View Full Forums : hotkey help

02-23-2006, 07:06 AM
hey im trying to set up a hotkey to cast 3 dot's in a row then sit down but i cant seem to get it right. the dots are in spell slots 3 4 and 5 and they each have a cast time of 3.0. anyone any good at making these? cant seem to get the pause set up right. thanks in advance for any info.

67 Storm Warden
The Rathe

Madie of Wind Riders
02-23-2006, 07:23 AM
I have a similiar hotkey - what I did was this:

/cast 3
/pause 45
/cast 4
/pause 45
/cast 5

I then either have to sit myself or cast another spell. I am sure there are other ways of making this hotkey - this just seems to work for me. If I have a spell haste or bard spell haste going I can sometimes change the pause to 42.

I usually use this key when root/rotting mobs with another druid - she will pull with snare and root, then cast the fire debuffs and dots while I cast the magic dots (fire dots do not stack) The problem is that if she needs a quick heal (root breaks or doesnt stick) I have to be sure to either duck out of a cast or catch it in between a cast so that I can heal her. Just a warning :)

02-23-2006, 11:11 AM
Vengeance line fire dots stack ... immolation line doesn't. Vengeance lines share cooldown / recast timers though, but you can still slap 2 of them in.

02-23-2006, 11:26 AM
This depends on your spell haste a little, so Madie's example might not quite work for you. Cast time is 3.0 sec base and 2.25 recast so without spell haste I'd shoot for 55-60 second pauses, with spell haste you can maybe go with 45-50.

Example to cast 3 DoTs and sit:

/pause 60, /cast 3
/pause 60, /cast 4
/pause 40, /cast 5

You can include pauses on the same line of a command. There is max 1 pause and 1 command per line, separated by a comma. If a pause and a command are on the SAME line the pause actually occurs AFTER the command. So in this example you start casting 3 immediately then it pauses 6 seconds, casts 4, pauses 6 seconds, casts 5, waits 4 seconds and sits. The pause counters are actually running as you are casting so you have to factor in the cast time of a spell and recast time if you want a hotkey to cast multiple spells.

Another thing on a key like this which is handy sometimes is to have an Assist included. I often have my line 1 look like this.

/pause 10, /assist <tank name>

The 10 pause at start is so that it gives the game time to actually assist before it tries casting the first DoT. They changed something a while back so that assist is not quite as fast as before, so a 10-15 pause is good.

03-03-2006, 01:36 PM
If you have room in your macro for more commands you can duplicate casts in case one fizzles. Real handy for healing macros but works for damages spells too, so if slot 5 fizzles the most add an extra cast here like so...

/pause 60, /cast 3
/pause 60, /cast 4
/pause 20, /cast 5
/pause 10, /cast 5


04-24-2006, 12:59 PM
This information has helped me also. Thanks everyone! :texla:

04-24-2006, 05:47 PM
Another thing on a key like this which is handy sometimes is to have an Assist included. I often have my line 1 look like this.

/pause 10, /assist <tank name>

The 10 pause at start is so that it gives the game time to actually assist before it tries casting the first DoT. They changed something a while back so that assist is not quite as fast as before, so a 10-15 pause is good.
Yes, what is up with assist?

It is highly annoying to assist someone, cast a spell on the mob and find even though your screen showed the mob as the target before you cast, the spell landed on your tank.

Boo Sony.

Thanks for the advice, I will change my assist key now, but they should fix this.

04-25-2006, 05:54 PM
that's network lag..

04-25-2006, 08:40 PM
If in a group I'd try using level 66 tempest wind for fast dps. Of course only use it when dealing with single pulls, and the tank has established agros. It's a quick 3500 damage within 6 sec, probably better than any of your dots at lvl 67.

04-26-2006, 02:54 PM
that's network lag..
No, it's poor programming.

y target box shouldn't show the mob as a target when it isn't. The server should receive my request to switch targets, switch it, send back to me my new target and only then should my target box show that I have the new target targeted.

In other words, don't have the client show things that don't exist. Don't have it show me that I have a mob targeted when I don't.

Either that or if they insist on doing it, then have the server correct itself and have my spell hit the mob I have targeted.

Network lag I can live with. If I have to wait before my /assist shows me I have the mob targeted that is fine. But don't tell me I have it targeted when I don't.

04-26-2006, 05:16 PM
Have to vote with Fanra on this one. Lag is an issue only because the programming stinks.


04-27-2006, 03:26 PM
This is what you don't understand. It is a netcode/serverside issue. As old as the netcode is (and basically all that's been made on top of it) I would understand why they never ever touch it. The server is registering the cosmetic target change (the names on target) but not registering you quickly changed your target physically therefore you must wait at least 1 milisecond more. It's all on the netcode. This is basically the same issue that Exodus has, and the same issue that happens when (often on poor connections) your spells end up interrupted while moving. Additionally packet loss and choke on your connections can increase the frequency of these 3 problems.

In fact, if you've ever ran EQ on a network with 1-3 people downloading bs across the internet you'll notice that the target "bug" happens much more.

Additionally, I've never noticed any assist changes. Mine has always been sluggish.