View Full Forums : Assent recruiting 1 druid

11-02-2005, 11:01 AM
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum or if this type of thread is not allowed at DG, so if it needs moved/deleted feel free... /cracks whip at Nimchip.

I am currently looking for 1 druid who enjoys raiding... A LOT. We raid 7 days a week 6pm - 11ish (CST). We are raiding Demiplane about 80% of that time, just got serverwide first Wailing Sisters kill and was #2 Zi-Thuuli, #3 Hatchet. If you can't handle a few wipes and log early, don't bother contacting me. If you can't be on time or would consistently log earlier than 11pm, don't bother. If you don't want to hear me cussing at Nimchip 5 hours a night, don't bother. 500aa minimum, but expecting a little (a lot) more.

If you think you would be interested contact myself or Nimchip in game.

11-02-2005, 11:35 AM
You can PM me here or contact me during evenings if you're interested.

Kaidman can be contacted at all hours... he's like an ATM machine :P

11-02-2005, 01:26 PM
Do you guys have no life??? I can barely scrape by with the 3 days my guild raids because of the family thing... Good luck to you.

11-02-2005, 01:34 PM
Was that a joke? :p

11-02-2005, 05:56 PM
Don't you know Nim? Ya can't possibly have a live if you raid anything above Time :p

11-02-2005, 07:53 PM
Don't you know Nim? Ya can't possibly have a live if you raid anything above Time :p


11-02-2005, 09:14 PM
Dang, I'd like to volunteer, but (a) my wife would kill me, (b) 11 pm is way past my bedtime (c) my wife would kill me (d) I don't have the AAs and (e) my wife would kill me :)

Good luck guys :)

11-02-2005, 11:58 PM
<3 Demiplane

11-03-2005, 03:31 AM
Was that a joke? :p
No, I was referring to the raiding 7 days a week and never being late or leave early part of the message. That just seems excessive and like a 2nd job. You guys must be rich. :grin:

Sure, while I was in Korea I played every day. But #1 I had no woman and #2 No guilds on my server played Asian time.

11-03-2005, 06:16 AM
Its interesting how the AA requirements of top guilds are increasing so fast. 500 AA minimum these days, used to be 300 6 months ago. Personally i have 600, but i need to start grinding to stay ahead lol.

11-03-2005, 08:36 AM
No, I was referring to the raiding 7 days a week and never being late or leave early part of the message. That just seems excessive and like a 2nd job. You guys must be rich. :grin:

Sure, while I was in Korea I played every day. But #1 I had no woman and #2 No guilds on my server played Asian time.

Well I'm not gonna talk about my RL situation here, but lets just say that if you want to join a top guild you have to deliver... it takes a lot of work to stay at the top. It's not excessive at all by our and other guild's standards. And no, i'm not rich by any means. :o

11-03-2005, 08:57 AM
Vestix, I could be wrong, but...

I don't think people are going to get booted from assent if their not able to raid 50 hours a week. I think their demand for druids is down to the point where they only need one more, and they want them to be able to play 100%. Since that's a rare find, they need to make their needs verbal (ie post it on these boards.)

People that play that much do exsist, just because they want to snag a few of them doesn't mean it's an requirment for the people that are already there. Way to sterotype, vestix =p.

11-03-2005, 10:11 AM
<3 Demiplane
the words of a psychopath.

11-03-2005, 12:15 PM
the words of a psychopath.

11-03-2005, 01:47 PM
Vestix, I could be wrong, but...

I don't think people are going to get booted from assent if their not able to raid 50 hours a week. I think their demand for druids is down to the point where they only need one more, and they want them to be able to play 100%. Since that's a rare find, they need to make their needs verbal (ie post it on these boards.)

People that play that much do exsist, just because they want to snag a few of them doesn't mean it's an requirment for the people that are already there. Way to sterotype, vestix =p.

What are you talking about? I made no mention of anyone being booted, anywhere, anytime. I merely made a joking comment about how I do not qualify. Assent is a top guild, and obviously needs highly dedicated players to stay that way. I have no problem with that, and nothing in my post indicates that I do.

11-03-2005, 01:49 PM
What are you talking about? I made no mention of anyone being booted, anywhere, anytime. I merely made a joking comment about how I do not qualify. Assent is a top guild, and obviously needs highly dedicated players to stay that way. I have no problem with that, and nothing in my post indicates that I do.

I think that was directed to another person, he might have been confused. Don't worry about it.

