl 68 heal and it never went off while, but then in 51 nukes I got 7 procs.

I'm telling you I have never seen it go off on one of my heals ever since the patch that nerfed the monster mission exp (which also happens to be the same day I bought abundant healing). The RNG cannot be this bad.

I'd appreciate it if someone else with both GoM and abundant healing maxed do a similar test that I did and post the number of procs for each skill.

09-26-2005, 11:51 AM

GoM does NOT work with spells that are lower than lvl 65!

Just a reminder. It has gone off quite a few times for me using Sylvan Infusion and Ancient Chlorobon

09-26-2005, 11:53 AM
Since the patch I have had GoM3 proc many many times from my heals. I typically MH and every time it has been going off(since patch even) I sneak in a free rain spell. I dont have abundant healing(nor plan on getting it) but honestly that doesnt factor in at all when it comes down to your chances for GoM to go off.

Last night I remember casting my ancient 3 times in a row fast because I had GoM proc twice from it and wanted to get the use out of the free heals.

Its not broken.

09-26-2005, 11:54 AM

GoM does NOT work with spells that are lower than lvl 65!

Just a reminder. It has gone off quite a few times for me using Sylvan Infusion and Ancient Chlorobon

They say it works 60% of the time....everytime


09-26-2005, 11:56 AM
They say it works 60% of the time....everytime


It's made of bits of real panther, so you know its good!

09-26-2005, 04:56 PM

GoM does NOT work with spells that are lower than lvl 65!

Just a reminder. It has gone off quite a few times for me using Sylvan Infusion and Ancient Chlorobon

pious light is 68, pious remedy is 66. Neither spell will proc GoM. I've casted these two spells countless times with GoM maxed and haven't gotten a single proc. I don't think its coincidence when after 4 days of no GoM on patches I start getting them on nukes.

If you guys are seeing procs then maybe its an issue with the cleric spells. If I had seen just a single proc then I wouldn't even be bringing this up as an issue.

did another 125 pious lights (got a log this time) and still no GoM procs (only abundant healing).... but in the 14 nukes I cast it went off twice. I'm still convinced something is wrong.

09-27-2005, 05:11 AM
pious light is 68, pious remedy is 66. Neither spell will proc GoM. I've casted these two spells countless times with GoM maxed and haven't gotten a single proc. I don't think its coincidence when after 4 days of no GoM on patches I start getting them on nukes.

If you guys are seeing procs then maybe its an issue with the cleric spells. If I had seen just a single proc then I wouldn't even be bringing this up as an issue.

did another 125 pious lights (got a log this time) and still no GoM procs (only abundant healing).... but in the 14 nukes I cast it went off twice. I'm still convinced something is wrong.

I think this is totally intended. Heal spells tend to be "spammed" a lot more than other spells, so making it proc like other spells would seem overpowering. The benefit will be too great. On the other hand, i have indeed seen it work with heals... however, it seems to be more frequent on the higher heals (ancient and chlorothrope).

09-27-2005, 09:11 AM
there you go Elephi, I get GoM procs often and NEVER EVER seen an abundant healing proc.

GoM 3 , AH 3.
( not getting any more AH levels for now.. switched to thick skin :P )

09-27-2005, 09:58 AM
In the past, some AAs or focus effects have been buggy and worked only in certain zones. What zones are you testing this in?

09-27-2005, 09:58 AM
Perhaps it is just all the spam rolling by or something, but I have yet to see AH fire. I heal a ton on raids.

I have AH 5. Anyone know what I should be looking for to see it working?

I get GoM a bunch. Lub that AA. I see it pretty even between Ancient: Chloro and Dawnstrike casts. Funny thing on Dawnstrike the next "free" cast seems to always get resisted - lol. Had it pop 7 times in a row on Vish the other nite.

09-27-2005, 10:20 AM
AH procs the buff icon on the person being healed, if I recall. The only times you would see if it is if you heal yourself or someone gets it to fire on you.

09-27-2005, 10:54 AM
you can still see a text message and a particle effect on the person when abundant healing fires (its the same graphic as a cleric hammer hand of the gods proc). Abundant healing has no "Cast on you" string in lucy, so you only see text when it procs on someone else, not on yourself.

