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02-13-2006, 09:18 AM
You tell the group - Inc Invis

Entire group goes invis...

2 or 3 people click it off and cast their own - much shorter duration - invis.

Anyone else see this commonly? =p


Nurras T
02-13-2006, 09:32 AM
haha this happened to me all day yesterday....It was kinda depressing after saving up 12 hard earned AAs, just to help out others that I group with.

02-13-2006, 09:59 AM
My main characters Oyvay (70 necro) and Trehbul (70 chanter box) love this aa.
One or the other is pulling usually and yes Oy does click his own invis (which drops the very nice 29 min fixed duration invis) but it's a survival habit. All it takes is wandering away to check something or pull and not have invis up once to mean a rez.
I love this invis because usually while Oy is pulling Treh is safe from most mobs and it doesn't take up one of his spell gems.
Don't get fustrated guys teach the ones that are casting their self invis and if they don't learn.... well their body is available for summons or rezs.

Thank you for spending the aa's to buy shared group invis.
"I" appreciate it.

02-13-2006, 10:12 AM
I see this ALL the time. Its especially fun when someone puts on their non fixed duration invis and gets whacked on the way to the raid or whatever encounter. And you just have to shake your head. They get a Druid rezz for doing stuff like that. :cool:

02-13-2006, 12:43 PM
I gave up telling people about the benefits of our AA group invis after they click it off... I just laugh when they die. After they summon once or twice they tend to ask and figure it out.

02-13-2006, 12:47 PM
I enjoy spamming invis now with group invis. One warrior was like "Quit invising me, you are messing up my slots." So, this AA can be a lot of fun. Usually now I only do it once, if they decide to drop it F*#$ em.

02-13-2006, 12:53 PM
Fenier, Ark uses her clicky invis by force of habbit. Other casters use their fixed invis for the same reason I'd guess.

02-13-2006, 03:34 PM
Fixed invis isn't a problem. If they prefer a 10 min invis to mine, great. But when someone clicks it off and then casts a random time invis...they are SOL if it drops cause I'm NOT running back to recast invis. They usually learn quickly. :iamwithst

02-13-2006, 04:27 PM
yep and i hate it... :(

02-13-2006, 06:19 PM
I love to use it to see who is ninja afking.

02-13-2006, 07:03 PM
I don't mind people wanting to use their own invis as long as it doesn't take em more than 2 seconds to do.

Encs especially do this a lot - Group will want to move past some mobs, you invis, enc sits there for 10 seconds memming their fixed invis spell, wait 5 seconds to cast it after they stand.

02-13-2006, 08:32 PM
Ark, I am not typically worried about necromancers.

ages, Chanters, Wizards, Beastlords, Shamans however which seldom have a means such as FD to escape death (I know Wizards can Evac, but it is not always a good option) who choose a lower duration invis and sure enough either forget, or don't have a chance to renew it, and then die.

That bothers me =p


02-13-2006, 10:10 PM
I think it's a lack of Knowledge. I don't believe these people understand what shared camo is and that its a longer fixed duration invis.

It reminds me of early OOW. We had an Enchanter that could not grasp the concept of Cloak of Nature. She would insist people click off my fixed invis so she could cast Cloud of Indifference on them. She could not and would not come to terms with the fact that my invis was the exact same damn thing as hers.

Even funnier on that one was that her only extended buff item was her wand from Txevu that only extended clarity thus she would make people click off my extended invis for her less extended one.

02-14-2006, 05:46 AM
I had never problems with shared camo on guildmates they knew pretty fast what it does and forced my fellow druids to buy the aa also :)

The only class that didn't like it were rouges as it block their sos and did not drop so easy. I can't recall how often i get a tell after move when it goes to trigger or when the rouge want to spy sth. out: "ahhh, damm your shared Cammo"

All other realy like it especialy my Cleric wife

02-14-2006, 11:17 AM
I enjoy spamming invis now with group invis. One warrior was like "Quit invising me, you are messing up my slots." So, this AA can be a lot of fun. Usually now I only do it once, if they decide to drop it F*#$ em.

GD rangers in my guild do the same thing. I'm trying to set my buffs and they constantly doing group camo messing up my slots. Although I do give them some credit, I always group with 2-3 rangers per raid and I rarely ever get SoH anymore. They go far away from me and do it during rebuffs /cheer.

Back on topic, most of my guildies enjoy the set duration invis without using their invis pots.

02-14-2006, 01:13 PM
I can't wait for the buff filters!!
Not 'cause I don't need Ranger buffs or other kinds... but so people can stop ***constantly seemingly never ending complaining*** ...hopefully once and for all! :banghead_

"OMG!! I H8 Ranjurs!! Their buffz sux! I hate clicking them off! They block this buff and the other one! They waste buff slots!!!1111@!!!"

"... whatever."

Just venting, sorry.

02-14-2006, 01:53 PM
Yeah, that more than anything has me looking forward to buff filtering.

There were people in my old raiding guild who would throw the biggest tantrums over having to click off DMF, apparently not understanding that it was a group spell we were casting (the group spell has a shorter recycle than the single shot). Eventually we got a chain together of all the Necromancers who could MGB and started firing it off about once an hour, just to make the people who complained more aggrivated.

