View Full Forums : Help me figure out what all the "missions" are

01-12-2006, 02:34 PM
I've been back to EQ for a couple months now, and am still trying to figure out what all the different "mission" type events are, and what is required to do them.

If you can, please help me fill out the list:

LDoN: "adventures" at 5 different camps, need LDoN expansion, min group 3 people, within 10 levels of each other.

GoD: "expeditions". I have no idea what these are, where they are at, or what the requirements are. 3 in group, soloable, etc ??

OoW: anything here? I know about MPG trials, are those in this category? And what is required for those? Also not sure where they start.

DoN: "tasks" or "missions" (not sure which). Start in LS, 2 camps, 3 in group min, within 10 levels of each other. Also, progression, pretty familiar with those.

DoDh: "monster missions", I know where they start. What is min group size, and how close in levels do you have to be. Also, "spell" missions, what are reuirements for those?

Also, I have heard certain other zones (Unrest, Qeynos, Befallen, Hate's Fury) have missions. How do you start them, and what are group requirements. And is any specific expansion required to do these?

Sorry if this is very open-ended, but I can't find any good central repository of this info, and with others returning to EQ, I know I'm not the only one looking for this info.



01-12-2006, 02:44 PM
LDoN: "adventures" at 5 different camps, need LDoN expansion, min group 3 people, within 10 levels of each other.

GoD: "expeditions". I have no idea what these are, where they are at, or what the requirements are. 3 in group, soloable, etc ??
I assume you are talking about the single group here. As far as I know you can request solo, but most need 3 or more to complete. They are the following:

In Barindu:
Sewer Trials 1 - 4

In Kod'Taz:
Ikkinz 1-3

OoW: anything here? I know about MPG trials, are those in this category? And what is required for those? Also not sure where they start.

Dranik Hollow's Expeditions (3 to start) from the Grand Historian in Dranik's Scar. Ther are 3 Kinds - Fire Pit, Water Hole and Murkglider Cave.

Dranik Sewers and Catacombs in Ruined City of Dranik from the Historian There. These also require 3+ people and there are 3 differant Sewers as well as 3 differant Catacombs.

PG Trials, 6 kinds from a Projection of X in MPG, the Projections are at 6 locations, and the trial and what you need in the group varies per trials.

DoN: "tasks" or "missions" (not sure which). Start in LS, 2 camps, 3 in group min, within 10 levels of each other. Also, progression, pretty familiar with those.

DoDh: "monster missions", I know where they start. What is min group size, and how close in levels do you have to be
in Group size is 3 iirc. They can be any level.

Also, "spell" missions, what are reuirements for those?
There are 6 Mission Arcs in Depths. 3 of them are required to obtain your spells. There are threads in the spells forum with more details.

If you complete 5 of the mission arcs (bascially every mission series except the 68 spell arc) you can be rewarded with a very nice Clikcy Mask from a Quest in Undershore (maning you need to complete 24 differant missions).

Also, I have heard certain other zones (Unrest, Qeynos, Befallen, Hate's Fury) have missions. How do you start them, and what are group requirements. And is any specific expansion required to do these?
No, anyone who can get to the zone can do these.

The befallen mission is for lower levels 40ish? Maybe? And starts in WC by talking to a Erudite.

The Unrest mission is for a 70ish group and starts in BB at the Gfay Zone line.

The Hates Fury is for a high 50s - mid 60s group I think, and starts in Crypt of Nadox.

I do not know anything about the Qeynos one.


01-12-2006, 05:58 PM
The Qeynos one is a lower level than the befallen one (25-35) and involves a guard next to a tree in Qeynos hills - he has been given a sleeping potion by the gnolls (lead by Fippy) so he cannot warn the town of the impending attack. The gnolls attack and take the City of Qeynos - now it's your job to go in there and take it back! It's actually a lot of fun, needs 3 people and is actually pretty tough if you're in the right level range. You can (and I did) get an evolving earring from there that ends up allright (50hps/mana + 8wis).

Good Luck!


01-12-2006, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the replies!

01-13-2006, 03:31 AM
I think there is a mission / expedition in Nedarias Landing also. Never done it myself.

Also, the requirements for clicky mask is 23 missions. You don't need 5th Bellfast mission.

01-13-2006, 12:05 PM
Damn, well that's 23 missions more than I can do. =(

I've tried a few of the spell missions with PU groups, but they just can't cut it. Tanks LFG seem to be the weak link. Last tank I tried was a pally, but he ended up only having 8k hps buffed. That wasn't fun at all...

01-13-2006, 12:20 PM
Several spell missions can be done without a strong tank (or a tank at all, for that matter). 68.1 and 69.1 come to mind.

01-13-2006, 01:41 PM
I think there is a mission / expedition in Nedarias Landing also. Never done it myself.

Also, the requirements for clicky mask is 23 missions. You don't need 5th Bellfast mission.

