View Full Forums : Solo Healing MPG, RS, DoD? NOT POSSIBLE!
02-19-2006, 04:16 PM
For a Druid, apparently.
Sad state of affairs esp since other druids are supporting this mindset.
Golthine Gettinwood
02-19-2006, 06:16 PM
I have said it before, and will say it again. I very rarely ever see intelligent conversations in the Sony forums, nor anything useful posted there, so I avoid it. It's easier to complain about something than to actually work towards playing better, which explains that mindset.(Though to be fair, with no other helaer, and a normally geared tank, I would have a tough time debuffing/healing any MT on a hard in certain areas, with NO downtime. I could do it, but there would be downtime)
02-19-2006, 08:59 PM
Even if a shaman or druid could heal chain pulls in a certain zone, that doesn't change the fact that if you put them on a cleric they'ld do a better job using less mana.
PS- The yellow text is annoying :cool:
I have been told by more than one tank that they prefer me to a cleric. And I know Fen's been told the same thing. I am certain many of the druids here know tanks that prefer them to clerics. Because a GOOD druid that knows their class and spells and isn't lazy about utlilizing their skillset, has versatility and the ability to enhance their group in many ways. You are limited only if you think you are limited and don't try to expand yourself.
02-20-2006, 02:54 AM
Thats pretty much my point. Its not that we can't heal this content, it is that people believe we can't and other druids are supporting this mindset.
Instead of saying I think I can heal that if you want to try it, the other players hear - I can't heal that you need a cleric.
This supports the mindset that Druids in General can not heal the encounter unless you are very direct in saying (I don't have the AA to heal that kind of content yet) and they may be less likely to be inclined to try with a druid in the future (because they've already tried once and the druid said the class couldn't do it).
To someone not at all fimilar with what druids can do, this type of sterotyping actually hurts the class as a whole. This is esp true when the classis validating a statement that we are unable to heal that kind of content.
02-20-2006, 04:05 AM
One loophole Fen,
I agree with all of your points but consider this.....
The druid that says druids can't heal RSS, CAN'T HEAL RSS! Be it gear or skills or lack of general knowledge they say they can't because they can't.
Therefore if his/her statement hampers druids from getting invites to RSS it certainly does not effect the druid who said that to begin with. They are right where they started.
This is not to say that I believe druids can't do that. I can heal a nest mission with a ranger tank and still have time to surf the latest issue of Playwiz on the other PC. I'm merely pointing out why the people who cause this issue may not overly care about the stereotypical image of druids as they fit that sterotype they are helping to weave.
PS: Yellow text for the win
02-20-2006, 06:11 AM
OMGZ....I can't heal RRS~!
02-20-2006, 09:20 AM
mpg, rss - it's all trivial content. There's a huge difference from healing there than healing hard DoDH missions (especially the ones off of druids.) If nothing else -in hard setting- Praetorian guards, shades, illsalin shamans (hasted), and guardian of the pit will floor the druids mana pool. Sure if your in a fully demiplane geared group that may be the case, but I'm talking tacvi - anguish level.
02-20-2006, 11:23 AM
Not to mention dreadspire is a bit tough to heal depending on where you are. The catacomb area is hard and if you get adds you're screwed.
02-20-2006, 12:26 PM
Yes, I actually got caught in that mindset of "...can't heal the harder stuff" until a ranger friend in a hard core raiding guild, much better geared and totally AA'd out, invited me to come with her to RSS. On the way she informed me my role was to heal the tank. Being an evo spec'd druid I cringed. She was quite confident I could do it, much more confident than I was... and she was right. I could keep the tank up and now that I have more AA it's much easier.
This was my 1st time in RSS and it's funny to think now, but it was kinda scary =P and it was so nice to get a tell from the tank saying, "you know, you heal just fine. Im just saying cuz you said you weren't sure of been able to pull it off"
It is just a reality that much of the EQ community isn't informed on druidic talents. Many don't realize that healing effectiveness is really different from toon to toon whether or not certain encounters are handleable. Depends on gear, AAs, timing of heals, attention span, quality of player, etc... this goes for clerics as much as druids!!
Edit Add: how well the healing goes also depends on the rest of the group, although you'd think this would be an obvious point, from the looks of that thread maybe not so obvious?!
70th Druid of Karana - Saryrn Server
02-21-2006, 12:14 AM
My druid (points at magelo) with a whopping 20aa... has main healed MPG, with little to no downtime.
I don't have reptile yet either. I am fairly certain that any druid claiming that they can not heal certain areas are not using thier spells to the fullest.
I have one thing to say about being able to heal harder areas... Debuffs!!
P.S. And just for Fenier... some more bright Yellow Text!
02-21-2006, 03:43 AM
I think it's actually never a question of if a druid can heal as much as how efficiently. We can heal most anything groupwise, perhaps with just some extra downtime for those with smaller mana pools.
PS: Check out my new Sig Fen!!
02-21-2006, 04:34 AM
I haven't had an issue with healing any 1 groupable stuff...... unless Defector is pulling...
Madie of Wind Riders
02-21-2006, 06:07 AM
Yesterday I was asked if I could be MH for a MPG trial group. I had just read this post and was nervous replying for many reasons, as you can see in my Magelo, I am not spectacularly geared (no time or Qvic armor at all) and I had only ever hunted in MPG once before, also I do not have any ancient spells or Reptile Skin!
I have been MH for many DoD missions with no problem, I have always played a healer role with Madie, but was still unsure about my ability, because of the above reasons, in a place that I was unfamiliar with.