I did both tests in the guild hall for faster mana regen, but even when doing DoD instances or raiding GoD zones I still only ever got abundant healing procs.

I talked to a few clerics I know who have GoM but not abundant healing and they get frequent GoM procs on their heals. I'm convinced the problem is that having both skills causes one to bug. It should be possible for both GoM and abundant healing to proc off the same cast, right?

I think this is totally intended. Heal spells tend to be "spammed" a lot more than other spells, so making it proc like other spells would seem overpowering. The benefit will be too great. On the other hand, i have indeed seen it work with heals... however, it seems to be more frequent on the higher heals (ancient and chlorothrope).

I would have no problem if it was a lower proc rate. The problem is I'm getting ZERO procs for several hundred casts of 65+ heals with GoM at max level. If I could get just ONE proc on these heals I'd drop this issue completely.

you see it on you're heals. Do you have abundant healing as well? I'm using my 68 heal mostly and get squat.

09-27-2005, 10:56 AM
here is my log for 124 pious lights followed by 14 reproaches.

note the 12 "...covered in a soft healing light" messages, those are abundant healing procs. At one point I cast it on myself and abundant healing procs again, but like I said before there is no text for when it procs on yourself.

at one point I do a /who, for some reason the guild tags are cut off but they show up when I click edit post. I think the "<" and ">" characters are behind it.

