View Full Forums : OMG Balance idea in my sleep!

09-19-2002, 10:09 PM
Hehe dreamed this idea up last night when I was sleeping actually heh. Was thinking about the Booboo upgrade, and if that would make us any more useful on raids, then i was thinking about that damn froglik bok shaman that healed my sepicis scarab from a freeking mile away and had pissed me off so bad.....anyways, here is the idea.

y idea, is a pet that has chloroblast or sup heal or something. Such as summon a pet, maybe with no melee, follows you around, maybe even summon a tree or something that isnt mobile. Anyways, this "pet" would cast heals on friendly PC's, could have a mana pool ect, and would randomly cast when friendly PC's are getting hit. (such as the NPC shamies heal other mobs now and then) Not chain healing or anything, maybe 2 or 3 heals every now and again. THis would give us a raid role while not cutting on clerics territory, and wouldnt make us ubah DD so would stay out of the way of wizzies. Not to mention would be cool as hell. Would help us patch heal in large raids like crazy, and would make us VERY wanted in groups as well.

Welp there it is, sorry if i couldnt verbalize it very well, I hope the idea gets across, lemmie know what you all think!! =)

60 Druid of TZ

09-20-2002, 12:47 AM
If you are dreaming about the game in your sleep. You should stop playing right away!! BACK AWAY FROM THE GAME! :)

Role Meggido
09-20-2002, 01:10 AM
Cool idea, should be doable considering npc casters already can do this. The pet would need to be controllable or non agro though.

Kolen SL
09-20-2002, 09:56 PM
Wasn't there a pet in AO like that? Basically followed you around and cast heals on you/your party? One of the metaphysicist ones from memory, but it's been a while.


09-21-2002, 10:56 AM
Dunno about AO, just popped into my head. =) Hope someone from VI reads this and it helps them get ideas =)


09-21-2002, 09:34 PM
I know that there are good and practical reasons why people only have a single pet but it would fit in with the Druid class to be able to summon and control multiple animals. I know this is sort of implied in spells like Stinging Swarm but imagine a pack of Booboos tanking the adds.

Weathered Woods
09-23-2002, 01:37 PM
woohoo, a pack of booboos!
i like the idea of a healing pet, very original and has some potential imo.

09-23-2002, 02:17 PM
I love the idea.

But he has to have SoW in the line up too.

Would let all the beggars practice begging from bears not just the wolves.

09-23-2002, 02:43 PM
I see him wringing his front paws, hopping from back foot to back foot with a concerned look on his tiny little face as he casts lesser healing... ; ).

I would love it if he could cast CB hr SH as you say but somehow I see him getting a "level appropriate" spell...Healing? GH? Not sure can't remember what I had at 27.

I really like the idea tho ). That is a really nifty way to make Booboo more worhtwhile and I could definitely see how well this would work and how fun it would be.

09-24-2002, 08:09 AM
So let me make sure I understand.

Instead of the druid casting underpowered, mana hungry, worthless heals; we cast a pet that casts them for us?

09-24-2002, 09:47 PM

look under the new AAexp abilities in some of the other posts..

necros get pet fiegn death :) and we/shamans /mages (think wizzies are in it too) get a mutiple swarm type spell.

/boo-boo horde ATTACK!

09-25-2002, 08:36 AM
I think this is a really cool idea, and a prietty viable one. The other thing i think would help balance us without stepping on too many toes would be a ghetto slow, magic based like 30% or something that wouldn't be too threatening to enchanters or shamans, but that would make our healing ability more adequite in most groups.

09-25-2002, 01:26 PM
Instead of the druid casting underpowered, mana hungry, worthless heals; we cast a pet that casts them for us?

Ah but then they are MANALESS, worthless heals.... ; )

09-25-2002, 02:15 PM
The picture this just conjured up in my mind ........ /ROFLMAO

Picture this,

a Treant
about waist high
runing around your group at SoW speed
random casting heals of some kind (CB would be cool) on anyone in your group that is not 100% health.

Not only do we get to do a job that could save lives and not step anywhere NEAR anyone else’s toes, but, we provide comic relief in the process :)

Should also be made as a "Woodland Familiar" Type creature as its not really a pet and cant be controlled at all, that would still allow us to charm the odd Animal, if we are ever in a zone that HAS charmable animals :p

Don’t think this needs to be expanded beyond a group thing though.

On a Different not though, I like the idea of a ghetto Slow, maybe a 20% slow that stacks with Chanter / Shaman slow BUT make it a component of a NEW Ensnare type spell, say around level 50ish that doesn’t give much more in the way of movement decrease but is a LURE type spell, VERY hard to resist.

Ensnare IMHO is one spell that has been BEGGING for an upgrade for a VERY long time....

Tunare's Entangling Vines

Decrease movement by 75%
Combat Slow 20%
Cast time 3 seconds
Duration FIXED 10 mins (or a little longer maybe?)

What yas think ?

09-25-2002, 09:18 PM
>Not only do we get to do a job that could save lives and not step anywhere NEAR anyone else’s toes,

Except clerics who would want a hammer that quads for 412 damage AND HEALS because druids get it and we would ruin the cleric class by having a pet treant that provides heals.


But actually I like the pet healing idea...


09-25-2002, 09:22 PM
aaaahhaaa LOL not only good input on posts guys but very funny as to get VI to notice my idea =P
