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Tuuvan Arboremplexo
10-20-2002, 12:09 PM
I've never been on a plane (pre-PoP) so thought I'd ask the question. Will diety faction have noticable faction changes on the different planes?

I.E. I worship Karana, so on Plane of Storms will I not be KOS to anything?

10-21-2002, 11:17 PM
No one knows yet.
In Plane of Growth most "good" races/dieties are non-KoS, at start.
In PoH.. you're KoS period.
In PoF, you're KoS, except iksars are not KoS to cazic

10-22-2002, 04:35 AM
Well you can probably work out where youll be kos and not from the following sony links. ( (

Karana ˇ The Rain Keeper
Karana is allied with Tunare and Mithaniel Marr. Bertoxxulous is his enemy. Followers of Karana, the Rainkeeper, believe in the absolute power of storms. They worship the life-giving power of the rain and respect the destructive force of a sandstorm or hurricane. Typical followers of Karana are rural humanoids - farmers, ranchers, hunters, and the like. They will often offer strangers shelter from the elements. Many of Karana's followers live a nomadic lifestyle, travelling where the winds take them. They are humble, generous people who value strength and honesty and brook no disrespect of Karana or of his work for they know it is only through his wisdom and kindness that all of Norrath is not consumed in an eternal tempest.

You can see gods like Tunare and Karana are allied so I'd expect to see simular factions that in PoG.

Bertoxxulous zone will probably be kos to good races...maybe not to evils.

Well im hoping VI actually keep to their lore and dont just put everything kos.


Danel Greymist
10-22-2002, 04:53 AM
So far...

Did a short crawl in Plane of Innovation and some zone-work in Plane of Disease. All mobs dark blue at 60. All KoS (except one quest NPC in PoD). No faction hits for anything. Even the SK was KoS but I'm not sure what diety he followed. I'm sure more info will come out soon.

-Danel Greymist

10-22-2002, 05:25 AM
kos in PoI also? dang

10-23-2002, 09:07 AM
Iksars are kos to cazic in POF.

Their faction con just leads them to believe they are not.
"give me a hug cazic.. OW!"

Tuuvan Arboremplexo
11-15-2002, 12:57 PM

11-21-2002, 04:13 PM
The word is that Karana is indeed friendly to his worshippers, and even non-kos to some other various race/class/deity combinations. That's just what I got from perusing the FoH boards. And <em>killing</em> Karana certainly does give a negative Karana faction hit. ;)

11-21-2002, 04:20 PM
To really answer your question about the Plane of Storms in general, most of the stuff shouldn't be KoS to a Karana worshipper. I'm not sure if the mob factions vary for the various races/deities, but for a Tunare druid, most of the mobs range from indifferent to dubious, although the hurricane/typhoon-type frogs, giants and the occasional grizzly do scowl.

I haven't visited the Bastion of Thunder just yet, but I believe it's similar in terms of kos/non-kos mobs. Someone keyed for BoT could probably tell you more.

11-22-2002, 09:29 AM
I am kos to every mob I've seen in BoT. And I worship Karana. Haven't seen karana yet though.