[Mon Sep 26 17:01:37 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:37 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:40 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:40 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:40 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:40 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:43 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:43 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:46 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:46 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:46 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:49 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:49 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:52 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:52 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:52 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (11557)
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:52 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (11557)
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:52 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:54 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:55 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:55 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:55 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:55 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:58 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:58 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:01:58 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:00 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:00 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:00 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:01 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:01 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:01 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:04 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:04 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:04 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:06 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:06 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:06 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:06 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:07 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:07 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:07 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:09 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:09 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:09 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:09 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:12 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:12 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:12 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:12 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:12 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:12 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:15 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:15 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:15 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:19 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:19 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:22 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:22 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:22 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:27 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:27 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:30 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:30 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:30 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:30 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:32 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:33 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:33 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:35 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:35 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:35 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:40 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:40 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:42 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:42 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:42 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10369)
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:42 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10369)
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:42 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:45 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:45 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:45 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:45 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:45 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:45 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:48 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:48 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:48 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10765)
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:48 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10765)
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:48 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:51 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:51 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:51 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:51 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:54 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:54 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:54 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:56 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:56 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:57 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:57 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:57 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:59 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:59 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:02:59 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:02 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:02 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:03 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:03 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:05 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:05 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:05 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:07 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:07 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:07 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:07 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:08 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:08 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:08 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:08 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:11 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:11 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:11 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:13 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:13 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:13 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:13 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:14 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:14 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:14 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:14 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:17 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:17 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:17 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:18 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:19 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:19 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:19 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:20 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:20 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:20 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:20 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:22 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:22 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:22 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:24 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:24 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:24 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:25 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:26 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:26 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:28 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:28 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:28 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:32 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:32 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:34 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:34 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:34 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (11082)
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:34 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (11082)
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:34 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:38 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:38 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:41 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:41 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:41 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:44 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:44 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:46 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:46 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:46 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:50 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:50 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:53 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:53 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:53 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:56 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:56 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:59 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:59 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:59 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (13298)
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:59 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (13298)
[Mon Sep 26 17:03:59 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:04 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:04 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:06 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:06 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:06 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:11 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:11 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:14 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:14 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:14 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:19 2005] Your Earring of Unseen Horrors shimmers briefly.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:19 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:22 2005] Your Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass flickers with a pale light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:22 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:22 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:04:24 2005] Your surge of strength fades.
[Mon Sep 26 17:05:15 2005] You told Polanski, 'turning off foci messages now'
[Mon Sep 26 17:05:43 2005] You feel different.
[Mon Sep 26 17:05:44 2005] You begin casting Summon Horse.
[Mon Sep 26 17:05:44 2005] Your Black Chain Bridle begins to glow.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] Players on EverQuest:
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] ---------------------------
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] [70 Lord (Paladin)] Steelclaw (Half Elf) <Primal Dreams>
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] [ANONYMOUS] Fulanita <Primal Dreams>
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] [70 Wildblood (Beastlord)] Polanski (Vah Shir) <Primal Dreams>
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] AFK [ANONYMOUS] Keyara <Primal Dreams>
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] [70 Arch Magus (Magician)] Bonaiel (Human) <Primal Dreams>
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] [70 Vanquisher (Warrior)] Tendon (Ogre) <Primal Dreams>
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] [70 Prelate (Cleric)] Elephi (Skeleton) <Primal Dreams>
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:23 2005] There are 7 players in Guild Hall.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:46 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:49 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:49 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (11953)
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:49 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (11953)
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:49 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:51 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:51 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:52 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:52 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:52 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:54 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:54 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:58 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:58 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:07:58 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:00 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:01 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:04 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:06 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:06 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:06 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:11 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:14 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:14 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (13140)
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:14 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (13140)
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:14 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:18 2005] Your spell fizzles!
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:19 2005] You begin casting Pious Remedy.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:21 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:21 2005] Polanski's wounds fade.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:24 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:24 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:25 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:28 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:28 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:30 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:31 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:31 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:33 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:33 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:37 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:40 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:40 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:43 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:46 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:46 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (12269)
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:46 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (12269)
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:46 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:50 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:53 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:53 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:56 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:59 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:08:59 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:02 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:05 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:05 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:08 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:11 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:11 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:14 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:16 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:16 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:16 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:20 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:23 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:23 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (12507)
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:23 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (12507)
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:23 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:26 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:26 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:28 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:28 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (12744)
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:28 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (12744)
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:28 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:31 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:32 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:35 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:35 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:38 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:40 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:40 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:43 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:44 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:46 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:46 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:50 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:52 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:52 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (12586)
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:52 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (12586)
[Mon Sep 26 17:09:52 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:06 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:09 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:09 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10765)
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:09 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10765)
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:09 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:11 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:11 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:12 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:12 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:15 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:15 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:17 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:18 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:20 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:20 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:23 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:26 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:26 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:29 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:29 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:32 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:32 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:34 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:34 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:35 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:37 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:37 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:40 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:43 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:43 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:46 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:47 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:49 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:49 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:53 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:55 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:55 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10449)
