View Full Forums : High end guilds and banned members

11-03-2005, 12:40 PM
I've been extremely pissed since these news came to me to the point i have to spill it out.

As you all know or don't know, these past few weeks Sony has done a kind of anti-cheating detection and banned accounts that are involved or suspiciously involved with any cheating programs. Specifically, what i've heard, is that Macroquest (duh) users that can transfer no drop items through some bug in the shared bank slot have been banned and dealt with. Most of the high end guilds suffered a tremendous blow, both in the form of the knowledge that these members "hacked" and by losing some valuable members.

Now, apparently so, a certain guild or some certain members of some guilds started making comments in serverwide channels about and specifically targetting my guild: Assent. Claiming they had lists of banned members, acting like they were sort of Blackmailing on putting them on their web sites. I'm extremely dissapointed by this. First of all the guild or guilds in question have inevitably a number of banned members as well.

Why do this then? Even though i have ZERO love for hackers or cheaters and I hope their butts catch fire for the rest of their lives... i'm bothered by this action.

The guild that i know of has been pampered by developers for years (and with this comment the high end community indoubtably knows whom i'm talking about), yet they have banned members, why? In fact, how in the world did they came to have a list of banned members from another guild? I don't and do buy it: everything is possible, but some stuff can be done to screw with the minds of others. For all I care though, you can publish the list of banned members all you like, cause they are done with our guild forever.

Is it jealousy? Why? Some good friendly competition is very nice to have, to see what you measure up against.

All in all, i'm proud to be Assent, though i'm very proud of my background guilds as well... but Assent is another league. That said, i'm also proud in the leadership to unquestinably ban these hackers or cheaters from my guild, and i hope it is the same for the rest of your guilds. However, I pray and hope that other competition guilds do not take a stance like this one towards any of you guys guilds, because it would be senseless, a flame without any taste and very bad advertising for them. Like any other guild the members of Assent including myself are extremely dissapointing at people compromising their accounts by using these stupid hacks and we are hopeful that Sony will continue with the detection of these so that these programs can become obsolete or unusable.

This rant may or may not disappear, partially because I know some folks don't like guild issues being displayed in public boards. However, i felt the need to put this out there and thank the lord we have a rant board. I feel much better now.

11-03-2005, 04:49 PM
Is it jealousy? Why? Some good friendly competition is very nice to have, to see what you measure up against.

I have found that in the absence of clear competition, some people will fabricate it in the form of hatred or loathing for another guild. While amature and juvinile, it does work. I've seen guilds stagnate because they had no "mortal enemy," only to pick it up again when they found new conflict. Are we at war with Eurasia or...? =)

Nothing creates a unified front like agreeing everybody with tax X/some specific person sucks. When people can't fight content, they're forced to fight each other, I've noticed. The encounter becomes secondary to the need to beat someone else.

I understand where you're coming from, and it's a pain to deal with it, Nimchip. I am pretty sure nobody will think less of Assent over it. I'm not sure that will be the case with whoever is spreading these lists around.

11-04-2005, 08:42 AM
My question is.... Why are most of the banned people from high end guilds??? I would understand more (not condoning it) if it was an everyday joe shmoe that wanted to hook themselves up since they arent "uber". It's kind of like all the rich people getting caught for embezzlement. WTF do you need more???

11-04-2005, 12:33 PM
Perhaps its was implied that idea... but it's not true. It's just that the most KNOWN banned people come from Big guilds perhaps because people from all high end guilds know 2-3 members from other high end guilds, perhaps because people have been following their loot progression or perhaps because they are just better known than the average joe schmoe.

To be honest the only way i made that comment is because i got friends in other high end guilds that have told me that some of their members got banned and vice versa. I don't know if Jack Mcdandy in the Tribunal server got banned because quite frankly, none of my friends or me know him.

I don't know if you can understand what i'm trying to say here... but i hope so.

Let's not derail this into another uber vs. casual debate :(

Golthine Gettinwood
11-04-2005, 09:30 PM
I know Jack Mcdandy, and he hasn't been banned yet. :)

11-06-2005, 06:23 AM
My question is.... Why are most of the banned people from high end guilds??? I would understand more (not condoning it) if it was an everyday joe shmoe that wanted to hook themselves up since they arent "uber". It's kind of like all the rich people getting caught for embezzlement. WTF do you need more???

Not sure that they are Eldrynn. The players in High end guilds tend to have a higher profile than others, So them getting band proably gets around more than a player that no one reallys has heard off.

As far as I can tell there is no proof that High end guild members cheat more than anyone else.

But then again I can only talk about my guild and the other guilds I come into contact with.

11-06-2005, 05:41 PM
Not sure that they are Eldrynn. The players in High end guilds tend to have a higher profile than others, So them getting band proably gets around more than a player that no one reallys has heard off.

As far as I can tell there is no proof that High end guild members cheat more than anyone else.

But then again I can only talk about my guild and the other guilds I come into contact with.
Exactly my thoughts.

11-07-2005, 07:31 AM
lol sorry to hear this Nimchip. I never used macroquest or other automation devices.
I think that SOE is having a supid politics though . They should allow players to have automatable NPC characters. They could have a world with npc's having some decent AI this way, free for them =). And it would make an interesting computer science/ artifilcial intelligence development tool.