So, I took some time to think of a 'good' answer: "Possibly, but I am unsure since I have never done it, I would be willing to try." Well, we had a shaman and Necro which definately helped with Mana and slows - the Tank and Monk were both extremely well geared - Tank was 18k buffed and monk 13k buffed. I did fine with the healing!! I was able to land at least 2 debuffs before I had to heal.
Ultimately we wiped because we had no crowd control and last pull we ended up with 6 mobs - couldnt get my Exodus off because I was afraid to cast it too soon - my fault. But, I was very pleased with my ability to heal and we had no down time at all... in fact I never got below 70% mana - even with debuffs, dots, and heals.
I found this a very rewarding scenario, one which I now know that with the right group make-up, I *can* heal in MPG trials :)
02-21-2006, 06:42 AM
Grats :)
02-21-2006, 07:24 AM
Congrats to you!
One thign abotu Exodusing in a Trial.. If you don't zone out right after appearing at the trial zone in, you will be deathtouched.
Something to be aware of ;)
02-22-2006, 10:17 AM
Although it's not my passion to be main healer I find myself in the postion a fair bit. Druid healing depends alot on who is tanking.
I've not had many issues with sitting in RSS or MGB or even dod missions healing a tank, it's when mulitple mobs are in camp I have issues with.
Druids simply do not have the fast heals needed to cope nor the ability to efficiently group heal.
Spirit of the grove = nice to heal the group as long as they arent under immidiate attack.
Convergence of spirits= great, we have a quick heal what do we do for the next 15 minutes of the fight.
Skin of the reptile= awesome spell, not by any means mana efficient though.
I am confident that a druid can heal almost any group situation, don't ask us to be efficient though.
Like I said , I think it totally depends on who is tanking.
02-24-2006, 01:44 AM
Being a druid that has been used as main healer in several of the areas listed I can only say this. I've never had any issues except with efficiency ratio (as opposed to a cleric) healing any of them. I've been in a 4 man grp in Dreadspire as main healer at Keleborn area. The druids who say they cannot heal those areas IMO are just lazy sods to start off. I really enjoyed it back in PoP when I as a druid would get asked to main heal a BoT group. However since that expansion our efficiency ratio has decreased to the point that if we need to heal more than 1 person in the group our mana pool drops considerably fast. However I have discovered (this only holds true in group settings) that using Skin of the Reptile on incoming that we can actually use our cheal spell from back in PoP era to help somewhat on efficiency rate. This does not mean the need for spot heals is not necessary as we all know 1 add means spot heals. I am constantly main healing RSS grp with pally tank and boxing a ranger and bard while I myself bot a ranger. In that scenario we can handle 3 mobs at one time and still have mana left over to continue pulls.I guess my point here would be that, YES, we can heal those zones. It does have several factors included in that statement (i.e. -gear, mana pool, tank) where some druids would not be capable of doign such until later times.
02-24-2006, 01:22 PM
I am a pretty gimp druid with only Time gear. I have roughly 9200 mana if I'm group leader and have c6 and I don't have any nice mana regen clicky. I can heal RSS fine, but I really see the difference in what tank I have. Some tanks I can only heal 5 mobs then have to med, I use reptile on every pull. With a good tank, I only need to heal once per mob so we chain pull until we have to wait on respawn.
The quality of tanks LFG on Emarr tho isn't always good. I had one a while back in a Creator that took 6 heals per mob, after slows. I ditched after about 30 mins, that group sucked.
02-24-2006, 02:27 PM
When i see conversations in Sony's EQ forums, Its reminiscent of a mental institution.
That said, druids CAN be MH for RSS trash mobs, the only thing you really need is some skill and a slower.
theres my 2cp
02-24-2006, 03:37 PM
That said, druids CAN be MH for RSS trash mobs, the only thing you really need is some skill and a slower.
Can it be said that druids who want to MH MPG or RSS also need the proper gear and AA? I'm about to hit lvl 69 myself soon. However I'm lacking in some areas like mana (5.8 k) and AA (131 atm).
I was able to MH a creator mission twice (with a slower). But then again, I had problems convincing some guild mates that I could do it again. lol
Side note... I know my lack of AA is a product of my limited playing time. But gear wise, am I doing myself an injustice by sticking with a guild that is raiding PoP zones (still backflaging for Elemental access)? Seems my gear is inadequate compared to other druids I am friends with.
02-24-2006, 03:48 PM
Can get better or equal to PoP/Time gear by doing the spell missions in DoDh alone. Of course PG Trials offer great upgrades.
02-24-2006, 05:30 PM
Can get better or equal to PoP/Time gear by doing the spell missions in DoDh alone. Of course PG Trials offer great upgrades.
True, but if you are doing those missions or trials FOR the gear it makes them damn near impossible. A druid trying to heal those with gear less than the reward will find themselves OOM very quickly. Granted, if you have very well equipped/skilled friends and you are just DPS then completing these would be easier.
I find that I can't get a decent group unless I harass people to the point of almost not wanting to hear me ask again. Quality of people LFG is the biggest factor, myself included.
02-25-2006, 09:54 AM
That is exactly what im saying....
6k mana in Riftseekers doesnt really cut it if you are in a group that pulls quickly. Consider this: Karana's Renewal costs 600mana/cast, 10sec cast time, and heals 4680HP (base). With HA3(12AA), AHA3(12AA), and HAM1(3AA), that number rises to 5709 HP healed.
