View Full Forums : What mobs can be soloed in POR?DODH?

03-02-2006, 06:48 PM
Hello.. a very very unuber 70 druid here.. 7k mana buffed and 275 AAs. Been away for awhile and like to try eq again.. Went ahead and bought last few expansions to catch me up.. Havnt hunted in any of the the last 2 expansions .Just wondering if any non summoning mobs in these zones to get a few AAs off of when dont have time to group. Bored silly with vxed so looking for a new area to get AAs. Not looking to get rich or ubur drops. Realize most come off high end mobs. Any help be appreciated.. thanks

03-02-2006, 08:20 PM
The spiders in stoneroot can be root/rotted.

Wyre Wintermute
03-03-2006, 01:19 AM
Work on your DoT Crit AA's. Once you have all3 level, it becomes better and better XP at root/rot tactics because you will do so much more damage per DoT.

I don't Root/rot so much anymore, but I have a setup with Vengance of the Sun, Vengance of Tunare, Wasp Swarm, Stinging Swarm, and Immolation of the Sun. With a MAgic and a fire Focus + Dot crit AA's, it makes short work of Undershore mobs at around 3% AA @ lvl 70, Spiders in Stoneroot/The hive at about 4%AA, Witherans if you can single pull them in stoneroot @ 4%AA.

There are several mobs in Relic that don't summon, but there are countless roamers. If you can single pull in Devastation, they are about 5-6%AA only the ginats and named summon. I didn't try Sverag, but if they don't summon there are a number of mobs in the wall area that are easy single pulls.

Alot of the PoR mobs do summon, so DoDH is alot easier on you, given the info you've posted about yourself. Most of these mobs in these zones I've stated have 25-30k HP.. So getting your focus items and DoT AA's will help emmensly.. not to mention getting a focus for increased DoT Duration focus.. these will give you more bang for your buck and allow you to kill more efficiently and get even more XP ;)


Wyre Wintermute.

03-03-2006, 04:57 AM
Hive spiders are more like 9% AA per kill if I remember it right. And they don't have too many HPs.. so it's really pretty good.

What you should do is get single-person missions from Relic merchant area and go do these. Two missions want you to kill stuff in Arcstone and I think most of that stuff is soloable.

03-03-2006, 06:40 AM
thanks.. any map links for dodh? seems my links i have are out of date.

03-03-2006, 06:49 AM

are they outdated?

03-07-2006, 10:10 AM
What mobs can be soloed in DODH?

Dreadspire - A Guest of Dreadspire

If your soloing them in west wing bedrooms, watch out for wandering orcs in the hall, LoS aggro is buggy with the doors. These can drop formal dinner invitation.


Soloing rage is possible depending what race is in power - ie I wouldn't recommend trying to solo Bovirks. I've solo`d spiders there before, but don't get close to them - they can proc blind.

03-07-2006, 02:12 PM
Dreadspire - A Guest of Dreadspire

If your soloing them in west wing bedrooms, watch out for wandering orcs in the hall, LoS aggro is buggy with the doors. These can drop formal dinner invitation.

If your going to attempt to solo these, be aware that they do Summon.


03-07-2006, 02:22 PM
in Relic, you can kite the Riftseeker model characters. The ones found on the upper paths are actually really good exp; but I haven't found a safe spot to kill them until you have killed one or two.

While they don't summon, they do cast (Stuff that regularly hits me at 450 resists)...but they are definately a good challenge.

03-07-2006, 04:06 PM
in Relic, you can kite the Riftseeker model characters. The ones found on the upper paths are actually really good exp; but I haven't found a safe spot to kill them until you have killed one or two.

While they don't summon, they do cast (Stuff that regularly hits me at 450 resists)...but they are definately a good challenge.

Some of them summon.. but very very rarely.

03-07-2006, 10:47 PM
I've seen in this thread someone mention that focus effects affect Dots damage.. is that right? Looking at Lucy, it seems like the restrictions make it so bonus only applies to instant damage spells..

This is why I've been holding off buying a DoN focus augment.. I'm level 67 so I can't get in DoDH yet (noone wants me).

Would really appreciate knowing..

03-07-2006, 10:53 PM
Varies by Focus.

Several Focses effect the damage dots deal per tick.

03-08-2006, 02:50 AM
The stuff these riftseeker type mobs cast in Relic is really strange.. still hits me for a decent amount of damage through 5x600 resists.

03-08-2006, 05:18 AM
I've seen in this thread someone mention that focus effects affect Dots damage.. is that right? Looking at Lucy, it seems like the restrictions make it so bonus only applies to instant damage spells..

This is why I've been holding off buying a DoN focus augment.. I'm level 67 so I can't get in DoDH yet (noone wants me).

Would really appreciate knowing..

