View Full Forums : People who think Druids can't heal

10-02-2005, 01:57 PM
The most annoying thing ever is when i'm making a group and people bail as soon as they find out the healer is a druid. Then you have the people who refuse to do certain trials and exp zones with a druid healer. A well geared druid can heal through any group trial(hard DoD missions get a little rough) and exp zone.

10-03-2005, 12:16 AM
It's thier loss really. They go back to sitting lfg while you and your group go and accomplish something. I feel sorry for people who can't be open minded and take a chance. They just might learn something new!

10-03-2005, 12:17 AM
Trust me, this has happened and used to happen a lot to me. I don't think there's one druid that doesn't take this crap sometimes. But as people get to know what you can do and how well you can do it you develop a reputation. I stick to guild groups nowadays, they work well with me. Some of other guilds also group me sometimes since i have grouped with them and so on. Just gotta break the ice first, then you'll be good to go :)

10-03-2005, 01:23 AM
Just did the level 68 spell missions with a druid healer and monk tank. I couldn't agree more with you Woodel, some peeps are entirely too obtuse. Honestly if someone is going to go through the effort of joining a group, obviously an investment on their time just getting there, they may as well stick around to see how it pans out. Worst they can expect is they're gonna get evaced.

10-03-2005, 02:13 AM
I for sure agree that not enough people give druids a chance on healing.

But theres worse to expect than just being evaced. Or at least thats how my mileage goes...

Bad pull, or something goes wrong could mean someone dieing and possibly no quick rez in zone. Maybe some druids are geared up to where that's not a risk anymore but alot of druids aren't.

10-03-2005, 10:40 AM
It's always a risk taking a druid as a main healer in the newer and harder content. Druids don't come with a lot of tools to keep a group alive, and we won't be able to save a group from someone pulling 8 RS mobs unless evac is ready. Nimchip is completely correct though, it's all about your reputation. If you can show groups that you're a solid healer time and again, they'll trust you and invite you back.

10-03-2005, 11:35 AM
I almost always group with a Druid healer on my main.. =/ Given that my main is a Paladin, if anyone drops we still have rezzes. (And if I drop the druid rezzes me.) :rolleyes: YAY for that AA!

I do agree alot of people are very close minded about it~ Druids can be healers for tough zones, its a bit rougher on druids than it is on clerics, but not impossible! People should be more open minded!

10-03-2005, 02:32 PM
I'm lucky enough to know some pretty open minded people. I end up main healer a lot. One of the great things about being a druid healer is we stack with other healers, while clerics don't stack very well. Add a good cleric to the party I can turn DPS or back them up to whatever degree they want it. Add another druid and we are a seamless team, a pally or shammy, same. My favorite backup healer when I am healing is probably a pally, they seem to be able to complement me perfectly.

10-03-2005, 05:45 PM
Did 5 out of 6 MPG Trials as the only healer becuase the group trusted me more then a Pickup cleric.

It has alot to do with rep.


10-05-2005, 06:12 AM
I don't think I've ever really had people bail on me for being a sub-par healer as a druid... I think it's just you Woody ;p

lol - jk

10-08-2005, 08:36 PM
lol Neli, no one has ever bailed on me after a few rounds as a healer. I have has people join the group ask for the classes then leave on the basis that there is a druid healer and the group would for sure wipe. This coming from some one who is half of her group :P I mean.... when was the last time you seen Deian go... F this i'm outta here! :P

10-08-2005, 09:52 PM
I have actually had people drop group because they didn't want a druid for a healer. Granted, there are druids that just can't play healer and will actually refuse to. Some people just dont know what they are missing. Nuker, Tracker, Healer bundled into one cute little package!

10-09-2005, 05:07 AM
There was an era not long ago when everyone had a druid. Anyone can play a mediocre druid. Let's face it, a mediocre druid isn't going to cut it in RS. I think it's a situation where so many people have had bad experiences with crappy druids, that they aren't willing to risk it. :P

10-09-2005, 01:15 PM
Really i have only had troubel healing once in RS. We had a tank that buffed up to a grand total of 9500 with 10/sta/wunshi.