If you are in a fast pulling grp with a 12k tank with mobs hitting somewhere around 1200 unmitigated, you wont have the opportunity to cast a CH. Using Chlorotrope until the mob is slowed is the only way that tank will live in RS, then you can follow up with the CH.
Now the downfall to all of that is this: youll be at 50% mana by the time 2 mobs are dead in RS...and it will be next to impossible to keep up if you are lacking C6 and other mana regen buffs.
Theres my 2cp
02-26-2006, 06:48 PM
I've done creator missions where it was more mana efficient for me to tank the mob and heal myself at the same time.
That and once I cast a heal on the tank, I got agro anyhow and he could not get it off me.
Ahhh the groups that make you /q
02-26-2006, 07:58 PM
I've done creator missions where it was more mana efficient for me to tank the mob and heal myself at the same time.
That and once I cast a heal on the tank, I got agro anyhow and he could not get it off me.
Ahhh the groups that make you /q
Isn't that one mostly kitable? Been a while since I've done one of those...
02-26-2006, 08:32 PM
You can kite the entire thing.
02-27-2006, 05:49 AM
You're not seeing the point - it was EFFICIENT for a druid to tank and heal himself. Not run away and heal or do some other tricks, but actually efficient. Good druid imo. Shouldn't be doing Creators tho.
02-27-2006, 12:26 PM
even if some of us need crystals??
mad money...or more hp/mana augs
02-27-2006, 02:09 PM
even if some of us need crystals??
mad money...or more hp/mana augs
Lair of the Blackwings :)
02-28-2006, 08:40 PM
Honestly, the quality of the tank is the biggest factor on how well we heal in various zones. I have main healed high end, Anguish+ tanks in RSS, the Nest, ROI, etc and hardly broken a sweat even with no slows at all (especially in high DPS groups). Other times, with lower end tanks, I can barely keep up. Really, it's not so much about our druid tools, it's more about your group makeup and doing content that is appropriate to the stage of progression of that group.
First Post on tha grove !i!i
Ok here is my input on this. Just came back to the game after about a two year break. Now my druid was decently geared for his time, Wurine tunic and some other nice 1 group items along with a couple "t-Wink" things from friends i made in game.
Got a 3 mth subscription. After a month of boggleing at the difficulty of everything in the new expansions, I managed to get myself to 65 and got into some creators.. lived in them for a month. Got some really nice upgrades and decided that it was time to heal some DoDh missions.
The diffrenece in DPS output between the DoN mobs and DoDh mobs is craaazy! Without a 10ish k unbuffed tank, I find that these mobs Destroy my paltry 6k mana pool. As for healing the named, without a slow and cripple and debuff (last one from me) there is really no chance of me Main Healing, and even at that my mana pool is pretty much floored, and if there are adds, Foggetahboutit.
So realistically (imho) these missions are pretty much out of sight for a non raiding druid to heal, unlesss the members of your group are better geared then you. sure if i have a bard(or whatever) to for SURE single pull, and a shammy to for SURE slow and a tank to for SURE hold the agro you can heal the tank, but if someone grabs agro while i'm in the middle of a heal on the tank then they are toast we lose their Dps and now my already stressed mana pool is starting to look at me apprehensivly.
So to make a long story short, it is possible. But extremly challanging, which i like. But the reason you are seeing these naysaying comments is the fact that unless your group is willing to risk a wipe, with no 96 rez for you a druid is most likely not going to get picked or be able to convince a group to let them main heal. Hence Druid's can't heal this content.
Just my 2 Cents
Taiidaen 70th Druid of Tunare
Brell Serellis (no i won't call it Cazic =p)
Ps: sorry i know my spelling probably sucks
03-02-2006, 04:48 PM
Welcome to the Grove, D-ru...good to see other Brell's/Cazic's coming in :o)
03-03-2006, 11:25 AM
I am a decently geared druid, with almost all of my healing AAs completed. Almost 9K mana pool. I am able to MH most of the zones mentioned already. As said before alot also depends on tank and grp makeup. I love being MH in grps, but every so often need a break and love it when i can just be DPS with a few backup heals as needed. I love my druid and believe druids are an awesome class. 2 spell mission away from getting Reptile, and from everything I've been reading about it on here, I cant wait. Just got Hungry Vines last night and can't wait to test it out. Any feedback on how much that spell helps with healing?
03-03-2006, 11:54 AM
As a Druid I have always played the role as MH. From lvl 20 in OT, 38 in DL to 55ish in KC, back when we only had Tunares Renewal I believe Tunares actually came out about the time I was in KC.
Hardest time I have had healing lately I believe would be the Second arc mission for 70 Aura. That AE just wiped out my time geared group. Poor mage died twice. Silkies :ohwell: Can't wait for that group heal!
I being the suavy EQ player that I was when I made my druid chose evocation as my specialization. Somewhere between 65 and 70 I think I changed to Alteration. Kaidman might remember this as he was the one who pressured me to do it and told me how to go about it. If not for him I would probly still be evocation. :shuffle:
Healing has always (to me) been more about skill then spells, mana etc. (Choosing a worthy tank also helps.) You have to know your limits, what you can and can't do. Im not a cleric, I hate clerics so I dont try to be one. If I get a crappy tank, hes probly gonna die, crappy puller? Groups prolly gonna die.
Then you have what I call the wizcleric and wizdruid youve all seen them on raids. These are the ones in a 20 min fight blowing there load in the first 5 mins. Its a good thing Heal aggro isnt what it used to be :)
Some of the whining I read on Sony forums makes me wonder why those druids didnt make clerics, woulda fit in MUCH better. :wiggle:
If you have a great tank, puller and crowd control and cant heal with 6k+ mana you just need to reroll as a non healing class.
