View Full Forums : Something to consider...

12-07-2005, 08:34 PM
I tried posting this on the eqlive boards in both the cleric and druid forums to see what kinds of responses I would get. So far, all I've seen is people drag it off topic, save 1 post. I figured since this community is far more intelligent and mature (in most cases...) than most of the people on eqlive, I'd give it a try here.

You are given the option to be the deciding factor for changes in the druid class. You are given the choice to add in whatever features to it you want, but at a cost, you have to give away something of equal or greater value that the druids have already.

Ideas (but not limited to these) to trade for:
Copy of cleric CH
Remedy type spells
Better nukes
Higher power DoTs
Long lasting AE snare

Ideas (but not limited to these) to trade away:
Power from nukes
Power from DoTs

Example of a trade:
I'd be willing to trade Skin of the Reptile for a HoT spell of at 75% of a shaman's best one.

Just to note, this question is being asked in the context of "how much are you willing to trade for a more powerful ability?", not "what crappy stuff do we have that can I trade from us for better stuff?" If you want a copy of Vivification, booboo and animal fear spells aren't a fair trade for it for example. Perhaps something like -25% damage on all of our spells or something like that. Just be reasonable in the tradeoffs.

12-07-2005, 11:54 PM

12-08-2005, 12:26 AM
You are given the option to be the deciding factor for changes in the druid class. You are given the choice to add in whatever features to it you want, but at a cost, you have to give away something of equal or greater value that the druids have already.

Ideas (but not limited to these) to trade for:
Copy of cleric CH

I don't want it. I don't care if it crits and heals more than KR, I would simply barely use it. Most of the stuff I fight hits way to hard and fast for a 10 second heal.

Remedy type spells

What we already have is, basically, a slower remedy. A faster version of our spells would be nice, but, I wouldn't trade anything for it.

Better nukes

I don't want better nukes. I just want to keep the status quo with Druid vs Mage DD's.

Higher power DoTs

I am happy with our DoT's.

Long lasting AE snare

No thanks. I can generate plenty of agro on my own as it is. Plus, I have excellent snaring tools available to me.

Ideas (but not limited to these) to trade away:
I wouldn't trade away either. They are both heavily used by most druids, and are very druidic.

Power from nukes
Power from DoTs

I don't see a reason to do either, though in a way Stances would do that.
Example of a trade:
I'd be willing to trade Skin of the Reptile for a HoT spell of at 75% of a shaman's best one.

Just to note, this question is being asked in the context of "how much are you willing to trade for a more powerful ability?", not "what crappy stuff do we have that can I trade from us for better stuff?" If you want a copy of Vivification, booboo and animal fear spells aren't a fair trade for it for example. Perhaps something like -25% damage on all of our spells or something like that. Just be reasonable in the tradeoffs.

I'm not willing to trade anything for anything. I don't feel it's appropriate.

From my point of view, the druid class has one problem. We can't quite keep up with healing in the higher end of the game. In some places that means we use too much mana for what we heal, in other places our ability to heal damage is significantly outpaced by some mobs (and I mean single group content) ability to cause it.

Right now the druid class is closer to being "just right" than it has in a very long time. I seriously think Stances will do so even more. I'm really hoping they start work on them soon.

12-08-2005, 03:54 AM
I don't believe any class should have to trade away to make themselves better elsewhere. To me trading abilities or power means the class is either unbalanced or the entire class vision is wrong. In either case an ability exchange is nothing more than a way to appease other classes and won't get at the core issue. If something is broken fix it, don't go borrowing your neighbors for an undefined amount of time.

Slightly off-topic, why would you post this in the cleric area on eqlive?

12-08-2005, 05:33 AM
I don't want it. I don't care if it crits and heals more than KR, I would simply barely use it. Most of the stuff I fight hits way to hard and fast for a 10 second heal.

I have a cleric bot following me around about 99% of the time. Anyone who says CH is not usable against pretty much any place in game is wrong. The sheer hitpoints healed per mana spent on CH is amazing, a cleric can basically chain CH in a group all day long if they have c6 and a mana regen clicky. If you had a heal of this magnitude and didn't put it to use you'd be nuts. Of course they would never give druids a version with anywhere near the same mana cost, so we'd have to manage our mana still.