10-09-2005, 04:04 PM
This has been ruff on me lately. I can get a group fot the life of me. Everyone lately on Fennin wants a cleric. I have never had it this hard to get a group to LVL. LFG sucks so I solo with LFG on and still no one ever calls when they do They say if they cant find a cleric in a few they will "let me go with them". Yea makes me feel like I suck. BUt I know I dont so its all good. LVl 67 is slow for me..Trying to get 68..

10-09-2005, 07:41 PM
I found that going LFG is generally usless. I just build my own groups from guild and LFG tool. If you fill your group with tank, necro, chanter, random dps. You can just heal and nuke at the same time and stay above 80mama.

10-11-2005, 06:46 PM
LFG for me = random /tells to get someone stuck in the water out of the SH puddles at the spires, plvl their toon 35 lvl s for 10pp (200pp if a good day), port someone around Norrath and kill their 1.5 mobs for them, etc.

If I get that /tell "can you main heal in RS" that leaves alot open to decide. Use the /who all <name> to see the main assist is a lvl 69 pally in <Tiny totties of Norrath> guild and is looking for some hp augs, pushing my mana sponge rate up alot, to them its like the druid sucks. Oh well. I stick to people I know and usually use the tanks I know a ranger can heal, or I just go solo another couple hundred AA's with my exp AA and a c potion; it keeps my sanity ;p


10-11-2005, 07:36 PM
As long as the tank has over 10k+ hp unbuffed, RS is okay with me. Any less then that, I start running in to mana regen issues.

10-11-2005, 08:14 PM
When OoW came out it was hard for me heal 10k hp tanks in MPG; some have 12 AA's and 0 to defensive along with 1500 AC, they got the full contact swing so much of the time no matter how much mana i had, they sponged it all pretty quick. I'll take a sk or pally with some good AC and defensives > alot (even had np healing rangers with decent gear through the times).

On the same note I have been in groups with clerics that have no clue what they are doing and i end up doing most of the work anyhow. If im setting up a group I generally know what to look for, allthough I have not had tooo many people want to leave the group after seeing that I am main healing ( if no clerics are available). Some people accidentally made it to lvl 70 so now its hard to tell how to answer those tells for groups asking if i can heal a lvl 70 player. I can heal as good as alot of clerics,as I am sure many good druids can, but I cant perform miracles ;p


10-12-2005, 07:28 AM
I had a blast the other day in RS as main healer. We had a necro and a bst and I was NEVER below 80% mana.
I agree with the LFG however. I normally end up building my own groups. Just for the simple fact of when I put my LFG up I get tells like "can you port me to *XYZ*" or can you come to *this obscure zone* and give me Oak.

10-12-2005, 09:52 AM
Wow... people actually send tells to LFG druids asking you to come Oak them? And for ports when you are LFG? <- still a baby druid... I don't think I'd have a polite reply for that...


editted for clarity

10-12-2005, 11:57 AM
Wow... people actually send tells to druids asking you to Oak them? And for ports when you are LFG? <- still a baby druid... I don't think I'd have a polite reply for that...


People use polite replies to port me to zone XYZ even though I can take the book and be there too??????

10-12-2005, 12:04 PM
I usually check if they are guilded and then my reply is what's wrong with your guild hall ports? :)

10-13-2005, 12:33 PM
I stopped bothering to even reply to port requests. As for buffs, if I'm not busy and they're willing to come to me, I'll usually toss an oak/soe on them. And yes, Sabby, folks ask for steeloak quite often actually. I sure wish SOE would make symbol last as long as conv. Or better yet, increase the amount of hp that oak has and decrease the amount symbol adds. Would be more balanced that way. :wiggle:

10-13-2005, 04:01 PM
I know I am not the best healer and i still need some better gear. With the gear I have now unbuffed my mana pool is 5174 and I have FT 9 (items) and I am only 67. I have healed some many Creator missions I can't even count. I heal in WOS real easy (better if tank is OK geardes) Nuke and Heal and stay over 75%. I need one more fight to get in to PoFire (Sol Ro) but I go to PoWater sometimes if guildies want just gor patterns so far I have none of those but I will soon.

