View Full Forums : Dawnfire Bugged?

10-12-2005, 07:53 AM
I use this spell quite a bit, and I have noticed that alot of time when Fire of Dawn procs, the next spell I cast is not increased damage. 90% of the time I will recast Dawnstrike as my next spell when I see it proc'd. Other 10% either Ancient:Glitterfrost or Solstice strike. Sometimes the damage is very low, not even over 1k. And sometimes when the negative effect procs (which has only happened to me maybe 5 times since I got the spell) I noticed that spell damage is increased.

According to spell description :
Channels the power of the dawn to strike your target for 2125 damage. While channeling this power you will sometimes gain the Blessing of the Dawn which will greatly increase your next direct damage spell. However, there is also a small chance that the energy will backfire and cause your damage spells to become weaker for a short time.

So basically my question is, even when the Fire of Dawn proc's is it still only a "chance" that the next spell will be increased damage, or is this just bugged as well? The way I take it from spell description is it will definitely greatly increase your next DD. Doesn't seem to be the case for me tho. :(

10-12-2005, 10:27 AM
It seems to be a random chance of increasing your next DD anywhere from 0% to 50%. Doesn't always give you the huge boost your looking for. Go Go RNG.

10-12-2005, 11:18 AM
It does seem random.

Sony loves having effects be random. So I wouldn't be surprised if this was also random.

All in all, I'm quite happy with this spell. It is the DD I use all of the time unless the mob resists fire.

The only drawback is the long cast time. But most druid spells have ridiculously long cast times. A "fast" heal with a 3.75 second cast time? Hahahahahaha.

10-12-2005, 03:27 PM
Ok, thanks for input, Like I said just noticed alot of times, it doesn't even boost it period, it lowers it in fact (with the good proc on) think last night on Vish when it went off, even with epic on it, the spell landed for like 738 damage. So yay SoE!

Overall, I also love the spell, and I to use it all the time. Got some pretty decent crits with it and epic on, alot near 8k. I don't have all my crit AA's maxed yet either, working on that soon and I finish maxing Convergance. The cast time suxxors tho, think its 6.8 seconds for me with whatever focus/haste I have, have to check again, I forget. Fun tho to stand their nuking and have Fire of Dawn proc and GoM go off and then wait a lifetime for the spell to land again! LOL Again /cheers SoE!

10-12-2005, 07:55 PM
I dont know what you're talking about. Was vishi debuffed? :p Cause Vishi loves to make spell parcial land when he's not debuff.

I don't know what you mean regarding cast times... I usually have more than enough time to cast a nuke, heal or dot when GoM goes off.

10-12-2005, 10:07 PM
I don't know what you mean regarding cast times... I usually have more than enough time to cast a nuke, heal or dot when GoM goes off.
The problem with cast times has nothing (or almost nothing) to do with GoM.

It's just that some spells have cast times that are too long, period.

10-12-2005, 11:23 PM
6.3 (SS) vs 7.0 (DS) boils down to under half a sec difference with foci/buffs, can't say i notice it to be terribly slow.. still manage to overagro and go splat either way :p

10-13-2005, 01:18 AM
Well I know Vish was debuffed as far as the druid debuffs go, don't know about the rest to be honest. Should have been tho :)

And I didn't mean we don't have enough time to cast a spell when GoM goes off, just meant the anticpation waiting for the spell to land ... 6.3 seconds seems like forever is all I meant :)

10-13-2005, 06:24 AM
The problem with cast times has nothing (or almost nothing) to do with GoM.

It's just that some spells have cast times that are too long, period.

Compared to what? I'm talking about damage spells here, not healing spells :p

10-13-2005, 10:48 AM
If the longish cast time bugs you... try what I do sometimes when I am in a higher DPS group and want to get in a second nuke after my intial debuff cast... cast Dawnstrike, then cast Solstice Strike. Since Dawnstrike's Fire of Dawn pops so much, the Solstice cast usually hits for a good amount.

10-13-2005, 12:46 PM
Yah for max crit use Solstice after Dawnfire procs, since it's base damage is higher

10-13-2005, 05:28 PM
With epic 2.0 and dawnstrike on a mob I have a max crit for 9700 and max non crit for 6300. It seems to be working the way it has said in the description. Boss mobs I won't even pay attention to the dmg because 1) too much spam the way I have my windows set up 2) Boss mobs tend to have higher resists making for more partials 3) dawnstrike can also lower your nukes power. DS will show up in bard window, but if you get the detrimental buff that takes up a buff slot.