I wouldn't want to trade anything though. Just get aroused when people do not understand the power behind CH. This goes back to the thread by Nimchip about "druid mana woes". There is no secret to cleric mana regen. 80% of high end clerics are not running around yaulping. They use CH period. I've been watching our cleric mana on raids since seeing Nim's post. They are consistently running low on mana on clears when we don't have a lot of clerics on. Because on raid clearing you normally don't get to sit around CHing. Their mana issues are the exact same as us (or worse since a lot probably do not use yaulp) when they are using strictly fast heals.

12-08-2005, 08:31 AM
id trade grp port spells for a slow spelll $$

Megn Summer
12-08-2005, 09:03 AM

12-08-2005, 09:06 AM
Kaid, I think people understand the power of CH fine. People been asking for them to improve the druid CH for years now, and with the reaction they got it's proven that putting energy into it a waste. On the other hand, mana regen is something they may consider. Honestly, I'ld prefer mana regen over an improved CH because a CH isn't going to help much when healing hard hitting ae's on raids when I'm the only healer in group. MR will also have unlimited flexibility, so ethier if your healing a raid group from AE damage, assist healing left and right, medding from a rez, main healing with KR in a XP group, or chain nuking you'll recieve 'some' addtional aid.

It's obvious that one of the biggest problems with druids is getting them all to agree on a single thing. Sure we have slightly different playstyles, but I think the biggest difference is that different druids put more value into certain abilities than others. With that being said, I don't know of a more flexible solution than mana regen -- since it will help out in every single situation.

edit: ps, we shouldn't have to trade anything. By making druids instead of shamans we traded slow and canni for ports, better dps, better healing, and snare. Now there's a guildhall portal (and expansions where ports don't really do much), shamans (as of OoW / DoN) have better sustained healing and dps power, and warriors have coc. We shouldn't have to trade anything just to put us back in balance...

12-08-2005, 09:27 AM
So...I'll trade my useless Wolf Form, Tree Form, Group Ports (I'll keep my single ones, thank you). I'll trade away my un-needed regen line of spells, and my DS too. I'll gladly give up the imbue spells, what a waste. I'll give up my STA regen line of spells...they do nothing ayways, never have. Booboo;, more than useless.

But wait a minute! I ALREADY *HAVE* GIVEN THESE UP!

Dear god. You have alot of unfounded Negativity.

Wolf Form, 2 Classes - Druid / Ranger. Several Places you can Wolf Form even where you can't use a mount (MPG as an example).

Regen Spells: 2 Classes - Druid / Shaman, they are Equal. We had group versions of regen way before Shamans got theirs in Late 50s. The Regen spells are the same, they heal the same amount and no other classs gets a regen buff (rangers excluded). I am very curious how we have given these up.

Damage Shields: 2 Classes Druid / Mage. Mage has always been ahead of us here, and While Rangers get lesser versions of our spells, they do not equal them. Again, no loss.

Imbue Spells: Cleric / Druid, used in tradeskills. Only Those two classes can Imbue. Again, No Tradeoff.

Invigor spells: They iirc where removed from the game when they altered how stamina worked. They did not however, remove them from people's spellbooks. So your complaining about a spell, which has no purpose currently, being pointless to have. OBVIOUSLY. They revamped an entire asspect of the game, the spells became useless. We didn't trade that off for anything and it wasn't a huge role for us to begin with.

Bear Pet: Toy, always been a toy.

Finally, Group Teleports. You are going to argue the Guild Hall, PoK, Luclin etc etc. Infact, I am sure you will.

So here are a few facts.

1: Guild Halls Cost Money to Port, and you are required to be guilded.
2: PoK Books while go to many places, are typically Cities, and not say, exp zones. You will still be running (as an example You run through Nek Forest, Lavastorm and Broodlands to get to a DoN instance) it is STILL in 90 percent of the time futher then porting.
3: Luclin Spires go to an amazing 5 Loctions once every 15 minutes. Or, if you had to use Spires to get to the Nexus, 30 minutes (one port up, wait, one port down)
4: ALL of the above locations require movement from or through a certain location.