Like so many have said I make my own groups. The only time I really use LFG thing is when the guild is getting ready to form for a raid (pretty often, BTW) and I get tells for DON, MPG, Leets, and a few others all the time, I know a few ppl and I guess they know what I can do cause I usually don't have a hard time getting a group.

10-13-2005, 05:36 PM
Or better yet, increase the amount of hp that oak has and decrease the amount symbol adds. Would be more balanced that way. :wiggle:

The Cleric Spell: Confidence is only 650 Hitpoints.

That is their Equivlent of Steeloak, which is why they do not stack.

I am not seeing how making Steeloak even better then the cleric spell is making things more balanced.


10-13-2005, 06:13 PM
If they dropped the hp of symbol and increased the hp of steeloak it would still be balanced, but would be closer to buffs a cleric could offer.That way having a group with a druid and no cleric wouldn't take such a hp hit when it comes to buffs. Just something a friend and I were discussing last week.

10-13-2005, 10:48 PM
If they dropped the hp of symbol and increased the hp of steeloak it would still be balanced, but would be closer to buffs a cleric could offer.

They would still want symbol if they were a tank at least. A cleric could also offer Conviction and since we don't have an equivilant, I don't see how balancing steeloak/balikor fixes the problem. I'd rather the durations be matched as opposed to the hp.

10-14-2005, 12:41 AM
I love having both BL and necro in the group, that means woody gets to heal and DPS in places like RS. I can't still heal and nuke with out that added mana regen... i just wouldn't call it constant DPS.

10-16-2005, 12:51 PM
as a seasoned lvl 70 druid I my self have really never faced not getting a grp most of the time I just make them myself or I grp with guildies. As far as healing we are very much in demand, with the right gear and maxed out heal aa, a druid can heal just as good as a clr. In grp settings. and witht he New lvl 68 hott makes it that much easy on our mana pools.. the good thing about being a druid if no grps are wanting us we can always solo.

Circle of Eternity.

Lucerin Nyteblade
10-18-2005, 12:29 AM
I have a rule that no one dies on my watch unless I die first. Therefor there are just some zones, that even though capeable, I am not willing to risk someone elses exp bar on.


10-19-2005, 08:01 AM
Generally if some one dies in my group it's due to their mistake.... in which case i don't feel so bad about their exp bar :P

10-19-2005, 04:30 PM
Haha, That is so my new motto, Woody.

11-01-2005, 04:28 PM
I know that Druids can heal well, being a druid myself is a good way for me to tell. I have ben on a few missions with different ppl and as the group looses someone they get someone to replace and I meet someone new. Some think I can't heal but If I can't heal then why would the rest of the group stay. I Heal on high end DON's now, WOS, MPG (not trials) and a few other zones. On raids the pullers are almost always my responsibility. I kind of like it too cause I get to sit up ahead of the raid and see the mob on incoming waiting for puller to FD and tank to tak over, I heal so he can go get the next mob. Sometimes I have to run after them and when in a pinch I even have to hold the doors open for a speedy exit to raid on mobs that may pop in the way or something.

Its better than sitting and waiting to heal and DOT or DD. I also am counted on to help with splits by snaring one as long as the tank can take aggro. Druids can be tricky and siince mobs don't summon until after 2% snare does no damage so I can pull like a big dog also (not prefered though).

11-03-2005, 11:32 AM
I hate people who ask " "Can" you heal creator?" or worse " "Can" you heal WoS?" when Im lfg. The fact that they even ask a level 70 person to come to WoS is more than enough to make me go "Ugh wtf" in real life, but when they ask me those either of those questions I instantly go off on them and tell them "No, I am a horrible druid, it's how I got to be in a top guild on the server and am one of the best geared druids on the server."

11-03-2005, 12:33 PM
I hate people who ask " "Can" you heal creator?" or worse " "Can" you heal WoS?" when Im lfg. The fact that they even ask a level 70 person to come to WoS is more than enough to make me go "Ugh wtf" in real life, but when they ask me those either of those questions I instantly go off on them and tell them "No, I am a horrible druid, it's how I got to be in a top guild on the server and am one of the best geared druids on the server."

So how many people that don't know you will know all of this?

11-03-2005, 07:19 PM
So how many people that don't know you will know all of this?

