View Full Forums : Survey - Epic 1.5/2.0 Effect

01-07-2006, 03:14 PM
I'm doing this as a Poll/Survey, not as a debate/discussion, so please try to make your posts only about YOUR opinion, and not dwell on/bash on others Ideas.... if you like them, add on to them, if you don't, provide an alternative rather than just bashing.

Please answer the following for a poll of where druids stand in regards to their Epic 1.5/2.0's.

1) Are you happy with the Epic 1.5/2.0 Effect as it is in game presently?

2) Would you like to see the Effect stay the same, be altered slightly, or changed completely?

2b) Unless you chose stay the same, please provide a reasonable alternative effect that would possibly be considered.

As i stated before, the purpose of this is to figure out where the druid general opinion on this issue is. This is not to debate the merit of the ideas that come up, but rather to inspire new ideas and to hopefully show SoE how the people who actually have to deal with the content they put in feel about it.

01-07-2006, 03:38 PM

Its already been done.

01-09-2006, 05:02 PM
Well this is an UNBIASED survey to see where people's views are at... that thread is littered with you commenting to other druids about what they posted, which is NOT the intent of this Survey....

The intent here is plain and simple: To see how many druids are happy with the 1.5/2.0, and how many druids are not.... and instead of being a post to just be "i hate it", i would rather see reasons why, and what they would change if they don't.

I'm glad you're happy with it and don't want it changed, but lets see who else is happy and who is not instead of just dismissing the issue.

Just because an item/topic has come up one time and discussed doesn't make it a dead issue....

Golthine Gettinwood
01-10-2006, 03:07 AM
I only have 1.5, but except on big boss fights, I never click it. Would I change the effect if I could? Yes, but as to what, I'm not really sure. I did like the old effect on Nature Walker's Scimitar (yes the cast time was long, but can you honestly complain about mana free damage?), so I wouldn't have minded another dot effect.

01-10-2006, 06:50 AM
1) yes

I click it on group settings, i click it on raids, and just about anywhere. Except probably when i'm rot/dotting (solo).

2) no

01-10-2006, 03:12 PM
1) No

2) Yes

2a) Clicky Group heal (could be a HOT) or cure (lots-o-counters) (not limited to group your in) with reasonable recast

edit: or it could be a combo heal/cure

01-11-2006, 05:58 PM
1) Eh, not really. Its nice eye candy tho. (And I am a druid that loves doing damage, however, the other priest 1.5/2.0's are really really really nice useful abilities that help basically the entire group out. The Druids helps out only classes that can cast nukes.)

2) Altered slightly

2b) Give it the same exact effect, but make it beneficial on Player Characters. (aka, target netura, pop epic, heals heal for 50% more. Target random_npc dd's do 50% more).

01-14-2006, 08:01 PM
Someone on the EQLive boards brought up the idea that they could change the Epic effect that i thought was a great idea that can be used well for both DD and Heal styles and more equally matches to what the other priests have.

The idea was to Add a group recourse to the Click effect that does a heal/proc heal...

Say they made it so anytime one of the 20 DD uses are used up, a 500-600 group heal procs. Something to that effect would work. Or remove the cap and make the recourse has a 1/8 chance of procing a group heal tick.

I think something along those lines would be a fair modification considering that it is very much like the Shaman 2.0. Thoughts, opinions, suggestions?

01-17-2006, 12:49 AM
Please answer the following for a poll of where druids stand in regards to their Epic 1.5/2.0's.

1) Are you happy with the Epic 1.5/2.0 Effect as it is in game presently? YES!

2) Would you like to see the Effect stay the same, be altered slightly, or changed completely? It can Stay the same it makes me happy.

2b) Unless you chose stay the same, please provide a reasonable alternative effect that would possibly be considered.

01-17-2006, 11:57 AM
1) Yes
2) Altered slightly
3) I would like to see the numhits removed and just have it stay at 30 seconds. I don't think that is overpowering at all. Limiting it with a max # of hits in my opinion limits it too much.

01-18-2006, 03:57 AM
1) Are you happy with the Epic 1.5/2.0 Effect as it is in game presently? Yes

2) Would you like to see the Effect stay the same, be altered slightly, or changed completely? No

2b) Unless you chose stay the same, please provide a reasonable alternative effect that would possibly be considered. I would like to see the epic effect both DoT's and DDs....the necros are feeling neglected because me epic doesn't effect their DoT's. Also you have to remember that sony did make half of our DPS spells DoTs so it would be nice on a mob where we have to use magic DoT's the epic was usefull.

01-18-2006, 10:52 AM
2b) Unless you chose stay the same, please provide a reasonable alternative effect that would possibly be considered. I would like to see the epic effect both DoT's and DDs....the necros are feeling neglected because me epic doesn't effect their DoT's. Also you have to remember that sony did make half of our DPS spells DoTs so it would be nice on a mob where we have to use magic DoT's the epic was usefull.

That would cause the 20 hit cap limit to be reached VERY quickly as the number of dots stacked on a mob can be much greater than the number of nukes that land. Adding dots without removing the hit cap would ruin the epic effect imo.

01-18-2006, 01:43 PM
I agree. You would run into serious problems if dot damage were added without changing hit cap, though I like the idea. Why can't this just be a straight shot 30 second effect like Muldari has suggested?