Group Portals are castable ANYWHERE, at ANYTIME, to ANY LOCATION you have a port spell for. Weather you are in Temple of Veeshan, or deep inside Dreadspire Keep you can leave WHENEVER you want and go to ANYPLACE you have a spell for. You DO NOT have to goto the Nexus, You DO NOT have to goto PoK, and you DO NOT have to pass Go or collect $200. You can go DIRECTLY to your destension.

So, reguardless of your claims, Group Portals will always surpass any fixed method they put in game becuase you can use them ANYPLACE.

And that, dear negative person, is something we have never traded off.


12-08-2005, 09:38 AM
Dayuna, try as I might, I can't think of anything that I would trade off as a druid for anything else.

Granted, I am still a baby druid, I just can't see trading a snare or a root for a better heal. Or any spell I have for an alternative spell. I wouldn't even give up wolf form for anything. (And I rarely use it.) I think druids function quite well the way that they are now. Sure a little tweaking here and there could make them better, but they are fine as is.

12-08-2005, 11:09 AM
As others have said...

You do not balance a class by trading.

If one class needs more (as we do) you do not trade. You simply give.

This is why we are in the situation we are in now. We have had our abilities watered down by the mobs becoming more powerfull, abilities passed out to other classes so that druids are not needed and had other classes gain larger boosts in their abilities as compared to us.

This has happened very slowly over the course of years and to suggest that we have to trade in order to be fixed is not the way to do it.

Now stances, love them or hate them, is ok in theory in that we are trading with ourselves. A trade with another class only makes both classes equally more powerfull so if there was an inbalance before it will exist after.

I know there is alot of cleric talk (from selective clerics) that druids will have to give something away in order to obtain something. This is pure BS as we have already given away our end yet we wait and wait and wait for the promised payback.

If stances are not the answer then what has happened since March to change that? Apparently SOE thought in March that Druids needed some serious work and if we are somehow "fixed" now and no longer need another then I am interested in what has happened to change things.

Reptile? I still do not have this. I have completed 1 and 5 but are having a hard time finding people to do these missions. If reptile was the spell that was to "fix" us then put the darn thing on a vendor otherwise it's a bonus spell (a real nice one I grant you LOL) that many druids will never get.


12-08-2005, 01:03 PM
In a strictly literal sense, "balancing" means to achieve balance... which in a sense is achieved by removing OR adding some weight. Take that into consideration when you speak of "balancing", because to be honest I feel that it applies to the topic as well.

12-08-2005, 01:26 PM
okay, derail inc

Kaidman, what song is that in your magelo profile? its phucking tight

/derail off

12-08-2005, 01:42 PM
I know there is alot of cleric talk (from selective clerics) that druids will have to give something away in order to obtain something. This is pure BS as we have already given away our end yet we wait and wait and wait for the promised payback.

Honestly I don't care what clerics think, they can go drown in their tears for attempting to be druids.

Oh what irony... clerics want to nuke, and so they want to be overpowered druids. Druids want to heal better, nuke better, dot better, and so they want to be overpowered druids. The solution is clear. Combine the two classes so the complaining will stop, but will it?

If one class needs more (as we do) you do not trade. You simply give.

That's your opinion.

I'm so sick of druid balancing already, nobody can agree on anything. What I've come to learn from the people that claim we need more is that they literally have no understanding of what balancing entitles. Druid isn't the only class in the game, and I've mentioned it a million times. Balancing requires an understanding of other classes and their abilities as well as their opinion towards their own balancing situation. There are changes that can be done, and there are things that can be requested of. But you have to take full consideration on other classes.

When it comes to stances, expect them to be the last of the class balancing changes. I used to think all druids were capable of understanding why. But apparently 100% of the EQlive druids don't. Don't expect SOE to balance Everquest around druids... expect druids to be balanced around Everquest.

12-08-2005, 01:48 PM
okay, derail inc

Kaidman, what song is that in your magelo profile? its phucking tight

/derail off

Pharoahe Monch ( - *uck you

Kaid gets like 20 million tells asking what it is every day. :\

12-08-2005, 02:39 PM
Just so you know where I'm coming from, I'm level 70, 241 AAs, and soloed it all.

