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01-29-2006, 01:21 AM
I don't know how many have just done their 1.5 epic just but I thought I'd give a quick update for those interested on what it's like for someone that's done it recently (yesterday as of this post).

First off I'm geared with about anguish level gear just to give an idea, though I still have a couple of time pieces. I buff out at 13k hp, 11.6k mana (always been an HP druid :texla: ).

The guide I used was the one Nimchip put together. It was complete and guided me the entire way without hitches or complications. It is a little out of date though which is to be expected of a guide that aimed to cater for druids getting it back then because of course, it's not as difficult as it was a couple of years ago. I soloed everything up until the Natimbi fight. The Natimbi fight was done easily with 4 people (geared similarly to myself) and the RCoD fight was done with the same 4 people with slight difficulty (sk, bard, monk and druid).

I was fortunate enough to not have to wait on any respawns, and managed to do all of it (except the kithicor fight) and the rune fragments for 2.0 part in one day. I started in the morning and by bedtime I was ready for my Kithicor, Qinimi and WoS fights (after a quick turn in of the shard fragments in Abysmal of course).

So there's a little update from someone who's done it recently. Hope that helps anyone considering doing it still that hasn't (although I'm probably the last druid serverwide at this point. =P)

01-29-2006, 02:07 PM
Thanks for the information. This helps me immensely as I am in a non-raiding family guild and trying to get through this myself.

How many people did you need for the Kithicor, Qinimi and WoS fight and, approximately, how well geared were they?

01-29-2006, 05:17 PM
My guild is Anguish level, have cleared through tacvi including Tunat and through Anguish through AMV and are closing in on Vishimtar.

For WoS druid fight, we usually do it on the way to Anguish, takes roughly 2-3 groups for us, 4-5 for security. Qinimi we have done with as few as 4 groups, usually have 5.

For Kithicor, we did it the other day for a person's alt. We had 2 clerics, 2 druids, 1 sk, 1 rog, and 1 mage. One cleric died but we won and it was pretty easy.

01-30-2006, 08:27 AM
So is there any thing i should update? What exactly is out of date? Only the difficulty of the fights? I'd like to think that the guide is aimed at average druids in average guilds. Of course 2.0 might be a little problematic for non-raiding druids but yea.

01-30-2006, 07:13 PM
So is there any thing i should update? What exactly is out of date? Only the difficulty of the fights? I'd like to think that the guide is aimed at average druids in average guilds. Of course 2.0 might be a little problematic for non-raiding druids but yea.

Yep, just the difficulty. I can't imagine anyone needing 3-5 groups for Earthshaker anymore. I mean you'd have to been extremely poorly geared to need anything more than 2. I did it with 4 toons, one was an alt.

You don't need anyone else for Harbinger's. If you have any skill at all in soloing, it's not even gear depentant. Just clear the hallway before you start.

that's my opinion...

01-30-2006, 10:06 PM
I'll consider it for now... some druids might still need a raid force.

01-31-2006, 03:05 AM
I strongly recommend adding a strongly recommending note to solo Harbingers part. Of all my everquest doings, this is the thing I'm most proud of. I call it "kiting in a matchbox" :) At the time I did this I was wearing raid gear off of Rumblecrush, Rhags in Ssra, Itraer Vius and various other uber mobs.

01-31-2006, 10:30 AM
Ok consider it done.

02-16-2006, 12:32 AM
ok i have my 1.5 finally done got it feb 14th woot anyway i am looking for a good 2.0 walk through but only found 2 so far and they both mssing way to much info anyone know of a complte walkthrough as of yet ? pls reply itchin for 2.0 now

02-16-2006, 12:32 AM
p.s 70 th druid on fennin ro server

02-16-2006, 03:01 AM
@ shayleigh_611 use the description ( provided here on TDG it worked fine for me, i just need the CoA globe to finish it :)

02-16-2006, 03:36 AM
For 1.5, I *think* I had 3 groups or so for RCoD, and that seemed to be fine. My guild is in primarily elemental gear with decent DoDH groupable drops and items from Ikkinz. You could probably change the number to say that Elemental/early GoD geared guilds could do it with 2-3 groups.