11-03-2005, 02:06 PM
No, I was referring to the raiding 7 days a week and never being late or leave early part of the message. That just seems excessive and like a 2nd job.

People that play that much do exsist, just because they want to snag a few of them doesn't mean it's an requirment for the people that are already there.


Way to sterotype, vestix =p.

Hail, Sarcasim

...poor sarcasim at best

11-03-2005, 02:18 PM
To elaborate more on the subject of derailment...

I am a full time college student with part time jobs some semesters. I manage my time in order to entertain myself and free my mind from any kind of pressure or stress I may have during the week by playing EQ and raiding. Every semester when I make my schedule I have study and work hours. Specifically this semester I have the whole morning free every day, which I take to study and do class work, after that I go to classes, then I come home and finish anything pending, and after that I go raid with my friends. With this method I am above 75% attendance with this method most of the time. I enjoy raiding a lot but sometimes when I have work to do I miss raids, which is fine. I do have a real life and enjoy going out with friends... but that's 1 or 2 days on the weekend whenever I feel like it.

Only a small percent of Assent members are college students, but I am sure that most of the full-time working people manage their time as well. Additionally we have parents that play too, and they take their time to go trick-or-treating with their children and going shopping.

So anyway, if there's a 100% attendance player that enjoys raids that's out there... yes we want him or her and I'm sure Kaid will take him before any part-time players due to this.

11-03-2005, 03:23 PM
I understand that. When I was in college I had to play on dial up and I had to work and go to school full time. I was engaged to be married after I graduated and right before that I lost here. Dang I could have plaed more EQ, what a waste of time.

In my guild, we raid almost 5 days a week. I work til 4:30pm and go to the gym to 6:30 and get home around 7pm. Our raid start forming at 6:45 which gives me time to get home and take shower and play at around 7:15, I have to catch up but usually not bad. Some days on important mobs I leave the gym early to help set up. We are only in the plain right now so we doing good and guild only started 6 months ago.

BTW, my new girl friend pplays also i just need to get her character lvl'd up so she can join us. Sure she'll need a visa but we'll catch a few open raids.

Playing EQ with friends is good stress relief and you can release all the stress you want safely if the mob doesn't get out of control.

11-03-2005, 08:37 PM
It really is a huge time commitment to raid like Assent does, but it's one of those things that if you don't want to do it, nobody is asking ya to. The requirements are on par with the needs of a guild at their stage of the game. I wouldn't expect them to take anything but the best they can get!

11-03-2005, 10:47 PM
I may not be correct here but it looks to me like Assent is in a position to hold out.

They has a full druid corps with one spot open. it is not a critical spot thats hindering the guilds current progress. It puts them in a position where they can afford to wait for that exceptional candidate. I see no problem with this.

Guilds often change the recruiting requirements based on immediate need.

11-04-2005, 05:00 PM
I do my homework while we distribute loot, that's why my grades AND my magelo suck. I get more done on nights we do Anguish....:physics:

11-05-2005, 10:36 AM
We are still taking in druid apps, FYI.

11-06-2005, 05:35 AM
Do you guys have no life???

We don't, but that is ok. We have fun raiding all night. :)

Lupa < Assent >

11-06-2005, 02:50 PM
Number of AA's often indicates what a person's playtime is like. While there are particular AA's that raiding guilds require their druids to have, the overall number can also tell you if that druid plays enough. The number goes up the older the game gets, and with expansions that add to the AA list.

If you have less than 500 aa's at this stage in the game, you may not have the experience a top guild is looking for -either you haven't been playing long, or if you have, you haven't been playing much as the guild would need you to play. Looking at the total aa's can give us an idea how experienced someone is and how much time they can put into EQ.

Before people with less than 500 aa's yell at me (omg!) this is just a generalization, and something I'd consider when looking at a recruit who wanted to apply to the guild I'm in, a raiding guild. Raiding is just one way to play EQ, there are many different and satisfying ways to play the game.


11-06-2005, 05:17 PM
You guys must be rich.

No just live with mum. :lmao:

If you have less than 500 aa's at this stage in the game, you may not have the experience a top guild is looking for -either you haven't been playing long, or if you have, you haven't been playing much as the guild would need you to play. Looking at the total aa's can give us an idea how experienced someone is and how much time they can put into EQ.