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:55 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10449)
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:55 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:14:58 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:00 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:00 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:01 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:04 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:07 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:07 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:10 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:12 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:12 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (12586)
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:12 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (12586)
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:12 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:16 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:18 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:19 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10844)
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:19 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10844)
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:19 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:22 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:25 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:25 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:25 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:29 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:32 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:32 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:32 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:35 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:38 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:38 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:41 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:44 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:44 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (12111)
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:44 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (12111)
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:44 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:46 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:47 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:50 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:50 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:53 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:53 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:56 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:56 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:15:59 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:02 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:02 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10290)
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:02 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10290)
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:02 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:05 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:08 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:08 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:08 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:11 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:14 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:14 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:18 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:20 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:20 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:26 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:28 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:28 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:32 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:35 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:35 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:40 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:42 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:42 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:46 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:49 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:49 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:53 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:55 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:55 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (11715)
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:55 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (11715)
[Mon Sep 26 17:16:55 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:02 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:05 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (11874)
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:05 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (11874)
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:05 2005] You are bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:07 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:08 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:11 2005] You are bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:15 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:18 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:18 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:22 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:24 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:24 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:27 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:30 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:30 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:34 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:37 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:37 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:41 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:43 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:43 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:46 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:47 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:49 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:49 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:49 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:53 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:56 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:56 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:21:59 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:02 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:02 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:05 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:07 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:07 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:10 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:11 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:13 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:13 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:16 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:19 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:19 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:23 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:25 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:25 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:28 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:31 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:31 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (11319)
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:31 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (11319)
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:31 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:34 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:37 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:37 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:40 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:43 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:43 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:46 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:48 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:48 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:48 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:52 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:54 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:54 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:57 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:22:58 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:01 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:01 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:04 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:07 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:07 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (13457)
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:07 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (13457)
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:07 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:10 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:13 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:13 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10528)
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:13 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10528)
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:13 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:19 2005] Your spell fizzles!
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:20 2005] You begin casting Pious Elixir.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:22 2005] Polanski's body is covered with a soft glow.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:22 2005] Your Volcanic Farcaster Stone sparkles.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:24 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:25 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:25 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:25 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:25 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:25 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:26 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:28 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:28 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:32 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:34 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:23:34 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:26:02 2005] Yenny Werlikanin says 'Greetings, Atremis. You look like you could use a Green Goblin Skin.'
[Mon Sep 26 17:26:08 2005] Atremis says, 'pool party'
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:13 2005] Yenny Werlikanin says 'Welcome to my shop, Breulaven. You would probably find a Ruby handy.'
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:36 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:37 2005] Atremis bonks Breulaven on the head!
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:40 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:40 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:42 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:43 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:43 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:46 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:46 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:49 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:52 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:52 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:55 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:58 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:27:58 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:01 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:03 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:03 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:06 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:07 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:09 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:09 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:12 2005] You forget Gate.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:14 2005] Beginning to memorize Reproach...
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:15 2005] You have finished memorizing Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:16 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:19 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:19 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:23 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:25 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:25 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:28 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:28 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:31 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:31 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:38 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:41 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:41 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:45 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:47 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:47 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (10924)
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:47 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (10924)
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:47 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:51 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:53 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:53 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:57 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:59 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:28:59 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:02 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:05 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:05 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:09 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:11 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:11 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:15 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:18 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:18 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:21 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:24 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:24 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:24 2005] Polanski is covered in a soft healing light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:27 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:30 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:30 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:33 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:33 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:36 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:36 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:39 2005] Your spell fizzles!
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:40 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:43 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:43 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:46 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:49 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:49 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:53 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:56 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:56 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:29:59 2005] You begin casting Pious Elixir.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:02 2005] Your spell is interrupted.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:04 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:06 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:06 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:09 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:10 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:12 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:12 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:16 2005] You begin casting Pious Light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:19 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:19 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (12348)
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:19 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (12348)
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:19 2005] Polanski is bathed in pious light.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:21 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:22 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:32 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:40 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:41 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:30:51 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:01 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:10 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:19 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:20 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:25 2005] You are protected by Brell's brawny bulwark.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:25 2005] Polanski is protected by Brell's brawny bulwark.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:27 2005] You have been healed for 250 hit points by your heal over time spell(s).
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:29 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:35 2005] You have been granted a gift of mana!
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:40 2005] Insufficient Mana to cast this spell!
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:41 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:47 2005] Your gift of mana fades.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:51 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:31:59 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:00 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:06 2005] You have been granted a gift of mana!
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:09 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:15 2005] Your gift of mana fades.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:18 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:18 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:26 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:27 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:33 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:35 2005] You haven't recovered yet...
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:36 2005] You begin casting Reproach.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:42 2005] You have been granted a gift of mana!
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:46 2005] You begin casting Desperate Renewal.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:48 2005] Your gift of mana fades.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:48 2005] Your Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine feeds you with power.
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:48 2005] Elephi performs an exceptional heal! (16475)
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:48 2005] You perform an exceptional heal! (16475)
[Mon Sep 26 17:32:48 2005] Polanski has been healed.