/rant off
03-03-2006, 01:55 PM
Hungry vines has a damage mitigation built into it, I guess you can look at it like a 25% slow, which can be useful at the beginning of a fight or when there are multiple mobs in camp. It is not a long term effect and there is a bit of refresh time on the spell. It also is quite mana intensive and I am not sure if the effect works on an unsnarable mob, maybe someone else here can answer that. It can be a useful spell prior to slowing, so depending on the mob I may cast it on the mob once the tank picks it up.
Menien Mayhem
03-03-2006, 03:02 PM
Hungry Vines
Slot Description
4: Decrease Movement by 50%
ana: 500 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3 Recast Time: 30
Fizzle Time: 2.25 Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -100 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any AE Range: 50
Deletable: No Dot Stacking: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: PB AE Spell Type: Detrimental
Category: Targeted Ae Dmg Source: Live 02/22
Classes: DRU/70
Duration: 3 ticks
Autocast: Hungry Vines Recourse
Items with spell: Spell: Hungry Vines
Cast on you: You are wrapped in hungry vines.
Cast on other: Someone is wrapped in hungry vines.
Wears off: The vines fall away.
Hungry Vines Recourse
Slot Description
1: Mitigate Melee Damage by 20%, 1600 total
9: Increase Damage Shield by 45
ana: 0 Casting Time: 0
Recast Time: 0 Fizzle Time: 0
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
AE Range: 50 Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Target Type: Group v1
Spell Type: Beneficial Category: Melee Guard
Source: Live 02/22
Classes: None
Duration: 3 ticks
Cast on you: Heavy vines cover your skin.
Cast on other: Someone 's skin is covered in heavy vines.
Wears off: The heavy vines fade away.
03-03-2006, 06:19 PM
Merdarie, how come you guys tank Rikk in the middle?
03-04-2006, 09:23 AM
What's wrong with tanking Rikk in the middle? We've always done it in the middle also, get competant raiders and its never a problem.
03-04-2006, 07:58 PM
I never said it was wrong, I wanted to know why...yadda yadda.
03-10-2006, 10:13 AM
That's just the way we've done it, we've only attempted him 3 times...and didnt have quite the turn out to get him dead. Any input on Rikk I would be happy to pass on to RLs.
And after testing Hungry Vines, if there are multiple mobs in camp I would only suggest using this if all mobs are agroed on a tank or if you can handle a few hits til a tank gets to your mob. Adds a DS to grp as well as dmg mitigation. With Circle of Nettles on made DS total of 100, so added 45 to DS. Does not work on nonsnareable mobs. I would say useful in some situations, but a bit mana intensive to use all the time.
03-10-2006, 01:58 PM
with rikk we have a tank keep turning the mob, whatever emote it is, he turns it so the aoe misses the raid. all casters stand near with backs to rikk so they don't get blinded. have others calling out REFLECT so people stop casting, as well as any other emotes.
once we got our tanks to keep postiotioning the mob, this guy became trivial.
03-10-2006, 11:21 PM
As with most of the foresight mechanic encounters, it's really easy if you pay attention to the emotes. The only time it really might be difficult is blind + directional AE, but that's not so bad to heal up for as long as it's not an extremely common occurance.
03-11-2006, 07:48 AM
Yeah our guild does it the hard way too. It's not that bad when you follow the emotes. Kess still gives me heart-burn though even though it's easy now, I still think she is harder than Yar'lir.
03-14-2006, 03:39 AM
I can heal RS - and I have; but when asked nowadays to heal there i just say "no thanks - you have mistaken me for a cleric, they are the healers in EQ".
03-14-2006, 12:17 PM
D-ru: Welcome to TDG!! :texla: I will agree with your post and it's quite possible you and I are in the same boat.
While reading the other responses, I've come to realize quality of tanks is an issue which I've never considered. Thinking more about this I've applied it to recent experiences. My recent Creator mission with a 12k tank and slower went extremely well. Alternatively, the same mission with a 6.5k tank and similar slower was extremely challenging (mana pool wise) and relatively slower.
In contrast, when doing a different DON mission (forget name) from inside zone - that was tough w/out puller and lack of CC. I got heal agro fast and that group disbanded due to lack of healing (me), puller (for singles), and CC for adds.
If you have a great tank, puller and crowd control and cant heal with 6k+ mana you just need to reroll as a non healing class.
/Wave Hayleey! GO Sequel!!
Obviously a GREAT group makes all the difference. Competent Tank + Puller + Crowd control + slower = Happy Druid able to MH quite a bit. :wiggle:
Additionaly, I've also recently come to the realization that a few of my limited AA's (141 atm) have gone into soloing areas such as DC and Critical Affliction (2). That's 18 AA's that a newly crowned raiding Druid could have used elsewhere. :banghead_
Now that I wish to find more grouping opportunities in MPG, RSS, DODH maybe, I find that I just need to spend the time grinding AA's to make me a better healer. I suppose this is a personal struggle - do I get more Solo AA (crit affliction line) to kill quicker for faster AA? Or do I just deal with what I have and fill up my Heal / Cure AA's ASAP?
Here is a partial profile for reference with 142 AA total as of 3/14/06.
