View Full Forums : Official Prophecy of Ro Druid Spell list

02-13-2006, 05:11 PM

Fenier comes through yet again!

Ring of Arcstone (
Single Port to Arcstone
Level 52
Cast Time: 7.0
ana Cost: 150

Where to purchase: In West Freeport purchase 1 Quill and 3 Pieces of Parchment from the Wizard Guild Vendors. The Vendor you need is on the Bottom Floor of the Academy of Arcane Science, His name is Voglan Dransed (He is on Find), located at neg 320, neg 1058 along the water. Travel to Arcstone. Give Items to Scribe Luritem on the Isle of the Spirits at Location -307, 1679. He will now sell you the spells for 20 and 30 plat as a normal merchant.

Circle of Arcstone (
Group Port to Arcstone
Level 52
Cast Time: 16.0
ana Cost: 300

Where to purchase: In West Freeport purchase 1 Quill and 3 Pieces of Parchment from the Wizard Guild Vendors. The Vendor you need is on the Bottom Floor of the Academy of Arcane Science, His name is Voglan Dransed (He is on Find), located at neg 320, neg 1058 along the water. Travel to Arcstone. Give Items to Scribe Luritem on the Isle of the Spirits at Location -307, 1679. He will now sell you the spells for 20 and 30 plat as a normal merchant.

Aura of the Grove (
Health Regen Aura which cures diesase
Level 55
Cast Time: 6.0
ana Cost 40
1: Decrease Disease Counter by 4
11: Increase Hitpoints by 10 per tick

How To Obtain: In the Ruins of Takish-Hiz to left of zone is Lilthill's Ghost. One of the tasks shows The Chalice of Life as a reward a belt. Kill 4 golems one for each season. This Task is soloable.

Lifestone Guardians of Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter are on a appox 30 minute respawn in Ruins of Takish-Hiz. They are non-aggro unless you attack first iirc. They do summon and hit just under 500. They Wander, roughly one in each corner.

You need to look 4 gemstones. Lifestone of X where X is equal to the Guardian you killed.

Returing all 4 to the ghost (its a task, so doesn't have to be at once) yeilds the belt and the spell.

Jeweled Belt of the Lost
Slot: Waist
AC: 12
STR +6, DEX +7, CHA +7, WIS +3, INT +3, AGI +3, HP +80, MANA +85
Fire +4, Disease +4, Cold +3, Magic +5, Posion +5
Rec 63, Req 56
Size small
All Casting classes

NOTE: Aura stacks with normal regen, but not with L70 Aura regen.

Aura of Life (
Health Regen Aura which cures disease
Level 70
Cast Time: 3.0
ana Cost: 400
1: Decrease Disease Counter by 2
11: Increase Hitpoints by 30 per tick

How To Obtain: A sand elf in North Ro gives a series of missions that lead to the Takish Hiz queen's missions. Three missions took about four hours to complete and rewarded a level 70 Aura spell for my cleric. Complete walkthrough here: - Go Fenier!

Stacks with normal regen, but not with L55 Aura regen.

Barkspur (
8 Shot DS of 210 Damage Per Hit, Buff lasts 18 seconds.
Level 70
Cast Time: 3.0
ana Cost 300
Recast Delay 13 Seconds
10: Increase Damage Shield by 210

How to Obtain: Quest write up here (

oonshadow (
1500 Point Direct Group Heal (your group only)
Level 70
Cast Time 4.5
ana Cost 1100
Recast Delay: 18 seconds
1: Increase Hitpoints by 1500

How to Obtain: Currently unknown.

ana Pres, Adept and Gift work on this.

02-20-2006, 01:12 PM
Fixed title, there's no AAs - well that's attainable the normal way anyway.

02-22-2006, 02:21 AM
I followed a hunch after doing the enchanter Aura spell for my husband.

From The Runes:
In the Ruins of Takish-Hiz to left of zone in Lilthill's Ghost gives tasks. One of them The Chalice of Life shows as a reward a belt. When I completed the task I got the belt and the above spell scroll to scribe (well aura scroll I guess). Task is to kill 4 golems one for each season.

I recieved Spell: Aura of the Grove This Task is soloable.

Im assuming the other task that Lilthill's Ghost gives could also be another spell, I tried it and got my ass handed to me, 6 yellow con Chancelors standing next to each other in The Elder Forest, definately need a group for that one and a damn good puller.

Im thinking this guy more then likely is the Aura spells for possibly all classes that recieve them, Im also going to assume that given the difficulty of the task that the reward is going to be the lvl 70 Aura of Life.

Just alot of assumptions but wtf It worked the first time around.

02-22-2006, 08:30 AM
Taken from Loral of Mobhunter on the Sony Forums:

I completed a set of Takish Hiz missions. They started with a sand elf in North Ro and eventually the Takish Hiz queen started giving them out. Three missions took about four hours to complete and rewarded a level 70 Aura spell for my cleric.

