View Full Forums : Erollisi Marr Tacvi/Anguish guild LF druids

12-02-2005, 05:14 PM
Primal Evolution is a stable, non-traditional Tacvi/Anguish capable raiding guild that raids 5 days a week.

- Fridays and Saturdays are EXP days (family faction > EQ).

We are currently looking for 2-3 exceptional level 70 raiding druids with decent playtime (3+ nights a week consistently). Gear and AA’s are helpful, but personality and skill are more important for us.

Our KEY mantra is:
The #1 thing at PE we look at is Fun as a team > All. Enjoying what we do (no matter what it is) is more important to us than loot or being the first to get to new content.

RAID TIMES : 8pm – midnight/1/2am eastern
Applicants - 50%+ raid attendance required (during 2 week app period)
Probationary full member – no required raid attendance*<O:p</O:p
Full member – no required raid attendance*<O:p</O:p

* We do require full members to maintain a 20%+ attendance in order to spend points on gear/spells, however, they are eligible for dictates if lower than that.<O:p</O:p

Server transfers will be given channel information so they can get to know us while the transfer takes place. References are also available if they would like to talk to others who have made the leap.

Level 70 with previous raiding experience<O:p</O:p
125 AA’s minimum<O:p</O:p
- AA's you must have to apply would include: Mass Group Buff, Spirit of the Wood, Radiant Cure 1, Spell Casting Subtlety 3
- Must own or get during app period: Pureblood, Remove Greater Curse
All applicants are required to work on their Anguish signets. Details of this requirement can be found on our message board (app forum).

<O:p</O:pLOOT SYSTEM : <O:p</O:p
We believe in “sharing the wealth” among those who are currently raiding, so our system is a combination points (45 day point rot), loot council and dictator system<O:p</O:p
-Points gets you into the “contender” group but the Loot Council decides the best use<O:p</O:p
-Items not bid on are dictated for free to those who can use it the most (applicants and low percentage raiders)

PoP = done
GoD = in Tacvi (all but boss cleared)
OOW = Anguish (Ture down)
DoN = Only Kess and Vish left
DoD = have not started raiding

We are currently looking for players who prefer to focus on a primary character for raids/exp, rather than multi-box for their enjoyment.

We do not condone the use of these softwares and will NOT accept applicants who have used/do use them.

Recruiting officers: Crystilla & Bydr
Druid class leader: Ramadun
Preferred contact: tells or in-game email (cntrl e)
Website: (
essage board: (

12-02-2005, 06:43 PM
PE is a bunch of good peoples...tho I haven't had the pleasure of talking to crys yet :) Bonus of being on e-marr? Get to hang out with me! :lmao: (I give out pie upon occasion)

12-02-2005, 08:12 PM
Ooh ooh, and me. Nothing like a party with Netty and myself. Pie for everyone!!! This sounds way too good to be true. I would love to app, but unfortunately family and work only allow me to play 3 days a week. And I'm happy thankfully, the guild I'm in raids those 3 days so it works out. Best of luck and I hope you get many an app!!!

12-05-2005, 03:59 PM
Netura, we haven't spoken have we? Though lord knows we've been near each other or been on boards together.

Remind me to remedy that. Got some of my special brell's ale (two types) that will be a good chaser for that pie! Good brells folks don't go anywhere without it.
- Course you might get some of my infamous hug therapy as well; just as Jare.

12-07-2005, 07:58 AM
Don't touch Netura's pies :tut:

The evil one puts an additicive substance in them and hands them out to unsuspecting people and then laughs when they ask for more :mad2:

12-07-2005, 10:55 AM
The evil one puts an additicive substance in them and hands them out to unsuspecting people and then laughs when they ask for more :mad2:
I only did that to you DG'ers since it would cost way too much to fly to America to punch me in the face! :lmao:

12-08-2005, 08:20 AM
I only did that to you DG'ers since it would cost way too much to fly to America to punch me in the face! :lmao:

Damm you Pie haffer !!! :curse:


12-12-2005, 03:52 AM
Crystilla is a sweetheart too :).

12-13-2005, 08:59 AM
Not really familar with the guild set up on emarr since I moved over to AB. Magister still at the top ? how many guilds are in CoA/DPB etc. ?

Just curious :physics:

12-13-2005, 10:25 AM
Check PM's! I'll send you a list since I don't want to hijack too much :p:bubbrubb2