View Full Forums : Evolving items, Degrading patience

11-14-2005, 02:39 AM
Ok, I'm tryin to find the best way to power level these evolving items: Shattered blade of Illsalin & Ancient Werewolf Skull.

I started by AE'ing droga 3 boxing clr/dru/war. Then i moved to Ssra mines, and again to Chardok B. Currently I am decimating The Deep 30-40mobs at a time. I had been letting my druid get solo xp for the trains, but with war quake/rampage & clr shield, it's much easier to have the party grouped.

If im pushing my limits in the Deep, i can get *seemingly* 1% of evolution on a single item per pull (40'ish) when fighting the west half... and it still seems like it takes an eternity. Droga's slow, slow caster mobs ended that fun. ChardokB was badass, with a buddy, we could almost hold the entire zone clear of mobs before repops, aside from a couple dead ends in the far SW corner... but thats also why it ended, we had room to kill more that the zone wasn't offering. Ssra didn't have enough skellies as well. 2 trains and your done.

Where has anyone found to be their sweet spot for item evolution? Solo spot, grind grp, box grp?

11-14-2005, 12:07 PM
I would be suggesting the normal xp areas for you or your group.
Hit the nest, DoN creators check it out and let us know if it's any better than your xp in those other zones.
I personally do not know anyone with an evolving item so have no real experience but would suggest the best xp zone for your group/level.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes for you.

11-14-2005, 12:43 PM
I believe the XP is based on number of kills, not the level or XP gained. So, theoretically the best thing would be to AE the snot out of Light Blue mobs.

11-14-2005, 01:40 PM
47% on a random evolving item in 3 hours of exp in Ruins of Illsalin. Possibly based on exp... but I can't be sure. AEing light blue mobs would seem a bit too easy imo =/

11-15-2005, 03:46 PM
It's based on the number of kills. You are having a tough time with the Shattered Blade simply because it is an intelligent item and only has 2 levels to experience. So, take the total experience required for a random 7/7 normal evolving item, divide it in half, and that's what each level for your Blade requires.

Be happy, intelligent items used to require precisely 2x the current experience.

11-22-2005, 05:38 AM
I had a warrior friend who reported great success leveling items by soloing in Grieg's. Maybe the hot spot flag helps out on the rate of gain for those items. I can't say for sure, as I haven't worked with them much myself.

11-22-2005, 02:11 PM
ruh-roh. GE isn't currently flagged for a hotspot.

11-23-2005, 06:25 PM
Ok, currently im about 60% into level two of the shattered blade. After workin on my AE skills, I found i can get 1.5 - 2% xp per pull in the deep. Earlier I gave up tryin to give solo xp to my druid, instead grouping up with war/clr... but solo is definately the way to go, if only to break up the group before the mobs start dropping.

So far in the past few hours i've died a whole ton, yet gained about 20%. Gotta love mass killing.

11-25-2005, 12:37 AM
This is a tad off topic,

The Gemstone of Emporer Illsalin drops in the Ruins of Illsalin of of what type of mob? I've killed there a bit, both Squids and Spiders.

Is it only from the yellow con Squids?


04-05-2006, 04:25 PM
I posted on another thread but this seems to fit better here. I was in the deep today levelling my DoD mask and it was FAR GREATER than 40 kills for 1%. My sk friend pulled nearly the entire west half 3 times and I got less than 2% xp on my mask, this seems to be considerably lower than it used to be. Is anyone experiencing the same increase in kills / %?

04-06-2006, 10:41 AM
I posted on another thread but this seems to fit better here. I was in the deep today levelling my DoD mask and it was FAR GREATER than 40 kills for 1%. My sk friend pulled nearly the entire west half 3 times and I got less than 2% xp on my mask, this seems to be considerably lower than it used to be. Is anyone experiencing the same increase in kills / %?

I have the Cloak of the Spirit Tracker from the Arcstone quest and I have noticed that xp on my cloak tends to vary based on several factors (confirmed by our Guild Leader with the same cloak). It is not just # of kills, it depends on the level of the kills. It also seems to depend on how many people you are grouped with.

y Guild Leader was getting 1% every 4 kills of LB mobs (he is level 66). With DB mobs it was every 2 kills. I noticed the same with DB kills until we grouped. When grouped, it was about double (3-4 DB kills per 1%). When we added a 3rd to the group (same mobs) it seemed to drop again (5-6 DB kills per 1%). We did a few LDON's and we were getting 8-11% for 52-56 kills. I think we had 5 ppl in the group.