/w all TheGuildImIn

11-03-2005, 10:12 PM
A) Apparently Matren isn't your IG name, or you aren't on EQrankings.
B) Not all druids in the top guilds on their servers, and even top geared are all that great when it comes to regular exp groups.

11-03-2005, 11:15 PM
Never judge a player based on what guild they're in... Period.

I know plenty of people in guilds that are in Anguish who just plain suck. It's truely a matter of individual skill and you just need to know the person. That said it's kinda stupid to ask people if they're capable of doing something unless it's one of those actually really hard places (i.e. Nest, RSS, etc...) where druid healing would be questionable based on the player. I'm not a fan of being asked if I can main heal creator runs =/

11-04-2005, 11:37 AM
That said it's kinda stupid to ask people if they're capable of doing something unless it's one of those actually really hard places (i.e. Nest, RSS, etc...) where druid healing would be questionable based on the player.Isn't that relative? I've done creator missions where a cleric was not able to heal. Since I often play my warrior it is very important to me that the player doing the healing feel confident and actually be up to the task.

11-04-2005, 12:03 PM
I too have been frustrated by the "can you heal" blah...omgz we need a cleric blahblahblah. But as I have proved more and more to people that I have no problems healing and a decent mana pool, they are like ahh ok lets find more dps instead of a cleric :)
Its all in reputation, and we have all been in a group with a cleric that sucked and we had to pick up the heals lol

anyways I <3 being a druid


11-04-2005, 02:38 PM
/w all TheGuildImIn

Can't see the guild info in the LFG window unless I missed something.

Also it doesn't make much difference what guild your in cause some druids just piggy backed on that guid and got flagged but that doesn't meant they know what they are doing.

11-06-2005, 10:05 AM
I agree. Never judge the skill and quaility of a player by the guild they're in. And actually it doesn't bother me at all when someone asks me "can you heal in X_zone?". Why should it? They don't know me unless they've grouped with me before. They just are trying to make sure I can handle the job of MH in the zone they're going to xp in. Seems reasonable. I'll also ask the hp/ac of the tank if I don't know him/her. Should they get offended at that?
That being said, it is also rare for me to group outside of guild groups, but I have been known to go goof off with random xp groups on occassion :rolleyes:

11-06-2005, 01:38 PM
My recent reaction to "Can you do X thing" from someone who is being rude about it has been to link gear I own from that zone/trial.

11-06-2005, 06:41 PM
My recent reaction to "Can you do X thing" from someone who is being rude about it has been to link gear I own from that zone/trial.

hahaha :lmao:

11-06-2005, 10:27 PM
Having good gear has nothing to do with how well you can heal. Although good beneficial spell haste makes it much easier.

Ubber gear is needed though if you're interested in steady pulling. If i have a beefy tank it's relativly easy to heal/snare taking on 2-3 mobs at a time constantly in RS.

11-07-2005, 02:20 PM
Having good gear has nothing to do with how well you can heal. Although good beneficial spell haste makes it much easier.

Ubber gear is needed though if you're interested in steady pulling. If i have a beefy tank it's relativly easy to heal/snare taking on 2-3 mobs at a time constantly in RS.

I agree with the bolded statement, this is very very true :)

12-21-2005, 09:37 AM
I just have to rant here... This seems like the thread to do it! :lmao:

So, lastnight, I am making my usual nightly group with my main (points to sig below - Sabby). And decide to do 70.2 Spell Mission to help out a friend in guild. The boyfriend, says a cleric is really prefered in this mission. :( This saddens me... Because I rarely make groups with clerics, for multiple reasons. ALL of which were reminded to me when I decided -what the hell- I'll get a cleric since this mission -needs- one.

So, I hit up my friends list. Low and behold a cleric there that I hadn't seen in a while. (He must be somewhat good, I think, why else would he be on my friends list?)

I was so wrong...

So, making our way to the mission, I say... "Once we get on land in Illislan, Dumb_Cleric_001, you are gonna need to cast Suncloak on group, as there are Undead heading into ent. He casts Sunskin (yay for random IvU)... Great!"