Hit Points 3,602 | 6,419
ana 5,722 | 6,120
Endurance 3,476 | 3,874
Armor Class 1,050 | 1,093
Attack 795 | 881
WIS 355 | 370
Healing Adept 1 / 3
Healing Gift 3 / 3
Spell Casting Mastery 3 / 3
Spell Casting Fury 2 / 3
Dire Charm 1 / 1
Innate Camouflage 1 / 1
Exodus 1 / 1
ass Group Buff 1 / 1
Planar Power 2 / 5
Innate Enlightenment 5 / 5
Advanced Healing Gift 1 / 3
Radiant Cure 1 / 3
Spirit of the Wood 3 / 3
Critical Affliction 2 / 3
Gift of Mana 1 / 3
Fruid wrote:
I can heal RS - and I have; but when asked nowadays to heal there i just say "no thanks - you have mistaken me for a cleric, they are the healers in EQ".
03-16-2006, 05:25 AM
I suppose this is a personal struggle - do I get more Solo AA (crit affliction line) to kill quicker for faster AA? Or do I just deal with what I have and fill up my Heal / Cure AA's ASAP?
Honestly, I've always believed in the following for AA purchases:
Will it make your future exp go faster?
If you group more, I'd finish healing adept and AHA first. Then the Gift lines and finally Radiant/Resplendant cures. (However, if your guild recruited you to be a healer, your choice should be simple.)
If you solo more, I'd go with finishing out your crit affliction line, then work on the heals/cures.
I am glad I didn't have to really worry about those choices when I joined a high end raiding guild.
I'd already decided they made sense where I was at with AA purchases, as the only stuff left was mediocre choices and then innate stat purchases.
I chose the solo route and knocked them all out in a matter of a couple of weeks worth of group/solo work.
~Tar'Kaiden of Leviathan
03-21-2006, 01:13 PM
Our core group is Druid/Pal/Shaman. A few pieces of Time level raid gear. Paladin is about 13k hp, 2900ac buffed now (tank matters a LOT on healing).
We've done pretty much every single group DoD missions, mpg trials, even killed Keleborn in dreadspire. In almost every instance, the shaman heals more and does more damage (panther) than the druid. As a druid I can keep everybody alive, but if it was just me healing the group would quickly be waiting on me to med.
KR is becoming obsolesent as AA (which don't work on KR) and focuses continue to improve. Reptile is a waste of mana in most group situations.
Menien Mayhem
03-21-2006, 03:18 PM
I am primary healer in OoW, DoN, DoDH, and PoR groups most of the time. KR is not used often; usually its Ancient Chlorobon, Moonshadow, and the clicky heals from Tacvi hammer and Yar/Vish eye quest mask. Reptile and SoTG are very useful as well as debuffs that save healing mana.
Any druid can be or can learn to be the primary healer in zones that do not over-strain their mana pool, mana conservation, and mana regen. This is, of course, dependant upon the resources of the player charanter (re: toon) and the learned experiences of the player him/herself.
03-22-2006, 09:31 AM
Paladin is about 13k hp, 2900ac buffed now (tank matters a LOT on healing).
Point One: Tank is only a fraction of what is important in healing. While the Tank and the Healer are the most visable roles, they are not the only ones.
In almost every instance, the shaman heals more
In what Way? Using SS?
and does more damage (panther) than the druid.
Unless the shaman is meleeing I do not consider them doing more damage. They allow the group to do more damage, which is not at all the same thing.
Your AC Reduction Debuffs would have a similar effect, tho it would be much harder to parse.
As a druid I can keep everybody alive, but if it was just me healing the group would quickly be waiting on me to med.
Could you please qualifiy why this would be true?
KR is becoming obsolesent as AA (which don't work on KR) and focuses continue to improve. Reptile is a waste of mana in most group situations.
KR is still viable, and the question was asked in server wide a few nights back on who uses it. Quite a few of the higher end posters of this board do infact still use KR when they will be healing for an extended period of time.
Reptile is a good spell, but the mana cost gets a bit high for every pull. Paladins got their own verison so techinally you should only need it to offset higher damage then WoT can counteract.
03-22-2006, 11:13 AM
KR only becomes obsolete if your tank will die faster than 10 seconds, which is largely the result of how good your tank is at getting aggro fast for the slow to land, and how good the AAs and armor of your tank are.
03-27-2006, 06:03 PM
If you don't believe my tank argument, just snag the next lfg war/pal/sk you see and take them to RSS instead of the uber guild tank you normally group with, if they can survive that, then take them to Rage and see how your mana pool treats you. A tank taking 20% more or less damage has a drastic effect on your manapool.
Shaman heals more by using SS, by using their fast heal, have having a vastly superior mana regen.
I don't buy your argument that you don't count panther damage. That damage is only there because the shaman is there free, can be cast in downtime, or after debuffs are in. I parsed panther over 2 months of applications on my paladins logs ( several hundred casts), and it averaged 9 procs per cast. That's 3600 unresistable dmg per 475 mana cast (not counting crits). Almost any group will have 4 pets and/or melee to cast on. Our AC debuffs don't compare to a shaman keeping this up on 4 folks.
How do you want to me qualify the group having to wait on me to med? It happens even with a lot of suplemental shaman healing sometimes. After 50% mana, I stop nuking/dotting. In dreadspire, DoD instances and other hard places, my mana quickly approaches zero. Mobs in these instance average about 300 dps on the maintank (this is with shaman slows, shaman buffs, and druid HoR and corona atk debuffs). That's about a fast heal every 10-15 seconds. That's more than is sustainable. Yes when we fighting our way to MPG trials I never have to heal at all and can nuke to my hearts contents, when in dreadspire or rage or razorthorn it is a totally different story.