This was on the first level of the cloak. I will have to ask him if the 2nd level was the same or required more. I assume different evolving items will require different numbers of kills to level, but I would expect the ratios (DB vs LB and grouped vs non-grouped to be similar).

- Tiussson Leifwight

04-06-2006, 06:37 PM
The kicker with that damn shattered blade is that in order to get it, you almost certainly have a Korlach Sacrificial Plate. Which is better in stats than the first two levels of the blade, and close to the third. My minmaxing little head is going to spin when I actually have to make the call to level the dang blade up (still need the gem from spies like them).

04-08-2006, 02:10 AM
There is a place in PoR you can gain xp for evolving items very quickly. With your particular 3 boxing setup you should be able to handle it with ease, assuming you have Reptile Skin. I was able to do it with dru/clr/mnk, on average I get 1%~2% xp for Ancient Werewolf Skull each clearing and it can be as fast as 5 minutes, never more than 10 minutes unless I died. I'll give you some hints about this place.

1. it's part of PoR
2. it's instanced
3. in part of the zone, there are lots of dark blue mobs with very little hp, like 3k

One last thing, if you are working on 2 evolving items at once, it will be extremely slow. Personally I'd go with mask and either work on getting another range item or wait til you are done with mask then start on blade.

04-08-2006, 07:13 PM
it sounds like he's talkin about an instanced version of Stoneroot falls. Opening the coral over and over in the bog produces those low hp blue con witherans.

But he said PoR, so prossibly Skylance 2.

Tone was inappropiate. Standard moderation applies to the Quest forum, so no attacks :P - Nimchip

04-09-2006, 01:54 PM
I like that word =p

Skylance 2 is what he's referring to, there are small swarms of dark blue cons that have very little hp. You can get the instance from Ao in Arcstone.

04-10-2006, 06:30 AM
The easiest way I have found to work on evolving items is like this, first evolving items gain XP based on the number of xp hits you take, not the level of mob, so killing LB mobs is the same as killing a red mob, with that in mind:

y brother and I have a crew of 3 that we box, 70dru/shm/pal. We fill the rest of the group with people that just sit there to gain the xp hits for evolving items. We go to griegs and load up PBAOE spells and buff the paladin up with reptile, lingeringsloth and everything else (he gets dispelled a lot) now we have him pull around 40-50mobs at a time (nothing is green here afaik) and as he runs around he needs to recast his form of reptile every so often because it gets a little confusing running around in there and he can die with 40 or so mobs beating on him at once. Just pull all the mobs back to camp, recast reptile as needed so he can keep agro and just blast away with pbaoe, also helps to keep DS on and HoT to keep him alive. Each pull (I dunno exactly how many mobs, I'm just estimateing around 40-50) is about 8-10% xp for the evolving item, takes about 9minutes from start to death of last mob for each pull, with no downtime between pulls except like 1minute to rebuff from dispells. I don't know the exact respawn time, think it's around 15-20mins, we usually get 2 good pulls of easy lb/blue mobs then a little smaller pull or two of blue mobs that hit a bit harder so we have to pull less. I could be severely wrong on how many mobs end up getting pulled each time, as I'm not the one that runs the paladin, but it does't seem like it's too much more than 50.

AA isn't amazing but it's a nice bonus to go along with evolving the items very quickly. There probably are faster places to do this at, but it went rather quickly and we didn't rely on anyone outside the 3 chars that we own to do this.

04-14-2006, 12:07 PM
The easiest way I have found to work on evolving items is like this, first evolving items gain XP based on the number of xp hits you take, not the level of mob, so killing LB mobs is the same as killing a red mob, with that in mind:

Just a clarification, level of mob *does* affect amount of evolve xp you get. But the quantity of xp hits matters far more than quality of xp hits. Yes I agree AE'ing in Griegs is by far the best way to evolve items. No question whatsoever! I evolved my por cloak from 0 to full in just over 2 hours.