So we've found both Aura's assuming the Druid Aura is from the same series (and it probly is).

Barkspur and Moonshadow to go!


02-22-2006, 08:37 AM
do these tasks give spells for whole grp or just 1 person?

if the level 70 spells are 1 spell per mission, im gonna snap

02-22-2006, 09:47 AM
Well the 55 aura task you have to loot items of the 4 mobs, so only 1 person can do the task at a time. Not sure about the lvl 70.

02-22-2006, 12:42 PM
Few updates.

Ring and Circle to Arcstone spells have been found, Nimchip Sticked my other post.

Lifestone Guardians of Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter are on a appox 30 minute respawn in Ruins of Takish-Hiz. They are non-aggro unless you attack first iirc. They do summon and hit just under 500. They Wander, roughly one in each corner.

You need to look 4 gemstones. Lifestone of X where X is equal to the Guardian you killed.

Returing all 4 to the ghost (its a task, so doesn't have to be at once) yeilds the belt and the spell.



Jeweled Belt of the Lost
Slot: Waist
AC: 12
STR +6, DEX +7, CHA +7, WIS +3, INT +3, AGI +3, HP +80, MANA +85
Fire +4, Disease +4, Cold +3, Magic +5, Posion +5
Rec 63, Req 56
Size small
All Casting classes

02-22-2006, 01:20 PM

North Ro Mission Giver for Desert Arc.

Tak'Valnakor Location: 6880, -1350

02-22-2006, 03:18 PM
Ok so I did the second task from Lilthill's Ghost this morning, A Shiv in the Ribs. Kill four chancellors in Elddar Forest. They are yellow con to lvl 70 and there are 5 of them, they are in the building to the far south of zone in. After clearing the room we had a monk split the chancellors. Clearing the room was actualy the hardest part of the task.

Upon Completion recieved:

Gemmed Hoop of the Ruins
agic Item
Slot: EAR
STR+5 DEX+5 STA+5 CHA +3 WIS +5 INT+5 AGI+7
HP+80 ManA+80
Recomended lvl of 63.Required lvl of 56
WT 0.5 Size: small
Slot 1, type7

Oh btw everyone in the group who had the task got credit for killing the Chancellors, it was not like the Chalice of Life task that you had to do individualy, although each member still needs to get the task independently.

02-22-2006, 05:23 PM
Never mind.

02-22-2006, 06:45 PM
north ro arc gives you aura of life level 70

Wyre Wintermute
02-22-2006, 07:16 PM
There is an NPS in the Eldarr Forrest with the same progression looking lists as DoDH.

Quest 1 is Investigating the Eldarr or Investigating the Eldar (hard).
may be a good starting point.

NPC Name is Shalowen the Pure

There is also:
Speaker Greyleaf and Arch druid Lilthill'yan who both give single person missions with time gear type rewards. One such mission from Grayleaf gives: 'tree haven' which has only one tasdk: to give seeds to a dryad in tunare's tree in PoG. Caster reward is a cloak.

02-23-2006, 08:02 AM
According to Rasherre respawn times on the Lifestone Guardians are going to be drastically reduced by todays patch (2/23/06).

Need new respawn time please by people working the quest.


02-23-2006, 09:22 AM
You need to look 4 gemstones. Lifestone of X where X is equal to the Guardian you killed.

Think you meant it to be loot instead of look.

02-23-2006, 10:13 AM
Mob types:

Lifestone Guardian of Spring = Druid
Lifestone Guardian of Summer = Paladin
Lifestone Guardian of Autumn = SK
Lifestone Guardian of Winter = Necro

All Rampage

All were easily leash-kited.

377 was max hit that I noticed, tho they didn't touch me much :cool:

02-23-2006, 11:18 AM
Finished the lvl 70 aura arc and just wanted to add in that if you get lost on the last mission for hand in. zone out to s ro and then back into regular ruins across zone to west is elddar forest zone and the queens past self is in the building immediately to your left. Name is Maryn. Hope this helps for some.

02-24-2006, 03:34 AM
I finished the Aura of the Grove task tonight and it seemed the respawn time for the golems was reduced to approx 10 mins.

02-24-2006, 12:55 PM
I noticed that they Flurry now to, I dont recall them doing that before.

02-24-2006, 03:41 PM
They did Flurry before. Two rampaged, and two flurried.

02-26-2006, 12:01 AM
Ok, the word is out. The quest Saga Skins in The Devastation is the one for the level 70 spell. You have to kill 9 different Level 72 mobs and loot thier skins. I am in the process of doing that, so not sure what else is required.

Once you loot the first skin, you get the quest.