KR is still useful - when mob is slowed and debuffs are in, and the adds are mezzed. However, it's still not half as efficient of what CH is for clerics - clerics also have the tools of DVA and epic so that if something goes wrong 6-8 seconds into waiting for the cast, then they can recover. Druids need to play the healing game with less risk, which means more fast heals. Also, if I mem KR, I'm normally losing something else like Oaken Guard or Root or an attack debuff. It boiled down to KR is not CH by an extreme margin, and druids don't have the tools to use a 10 sec heal safely in adventurous circumstances.
Finally, on reptile. I wish druids would stop talking about how great this spell without posting parse numbers. SHOW ME THE PARSE - I have posted mine in the reptile thread. It only heals effeciently if you have more than one mob hiting you. At 8 procs per min per mob, it's healing 480 hp per tick when fighting a single mob. In real word situation averaging about 3k hp per cast healed, it's nothing to right home about. Yes, if you are desperate to keep a tank alive and have mana out your ears and your tank has the buff room, then it's useful - but for day in and day out healing, it's not.
The bottom line is druids are way behind clerics in sustained healing, and a bit behind shaman. At the same time, druid dps is nothing to write home about anymore.
03-28-2006, 01:20 AM
No offene adawen, but I want some of what you are smoking to say druids are way behind clerics. We do lack some efficiency yes, only where our cheal is involved though. We are very comparable efficiency wise to clerics spot heals ( Ancient Chloro as opposed to Ancient Holy Light).
Skin of the Reptile (not having a parse of it) is situational on procs. Meaning on one mob it may proc once or twice and on next mob it procs every other hit. I've seen it heal well over 9k with a ranger tanking. Using it on myself during farming missions I notice more when there are more mobs, but consider the more mobs the more you are getting hit also.
Karana's Renewal is still very useful I find. I've used it healing a tank in Dreadspire with only 5 ppl in the grp. Tank bots shaman for slows, as well as a rogue while I bot a ranger. The bots are counted in the group just so no confusion. I usually debuff mob on inc and switch to heals after. I've found that after 2 clears of the area I need to med some, but we're already on a wait for mob spawns anyway. We have handled 2 mobs at one time several pulls as well.
Granted my gear isn't weak by any standards, nor is the tank in above mentioned statement. It all holds down to most important factor of how well the player knows the druid class. I'm still learning myself, but like to consider myself above average in kowledge. Any time I ask a cleric to group with me it's only due to the fact that I'd rather do all out DPS instead of healing.
Basically if you want to know if you can play a druid as a solo healer in these zones? Do you know your own abilities and limitations? Just because 1 druid can't heal a specified area by NO MEANS includes the other druids aroudn the game. On my server alone I know several druids who could heal all the ones mentioned here as well as other higher end zones.
03-28-2006, 02:14 AM
Again, Skin of the Reptile is valuable because it can be pre-cast, not necessarily for its efficiency. It's a cushion for when you are unable to cast (if stunned, for example), or when you'd rather be able to cast something else (such as a nuke). It also gives you a burst of healing if you happen to be swarmed by mobs, although it'll wear off more quickly as a result.
By the way, it stacks nicely with the shadowknight self-only rune defensive proc.
03-28-2006, 01:13 PM
KR = efficient heal
Occasional spike damage = Makes KR fail (which causes you to spam mana costly fast heals)
Reptile = fights against spike damage
Reptile = Gives you more time more time to cast multiple debuffs
debuffs = fight against spike damage using very little mana, and raises group dps
Reptile = a factor in raising total efficiency
03-28-2006, 08:05 PM
KR = efficient heal
Occasional spike damage = Makes KR fail (which causes you to spam mana costly fast heals)
Reptile = fights against spike damage
Reptile = Gives you more time more time to cast multiple debuffs
debuffs = fight against spike damage using very little mana, and raises group dps
Reptile = a factor in raising total efficiency
You first and third point about reptile are incorrect, your 2nd point is debatable.
An average proc of once per 7-8 seconds of 600 hp healed does not fight against spike damage.
Reptile is not an efficienct healing method when fighting single mobs. Our fast heals are more efficient given the druid has reasonable AA and focuses (Time Level), KR is much more efficient.
If you don't believe me, parse it, then show me your parses, then convince me.
03-28-2006, 08:17 PM
I see nothing wrong with Kamion's points there. KR is the most mana efficient spell we get. Reptile does indeed provide heal power while other heal spells are on the way (fighting damage spikes through procs, while unreliable, is still valid). Depending on content, it's highly likely you'll duck KR for a faster heal. Parses don't mean anything to the points he made, he's just stating common sense.
03-28-2006, 10:08 PM
An average proc of once per 7-8 seconds of 600 hp healed does not fight against spike damage.
Yet another reason why EQ, not YALP, makes good EQ players.
03-29-2006, 02:52 PM
Yet another reason why EQ, not YALP, makes good EQ players.
Yet another log parse?
Just making sure I'm decoding it correctly :wiggle:
03-30-2006, 02:47 AM
A specific log parser named "Yet Another Log Parser". :P
03-30-2006, 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Kamion
Yet another reason why EQ, not YALP,makes good EQ players.
Yet another log parse?
You don't know what EQ stands for? You must really spend a lot of time looking at parsers.
03-30-2006, 11:48 AM
You don't know what EQ stands for? You must really spend a lot of time looking at parsers.
Actually, I've never seen a log parse from EQ aside from the results posted by Fenier in the debuff thread.
I have always wanted to parse out some of my newbie fights. It always seemed I missed more when using Firefist than without....