Then someone gets aggro... Druid evacs us, and we head back... Ranger dies (/snicker), and so I tank the mob that killed the ranger. A withern that hits, oh what? 800? I die... Why? Because the cleric decided to rez the ranger right there... midfight, nevermind healing.

Ok, I wont mention the other 3 mistakes just getting into the mission. So, we finally make it in. When we get into the mission, I send Dumb_Cleric_001 a tell and say, "I have 12.7k hps. These guys hit like trucks. Keep me up." Dumb_Cleric_001 replys, "lol, Not a problem."

First pull, dead... /boggle.

Rezzed and rebuffed, two pulls go by I think, "OMG, we might finish this."

Fourth pull... DEAD again. At this point I am irritated. As I have tanked this mission before, I know its doable.

So, Dumb_Cleric_001 says, "I am having computer issues... I am gonna restart my computer." (Ever notice how deaths are -never- the clerics fault? Lag, wasnt slowed fast enough, computer issues, cat knocked over my water, anything BUT thier damn fault!) He camps. We wait. Druid heals while we wait. (Remarkably, no deaths.)

Thirty minutes later no cleric... So, my bard and I decide to go with a friend in guild.
So, he's repped... (By TDG's own Juniper :p). YAY for druid DPS! =D

From here on out, the mission went smoothly, our group make up was a bard / shaman / ranger / paladin / 2 druids.

This is precicely why I prefer druids in my groups, over clerics. Clerics tend to be drama queens and rarely do thier jobs effectively, at least from my experience. In the new clericless group, mobs dropped faster. I was alive. (/hugs Fenier). Its funny how my druid was able to keep me alive with a shaman HoT and druid cHeal. When the cleric couldn't, with Pious Elixir, Remedy, and Light.

The overall atmosphere in the cleric-less group was more pleasant. (Read: No whining!)

Ok, so ... My rant is over... Just wanted to say-- Druids > Clerics! :ange:

aka Naeyene

12-21-2005, 12:48 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Woodelfous
Having good gear has nothing to do with how well you can heal. Although good beneficial spell haste makes it much easier.

Ubber gear is needed though if you're interested in steady pulling. If i have a beefy tank it's relativly easy to heal/snare taking on 2-3 mobs at a time constantly in RS.

I agree with the bolded statement, this is very very true :smile:

I disagree, to some extent. Sometimes there's only so much a person can do with their manapool restrictions. HP restrictions can be a pain too when a mob goes to scratch the healer and they get one rounded to death.

99% of the time when someone who shouldn't be healing can heal for a mob or 2, the person tanking the mob is doing something out of the ordinary - ie using a disc, clicking epic, using HoT potion, chain pally healing themself, chain SK lifetapping etc etc.

12-21-2005, 12:56 PM
I disagree, to some extent. Sometimes there's only so much a person can do with their manapool restrictions. HP restrictions can be a pain too when a mob goes to scratch the healer and they get one rounded to death.

99% of the time when someone who shouldn't be healing can heal for a mob or 2, the person tanking the mob is doing something out of the ordinary - ie using a disc, clicking epic, using HoT potion, chain pally healing themself, chain SK lifetapping etc etc.

I wasn't talking about how well you can hold out on your own, I was talking about response time, thinking ahead... getting prepared of yourself and doing the best you can do with what is given to you... otherwise known as skill.

12-21-2005, 06:57 PM
There are limitations based on gear beyond skill. If a druid has a decent spell haste item but very low mana pool, and is having to chain heal for the group they are in simply to keep up with the mob's dps on the tank. Then they will ahve to take breaks a lot. This affects "how well you heal". Call it sustainability if you wish but it is a factor into the extent of how you heal.

12-22-2005, 06:42 AM
I have found that groups don't really mind breaks if the same group otherwise works well. Well, not a 10 minute break every 3 mobs of course..

And good players tend to find ways to help out the player with lower mana pool. Be it using more potions, HoTs, some runes, more discs, veteran AAs or anything of the kind. Sometimes you can have a random melee class tank until he's at 30% health and then real tank class takes over. And you don't heal the random melee but let regen do it's work. Or a pet can tank for one mob while mage / necro burns his own mana to let the druid med up a bit.

I was main healing in lots of different places at low level and low gear and downtime can be minimized if people are prepared to think outside the box. It's more work, but it feels good when you pull it off.

