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12-04-2005, 05:21 AM
Deleterious Accelerative Mechanotablet - Alacrity of Aneuk
Salutary Accelerative Mechanotablet - Alacrity of ikaav
Imprecise Accelerative Mechanotablet - Quickening of druzzil
Deleterious Continuance Mechanotablet – Vindication of the Dragorn
Salutary Continuance Mechanotablet – Bulwark of the Dragorn
Deleterious Radiation Mechanotablet - Avariciousness of the Aneuk
Salutary Radiation Mechanotablet - Avariciousness of the Ikaav
Imprecise Radiation Mechanotablet- Conservation of Xegony
Imprecise Fluctuator Mechanotablet - Druzzil's Range
Coadjutor Mechanotablet - Servant of Chaos*** <-- supposed to be removed
Exigent Remediatory Mechanotablet - Dragon Health
Cryonic Mechanotablet - Dragon Frost
Mucocutaneous Mechanotablet - Dragon Bile
Igneous Mechanotablet - Dragon Fire
Hyoscyamine Mechanotablet - Dragon Malady
Thaumaturgic Mechanotablet- Dragon Thunder
Imprecise Incantific Mechanotablet - fury of solusek
Sanguinary Mechanotablet – Ferocity V
Disunitiing Mechanotablet – Cleave V
Exactitudinal Mechanotablet – Sharpshooting V
Meliorated Circumlocuting Mechanotablet – Improved Dodge 3
Meliorated Circumventating Mechanotablet – Improved Parry 3
Rampageous Lambasting Mechanotablet – Furious Bash VII

have fun~

changed anguish foci to dragon foci (50%) by the nimster

how dare you edit my ****!

we dare beccause we can! - netura!

<3 Wodun - Nimchip

12-04-2005, 11:07 AM

12-05-2005, 12:40 AM
Salutary Radiation Mechanotablet - Preservation of Mithaniel

got upgraded to Avariciousness of the Ikaav... and where'd you get that list ?

12-05-2005, 01:56 AM
Thanks for the list, very helpful :smile:

12-05-2005, 05:33 AM
got upgraded to Avariciousness of the Ikaav... and where'd you get that list ?


12-13-2005, 02:17 AM
Thanks for the list. Question, do these only drop from Crypt Reepers?
I have been farmingthem for a while tonight and just get destroyed or broken parts I even started the instruction quest. None of these have dropped.

12-13-2005, 02:20 AM
I believe they can drop off any mechanical model in the zone, however... other non-creep reaper robot will give you bad faction so beware.

01-26-2006, 12:38 AM
Are these the same effects if used in the Bazu augs or only in the Last Blood augs?

01-26-2006, 06:26 PM
Are these the same effects if used in the Bazu augs or only in the Last Blood augs?

Bazu augs are related but they are generally Anguish foci, aside from the healing foci that apparently are blessing of the pious for some reason.

01-29-2006, 04:44 AM
Bazu augs are related but they are generally Anguish foci, aside from the healing foci that apparently are blessing of the pious for some reason.

judging by the options on many of these focus effects I'd have to say there was a lot more time spent figuring out what to call them then determining what the actual focuses would be. not well implemented in the least.

I love the idea though and it's solved a number of the focus effect corners the devs have backed us into.