I don't really want any changes to the druid class. I have a great time with my druid, far more than any of my alts. Sure, I'd like to see stances implemented, but I'm not going whine if it never happens.

What I would like to see is a better method of character advancement for strong soloing classes, but I believe this has been covered before.

12-08-2005, 03:31 PM
Hah, I sent him a tell asking about it and he didn't respond :p Now im trying to find a copy of it :x

12-08-2005, 07:29 PM
Honestly I don't care what clerics think, they can go drown in their tears for attempting to be druids.

Oh what irony... clerics want to nuke, and so they want to be overpowered druids. Druids want to heal better, nuke better, dot better, and so they want to be overpowered druids. The solution is clear. Combine the two classes so the complaining will stop, but will it?

That's your opinion.

I'm so sick of druid balancing already, nobody can agree on anything. What I've come to learn from the people that claim we need more is that they literally have no understanding of what balancing entitles. Druid isn't the only class in the game, and I've mentioned it a million times. Balancing requires an understanding of other classes and their abilities as well as their opinion towards their own balancing situation. There are changes that can be done, and there are things that can be requested of. But you have to take full consideration on other classes.

When it comes to stances, expect them to be the last of the class balancing changes. I used to think all druids were capable of understanding why. But apparently 100% of the EQlive druids don't. Don't expect SOE to balance Everquest around druids... expect druids to be balanced around Everquest.

Maybe we are all sick of balancing. Maybe if anything actually happened we would not have to talk about balancing again. I too am sick of all the talk. The same talk going around and around and around.

Yes I have an opinion as well as you. My opinion is no greater than yours nor is yours greater than mine.

SOE fixed our cold resist. I seldom, if ever, use that spell. Does this make it a useless change? Far from it because others do use it and to them this was a great change. Reptile, from what I read, is a great spell. I can't get it so it does little for me. I hope to someday obtain it but I trust that it was a great addition to those druids who did or can obtain it.

As I gain more and more AA's my abilities are gaining as such that I can obtain groups much easier. Dies this mean that I forget those druids who are having huge issues with groups? To some maybe but to me the need is still there for druids to be "fixed" and while I respect your opinion that druids are fine I ask that you respect my opinion that we are not.

I understand that clerics needs a secondary role and I suport what they ask for on "their" forums. Does it need to be tied into what druids get? To some yes, to others no.

My posts have gone way down. I too have grow weary of all the enless talk that has become nothing but rehashing the same tired opinions both from myself and others.

I posted what I thought. I have not claimed (as was so offensive to some) to speak for any druid other than myself but many druids do have similar thoughts.

If stances need to be the very last thing done because other things need to be balanced first.... we I can understand that. Maybe if SOE would take the 2 mins to post something, anything, about the subject then we just might all gain a little insight as to the issue and what is taking so long. We've all seen what SOE can do when they want to. Entire expansions have come and gone in the amount of time SOE claims to have been balancing.

I, for one, do not forget that this balancing did not start in Marhc '05 but rather prior to DoN! Prior to DoN we were told that balancing was waiting for SOE's super secret "internal" re-envisioning of the classes and their roles. As the expansion release date grew closer (DoN - NOT DoD LOL) we were told... "Surly you understand that we have to wait until after the expansion comes out before we can do any balancing" (This was in September '04 to refresh memories) and needless to say we got the very same excuse as DoD grew near and then the infamous March '05 "Druids need something" proclamation about stances yadda yadda yadaa.

Well it's December '05 and we still wait. The last "official" word was a short one line statement that SOE had not forgotten stances and they had not even started them yet.

Tired or the same old story? You bet I am but I will not forget and let SOE off the hook due to just giving up.


12-08-2005, 07:47 PM
Alright, perhaps this would be a good time to mention... this thread isn't about balance. It's about the value of abilities. We might be perfectly fine as far as balance goes, or we might be the most over/underbalanced class in the game. Either way it has no bearing on the topic for this thread. I posted this on the clerics board in eqlive because I wanted to see something, what value they place on improved soloing abilities. I posted it here and the druid eqlive board to see what value people placed on better heals, or better dps.