Although this is "generaly"true, its not accurate 100% of the time. My husband ( has around 470ish AA's on his enchanter, He has Less then I do and actualy played more, this would be due to the fact that while some people prefer to grind aa's etc others choose to do Tradeskills or other quests. I doubt his AA would even be that high if it werent for AA's needed for Tradeskills.

11-06-2005, 06:07 PM
Yeraie laughed when she saw my AA count when I started apping =x

11-07-2005, 02:01 AM
...this would be due to the fact that while some people prefer to grind aa's etc others choose to do Tradeskills or other quests.

Yes, lots of different ways to play EQ. AA number isn't always a reliable indicator of time spent in the game, but generally, it's a good indicator.

And Dayuna: you busted your ass..if your aa's aren't as high as some others, you've got other qualities that make you shine. AA's are just a small slice of a bigger picture of what raiding guilds are looking for.

11-07-2005, 02:35 AM
And Dayuna: you busted your ass..if your aa's aren't as high as some others, you've got other qualities that make you shine. AA's are just a small slice of a bigger picture of what raiding guilds are looking for.

This is very true. All the AA in the world won't make up for an antisocial meglomaniac (although I swear to God some people recruit with that in mind).

11-07-2005, 10:25 PM
omg Yeraie, shame on you for generalizing~! A lot of people just do other stuff when they're online. I'm slacking myself yes, but I also have a <3 for alts, thats where most of my time has gone when I'm not on my druid, I'd have way too many aa's to count if I didn't have them( and I'd also be bored as **** half the time.

11-07-2005, 10:51 PM
This is very true. All the AA in the world won't make up for an antisocial meglomaniac (although I swear to God some people recruit with that in mind).

and wtf is a meglomaniac, i see the word maniac, need I ask more?

11-08-2005, 01:37 AM
meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a Audio pronunciation of "megalomaniac" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mg-l-mn-, -mny)

1. A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

From ^,^

11-08-2005, 06:00 PM
like I care enough to use that site( I hate when they use big words to define big words too

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
11-08-2005, 06:28 PM
Simple translation.

A person who acts like, or thinks/believes he is god.

11-09-2005, 03:58 AM
Making AA has become very!! easy. AA is based on lvl 50 exp but today our toons are lvl 70. U can easy make 4 AA in in 30 mins with veteran AA exp on. A few years back .... u where lucky!! to make 1 AA on 1 a full night grinding.

any AA = no life ?. I don't what you mean with "no life". I have graduated as dentist and grown a family. I have been raiding since 2001 allmost every day a week. I still do sports daily:ange:,have good relations with friends, family, peeps around me and working full time (well homemum atm coz I have a 2 month old baby ;) ) I still raid everyday from 7ish PM to around midnight ... I just dont watch TV !! :ange:

I totally agree on the mini number of AA for high end raiding must be high to cover the most basic skills(not innate wisdom, trade skill AA etc )

General Abilities:
Innate Fire Protection 5, Innate Cold Protection 5, Innate Magic Protection 5, Innate Poison Protection 5, Innate Disease Protection 5, Innate Run Speed 3

Archetype Abilities:
Healing Adept 3, Healing Gift 3, Spell Casting Mastery 3, Spell Casting Reinforcement 3, Spell Casting Fury 3, Channeling Focus 3, Natural Durability 3, Combat Stability 3, Combat Agility 3, Mental Clarity 3

Class Specific Abilities:
ass Group Buff, Innate Camouflage, Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery

Planes of Power Advanced:
Warding of Solusek 10, Blessing of E'ci 10, Marr's Protection 10, Shroud of The Faceless 10, Bertoxxulous' Gift 10, Planar Power 5, Innate Enlightenment 5

Planes of Power Abilities:
Advanced Healing Adept 3, Advanced Healing Gift 3, Lightning Reflexes 5, Innate Defense 5, Radiant Cure 3, Spirit of the Wood 3, Fury of Magic 3

Gates of Discord Abilities :
Swift Journey 2, Spell Casting Subtlety 3, Quickened Curing 3, Fury of Magic Mastery 3

Omens of War Abilities :
ystical Attuning 5, Reflexive Mastery 5, Defensive Instincts 5, Mnemonic Retention, Expansive Mind 5, Healing Adept Mastery 3, Healing Gift Mastery 3, Resplendent Cure 3, Spirit of the Grove 3, Call of the Wild

Depths of Darkhollow :
Precognition 5, Thick Skin 5, Gift of Mana 3, Abundant Healing 5, Shared Camouflage

That's actually 700ish AA and even spend perfect...there will still be some "gaps":ohwell:


11-09-2005, 08:27 AM
I still raid everyday from 7ish PM to around midnight ... I just dont watch TV !! :ange:

Your average American watches tv 4-5 hours a day, which is about the same time an average raid lasts.