10-13-2005, 06:02 PM
Lani is just being impatient imo. I am going to start calling you Nead!!:smile:

10-14-2005, 12:36 AM
Lani is just being impatient imo. I am going to start calling you Nead!!:smile:

Lupa is that you???!!

10-14-2005, 12:45 AM
Lupa, when have you ever known me to be patient? :tongue:

*hugs* and dang, I actually miss Nead!

10-14-2005, 01:40 AM
True ! :) I miss yelling err talking to Nead too. ;)

Getting back to the post, Dawnstrike is 5.4 sec's for me. :tongue:

Yes Nim, this is Lupa. I finially made a user name last month. lol

Lupa < Assent >

11-11-2005, 12:29 AM
My max with Epic 2.0, Dawnstrike proc and Solstice is 9975 crit. Non crit was around 6300+ so it definitely works. I only have 40% fire focus so Im curious if I can hit over 10k. I have hit in the 9k range a number of times but just cant seem to break 10k :) If we can get 6300+ non crits would it be possible for 10-12k crits?


11-11-2005, 02:33 AM
I've seen it hit for 10k but can't seem to do it myself. too many things have to come together at once and just haven't for me yet (bard song, epic, crit, fire of dawn, no resists.... you get the picture).

btw, I noticed a nice bug in the bloodeye raid today, possibly related to the damage reduce curse in that zone. when I get a fire of dawn proc, it doesn't dissipate after a successful nuke, but stays on till the full 90 seconds it would stayed on if I just didn't nuke. so I could chain cast nukes and it never removed itself.

shhhhhh.... don't tell soe

11-14-2005, 05:08 PM
I need a better fire focus =/

11-15-2005, 08:12 AM
(bard song, epic, crit, fire of dawn, no resists.... you get the picture).

I can see Resist Rate, Critical, DF3, Fire Focus, Epic Click, and Fire of Dawn.

The way I understood it, was Fire of Dawn and Anicent: Call of Power (or any lesser bard song), are both song focuses, so only the highest will apply to the next succesfully landed nuke. In our case, this would be Fire of Dawn.

y personal best so far has been 9439 or so, with Kess BP Focus.


11-15-2005, 01:30 PM
you are correct fen. additionally, when I went to go check on the stacking, I noticed that fire of dawn also doesn't stack with fire focus. I think many ppl have posted that fire of dawn increases damage potential by 50% and stacks with focus, but according to lucy that's not the case. fire of dawn increases potential dmg by 100% and discards any other focus.

so factors that are relevant for a 10k crit are:
crit (with destructive fury maxed)
no partial resists
high end of the focus effect (90%+?)

if I understand correctly, NOTHING else matters. so get that hand of ro in there, click the epic, and hope for the best.

11-16-2005, 12:35 AM
That cant be right Ten.

I have had several 5k non crit nukes with Solstice Strike and Fire of Dawn active. I have a 40% fire focus and was not using epic. If Fire of Dawn blocked foci, then it would max out at 4402 non crit.

11-16-2005, 07:13 AM
Fire of Dawn overwrites Discordant Fire/ID5/etc. It also seems to block our AA bonus too since I am getting a very high proportion of Dawnfire that land for 2210 exactly. When you get the 0% damage bonus it seems to completely ignore my max nuking AA and 45% fire focus.

One the other hand, I did have a 5800ish non critical last night (no bardsong, no epic effect) so there seems to be some inconsistancy.

11-17-2005, 08:44 AM
Anyone having issues still with Mask of the Wild...the whole losing the zoom effect on zone? :bonk:

11-17-2005, 08:53 AM
Anyone having issues still with Mask of the Wild...the whole losing the zoom effect on zone? :bonk:

Lot off topic, and yes.

11-17-2005, 12:37 PM
I have never seen it completely ignore my other focus effects. I have had minimal boosts, no more with Fire of Dawn than a normal nuke with my 40% fire focus but that is do to partial resists. I have had fire of dawn nukes land for less than 2201 with SS, thats all part of the resists. Also, Discordant Fire is 45% to 65, so you would only see a 40.5% increase for SS and 36% increase for Dawnstrike with that focus.