Berserk: There are several focus effects that are VERY useful to the DOT classes. I use this link for reference quite often:

Two items that I personally have been using for quite some time are:
Ceramic Gavel of Justice (
Glowing Stone of Expulsion (

Both of these items should be purchasable in the bazaar. The Gavel should go cheap. The Glowing Stone of Expulsion would vary by server I imagine (Keep in mind this item is ATTUNABLE).

The Gavel has focus effect: Affliction Efficiency IV (reduces mana cost for ALL DOTS by 25% - note Mana preservation is only a 10% savings).
The Glowing stone of Expulsion has focus effect: Muram's Anger (Increases Magic based DOT damage by 25% - see below).

Note: Affliction Efficiency has a limitation: 4: Limit: Min Duration(30.00 sec) - which means good for DOTS only. While Muram's Anger has no such duration limitation so this means the focus affect not only works for our MAGIC based DOTS but for MAGIC based Nukes as well.

Also - another item that is obtainable by you at your level / gear with a group is the Veil of the Windstrider ( This item also has the Muram's Anger focus effect but is a NO-DROP Face item in WoS.

Hope this helps.. Here's Allakhazam's description of the focus effects I mentioned:

Focus Effect: Affliction Efficiency IV
1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 25%
2: Limit: Max Level(65) (lose 10% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell Type(Detrimental only)
4: Limit: Min Duration(30.00 sec)
5: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Focus Effect: Muram's Anger
1: Increase Spell Damage by 25%
2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 10% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
5: Limit: Spell Type(Detrimental only)
6: Limit: Target(AE PC v1 excluded)
7: Limit: Target(PB AE excluded)
8: Limit: Target(Targeted AE excluded)
9: Limit: Target(Uber Giants excluded)
10: Limit: Target(Uber Dragons excluded)
11: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
12: Limit: Resist(Magic allowed)

03-08-2006, 05:24 AM
Hive spiders are more like 9% AA per kill if I remember it right. And they don't have too many HPs.. so it's really pretty good.

What you should do is get single-person missions from Relic merchant area and go do these. Two missions want you to kill stuff in Arcstone and I think most of that stuff is soloable.

Winenose - thx for the suggestion! I'm looking for a better place to solo than in NC at lvl 69. Do the HIVE spiders summon? If so, I'll stick with the ones in Stoneroot. I'm pretty gimp with around 5.5 k HP / 5.9 k mana w/ C6.

03-08-2006, 08:26 AM
The entrance ones do not.

03-08-2006, 01:35 PM

Yeah, NC is no good, even at 67 (my current level). None of the regular mobs that I've come across give me bonus XP, which means they're all below 62. Obviously, named are higher, but I can't solo them :)

Currently I've been doing HoH when I want to crank XP (human models are all level 62, so all give bonus XP). I'm now 67.99, and just waiting for some friends to ding before I ding 68. Once I do, I'll need to find a new "fast XP" solo hunting ground, for when I'm not grouped. I've been spoiled for a long time, with PoN gargs from 60-62, PoS frogs from 63-65, and HoH guards from 66-67. So now I need to find a spot with plenty of bonus-giving mobs, room to move, not too much crowding, and preferably outside :) And not in PoP, I have >0< PoP flags.

I have heard a bit about DoD and GoD having some good spots, but I still need to check them out. I did check out the spider area mentioned in Stoneroot Falls a few weeks back, but the mobs were totally packed together, and there was practically no place to pull one to once you managed to get him away from his buddies. So where in Stoneroot do you solo Zac? The place I found was like a small camp/village, all the way at the bottom.



03-08-2006, 04:54 PM
Nimchip - thanks! I'll check that out.

Tatankawd - For NC, I was root / dotting 2 dragorn spawns in the tunnel near the WoS zone line (Elite Armsman and arch prelate). They were supposedly lvl 65. Between those two spawns and the lvl 62 Dragorn Elite guards on the ledge just outside, exp was SLOW.

As for Stoneroot Falls, I just scouted the zone for the first time this morning. You are right - the Drachnids sure are packed together! I sure am glad to have my upgraded Harmony (Nature's Serenity) as the Drachnids are lvl 66-71 so says Allakhazam.

The spot I ended up choosing was close quarters but doable. The /loc is neg 523, neg 652, pos 32 - tight spot to root rot, need to time the wanderer so he's walking away, kill static, then look west for wanderer, then south for 3rd static.

Directions from Undershore Zone in: When you zone into Stoneroot Falls, run Southwest towards the zone line for the Instanced Ruins of Illsalin (Full south and mid East/West on map). I found the Drachinds there. When running under those little bridges, the zone line appears to be straight ahead. The root / dot spot I chose this morning was just past the first bridge when you first see the Drachnids, then hang a right along the wall. Keep going until you find a dead end and turn around. There should be one static spawn all by himslef. There's a 2nd just west of him. Two more spiders are just north - with one roamer that I saw. This roamer does come into the vacinity of the first static spawn, so you need to time things right to not get add.