Yes, I have actually done that one, Forgotten Halls. It was released just prior to GoD, to show what the "expeditions" would be like. GoD is not required to access that one.


01-13-2006, 02:29 PM
Several spell missions can be done without a strong tank (or a tank at all, for that matter). 68.1 and 69.1 come to mind.

Yes, you can kite the mobs to complete those two missions.

But everything else requires a raid level tank. The best my small, non-raiding family guild could field was a 8k hp buffed shadowknight and we could only finish 68.1 & 68.2. Fortunately, an old friend came back to the game with a 15khp raid equipped ogre warrior and we've been getting a lot more done (but still with some failures) so I can't imagine forging ahead on this content with less than that.

01-13-2006, 06:28 PM
My regular tank for DoD Missions is a Paladin. She has 11k Hp Selfbuffed and around 13k Raidbuffed.

While she often starts out 13k, if we wipe or she dies, we continue with her selfbuffed. Even with myself as the only healer, we get 95 percent of the missions done with that setup.

She is only slighlty raid geared with the majority of her armor DoN and DoD. She does however, have all Defenives upto DoD complete however.


01-13-2006, 11:09 PM
I'm glad you posted that, Fenier. My guild gets about 9+ players on a night and we have to split into two groups. The group with our 1 cleric and 1 raid tank gets to do DoDH missions while the other group gets stuck doing minor tasks because they dont have a sufficient tank. I was thinking of leveling up a paladin alt I have on a second account to front the second group. Nice to know its possible to forge ahead with that.

01-14-2006, 12:00 AM
I'm glad you posted that, Fenier. My guild gets about 9+ players on a night and we have to split into two groups. The group with our 1 cleric and 1 raid tank gets to do DoDH missions while the other group gets stuck doing minor tasks because they dont have a sufficient tank. I was thinking of leveling up a paladin alt I have on a second account to front the second group. Nice to know its possible to forge ahead with that.

I don't want to be misleading. It is possiable for her to tank that with me as only healer.

She has the mix of gear discribed above and I have Qvic+ Armor with a few higher end items.

Our group is typically:

Druid (Me)
Random DPS

Even so, if my gear wasn't as it is now I would have still been able to advance to that point starting with the lower 68 and 69 missions, possiably with a cleric until my armor developed enough to heal it solo like I do now.

The Paladin is a skilled Tank and we work well toghter, typically we need no additional healing on the named mobs between Reptile, My Healing (max healing aa), her HoT and ocassionally Hand of Piety / LoH. I perfer her as my tank on nearly everything.

It is slow going but once you get to that point it becomes alot easier and you can do it nowadays without ever raiding, tho raiding for certain things like 1.5s certainly helps.


01-14-2006, 12:04 AM
The Paladin is a skilled Tank and we work well toghter, typically we need no additional healing on the named mobs between Reptile, My Healing (max healing aa), her HoT and ocassionally Hand of Piety / LoH. I perfer her as my tank on nearly everything.
/points to Magelo Profile in signature

That would be me... :)

Would also like to point out that while I am a 13k tank raid buffed now. I wasnt when we started doing this. Like Fenier said most the time I am self buffed. I have tanked all the spell missions. You can realistically get these done, it takes patience and skill, the hps and upgrades will come. Start with the 68 missions and maybe Longshadow series as well.


01-14-2006, 12:57 AM
Start with the 68 missions and maybe Longshadow series as well.

From a strictly healing point of view:

The first two in the 68 and 69 series are decently easy. The Longshadow series in perticular isn't all that bad. The boss of Longshadow 2 caught usa bit by surpirse with the AE but we manged even being caught totally off guard.

Also, I would like to note the Levi missions as of this wensday should not be respawning. The mobs there hit for 1k on average, but you are at the disadvantage of fighting underwater.

70.1 and 70.2 can be a rough wakeup call for a more casual druid healer. The Shades in 70.1 and the Red Con Zombies in 70.2 can hit upwards of 1800. 70.4 and 70.5 the 1800 number is pretty consisant for the minibosses.

The same goes for 68.5 where the guards are actually harder to heal for them the named, as they mitigate slow heavily and hit 1700+ sometimes with flurry.

A druid looking to main heal these, imo, should have most if not all their healing AA completed. Convergance helps *alot* for when a unslowed named is incoming. Likewise, Reptile helps a decent amount for named fights.

The later portions of the 68 and 69 arcs have their respective issues, but the tank should be able to tank mobs on average that hit for around 1200, with the ocassional 1500+ hitter every so often. If your doing the 70 arc, the tank should be able to tank 1500 consisantly with the ocassional 1800 hitter. Note that these values are not exact, but roughly appoximate.

Druids who have experiance healing for the final named in Tipt should have an easier time adjusting overall. I typicallly only keep SI and KR up for healing these groups, tho I trade out KR for Anicent (would use CT otherwise) when on a named which I know hits harder.