02-26-2006, 12:03 AM
Ok, the word is out. The quest Saga Skins in The Devastation is the one for the level 70 spell. You have to kill 9 different Level 72 mobs and loot thier skins. I am in the process of doing that, so not sure what else is required.

Once you loot the first skin, you get the quest.

Wyre Wintermute
02-27-2006, 12:39 PM
For those of you actively questing and searching for new things:

This whole expansion is based around 3 areas:

1) South Ro, North Ro, Takish-Hiz, Eldarr Forrest, Tunare's Shrine
2) West Freeport, Arcstone, Relic, Skylance
3) East Freeport, Devatation, Sverag, Razorthorn

with the last zone listed in each being instanced.

Aura spell found: area 1
Barkspurr found: area 3
oonshadow: area 2???

That's my thoughts on it. I've been trying a quest lately, but sony has it broken right now...imagine that.

This trio also encompasses the Plane of Music/ Theatre of Blood Key Missions.

And of course the place we all want to be: Area 4) Theatee of Blood/Deathknell Gratz on you who got access the other night =)

V/R, Wyre Wintermute

02-27-2006, 01:37 PM
The spell for Wizards is called Ice Block.

Here is the info on Lucy.

02-27-2006, 03:23 PM
Is it tested fact that the auras remove disease counters? Both of mine state that they remove curse effects, although I'm sure odd terminology is not a new thing to the SoE programmers.

02-27-2006, 03:25 PM
Lucy says Disease which was what we where told in Beta.

02-28-2006, 01:40 PM
I went to the arena and tested with a shaman. Only removes disease, no poision or curse.

03-02-2006, 11:59 AM
In regards to the lifestone Guardians only one of them i noticed summons and that is the Lifestone Guardian of Spring.

03-02-2006, 05:04 PM
Is it a typo that the lvl 70 aura removes less disease counters than the lvl 55 one? That does not make sense since the lvl 70 cost 10 times the mana to cast.

03-02-2006, 05:54 PM
According to Lucy, its not a typo.

03-05-2006, 04:57 AM
In regards to the lifestone Guardians only one of them i noticed summons and that is the Lifestone Guardian of Spring.

They all summon. Thankfully, they only hit for 400 or so, so you can slap a reptile skin on yourself and go to town!

03-06-2006, 04:45 AM
deleted this posting

03-06-2006, 07:46 AM
bark spur is a quest spell in Devastation, loot 9 skins for red conning mobs, take skins head to pok, hand skins to malein in library, get 2 papers back, combine in book binding and return to maelin recieve barkspur and item, thanks to guildmate Tenwein

currently working on what i think is our group heal, but the quest is broken, so near the end of it to, tried everything, but the mobs just wont drop it, other mobs in the same drop an item similar to what is needed for quest but so far no go, i petitioned and bugged reported it, hopefully they fix it on the 14th when they do patch

Thanks... barkspur quest has been posted for a while.

03-11-2006, 07:35 AM
sorry didnt get to the 2nd page before i posted

03-15-2006, 12:10 PM
Just got my Moonshadow spell, if you have completed the 3 arc missions from Ao just hail him and he gives out the Moonshadow spell as of the Patch today(3/15/06) =)

03-15-2006, 06:13 PM
Just got my Moonshadow spell by doing the 3 Skylance Missions before the Emergency Patch. However, I did not get the Tarnished Chimes with the spell...

03-21-2006, 05:55 PM
I only got the spell, too. I went back and hailed Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born and got the chime. I don't know if you can do it after you have been removed from the mission.

04-05-2006, 09:52 PM
In regards to the lifestone Guardians only one of them i noticed summons and that is the Lifestone Guardian of Spring.

Just recently did this (with a good friends help), and they all four summon.

04-12-2006, 05:33 PM
I have noticed since the release of PoR that druids now get the ability to remove traps, in order to remove a trap YOU need to set a trap. Anyone found anything out about any traps out there for us?

04-13-2006, 06:36 PM
I have noticed since the release of PoR that druids now get the ability to remove traps, in order to remove a trap YOU need to set a trap. Anyone found anything out about any traps out there for us?

No, druids cannot set traps.

About the ability, well it found its way to every class ability list... so I really don't know about that. :P

04-17-2006, 09:56 AM
Just recently did this (with a good friends help), and they all four summon.

They must have changed it recently then cause we done it a couple of times and only one Summoned. Also on the bottom of this thread says that Moonshadow spell is still unknown how to get it. Can we get that updated. It is now won upon completion of the Skylance Quest 3.

04-21-2006, 03:20 PM
When I did it they all summoned...

and that was way close at the release date.

05-04-2006, 02:42 AM
Next time i get a screen shot for all you non believers :epopcorn: hehe. I swear on Saryrn server when me and Takgak a berserker went for them only one summoned cause i was tagging with a debuff dot and neer got summoned cept for one of em. Naturally since i now have the spell havent had to redo them yet.