12-09-2005, 11:18 AM
The problem is that druids don't understand this:

1) if druids get improved healing, people that want to be jack-of-all trades will bitch as well as any druids that like to be "dps".

2) if druids get improved nukes, druids that want to be jack of all trades will bitch as well as any druid that likes to be a healer.

3) if druids get improved utility, the healer druids and the dps druids will continue to bitch.

So devs have to find a way to improve ALL three of these qualities that druids have. The only way to do that is to increase them all. Utility isn't much of an issue anymore as it is healing and dps. If these two are increased substantially we might overpower other "pure" classes like a cleric or a wizard. This is not healthy and it's not even considered balancing. So devs have to check first to see if "pure" classes are balanced enough. I believe the current stances are being a pain because they have to first consider pure caster dps as balanced, and also add anything the already healing balanced clerics may suggest.

Because we are, in essence, a jack of all trades kind of class like bards we have to accept that our abilities will not EVER be as strong as those pure classes. Let's say bards are balanced, they have mez yet they cannot mez quite a lot of mobs as enchanters and not nearly keep them that way due to resists. This is acceptable because they have many abilities. They can do melee dps (i believe this is being worked on) yet they cannot be a pure melee dps class like a rogue or a berserker. They have slow but it will not ever be as strong as a shaman's or an enchanter. And I could go on and on about this. So we have to understand that we may never find a pure role to fill because in order to maintain a balance within our abilities we have to make sure none of them overpower one and other and none of them overpower another class.

If however we decide that we want an increased "main" role, then WE WILL HAVE TO GIVE UP SOMETHING, or rather we will have to accept that other utilities will be decreased in terms of power in order to sacrifice the shift in roles.

That is my reasoning, and may always be. I do understand that healing needs improvement, especially to be more in balance with our dps ability. If it ends up overpowering our nukes, we can either accept it as a more main role or have our nukes to be more in line with it.

12-09-2005, 03:16 PM
If however we decide that we want an increased "main" role, then WE WILL HAVE TO GIVE UP SOMETHING, or rather we will have to accept that other utilities will be decreased in terms of power in order to sacrifice the shift in roles.

Exactly, and then even if you give something up the pure casters will still get shifted out of balance and need rebalanced which causes us to need rebalancing... to the end of time...

And to answer the origional question.

Me personally I'd dump dots for better nukes, but thats just b/c I don't like dots no mater how much dps they are.

12-09-2005, 04:27 PM
Exactly, and then even if you give something up the pure casters will still get shifted out of balance and need rebalanced which causes us to need rebalancing... to the end of time...

And to answer the origional question.

Me personally I'd dump dots for better nukes, but thats just b/c I don't like dots no mater how much dps they are.

I live off of dots ROTFL!

Sure they do not have that big boom effect but they are really are #1 offensive spell line. They are resisted less, are the most mana efficient and allow us to do other things (Med/heal) while they tick away.

So leave my dots along please LOL



Taeyn Kaidyrsi
12-09-2005, 05:35 PM
So leave my dots along please

Nothing makes my day like Solstice Strike doing 84 damage :lmao:

12-12-2005, 09:29 AM
I live off of dots ROTFL!

Sure they do not have that big boom effect but they are really are #1 offensive spell line. They are resisted less, are the most mana efficient and allow us to do other things (Med/heal) while they tick away.

So leave my dots along please LOL



It isn't the boom for me it's mostly habit now from back when dots generated too much aggro and caused you get summoned about mid fight. Maybe my guild tanks just sucked back in velious/luclin days but seemed to me like dots were more aggro back then.

12-12-2005, 09:35 AM
It isn't the boom for me it's mostly habit now from back when dots generated too much aggro and caused you get summoned about mid fight. Maybe my guild tanks just sucked back in velious/luclin days but seemed to me like dots were more aggro back then.

Aggro was harder to keep back then. Lack of aggro generating weapons, no incite line, and the like.

Paladins also where not well reknown for tanks back in the day (no group heals, not many stuns, everything in ToV being Immune to stun, old school 2 handers, etc)


12-12-2005, 11:26 AM
It isn't the boom for me it's mostly habit now from back when dots generated too much aggro and caused you get summoned about mid fight. Maybe my guild tanks just sucked back in velious/luclin days but seemed to me like dots were more aggro back then.