03-30-2006, 01:12 PM
Wow... ya, I give up with you.
All i was saying, if you want to be a be a good eq player you don't need to spend hours examining parses and crunching numbers, all you need to do is experiment and try different things and see whats works good.
An average proc of once per 7-8 seconds of 600 hp healed does not fight against spike damage.
When someone says something like this, it shows a complete lack of understanding of reptile's mechanics. This (which is an extreme interuptation of a parse) shows complete guilibility in the bias of what people are trying to prove in posts with parses in them. "Reptile does this vs. random 300_hitter from 5 expansions ago therefore it must act the same everywhere."
I know nothing about the average # of procs from reptile or any of that, nor do I care. From my first hand experiances, I've learned that it is worth the time use it in most situations. From my understanding of how the spell works, I know what situations it will be most effective in.
03-30-2006, 01:36 PM
Actually, I've never seen a log parse from EQ aside from the results posted by Fenier in the debuff thread.
What you saw was a very finalized form of what I was hit for in those parses.
Using grep (unix command, also available for windows) I removed all the extra text from the following parse, which leaves the following:
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1890 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:36 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1540 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:43 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:43 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1610 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:43 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:46 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1610 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:46 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:51:49 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1680 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:52:25 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1400 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:52:29 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1120 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:52:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:52:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:52:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 770 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:26 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:29 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1750 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:29 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1120 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:29 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1260 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1680 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:36 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:36 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1330 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:39 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:39 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1120 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:45 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1750 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:49 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1120 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:53:49 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1050 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:28 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1330 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 840 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:35 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1470 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:38 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1610 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1680 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1610 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:44 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:44 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1680 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:44 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1400 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:47 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 840 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:47 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1260 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:54:47 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1960 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:55:26 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:55:29 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1890 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:55:29 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1330 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:55:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1330 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:55:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:55:33 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1400 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:25 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:25 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:28 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1120 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:28 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1190 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:28 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1330 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1190 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:32 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1120 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:35 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1470 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:38 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 840 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:56:48 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1050 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:25 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1260 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:25 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:25 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1400 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:25 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1260 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:28 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1260 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:31 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:38 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 2030 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:38 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1610 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:38 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:41 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1890 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:44 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:44 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:44 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 700 points of damage.
[Tue Mar 28 22:57:47 2006] Master of Ingenuity hits Sabreyn for 1540 points of damage.
However, I can now run that Dataset through Yaulp (an EQ Parser) and get the following:
I only took the non reflective Dataset, but you can see how a parse becomes while I posted.
What parsing however, will not do - is explain why Reptile is good, because it varies drastically from one situation to the next.
03-30-2006, 01:45 PM
I am so happy I actually lived through that whole fight, rofl.
03-30-2006, 04:11 PM
I haven't been that stressed out since CRing Uqua at 65.
Let's do it again!
03-30-2006, 04:44 PM
Wow... ya, I give up with you.
All i was saying, if you want to be a be a good eq player you don't need to spend hours examining parses and crunching numbers, all you need to do is experiment and try different things and see whats works good.
I understood perfectly what you were saying and agree. I was lightheartedly musing about an observation I made when I was a much younger Druid.
I still swear I always had more misses than hits whenever I had Firefist on....
Anyway, the "*thwap*" was for this: "You don't know what EQ stands for?"
And as I said, other than that mild curiousity, I've never had the urge to run log parses and hence was unfamiliar with both the acronym and utility that is YALP.
- Tiusson Leifwight
03-30-2006, 05:17 PM
When someone says something like this, it shows a complete lack of understanding of reptile's mechanics. This (which is an extreme interuptation of a parse) shows complete guilibility in the bias of what people are trying to prove in posts with parses in them. "Reptile does this vs. random 300_hitter from 5 expansions ago therefore it must act the same everywhere."
I post empirical evidence that Reptile is not efficient, and you dismiss it out of hand. That empirical evidence had high end mobs from single group missions (70.5 hard as one example).
Now you say that I don't understand reptiles mechanic, without explaining them yourself.
So now, I will undertake to educate you on reptile's mechanics.
Reptile is set as procmod 400. Divide the mod by 50 to get average procs per minite, or 8. This means that for every combat round a mob attacks a person with a reptile (or other def proc buff), the games takes the mob attack speed, and converts that into attacks per minute (apm). The chance for reptile to proc on a given combat round is then 8/apm. For instance, if the mobs has delay of 20 (attack every 2 seconds) when it attacks, then this is 30 apm. Each normal attack round from the mob will have 8/30 = 26.6% chance of procing reptile. If you were able to find a mob that only attacked 8 times per minute, reptile should proc every time. This is very similiar to offensive procs, where regardless if you are slowed are hasted, you get the same number of procs per minute on average. Agility plays a similiar roll in def procs as dexterity. Whch pretty much means if you have less than 255 agility, it's going to proc less, but exceeding that isn't going to change much.
In theory you should get 8 procs or reptile per minute. However there are several factors factors in practice that will reduce the amount. The mob may be stunned or casting, losing combat rounds. Also since the heal amount is applied before the combat round damage, if the tank is full health you can have wasted procs that heal nothing.
The fact of the matter is that from going through parses on my tank, reptile healed about 3k per cast on average. Yes there were some cases where it healed a lot more, but also some cases where it was less than 2k. That was not efficient for me when a normal cast of sylvan infusion (less mana) heals over 3k, and I have about a 20% chance to crit it for about 6.5k+.