I wanted to check out how much exp I got - looked like an even 10% AA at lvl 69. This exp is much better than NC!! Although this camp is MUCH more dangerous. The spiders will move decently even while snared. Have just enough time to cast my clicky pants root once before running to other side. They quad for 700ish. And the tight quarters inbetween the two walls make for VERY LITTLE kiting room (being careful not to get stuck on rock or come into range of other spawns).

That being said, I might look around for another spot with a little more kiting room. But with so many spawns and wandering mobs, it looks like slim pickings.

I attempted to burn my LOTD and got a nice 20% AA for one kill! But by the time the 2nd one was down, the first static spawn re-poped and I got wacked due to snare and root resists twice. Looks to be a 15 min timer - will have to confirm.

I'm tempted to see if I can do the Drachnids in The Hive. But I'm sure they will be hitting for more and resisting more most likely as well. I'll let ya know!!

03-08-2006, 07:09 PM
Slightly off topic, but has anyone ever seen Squeakers in Stoneroot?

I've tried to find the little blighter, or more accurately speaking to find his PH, but have had no luck.

I would quite like to wax this rat - his screenshot (at shows him standing on grass, and I haven't been able to find anywhere in Stoneroot that has this texture.

Any pointers?

03-09-2006, 12:44 AM
Squeakers spawns on that little island back behind where the wwolves cave. You go to the wwolves area, into their cave, then underwater for a bit, then back out into a cave, rat was on that lsland...along with a lot of friends.


03-09-2006, 05:43 AM
Awww... what a cute little fur ball. His yellow eyes make him look menacing though.

Sliggoth - thx for the intel on where to find him. Any idea if these rats summon?

03-14-2006, 01:32 PM
another good place to solo is in 69.1 (hard) - The Lost Notebook. If you have two friends that are just sitting around AFK (or bots), you can solo in here relatively easily at an approx. 15% AA per kill.

also, I've been doing the Orb of Subversion task (Longshadow 2 normal) to try and get my warrior main an illusion mask. Those mobs are generally blue to me, and nets me about 8-9% per kill as well. You just have to have Longshadow 1 completed to be able to request this task.

y druid is only about 6k hp + 6k mana, though I do have the Muram's Anger magic focus (25%), and the Pyrlien Vengance focus (40%) from Tacvi, plus a few minor foci from DoDH reward gear. It's a relatively easy solo camp, with the first two pulls being ones that can go kinda crazy. Best thing i suggest when breaking the initial camp of 3 drachnids is to snare one, and if it lands, just run for the zone-in. When you go out, and zone back in, the snared one should be in the tunnel/hallway, and the other two have repopped back at the campfire. Kill, rinse and repeat once more to break the 3-pack fully.

No repops in the mission.

03-15-2006, 07:02 PM

For the 69.1 mission, do you have to be 69 to do it? I have Muram's Anger Focus (and most of the other critical ones), and about 5250 mana buffed, though only 3500 HPs buffed. Think I could pull it off?



03-16-2006, 05:23 AM
A good place to solo => Relic. pull the elementals from the courtyard into the arena area where the nameds are indifferent. Just make sure no one is in there to avoid training them. You pull the ele's across using camo, ensnare when it gets into courtyard and egress to avoid the few adds you get from the pull. camo back up and run back for a nice open space to dot/nuke. combine this with the tipped balance quest for a nice range item too. :)

03-16-2006, 05:14 PM

For the 69.1 mission, do you have to be 69 to do it? I have Muram's Anger Focus (and most of the other critical ones), and about 5250 mana buffed, though only 3500 HPs buffed. Think I could pull it off?



I was doing 69.1 Hard at level 67... and at the time, I didn't have my Fire focus from Tacvi. It can be tough, depending on how well roots decide to stick but I think you can do it, you just have to be on your toes when the root breaks... if not, you're eaten fast. A suggestion - don't sit on the walls if you sit to med during root+rot, drachnids will warp and kill you.

You might be better off trying 69.1 normal till you get the feel for the camp/kite area, and then do 69.1 hard.

03-16-2006, 06:18 PM
Thanks, Yak, will try it as soon as I get a chance :)


03-17-2006, 02:09 PM
Hive Spiders do not summon. At least the ones on the main entrance level don't

03-18-2006, 11:03 AM
They don't, but they warp.. Thanks to SoE's magnificent programming, monsters keep "dancing" around due to bad pathing, and warping on you.

05-19-2006, 09:50 AM
Different Zone, In PoF where exactly can you solo, at the entrance? Which mobs can you solo there also. I have 3300ish hp and 5300ish mana, dont think i have extended dot focus. I am coming off a 2 yr break and still have some Woven Grass items to upgrade :). Before i quit i did get flagged to all the planes in pop. I have been reading alot here and catching up.

I zoned into PoF yesterday but wasnt sure what mobs to attack and where to camp. My current lvl is 76% in 68.

05-19-2006, 01:58 PM
In fire the best place is tables in castle 2.