12-22-2005, 06:04 PM
There are limitations based on gear beyond skill. If a druid has a decent spell haste item but very low mana pool, and is having to chain heal for the group they are in simply to keep up with the mob's dps on the tank. Then they will ahve to take breaks a lot. This affects "how well you heal". Call it sustainability if you wish but it is a factor into the extent of how you heal.

Obviously a druid like the one you describe should NOT be in a situation like that, the druid himself should know such a thing. That's not a limitation, that's ignorance in the druid's part.

Still that goes beyond what I was referring to. I have seen druids heal with sub-par equipment, no bene haste and still do fine. Imagine what these druids could do if they had just a tad more equipment and even the weakest of spell hastes.

A druid that has 5k mana that doesn't spam heal but rather times his heals just right... he's working around his own limits. A druid that starts casting a heal before spike damage comes... he's working around his own limits. That's what I mean.

12-23-2005, 12:42 AM
It does not have to be the druid is undermatched for the zone. If the tank is somewhat undermatched for the gear the same situation occurs.

12-23-2005, 01:28 AM
It does not have to be the druid is undermatched for the zone. If the tank is somewhat undermatched for the gear the same situation occurs.
This is besides the point. I thought we were talking about the druid's gear, not his target's...

12-23-2005, 05:21 AM
Actually, I thought this was about Druid healers. Anyone and everyone needs a heal every now and then. Doesn't matter what kind of gear they have. There will be some situations where no matter what kind of skill you have, someone is going to die. Even if you have a Cleric as MH, eventually someone is going to die. It's just... How often? Can we as Druids handle these kinds of situations well enough that it isn't a hit to the experience bar? Whether it's because of dying or med breaks.

Spells can be acquired. Techniques can be learned and formed. A variety of AAs can be attained. What really makes the difference and gives the Druid class their reputation is the player. Some can and some can't play a Druid.

Like one time, I was on an alt and in a group in BoT. We had a Druid for MH. We were at the west camp I believe. The one with the lightning giants (I forget what they are called). This Druid is trying to use her fire nukes and be MH at the same time. She realises on her own, that her fire nukes aren't working that well. Regardless, she still uses them and runs herself out of mana and asks for med breaks. Her only worry is to heal and shes wasting mana doing crappy damage.... :twak:

12-23-2005, 08:53 AM
Like one time, I was on an alt and in a group in BoT. We had a Druid for MH. We were at the west camp I believe. The one with the lightning giants (I forget what they are called). This Druid is trying to use her fire nukes and be MH at the same time. She realises on her own, that her fire nukes aren't working that well. Regardless, she still uses them and runs herself out of mana and asks for med breaks. Her only worry is to heal and shes wasting mana doing crappy damage.... :twak:

Heh, thats sad. If something is being resisted horriably like that, wouldn't you think to try Cold? =p

12-27-2005, 03:52 PM
I think for a lot of content that a Druid healer is better than a Cleric. We can dish out a fair amount of DPS along with maintaining healing. I can usually get quite a few nukes off when healing in say MPG or DoN's.

12-28-2005, 12:30 PM
Skill > all.

Without skill, you can be the top geared character of your class serverwide and still suck.

12-28-2005, 01:59 PM
Skill > all.

Without skill, you can be the top geared character of your class serverwide and still suck.

Healers in group situations = Attentiveness > gear / mana managment > skill

It doesn't take a genious to think "his hp bar is going down, let me push this button to refill it" -- the person just have to be paying attention, even if their playstyle isn't graceful. In xp groups it's horridly counterproductive to be waiting for the healer to med or not having a reliable mana pool size to keep you up for a named.

12-29-2005, 05:00 PM
Maybe its just me, but I always thought that mana management was a part of skill.

12-29-2005, 05:21 PM
Maybe its just me, but I always thought that mana management was a part of skill.

Pretty much yea. So is attentiveness and fast reaction. Well at least to me it is :p

12-30-2005, 04:54 PM
Something like good aggro control and assist healing abilities will make someone greater skilled, but won't help much outside raid situations. I also wanted to stress how saying 'skill' is more important than something won't really pay much justice being that 'skill' is very broad and undefined in this game.