11-09-2005, 08:55 AM
Your average American watches tv 4-5 hours a day, which is about the same time an average raid lasts.

Yup - thats my point :p


11-09-2005, 09:19 AM
I thought with OoW and level 66+ they changed the way AA xp worked so that it was no longer at the level 50 level but at a higher level.

11-09-2005, 11:57 AM
Just to add to the derailment.

Class Specific Abilities:
... Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery

Gates of Discord Abilities :
Swift Journey 2,


I'm slacking on aa, but Negian has spent the last 3 years making up the difference for my slackness, I'd hate to change that now. :smile:

SCRM.. being the eternal Pess... Realist, 50% of the raid has died and needs rebuffed long before my slack 130min oak runs out. Except from otm to the first target, then I make Neg mgb.

You find much use for SJ2? I haven't spent the points in that yet just b/c seems every mob in raid zones these days runs about bardspeed by default unless there is something different in DoDH?

/grumble curse you 1200+ aa people :wavey:

11-10-2005, 10:07 AM
any lucky on the druid nimmy?
or am i going to have to switch servers and baby sit you over there too?


11-10-2005, 11:28 AM
I thought with OoW and level 66+ they changed the way AA xp worked so that it was no longer at the level 50 level but at a higher level.

The way that AAs work didn't change, but the exp you get as a higher level for killing the same mobs dropped sharply from 65-66. Sort of a level "window" for getting the same exp for same mob. At least that's how I was told it was working.

11-10-2005, 12:53 PM
didn't really change anything, there has always been that window
mobs within 5 levels of you give more xp
most mobs in PoP (BoT, HoH) are 62-63, therefore xp drops off sharply at 68/69
tipt/vxed/yxtta mobs are 63-65, and drop off at 69/70
pofire(c2/table) and solrotwr mobs are 65

one area i keep meaning to check out is HoH B, temple of marr. those were yellow/red at 65 and a level 70 group should be able to do well there, i suspect. anyone tried this?

11-10-2005, 01:20 PM
Tables mobs are level 68, c1 mobs are level 65.

PoWater reguras / hraquis are 68 as well, but I think the the sentries are 69. The sentries give ~15%, which is equal to the largest solo xp hit I've seen in DoDH instances.

11-10-2005, 03:58 PM
any lucky on the druid nimmy?
or am i going to have to switch servers and baby sit you over there too?


Still looking for 1, maybe even 2 druids. An experienced Nimchip babysitter would be helpful.

11-10-2005, 09:43 PM
An experienced Nimchip babysitter would be helpful.
I'd win that one hands down.

11-12-2005, 12:01 PM
OMGz! Where do I sign up..nm wrong server.

I'm sure it's hard to find good druids and that play a lot. Best of luck to you.

11-14-2005, 02:03 PM
SCRM.. being the eternal Pess... Realist, 50% of the raid has died and needs rebuffed long before my slack 130min oak runs out. Except from otm to the first target, then I make Neg mgb.

You find much use for SJ2? I haven't spent the points in that yet just b/c seems every mob in raid zones these days runs about bardspeed by default unless there is something different in DoDH?

SCRM is actually much more handy than one might think. The purpose isn't actually to extend our already insanely long buffs (Nettlecoat and Mask of the Wild come to mind) but to extend both short-duration buffs (namely Spirit of the Grove) and common buffs (group regen, Skin of the Reptile). Skin of the Reptile is a great example, which sounds better? A 700 mana buff for 60 secs or a 700 mana buff for 90 secs?

SJ2 is a utility AA. While its impact isn't as obvious as say maxed healing AA's, it does improve your overall effectiveness. Most raid zones are indoor, negating the ability to use SoW or SoE. SJ2, allows you a improvement in mobility in a raid environment. Whether it be running from AE ramp or just running in general (see Hatchet, lolz). The ability to move faster can increase survivability in situations where you need to move small distances as fast as possible.

While i'm a firm believer that skill > all, you cannot really judge skill based on a persons application or magelo. As a result, guilds must use more materialistic sources to identify an overall profile of an applicant. The trial period is for determining skill... think of AA's, gear and your application itself as a screening process.

P.S. Sorry to hijack your thread Kaidman!