11-14-2005, 08:36 AM
ppl that cheat should no doubt be banned permanetly and there toons deleted ect, i think its great that they are targeting high end guilds for this, if a guild progresses based on cheating even if its a small % like 5-10% if there cheating helps out the guild in any way it makes the whole guild a cheat guild, and maybe that guild shouldnt be where they are due to the fact the cheaters did what they did,
i find it disturbing that you would single your own guild out, even ranting that there is a "list" of ppl from your guild that got banned would make someone think it has to be a significant number worth make a post on a site that has nothing to do with your guild, to me that says alot, if a bunch of ppl in my guild which is also on maelin and a highend guild had ppl getting band i would do as much as possible to not draw attention to it, especially on a board for serverwide druids (

11-14-2005, 11:54 AM
One thing to remember about the bannings.

Not everyone banned used the programs themselves.

Do you trust someone in your guild enough to give them your info to log you on for that "flag" you need/needed? If the answer was yes, you could have a problem if the "game altering program" was running while your account was up guess what You have been tainted.

You didn't do anything yourself BUT you put your trust in someone else.

This is just something to think about when or if you see a name on a list somewhere or hear of someone being banned.

Yes cheaters should be banned. No doubt in my mind at all, But not all those banned ran the programs themselves.

11-14-2005, 12:16 PM
thats why u only give info to ppl u know in RL and if they screw with your account u beat there ass

11-14-2005, 01:35 PM
lol sorry to hear this Nimchip. I never used macroquest or other automation devices.
I think that SOE is having a supid politics though . They should allow players to have automatable NPC characters. They could have a world with npc's having some decent AI this way, free for them =). And it would make an interesting computer science/ artifilcial intelligence development tool.
So that all of the players who cheat can be justified for doing what they did as "forerunners" to the new system. The reason that Sony won't do this is because they want people to play the game, not let a bot play it for them. While the AI would be interesting, putting in AI like this takes the human element out of the game. MMORPG says multiplayer, not multibot.

Sony has little way of knowing who is playing on an account, but it's your own fault for giving out your info. I believe people who cheat, shouldn't be allowed to play the game... but then again, if they're cheating the game they are trying to play might be a different one. I would imagine some people cheat to see how far they can go with it.

11-14-2005, 06:48 PM
ppl that cheat should no doubt be banned permanetly and there toons deleted ect, i think its great that they are targeting high end guilds for this, if a guild progresses based on cheating even if its a small % like 5-10% if there cheating helps out the guild in any way it makes the whole guild a cheat guild, and maybe that guild shouldnt be where they are due to the fact the cheaters did what they did,
i find it disturbing that you would single your own guild out, even ranting that there is a "list" of ppl from your guild that got banned would make someone think it has to be a significant number worth make a post on a site that has nothing to do with your guild, to me that says alot, if a bunch of ppl in my guild which is also on maelin and a highend guild had ppl getting band i would do as much as possible to not draw attention to it, especially on a board for serverwide druids

First of all the list was brought up by another guild, not me, there aren't near that many banned from my guild, in fact there are only 3 people banned.. other 2 were kicked from Assent because they had something to do with it.

But you completely missed my whole point, which was how other guilds were trying to make Assent seem like the ONLY guild that had banned members or rather a guild FULL of cheaters. We are not. But instead of asking our dear dev friends or making sh*t up about other guilds, like these other guilds are... we sit down and just continue doing our own thing.

I have personally heard about other high end guilds losing players due to this, but i don't or any other member in Assent for that matter, point fingers laughing at them in a serverwide channel or /gu or anything. Because, quite frankly it is not a laughing matter, it's a shame rather.

y point wasn't to make public that Assent had 1 or 2 "cheaters", because the fact of the matter is... we did, and before that I didn't even know someone would dare do this in a guild of our own.

Why is it disturbing? After all, my guild has nothing to hide. In any case I'm going ahead and doing what these "other" guilds were trying to do and make it public, although im not the official spokeperson for my guild or anything like that. I draw attention to it because Assent is not a guild of cheaters, but yet we had people that did it. Like I said, i don't think anyone in Assent will care if these guilds come out with these accusations, we have a clear conscience regarding the issue, yet it makes me PERSONALLY mad that these guilds are doing this, not because it involves cheaters, but because they apparently hate us or want to see us flop, etc.

11-18-2005, 01:34 AM
Nimchip is correct, This was not just an Assent thing other high end guilds had people banned.

11-18-2005, 08:55 AM
When did they start this around the DoDh patch? No one has fessed up to this yet in my guild, although we aren't "high end" to the same standard as Assent. Yet, you would expect a few bad apples to be in every guild, no mater the level of progression.

11-18-2005, 01:04 PM
When did they start this around the DoDh patch? No one has fessed up to this yet in my guild, although we aren't "high end" to the same standard as Assent. Yet, you would expect a few bad apples to be in every guild, no mater the level of progression.


I'm not sure when it started though, if i had to guess, i'd say around that time too /shrug.

11-19-2005, 04:53 AM
Why on Earth would you even make this Post Nimmy?

Good riddance of cheaters - I hope they all die of Ebola.

Good luck to anyone who has any lists on Assent. If you could hypothetically find a way to ban 50% of Assent - wouldn't matter for long. Kaidman will rebuild fast and keep the guild in the top tier of progression.

If people honest to god ARE trying - stop your foolishness and fix your own problems.