Now they can block it, and STFU.

Athunder Taima
02-15-2006, 05:15 AM
haha, glad im not the only one seeing this.
Often find shaman casting their own invis after i cast shared camo /boggle
and if thats not dumb enough, i've even had pallys and warriors use clicky bp not gonna explain it to them, they can find out the hard way.

On a side note, i'd love to see cleric's getting a undead version of shared ivu with fixed duration, cause i really hate using sun cloak when moving in undead area's.

02-15-2006, 05:22 PM
Ironically, as a wizard, I almost always get my invis off first, then about 45 seconds later I see..."druid tries to cast in an invisibility spell on you but you are already invisible". I don't much care, mine is failsafe and 10 minutes is long enough to get most places, and I just do it out of habit, but I do like the extended time you guys get.

02-15-2006, 11:37 PM
I cast it once.... they can take it or leave it.... if they die due to it.... lesson learned.

02-16-2006, 08:33 PM
i can think of at least one really good reason folks would tend to kill a shared druid camo, if they've ever experienced the absurdly unreliable lvl 52 "foliage shield".... having tried that a few times myself.... was very excited about getting a group camo.... went back to using improved superior on myself, and warning group that while i had a group ver of invis, i strongly suggested using the vendor potions.

having read comments here, will definitely give the aa a try, but as i said, no real surprise that a druid invis would be regarded w/a bit of suspicion

02-17-2006, 08:46 AM
Again unless it's a survival habit there is no reason for me to click a 29 min fixed duration invis off.
Anyone that does so and dies deserves the ridicule rib poking and bugging they are going to get.

02-21-2006, 09:26 AM
A neat little trick I picked up during gathering the Anguish signets in the catacomb (or sewer, can't remember which atm) where the trap would break invis.

I ran screaming past the point I knew where the invis-breaking trap was and before it broke our shared camo, I recast it.

It resets my invis, is instantaneous and overwrites the 'tainted' invis that's about to break.

Saved my lil 1/2er butt many a time getting to the group already in place. Plus helped with corpse-dragging a cleric, then 0% rezzing for their DivRes immediately after.

I've had this since just slightly prior to mid-PoP and there's no spell I use more than innate camo (shared now). It's like a nervous reaction, even in zones I know there's no aggro in.

Hello PoK /invis

~Tar'Kaiden of Leviathan

02-21-2006, 10:32 PM
i can think of at least one really good reason folks would tend to kill a shared druid camo, if they've ever experienced the absurdly unreliable lvl 52 "foliage shield".... having tried that a few times myself.... was very excited about getting a group camo.... went back to using improved superior on myself, and warning group that while i had a group ver of invis, i strongly suggested using the vendor potions.

having read comments here, will definitely give the aa a try, but as i said, no real surprise that a druid invis would be regarded w/a bit of suspicion

Hehe the Foliage Shield and Vendor potion invis are identical :) All unimproved invis spells have the same chance of wearing off randomly.

People clicking off Shared Camo usually do not know any better. The ones that click it off after you explain how wondeful it is, certainly deserve what they get.

02-21-2006, 11:40 PM
I've found the most common reason it gets dropped for another invis is that the player was not watching their buff bar closely and didn't realize they were invisible already (except those who play in 3rd person).

02-22-2006, 10:52 AM
It's either blissful ignorance, or the idea that "a druid buff can't possibly be any good, especially invis!". But if (especially) chanters want to cast their 'superior' cloud 10 seconds after I shared camou'd them, by all means let them do it while I ride off into the sunset /insert western whistle here

02-23-2006, 09:30 AM
I was asked by several group members for duration invis yesterday repeatedly, I'd imagine that it's not dr00d h8 =/

02-24-2006, 05:21 PM
So have any of you people who whine about the fact that we can no longer sell ports used shared camo to camo lowbies for plat ?? ....LOL

Haillee A'Valorum
02-24-2006, 07:54 PM
I get this constantly, especially when it was first given to druids as a group version AA. I think the problem is that most people don't understand that it's a fixed invis. They think we're wasting their time with the typical 'gonna fade as soon as I pass a mob' invis.

I have started saying 'FIXED INVIS INC, please do NOT click it off' to my group before I cast it. Most of the people I group with are guild mates, so they know the benefits of this invis now. Heck, oftentimes I am asked for it before I even get a chance to announce it's impending arrival to my groups now. That's so refreshing!

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
02-26-2006, 11:24 AM
Doesn't bother me in the least when someone clicks off my fixed shared camo to use an invis potion :elfbiggri

What does irritate me is when someone asks me for a buff after I already cast it. I guess I hate pestering people for buffs, so I always check first whether I have a buff before asking for it.

02-26-2006, 12:35 PM
Not really fussed if group members overwrite with their invis although a couple of times I've been asked to came back to redo camo, as their last potion (which overwrite camo) has dropped.

Not as bad as :-
RL tells raid> Go in 10
RL tells raid> 5
XX tells you> Can I have Oak + seasons please
RL tells raid> charge