Well IMHO DOT's generate far less agg, or at least spread it out more so that the MT can keep agg easier. It also allows you to start contributing damage right away instead of waiting 2/3 into the battle to make sure that big "boom" does not steal agg at the start.

Now yes you can "DOT stack" to the point of gaining crazy agg but if you look at the DOT chart (one of the reasons I made that chart with alot of help from others here was to figure out why I was getting agg so easy with my dots) you will see how truely powerfull our dots really are. Once you add some crit AA to them they really become a force to be reconed with.

On raids I only toss two dots (the mobs die too fast for more) but those two big DOTS are the same as two casts of our biggest nuke (more with crit AA's) for less mana and an even distribution of damage. While the DOTs tick away I switch to healing mode or med depending on what is happening.

In groups (when I'm not MH) I start casting our epic 1.0 as soon as I see the mob inc and it hits about 2 seconds after the tank engages. This is a free 1000 damage (with crits) that does not agg at the start because the damage is pretty low. I then stack Wasp first and then Vengence and if the mob will stay up I'll cast another.

Why don't people use DOT's more? Well it's as you suggest... people remember the "old" ways or with "some" druids they like the big bam which is much more impressive that the slower and silent DOT's.

If you were to ever use a parser program you would be convinced that DOT's are the way to go.

Now on really show fights... well nukes are all you can do. In fact on some raids the mobs go down so fast that I am hard pressed to get even a single nuke off LOL.


P.S. On boss mobs our dots are so powerfull that I can often gain agg from dot stacking - yes we can outdamage the MT who is worried more about staying alive and less about dishing out damage. Sure I have near all the DOT AA crits but it does not take skill to dot stack... it's just how powerfully dots can be when you stack them. On the long fights we have the time to really stack them good and if we are not carefull we can, and will, steal agg at times. They use so little mana (as compared to our other DPS) that we can keep up the DOTs for a really long time.

Stacking a few dots we can do 1700 damage (with focus and crit aa's) every 6 seconds and keep it up till the mob drop.

This adds to: (very approximate numbers LOL)

1 minute fight - 17000
2 minute fight - 34000
3 minute fight - 51000

Now while the DOT's tick away you can switch to rains. Now I parsed a raid the other day and the top 2 damage output was:

1. Ranger 107k
2. Wizard 99k

a few more melee types

8. Druid (not me) 59k

(don't rem how long the fight lasted)

That was pretty impressive considered the druid was tossing some patch heals. Some of this was rain spells but a good portion was DOTs.

12-12-2005, 03:34 PM
...Why don't people use DOT's more? Well it's as you suggest... people remember the "old" ways or with "some" druids they like the big bam which is much more impressive that the slower and silent DOT's.....

Lol, hit a nerve? :) heh, you really didn't need to post all that. Besides direct nukes I can shut my dps off whenever I want, dots linger so when I see Anthe get summoned (first wizard to always die) I know to adjust what I'm doing so by the time Negian dies (first druid to always die) I can usually save myself.

I still think they nerfed dot aggro myself around PoP/Ldon, but that could all be in my mind. Its all a person choice for each druid.

I do use the fire debuff dot every raid mob though b/c I love the debuff side.

...Some of this was rain spells but a good portion was DOTs.

Oh, I hate rain spells too and don't use them.. /duck

But seriously I spend 90% of every raid healing anyway. Nukes are just something for me to have fun with when I'm exping.

12-13-2005, 12:11 PM
I spent the last 2 nights using vritually only dots to add dps instead of nuking like I normally do. I have minimal crit dot aa and minimal crit nuke aa so neither is that big. However, in about the 4th nest run in a row of this, I remembered why I prefered nukes over dots. The chanter tried to mez one mob and then tried to get the MA to switch targets from the mezzable one to the non mezzable one, but it didn't work, because I and another had already dotted the first one. Even waiting for the MA to engage before dotting. We managed, but it reminded me of the main reason I used almost strictly nukes in groups. It is easier, for me, to help crowd control with nukes. If there is no chanter, and only root for CC, then dots can add some extra dps, but it made it harder for the tank to get the aggro and then when he breaks root it comes after me.