Typically, when Fire of Dawn procs for me, I use SS to get that "bigger" boom. It is usually is in the 3-4k range. Occasionally it is in the 5000-5300 range but I have not seen any non-crits higher than that. Theoretically, with my focus, I should be able to hit with max boosts, 6162 non-crit. But I doubt I will ever see that.

Fire of Dawn seems to be working fine for me now.

12-19-2005, 01:17 PM
I found an additional bug with Dawnfire on Friday, one I can't recall having seen before.

Situtation: I have an audio trigger setup to go off when it buffs me with the beneficial Fire of Dawn in the song box, so that I know to cast Solstice Strike as my next nuke. Everything worked as normal during most of the night's raiding.

But twice during the evening, I got the Fire of Dawn buff and it stayed on for the full 1 minute duration, regardless of how many times I cast Solstice Strike. Solstice strike was going off, not being interrupted, and was striking the mobs for damage, not being resisted. Yet Fire of Dawn didn't poof.

The only additional information I can give is that I had 1 of the DoDH zone curses on each time (Shyra or Bloodeye). I certainly had the curses on for a LOT of the time that night, and this only happened twice. It happened both while in a DoDH zone and again later in MPG (still had curse from DoDH zone on me at the time), so it's not zone specific. I don't know that the curses caused the bug, but it's certainly my suspicion; regardless, it seems to be a very rare bug.

Anyone else seen this?

12-22-2005, 10:45 AM
I found an additional bug with Dawnfire on Friday, one I can't recall having seen before.

Situtation: I have an audio trigger setup to go off when it buffs me with the beneficial Fire of Dawn in the song box, so that I know to cast Solstice Strike as my next nuke. Everything worked as normal during most of the night's raiding.

But twice during the evening, I got the Fire of Dawn buff and it stayed on for the full 1 minute duration, regardless of how many times I cast Solstice Strike. Solstice strike was going off, not being interrupted, and was striking the mobs for damage, not being resisted. Yet Fire of Dawn didn't poof.

The only additional information I can give is that I had 1 of the DoDH zone curses on each time (Shyra or Bloodeye). I certainly had the curses on for a LOT of the time that night, and this only happened twice. It happened both while in a DoDH zone and again later in MPG (still had curse from DoDH zone on me at the time), so it's not zone specific. I don't know that the curses caused the bug, but it's certainly my suspicion; regardless, it seems to be a very rare bug.

Anyone else seen this?

you didn't read the rest of the thread did you?

btw, I noticed a nice bug in the bloodeye raid today, possibly related to the damage reduce curse in that zone. when I get a fire of dawn proc, it doesn't dissipate after a successful nuke, but stays on till the full 90 seconds it would stayed on if I just didn't nuke. so I could chain cast nukes and it never removed itself.

12-22-2005, 05:35 PM
Well, I looked, but guess I missed that part. :) Though I did add a bit of additional info as well, and I didn't see that anyone else posted any replies about having this effect. :whistle:

12-23-2005, 01:46 AM
I've noticed that it doesn't poof on more then one occasion, during DoD progression raids, and other times as well.

12-23-2005, 09:01 AM
Opened a discussion on Fire of Dawn here:

y current theory is Focuses work as such:

Base + Item Focus + Song Focus + Spell Focus (is their one?)

y Basis for this Theory is in how Haste Works.

Item Haste stacks with Spell Haste + Bard Haste.

However, if you look at stacking for haste effects with War March of the Murum here:

You will see the the Song haste - according to Lucy, does not stack with Spell Haste.

y theory is thus - since both effects increase spell damage - On lucy only, they conflict, for the simple reason that Lucy does not check to see if an effect is a Song, or a Buff, or a Item effect.


12-25-2005, 03:51 AM
As far as Fire of Dawn ( proc not fading on certain mobs, I think this has to do with the 'Uber Giants/Uber Dragons Excluded' spell info on Lucy. Basically it means it won't work on some higher end raid targets, the 'uber giant/uber dragon' moniker is a hold-over from the Velious days. So even though the proc is up in your song window, your target isn't affected by it, that's why you're seeing it last it's full duration even when you are landing nukes.

01-01-2006, 07:27 PM
Errr... How does that explain it coming on and staying on in a zone like MPG while killing random trash?

01-03-2006, 12:34 PM
Hmm haven't noticed that, only time I've seen it proc and stay up on trash is when my nuke is resisted (damn huvuls).