09-27-2005, 11:19 AM
I have AH at lvl 5 and have not seen it activate ever, I have GoM3 and that seems to go off about 1/5 with heals/nukes/group regen. Something seem amiss with AH for druids.

09-27-2005, 12:25 PM
I don't see AH fire all that often; occasionly it does, but not too frequently. Definately not frequently enough for me to have spent 25 aa's on it.

09-27-2005, 12:32 PM
Agree with you Netura and that was sorta what I was getting at, 25 AAs for this - would like to see it at least fire once per gaming session - heh. And like Wyndfoot is saying do we know for sure it is working... or is it working as intended (lol - sarcasm).

I play with spell graphics off so that doesnt help me if I am looking for a graphic to know that it fired. Just curious. Thanks for the replies.

09-28-2005, 09:24 PM
A shammy friend of mine told me that GoM and AH are bugged...whichever one you buy first is the one that works. I only have GoM atm, so I can't verify that. GoM works just fine on my heals and nukes. Can anyone comment regarding whether the one they got second is the one that they've never seen work?

09-28-2005, 11:07 PM
before buying AH while spam healing I would see a lot of GoM procs, I've yet to see GoM proc on a heal since buying AH, this is more than likely a bug from what I've heard.

09-29-2005, 11:00 AM
Same, I got max GoM and bought max AH after, and GoM don't seem to work on heals, it works on dots and nukes occasionally, could very well be buged when you have both.

Benthair Dunthat
09-29-2005, 02:02 PM
Tried this at lunch today, to see what my results would be. Cast Nature's Infusion on myself 100 times while sitting in the the guild pool.

I have AH 4/5 and GOM 1/3. After 100 casts:

AH = fired 10 times
GOM = 0

I too would have expected at least 1 GOM in 100 casts, even though I only have the first level. I KNOW that I get GOM's while using my nukes and dots, so it isn't that it doesn't work at all. 100 casts may not be statistically significant enough for the RNG to pick GOM once, but does seem a little odd.

BTW, I received no messages from each of the AH's that popped, possibly because I was full hp at the time.

09-29-2005, 02:49 PM
Tried this at lunch today, to see what my results would be. Cast Nature's Infusion on myself 100 times while sitting in the the guild pool.

I have AH 4/5 and GOM 1/3. After 100 casts:

AH = fired 10 times
GOM = 0

I too would have expected at least 1 GOM in 100 casts, even though I only have the first level. I KNOW that I get GOM's while using my nukes and dots, so it isn't that it doesn't work at all. 100 casts may not be statistically significant enough for the RNG to pick GOM once, but does seem a little odd.

BTW, I received no messages from each of the AH's that popped, possibly because I was full hp at the time.

Natures infusion = Level 63
It is my understanding that GoM does not fire off on spells under 65 thus it should not have worked.

Benthair Dunthat
09-29-2005, 06:51 PM

You are absolutely right, I am an idiot:rolleyes:

Benthair Dunthat
09-30-2005, 02:18 PM
OK, tried it again:)

This time I cast Chloro on myself 100 times. Same situation - I have AH 4/5 and GoM 1/3. Results:

Abundant Healing - activated 14 times ( which I think is damn good)
Gift of Mana - 0

I don't know if it's broke or not, but I am hesitant to put the next 6aa's into GOM2.

09-30-2005, 03:00 PM
Get GoM2, theres a HUGE difference.

10-01-2005, 12:16 AM
GoM is worth getting, and even if you like healing over nuking, you can still proc off a nuke and use the proc on a heal! If this is a bug it would be nice to see it fixed... if it's not a bug it would be nice to know for sure =/

10-01-2005, 07:17 AM
GoM is great..I feel it was a good investment of aa points. BTW, have had it fire at least twice when I clicked Mask of the Ancients chlorotrope - $$

10-06-2005, 04:20 AM
I have GoM 2 atm and get a lucky row of proks on heals last week on heals, we did ZMV in RCoD and i was in a group with new Guildies they are not well equiped and didn't resist the AE so i ended up as group healer.

One time during this fight i noticed that GoM proc 4 times in a row for 5 heals. This was a lucky row normaly i see GoM Proc perhaps 1 or 2 times in 5 hours playing.

10-06-2005, 10:23 AM
Eiram, do you have AH?

10-06-2005, 05:41 PM
i only have GoM3 dont really have healing AAs just spirit of the grove 3 as of last night, from what i hear if you have AH and GoM one will bug the other, i believe it was mentioned in a patch message or possibly on the SoE boards. they know about the problem and are working on a fix as far as i read.

10-06-2005, 08:52 PM
According to that report that was posted on the front page, AH currently blocks GoM from procing on heals. Presumably, Sony is working on fixing that.

10-07-2005, 01:17 AM
does it fire off on nature's infusion clicky from tacvi?

10-07-2005, 01:47 AM
does it fire off on nature's infusion clicky from tacvi?

Nature's Infusion is level 63 and GoM requires 65 so it wont even work on the cast version.

10-07-2005, 01:03 PM
Nature's Infusion is level 63 and GoM requires 65 so it wont even work on the cast version.

You need to be more clear Sildan! The answer: Is No.

10-07-2005, 03:11 PM
In case you haven't read the Summit Issues... GoM is indeed bugged with Abundant Healing.

So I stand corrected on our previous posts.

10-07-2005, 05:49 PM
d'oh! >.< thank you.

Mannwin Woobie
10-11-2005, 01:52 PM
In case you haven't read the Summit Issues... GoM is indeed bugged with Abundant Healing.