When I first got reptile, I thought it would really be cool for flurry mobs, but after realizing how it worked better and parsing it, I realized it really isn't that good. Because reptile will never proc on a flurry, but will wear off earlier from the extra attacks.
Summary: The number of attacks a mob does will not change the average number of procs per min. A slowed double hitter mob will proc reptile the same number of times as a hasted flurrying quad hitter (on average).
03-30-2006, 06:27 PM
The spell has an unmeasurable utility factor to it as well. That's what Kamion is stressing. It's pre-paid healing and it can be going on during a pull when it's dangerous to heal, during combat to augment fast heals/KR, and it stacks with all other forms of healing including HoT spells. Looking at it, no... it's not mana efficient, but that's not the point he was making.
03-31-2006, 09:31 AM
I post empirical evidence that Reptile is not efficient, and you dismiss it out of hand. That empirical evidence had high end mobs from single group missions (70.5 hard as one example).
Where did I say reptile was efficient? I said - if you use reptile, it will raise the chances of KR being successful in most cases.
I still swear I always had more misses than hits whenever I had Firefist on....
Anyway, the "*thwap*" was for this: "You don't know what EQ stands for?"
Umm, we're talking about healing efficiency parses. Your example is of offensive damage.
I don't care how many parses someone looks at, best way to learn how to heal efficiently (an important skill for a druid to have) is to experiment and make unbias`d obsverations. I'm not one make random stupid obsverations. But, when I use KR on a warrior guildie in plane of rage, it won't be able to keep up with the mobs dps. However, when I keep them reptile`d, I can KR all day (not to count with reptile on them I can debuff than KR and still have KR land.) Not an outlandish observation now, is that.
There's no argument that for offensive matters, parsing is good. You won't be able to judge your average damage per spell etc with out it (this is something I parse out myself, even.) But doing max dps doesn't make a good druid. If you want to be a 'good' dpsing druid imo, you need to learn how to do decent damage between heals in an efficient fashion, something that requires no parsing.
04-20-2006, 03:00 PM
I have Healed MGB easy with group and groups where well geared but not top of the line and used C-Heal (karana's Renewal) and Blast (68th one Chlorotrope ( with success!! and had hadds and shammy was Time geared so tanked and pulled!! I had a great time.:texla: I have most of my Healing aa's and have FT23 (with AA's) and on names shammy helped still slowed
04-21-2006, 01:35 PM
One thing that I have found is that the relative lack of healing tools "growing up" as a druid seems to have made the druids in my guild better "healers" than the clerics, now that we have a few extra tools. When I say that, I mean that our druids seem to be better at using the tools that they have and appreciating them, and work better / harder in a pinch, whereas it seems sometimes that the clerics get very lazy. I don't mean that we're built better for healing, not by a long shot. One of our top druids is leveling up a cleric right now to hydra on raids for heals, and I'm scared to think of how ridiculously good of a healer she will be with all those cleric tools, after having to learn to heal on a druid.
05-01-2006, 10:20 AM
Yesterday I was asked if I could be MH for a MPG trial group. I had just read this post and was nervous replying for many reasons, as you can see in my Magelo, I am not spectacularly geared (no time or Qvic armor at all) and I had only ever hunted in MPG once before, also I do not have any ancient spells or Reptile Skin!
I have been MH for many DoD missions with no problem, I have always played a healer role with Madie, but was still unsure about my ability, because of the above reasons, in a place that I was unfamiliar with.
So, I took some time to think of a 'good' answer: "Possibly, but I am unsure since I have never done it, I would be willing to try." Well, we had a shaman and Necro which definately helped with Mana and slows - the Tank and Monk were both extremely well geared - Tank was 18k buffed and monk 13k buffed. I did fine with the healing!! I was able to land at least 2 debuffs before I had to heal.
Ultimately we wiped because we had no crowd control and last pull we ended up with 6 mobs - couldnt get my Exodus off because I was afraid to cast it too soon - my fault. But, I was very pleased with my ability to heal and we had no down time at all... in fact I never got below 70% mana - even with debuffs, dots, and heals.
I found this a very rewarding scenario, one which I now know that with the right group make-up, I *can* heal in MPG trials :)
You are going through what just about every druid probably has gone through being a MH in any kind of group. I constantly see on EQboards the complaints about druid healing. Its difficult at times for us druids to keep up in content but if used properly we can be the best healing possible next to a cleric if you know what you are doing and do your best. Pace your heals appropriately and ya know when to evac and when not to hehe. Bottom line is there are going to be mobs we just cannot be MH for but MPG is not one of them. We can MH them even if there is no slower in group but slower would be preferable. I would definitely though have to agree with Minadin's posting as well.
05-01-2006, 03:34 PM
Solo Healing MPG, RS, DoD? NOT POSSIBLE!
In a word.. Bull**It.. :eusa_booh
I've done it and done it successfully in all the above areas; I have to agree with the second post on this thread.. its all about how you use your resources as a druid.
I'd love to see stances since I get tired of being a heal whore.. i'm not a cleric player. I am a druid player. I buff / nuke / dot / heal / debuff and when all goes south there is the everfaithful Exodus.. I have a marvelous guild whose leaders appreciate all the aspects of druidic abilities.
I don't worry what narrow minded people, who fail to realize their classes true strength is in it versatility, think or that they care to whine and limit their capabilities. I expect nothing less from those who blame others for their own defiencies.
I hope when and if they ever actually bring out stances both sides of that will be equally utilized as well. I can group as either healer or DPS or a combo.
In short.. if I had wanted to play a cleric I'd have done so. Entirely to limited in potential.
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