12-13-2005, 01:41 PM
I spent the last 2 nights using vritually only dots to add dps instead of nuking like I normally do. I have minimal crit dot aa and minimal crit nuke aa so neither is that big. However, in about the 4th nest run in a row of this, I remembered why I prefered nukes over dots. The chanter tried to mez one mob and then tried to get the MA to switch targets from the mezzable one to the non mezzable one, but it didn't work, because I and another had already dotted the first one. Even waiting for the MA to engage before dotting. We managed, but it reminded me of the main reason I used almost strictly nukes in groups. It is easier, for me, to help crowd control with nukes. If there is no chanter, and only root for CC, then dots can add some extra dps, but it made it harder for the tank to get the aggro and then when he breaks root it comes after me.

It's a situational tool. I still use nukes myself when I either have to have fast damage or in cases such as your example. I only use DOTs on clean single pulls. I did parse some solo pulls last night using 7 DOT stacks (6 casts and Epic 1.0) and I came to about 16k per min damage (I still need 2 more DOT crit AA's) so the "potential" damage is there.

Of course you can only pile them on for solo or raid boss mobs in which you have the time to apply all those dots. :)


12-14-2005, 12:49 AM
It's a situational tool. I still use nukes myself when I either have to have fast damage or in cases such as your example. I only use DOTs on clean single pulls. I did parse some solo pulls last night using 7 DOT stacks (6 casts and Epic 1.0) and I came to about 16k per min damage (I still need 2 more DOT crit AA's) so the "potential" damage is there.

Of course you can only pile them on for solo or raid boss mobs in which you have the time to apply all those dots. :)


The only thing I have to say to this is:

You keep 6 DoTs loaded while in groups? /boggle

12-14-2005, 01:27 AM
Cass was prolly trying to max DoT damage for that lol

12-14-2005, 10:55 AM
The only thing I have to say to this is:

You keep 6 DoTs loaded while in groups? /boggle

I have 9 spell slots. I have clicky root so that frees up a slot.

I keep 4 DOTs up, 1 heal (we only have 2 LOL), snare, 1 Nuke, 1 Rain and one slot I use to switch stuff out.

I still use Epic 1.0 so that is a 5th DOT.

When I solo I load 6 DOT's + Epic for 7 Dots.

I have a number of HOT buttons for spell sets. I have a DPS set which only has 2 dots and mainly nukes and rains, A heal set, DOT set, SOLO set, BUFF set and Buff Newbie set.

If I'm healing and I have mana I'll toss a dot at the start of battle and med it back up until I need to start healing - Free DPS.


12-14-2005, 11:02 AM
Cass was prolly trying to max DoT damage for that lol

LOL Yes I was. I do not pile on 9 dots unless I'm trying to prove myself right and you wrong *ducks* LOL

DOTs are a tool that can be used in certain situations to maximize our power. I love having so many different options and playstyles. If DOTs are not your cup of tea then so be it but know full well you "may" be writing off a powerfull tool.


12-14-2005, 03:04 PM
I have 9 spell slots. I have clicky root so that frees up a slot.

I keep 4 DOTs up, 1 heal (we only have 2 LOL), snare, 1 Nuke, 1 Rain and one slot I use to switch stuff out.

I still use Epic 1.0 so that is a 5th DOT.

When I solo I load 6 DOT's + Epic for 7 Dots.

I have a number of HOT buttons for spell sets. I have a DPS set which only has 2 dots and mainly nukes and rains, A heal set, DOT set, SOLO set, BUFF set and Buff Newbie set.

If I'm healing and I have mana I'll toss a dot at the start of battle and med it back up until I need to start healing - Free DPS.


This is for grouping right? Or you use it for raiding too?

12-14-2005, 03:17 PM
This is for grouping right? Or you use it for raiding too?

Raids are a diff cup of tea.

I either load buffs/heals with a nuke or rain in the event I'm FM with nothing to do when I'm assigned to heal or I load up on 2 DOTs and fast nukes/rains.

Before the final boss mob I will load up on more DOTs if I'm going for DPS, a rain, nuke, stun and heal/cures if needed.
