View Full Forums : Monster Missions

Nurras T
02-13-2006, 06:32 PM
I have not done many mm's for my main, but have been considering leveling up my alts doing mm's.

y question is, can my lvl 23 mage run to high keep and join a mm with other 60-70 lvl charactors and do the mm? Maybe alternate alts with the timer thing also...

Sorry if this is an old question, i looked a bit and didnt see anything about this question.
Thanks :wiggle:

02-13-2006, 08:02 PM
I have not done many mm's for my main, but have been considering leveling up my alts doing mm's.

y question is, can my lvl 23 mage run to high keep and join a mm with other 60-70 lvl charactors and do the mm? Maybe alternate alts with the timer thing also...

Sorry if this is an old question, i looked a bit and didnt see anything about this question.
Thanks :wiggle:I'm not sure. I've never done any monster missions, yet. I was hoping to get some good information here.

02-13-2006, 11:20 PM
...can my lvl 23 mage run to high keep and join a mm with other 60-70 lvl charactors and do the mm?

Yes. Any level of characters can join in a Monster Mission (though there may be a minimum level of 20). That's the beauty of it.

02-14-2006, 04:33 AM
I recommend doing the HHK mm just for the fact that the xp/aaxp is so great. There will be a nerf soon, i'm sure as the xp is way too good for the time/risk invested. I get one yellow bub of reg xp OR one aa at 64 per mission, and the mission is an almost nofail/no brainer to do.

I don't know if there is a minimum level, but I know that the xp is the same whatever level you have, ie my 50 war also got one yellow reg xp after mission so it's def. better for higher characters imo.

If you haven't done this before, the setup is as follows:
You pick either warrior or cleric when starting. You should have 5 wars and one cler. The only thing cler need to cast is skinbuff, once at beginning and then use that for groupheal.
The mission is to kill 40 gobbos, free 5 prisoners, talk to someone (can't remember name) and finally kill one EZY boss.
If you play as warrior, you need to setup your aa's, and during fights spam lesion and hamstring for good dps. If you haven't got a "kick" button, create one. Then just kill all in sight.
The only mobs to look out for are the wizards, make sure that all assist on those before engaging any reg. gobbos.

Deaths are not a problem in there, you only respawn with 75% health (and 75% mana if you are cleric). No loss in xp.

Head in, kill all and hail prisoners until ready.
Easiest way to finish the mission is to have someone who knows the location of the prisoners run up to the last two, hail them to free them and then suicide on the train of mobs. All other wait at zonein for the bossMob.

Kill boss and loot a shard of wisdom. Common loot (only boss drops loot) is a good dru/mnk/bst arms and rare is all/all shoulders. (Don't have linkage to those, sorry)

Zone out and rejoice!

02-14-2006, 08:15 AM
And if you are a warrior in HHk mm, destroy sword and shield :wiggle:

02-17-2006, 09:35 AM
Kill boss and loot a shard of wisdom. Common loot (only boss drops loot) is a good dru/mnk/bst arms and rare is all/all shoulders. (Don't have linkage to those, sorry)

Zone out and rejoice!Hmm, couldn't find any info on this "shard of wisdom" in but I did find it in Only it doesn't show any stats. Do you have to turn the shard into someone to get the final item with stats?

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
02-17-2006, 09:41 AM
Shard poofs on zoning out of the mission. Without shard, you get no exp for the monster mission.

The shards were added to prevent players from getting exp for monster missions without actually zoning in and participating in the mission.

edit: The reward loot turns into the final item with stats on zoning out of the monster mission.

02-17-2006, 10:35 AM
Taeyn is right: the shard gives you exp when you zone out (equivalent to 1 hour of normal exping, if I recall.) There is also an item reward in the chest that scales down to your main characters level when you zone out (base stats are for L70 chars)

Rewards for this mission:

Reward (Common):

Armbands of the Keep
Slot: ARMS
AC: 19
STR: +9 STA: +9 WIS: +9 INT: +9 AGI: +9 HP: +95 MANA: +90 ENDUR: +90
WT: 0.7 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7

Reward (Rare):

Dark Patina Covered Pauldrons
AC: 15
STR: +9 STA: +9 WIS: +9 INT: +9 AGI: +9 HP: +110 MANA: +105 ENDUR: +105
WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL

A complete list of Monster Missions with rewards can be found here ( That link also has a list to all MM's that drop leather and non-armor, druid usable items.

Also, the rare reward isn't "rare" in occurence, it's more "uncommon."

02-17-2006, 02:41 PM
PoR is going to be adding several new MMs as well as bringing about some changes to existing ones.

Several focus around the Velious expansion, think one, though I did not get to try it, allows the group to play as the First Ring dragons (the ones that drop Sleepers keys).