I certainly hope they are working to fix this soon!

10-11-2005, 06:28 PM
I certainly hope they are working to fix this soon!
It should be on tomorrow's patch.

10-12-2005, 04:23 AM
@ Aldier: No i have no Abundant Healing, and what i learned from this thread i would not buy it until the issues with AH and GoM are fixed.

I tested it yesterday GoM did fire on heals but as i mentioned i have no AH ;)

10-12-2005, 11:45 AM
Today's patch is supposed to fix the issue. Which is that if you had AH and GoM that it was causing some issues. GoM was working on heals without a problem, but having AH was causing some problem. So I was just trying to see if you had the same setup as others reporting the issue.

10-15-2005, 07:54 PM
Any news on this fix?

11-01-2005, 10:05 AM
Here is a little bit on GoM/AH info taken from the EverQuest House of Commons Chat - October 27th, 2005

Sprite - *Jetfire* Any ETA on when we can expect the Gift of Magic and Abundant Healing bug fixed?
Rashere - We don't have an ETA currently. The stacking problems are due to some pretty core mechanics within the spell system and are taking some time to unravel.

You can read it all here.

Can't they just refund the AA's for Both and let us decided what to do with them instead of having a broken AA...

IE, AH is a waste. Rather have a proc of GoM and get a real heal off again, then some bull**** HoT that lasts 5 tics for 30 hp or what ever, at this late in the game = USELESS.

Give back the AA's

PS. Got GoM first then Maxed out AH, only to have GoM to never proc while healing, and only nuking. Screw AH.


11-01-2005, 10:10 AM
Its 250hp/tick at level 5.

11-01-2005, 10:13 AM
Still junk considering mobs have a DPS of 3k plus.. IE thats 18k damage in one tic, hehe 250 heal ait gonna save anyones arse =p, But thanks for the correction =)


11-01-2005, 12:07 PM
On the main tank yes, mobs do huge dps. However when healing curses/dots during oh I dunno say, Vishimtar, having an abundant healing proc means one less time I have to top someone off.

11-01-2005, 06:49 PM
LOL you guys dont know the power of Reptile. Pop it on a rampage tank and you can just nuke events lol. I was slacking around casting it on rampage tanks last night in anguish :P

Mannwin Woobie
11-02-2005, 07:59 AM
I got a GoM pop on a heal several times last night. I don't know if that means anything, since I am not sure what the whole stacking issue on these is.

I have GoM3 and AH2.

11-06-2005, 09:39 PM
I started with GoM, got to Tier 2, then got AH level 1 no issues here so far, GoM and AH continues to work. Lets hope it keeps going as i get more in tiers.

Mannwin Woobie
11-07-2005, 12:30 PM
OK, I sat in the GH and did some boring tests. I didn't tally the results, but suffice to say I went through my mana bar at least ten times.

Again, I did this with GoM3 and AH2.

1. Chain casting Nature's Infusion (Level 63).
- AH Proc'd as expected (ie, every once in a while).
- GoM never proc'd, as expected (since it is pre-65).

2. Chain casting Chlorotrope (Level 68).
- GoM Proc'd as expected (ie, every once in a while).
- AH NEVER PROC'D -----> This is not as expected.

It looks as if I will never get an AH proc if there is a chance for both to proc (ie, casting a direct heal of 65 or above).

11-07-2005, 04:55 PM
GoM will proc at the same time as Fire of Dawn, so I have seen GoM proc at the same time as another proc effect, but I have yet to see AH proc on any of my heals. Wish they would fix this already.

01-05-2006, 02:59 PM
It's been what, 5 months and still no fix? Can any Rep get a reply on this? Coming out with a new expansion and still no love for druid's.

Roxxx the Drunk Rebel

01-05-2006, 08:07 PM
At current:

The Deveolpers do not want to refund the AA, becuase it is not broken for all classes who can obtain it.

The two AA lines have issues working toghter, to fix the issue, it is basically requiring a rather large rewrite of the spell focus system they added several years ago.

That is the delay, it sucks, but they have been pretty upfront with us about why its not working, and why they really don't want to refund the AA line. They also mentioned, if they DID refund the AA line, they'd be taking AH out until its fixed, and its something they seem to be loathe to do.