12-31-2005, 05:11 AM
Skill : The ability to not suck.

12-31-2005, 05:18 AM
I'd accept that definition of skill! :texla:

12-31-2005, 01:28 PM
Now ladies... lets discuss the definition of sucking :epopcorn:

12-31-2005, 07:07 PM
Suck: The absence of skill..

12-31-2005, 09:51 PM
Sucking with skill?

01-02-2006, 11:18 AM
The opposite of blow?

Grel of Surefall
01-12-2006, 02:33 AM
Skill and experience go a long way. I have a friend who's wife is an absolutely amazing cleric and enchanter. The group would get into a situation where you would think people would surely die but somehow she'd keep people up. Not to mention keeping buffs going as needed and managing mana extremely efficiently.

The same can be said of many classes in EQ and the players who play them. Sometimes you just don't know what a class is capable of until you see an exceptional example at work. The ones who know how to best adapt their playstyle to the specific group they're in especially with an unconventional mix of classes are an even rarer breed.

01-15-2006, 01:41 PM
i just afk in groups... come back every now and then to nuke.

01-17-2006, 12:29 AM
hehe I love people who think druids can't heal. I simply wait for the nub cleric of the grp to screw up, get thier dumba$$ killed. And take over in the worst of situations. I love to prove them wrong, and them send em a tell. /tell knowitallnubwarrior still think I can't heal?!
Druids can heal in just about any situation out there. I love healing, I love being main healer in really tough missions. My fav was a Rescue Cisero or whatever, 69.3 i think it is, on hard. That was DAMN fun!! Sketchy in some places, but completed in good time. People who think druids can't heal are just scared, or have had bad experiences with Nub Druids. I can't say as i blame all of them, but give me a chance and 99% of the time I'll prove em wrong.
This goes both ways though, there are some druids who don't think thier class can handle it. And some who think they can, but in reality, they suck! They give the good druids a bad name.
If you are good at healing, just keep proving them wrong, it's always fun to prove to someone you are better than they expected. It takes skill, and quick reactions. I love it! I wouldn't trade playing my druid for anything else, ever!

01-17-2006, 02:49 AM
Healing 70.1 was ass with no FD puller of any kind.

01-19-2006, 11:05 AM
hehe I love people who think druids can't heal. I simply wait for the nub cleric of the grp to screw up, get thier dumba$$ killed. And take over in the worst of situations. I love to prove them wrong, and them send em a tell. /tell knowitallnubwarrior still think I can't heal?!

You know what he'll reply, don't you?

"yes, you couldnt even keep our cleric up ffs!!"

01-24-2006, 12:59 PM
New here, but couldn't resist my 2cp. Good healing comes from experience. Many of the druid toons out there now were someone's port biatch only for while, and never learned the timing of healing. It's timing, it's mana management, and spell knowledge. I've always been considered a good healer, even back in the ldon days, I main healed them all the time. I was in a small family-style guild, without exceptional gear. You pay attention, you know your spells, and you manage your mana pool, you will get a good rep for healing. I am fortunate now to have great gear, and most recently main healed nest missions in a guild group. The tank, an SK, kept sending me tells saying wow you're doing a great job! lol was nice to show him what we druids can do :)

erana Mithrilheart, Cohort Chalybeius
70 druid- Cazic Thule

01-24-2006, 03:17 PM
Welcome to TDG, Merana :clap:

01-26-2006, 11:30 AM
I love these postings. And i love to prove anyone wrong who think druids cant heal.

Druids in Shards of Time on Saryrn Server have a chain heal rotation chain same as clerics do. When we are low on clerics we are the healers, and when we have them then we spam in between their chains to keep the main tank up.

We have had some druid applicants come in and go WTH? A druid heal chain? Whats that? They learned very quickly how to make a hotkey and chain heal. If they didnt learn, i would take them to a very quiet place and chain heal key with them for an hour or two or three till they learned how to get it right.

01-26-2006, 06:16 PM
Merana can heal with the best.
It's good to see another friend of mine checking these boards.

Welcome and great to see you here Merana

01-26-2006, 10:04 PM
Druid are the win, that is all.